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Ren Toxx

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Everything posted by Ren Toxx

  1. Likely the cone uses not the most common, map-based SLURL format (“http:// maps.secondlife.com...”) but one of the slightly shorter, URI Name Space-based ones with which Lumiya isn't yet compatible; if this is so, maybe Alina Lyvette would like you to tell her about this.
  2. Press Ctrl + Q... most women will see a huge improvement.
  3. Since Amethyst already pointed out a recent thread where all this was discussed, including the reasons against blindly raising the limit, I'll just repeat my answer here: NO, not until Linden Labs properly fixes those issues... and I might add: not until we, the residents, do our part too and stop using groups for things they weren't meant for.
  4. Pon las especificaciones de tu equipo, al menos la marca y modelo de la tarjeta gráfica. Aparte de eso, ¿sueles llevar vestidos HUDs? Si es así, quítatelos y comprueba si se elimina o al menos reduce el problema -y, si es así, vuelve a ponértelos uno a uno, hasta descubrir cuál es el “culpable”.
  5. jeoffrey Finchy wrote: I already try that but doesn't work. Meaning... 1) ... the copied SLURL doesn't paste in Lumiya's chat?, or... 2) ... it does paste, but the SLURL doesn't show as a hyperlink?, or... 3) ... it does show as a hyperlink but, on tapping it, nothing happens?
  6. I still prefer that Linden Labs significantly reduce the group chat lag issue before even considering increasing the group limit number. And I don't care to vent.
  7. Perhaps they could just program a huge pic of a middle finger, accompanied by the text “YOU'RE OUTTA HERE, LOSER!!!” and, of course, the mandatory maniacal laugh... ... uh, no, that wouldn't be politically correct, either. Cripes :smileysad:
  8. People have long been using picks mainly for two very different purposes, one being as you describe it (and evidently its originally intended one), which is to list places you like; for these, the assigned SLURL tends to be the only relevant info, since the text & image are often exact replicas of the place's original picture & description and thus don't really contribute any further info. The other common usage is for personal info, where the reverse happens: the pick's SLURL often has little or no bearing to its text & picture (in fact some people set dummy locations to these). For this reason it might be time for LL to rework the entire thing, splitting it into: - An actual picks list where, since the SLURL is the only thing worth storing, probably they could allowfor more than 10 indeed, and let the picture & description for each be retrieved on demand from the original (thus with the additional benefit of being always be up-to-date). - A more flexible section for personal info, covering in a reasonable way most of the common uses: friends, partners, personal descriptions, store descriptions & policies, pictures, internal & external links, lists of do's/don'ts or likes/dislikes, hobbies, perhaps even rich text. I gather this might be much more complex to implement, but it wouldn't be the first time Linden Labs tries to play catch up to social networking sites where all these things are readily available. Still, for all that I don't see any of it happening soon... not even your far simpler “just allow more picks”. I'm not going to venture statistics, but it seems to me that a clear majority of users don't even come near to using the 10 picks currently allowed (or, for that matter, many other sections in their profiles)... and if so, Linden Labs could well argue that the effort will go wasted on the average user, and suggest that the power user simply extends his available info by means of external links (which many already do, to sites such as Flickr, Facebook, blogs, etc).
  9. I like it too; before I sometimes nearly missed restart notifications and kinda resented whatever little remaining time I had to react (or even prepare) to TP elsewhere... plus, sometimes I actually got caught, for not having noticed it at all. Not anymore. I guess it's like the repeated warnings of about-to-expire rental time for parcel tennants; I used to consider them annoying, but still better than actually missing payment altogether and risk eviction.
  10. Thank you for the answer, Cerise, it was useful to me :smileywink:
  11. Pretty much the same as often done in conventional viewers: paste the SLURL in local chat (or any tolerant friend's IM... I usually do it with my own alt), it will convert to a hyperlink, tap on it and it will offer to TP you to that destination.
  12. Physics is an animated effect that replicates the movement your breasts, bottom and belly would have when the body walks, jumps, dances, etc. Originally present (in a more limited way) in a now deprecated third-party viewer, it later became a standard SL feature, but as it had proved slightly controversial, Linden Labs chose to play it safe by making it so that every single user can “opt in or out of it”. To this end, you have to wear a specific item type, called a physics item (which contains several parameters as to exactly how each of those body parts move in reaction to the avatar movements); if you don't, then others won't see this effect in your avatar even if they have it turned on in their viewers' preferences. And on the other hand, if they have the effect turned off in their viewers, they won't see the effect in your avatar even if you are wearing a physics item. This way everyone gets to choose what they want.
  13. Aerith Lethecus wrote: (...) Tried your trick, but didn't work. My GPU-Z still shows that my VRAM is full 1GB. I think nothing can help, maybe it's better to get a new video card with 2 or 3G of RAM Maybe, but your hardware doesn't seem all that bad. What graphics settings are you using, and what other steps have you taken to fine-tune Firestorm's performance?
  14. Many viewers have, in the main menu (under “Me”) an option to stop animating your avatar, and some even have a different one purposely to un-deform it; lacking that, often a simple relog (closing the viewer and launching it again to connect) will get rid of it. If it's still happening after relogging, you may be wearing some object or HUD that's causing it: simply check what you're wearing (probably a griefing object to play a prank on you), and remove any suspect one.
  15. Aerith Lethecus wrote: [...] Sorry for bothering you this long, but where's that setting? I'm with the latest firestorm All the better, since it's also the one I use. Go to the Advanced menu, find the “Debug Settings” option and, on opening it, type in the search box at least part of the name of the setting you're looking for. In this case, for example, if you type just “TextureMemory” (remember, no spaces), only the settings containing that will appear, including the one you want, which is “RenderTextureMemoryMultiple”. After changing its value, it's just a question of relogging to make sure it'll be in effect. I also see that you're doing all this to try and get better framerates, but I'm not convinced that capping your max. VRAM usage will do the trick... in fact, it occurs to me that it may end up having the opposite effect, since less available VRAM would mean having to manage textures in and out of your graphic card's memory more often, which is an additional task the viewer would have to do; usually, changing these VRAM settings is done only to prevent texture overload (the viewer quitting or crashing because of too many of them) or “texture trashing” issues, which is damn near an ongoing bug some people have been suffering; otherwise, asking the most of your graphics card, rather than capping it, is usually the best strategy to get the most framerates, I think. If you haven't gone deeper into fine-tuning other advanced viewer settings that also impact performance, I'd suggest doing so first.
  16. Then leave the settings you changed at their previous, default values, and try this other debug setting: RenderTextureMemoryMultiple. Since its default value is 1.0, meaning it'll use all the available memory, try setting it at 0.5 for example, or 0.25 (and, btw, I don't know if these settings take effect inmediately, so you might as well relog after changing them, to make sure they will).
  17. Most clients have, usually in the Graphics section of their preferences, a setting just for this; in Firestorm, for example, it's located in Preferences > Graphics > Hardware. If you can't locate it, a kinda more universal way would be going to the debug settings (from the Advanced menu) and search for the parameter "TextureMemory".
  18. Perrie Juran wrote: I'm unable to duplicate your "OFTEN" experience. Neither am I. For me, too, it works as expected: framerate is inversely proportional to draw distance regardless of ALM mode.
  19. nahladahl wrote: [...] I'm honestly scared to use the texture load full res because if it crashes my graphics card than I'm screwed. I have a Macbook pro and their graphic card replacements are ridiculously expensive. By “crash” I mean that the viewer sorta tells you “sorry, too many textures, I'm closing myself and you'll have to relog and try again”... well, a bit less informal than that, but you get the idea, lol. Sometimes for me, it evolves into a system-wide failure, meaning it's not contained to the viewer, and then I have to force the computer to reboot; still not a big deal, though obviously I'd rather don't do it regularly. My partner, with a much less powerful hardware, suffers crashes far more often when trying TextureLoadFullRes but, in turn, they're very rarely system-wide crashes... they're more often merely viewer freezes, which just need to go to your operating system's program manager, force the frozen viewer to shut off, and launch it again; once more, no big deal. What it most probably doesn't do, is damage your graphics card physically. Though reports of that sort of thing happen now and then, they're usually dismissed as at least partially myths, often on the argument that if your graphics card phsyically “burns” in such situation, it was gonna burn sooner or later anyway during normal heavy load (i.e. merely using SL normally) and thus due for repair or replacement all the same... not to mention, it's pretty much the same that could occur if you happen to be in a place where some griefer uses one of those crash-inducing objects. So if you're that worried about your graphic card's longevity, there are several other steps you should take to guarantee it, even when not doing high-quality photography. Anyway, it's your call... only you know how often these blurrings occur, how much you'd need eliminating them (and mind you, sometimes relogging does get rid of them... it's just the annoyance of loosing your angles, lighting settings, etc), and how much sense does it make to use TextureLoadFullRes in your case (i.e., is your hardware powerful enough that, if you don't use this option, you will be consistently asking of your computer far less than it could do?).
  20. Menú “Ayuda” > “Denunciar una infracción”. Una vez ahí, en el desplegable elige la categoría “Acoso > Acoso sexual”; donde el nombre del infractor, dale a “Elegir” y pon su nombre de usuario. Luego rellena los campos “Resumen” y “Detalle”, ambos lo más breve, clara y objetivamente posible; posiblemente lo lean antes si lo pones en inglés. Si te ha enviado fotos, sácalas en pantalla y, una vez sacadas, activa la casilla “Usar esta captura de pantalla” para que se muestren... quizá te valga también la pena sacar el log de la conversación con el sujeto (en el campo “Detalle”, indica que la textura mostrada está en tu inventario, por si la requieren), aunque ellos pueden verificarlo por su cuenta.
  21. Really, Phil, you seem to be more interested in a generic discussion about why some forum members use supposedly aggresive wording to express their stances about any particular debate... yesterday's case being more just an example than the issue itself. I'm aware that surveys are usually regarded here with slightly above average contempt, but really, they're hardly the only issue causing flares, lol. If this is the case, I admit I'm interested, but I'll content myself with hearing what others say.
  22. Well, Phil, if you're a simple psychology / sociology surveyer and go out to the street asking people “would you mind if I asked you a few questions for a research?”, you're going to get more than a few “nopes”; no big deal, just short & sweet. But if you're, like, a Jehova's Witness* planning to go out and confront people telling them “You're a sinner! Want me to tell you why?”, you better develop a thicker skin... just sayin'. (* Just a crude example, I don't know whether Jehova Witnesses actually do this).
  23. Spinell wrote: [...] to get a short of "airy" feel [...] it makes the photo realistic, pop out and not look just completely flat [...] See the lighting? How it casts the shadows on the sofa, etc? [...] To be honest I'm not sure what you mean, you seem to be describing different things or effects. If what you want is the scene's objects and objects to cast actual shadows, that's achieved by activating ALM (“Advanced Lighting Model”) in the graphics section of the viewer's preferences, and make sure below that all points of light, or at least sun & moon, are also active (otherwise you'd be using the lighting model, but telling the viewer to ignore any actual light sources, so you'd get no shadows); and the shadows will be rendered a bit more realistically if you also activate “Ambient Occlusion”, a different setting. If the issue is having some soft halos of light, kind of like a dreamy effect, the first thing that comes to mind is glow, which can render that effect in-world, and can be played with (there are several debug settings for it), though of course the objects have to have some glow set in them. Personally, though, and unless it's easily achievable with windlight and glow adjustments (and providing the scene does have glowing objects), I prefer to do it in post-processing, where I have more precise control of it and less framerate issues. Several advanced image editors such as Photoshop or Gimp will let you duplicate the layer, blur the hell out of the duplicate one, and then lower its opacity to the point where the details of the original are easily distinguishable, while retaining the halo effect; you may even play with layer blending modes, as well as opacities, blur radius and masks, to shape it better. Many decent image editors will probably have all this available as a ready-made image filter, either in-built or third-party. And yet a different thing would be, if you want to make the picture “pop out, less flat”... at least to me, that sounds more like increasing local contrast... either softly, or in a heavy Dragan-like effect. That can be done, too, of course... there's not much you can do about it in the viewer, some have in-built “HDR functionality” but it seems more focused on global tone mapping than local contrast, and for some scenes, it can ctually make the picture more “flat”. For this need, too, post-processing is a far more controllable option, again with many in-built methods or filters... just be aware that this kind of effect would be, in fact, pretty much the opposite of the dreamy / glowy / soft blur thing I described earlier.
  24. Chic Aeon wrote: [...] There is a workaround perhaps (sorry, since I don't have the problem I didn't note it carefully - something about a full rez texture option) but it seems to slow framerates down to nothing and you have to redo it each time you log in [...] TextureLoadFullRes, a debug setting that can be added to Firestorm's customizable Quick Preferences panel for easy access, toggling it on when needed (for example, when about to take a high-res snapshot) and off again when done, no need to relog -though it's indeed a non-persistent setting and would default to off anyway. For me it doesn't slow framerates per se (and even if it did, this wouldn't be much a problem for still photography); it's just that, when switched on, it'll force the viewer to re-check all the scene and reload whatever wasn't already fully loaded; this of course takes CPU time, but nothing out of the ordinary, and once done, the framerate stabilizes. The real issue is that TextureLoadFullRes is a bit extreme, and thus risky, way to avoid texture blurriness. Under normal operation the viewer considers the total amount of textures in the scene and, if it thinks it'll surpass the graphic card's available memory, it will start loading some of them half resolution or less (hence the blurriness); how much it does this can be tracked by a value called “Bias” in the Texture Console (Ctrl+Shift+3): if it stays at 0, all the textures are fully loaded, and as this value climbs some will be loaded partially (often visibly so) by the same factor. The problem is that this Bias thing is either not always fully aware of the graphic card's capabilities, or it's just been programmed a little too paranoid, and for many of us it starts acting up way, way before truly necessary (for example, my card has 3 Gb. memory, yet often Bias starts going crazy when the current scene hasn't even reached 800 Mb). Now, activating TextureLoadFullRes is akin to telling the viewer “I don't care how freaked out you are about the scene's complexity, just load everything full-res and keep it that way”... but, of course, sometimes the scene will in fact be too big a fish for your card and you'll get a viewer crash, often accompanied by a texture overload or graphics driver failure message. Still, it's a handy setting to have, if only to use it at the exact moment of taking the shot and then switching it off again inmediately; and in my experience, the very fact that I've almost always successfully used this trick without crashing proves that my card was actually capable of handling the scene and the Bias was badly overreacting. It seems that the sweet spot should be somewhere in between what Bias currently does, and what TextureLoadFullRes forces the viewer to do; but alas, I've seen the Firestorm team trying to fix this and they seemed to imply that Linden Labs had tried too, to no avail so far; some viewer releases seemed to ameliorate the problem, others worsened it, but it never seems fixed for good :smileysad:
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