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Ren Toxx

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Everything posted by Ren Toxx

  1. Maybe. Posting pictures to the SL profile feed has been slow and highly unreliable for some time now; for that reason I switched to the Flickr option: much faster and reliable, and allows for quite bigger picture size.
  2. I've been using Firestorm for long, and this texture blurring (as related to the bias thing, and usually called “texture trashing”) problem has been a recurring one; almost for every new release it's changed, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse; the guys from Firestorm even came up with a few 'patches' of their own to try and solve this (namely, a flag for ATI cards that also made its way to the debug settings), but none has ever been quite definitive. I guess it's mainly because they have to get back to LL's ever-changing rendering code with each new release, and each time it somehow 'breaks' or makes the patch irrelevant. Which is why I always kept the TextureLoadFullRes setting in my quick preferences panel, to easily toggle it on the moment I needed to do HR capturing, and then off again without even needing to relog.
  3. bebejee wrote: Cant the sim hosts judge the best themselves, why do the biased contestants get to vote? You'll have to ask them. Unless they're massively ignorant and/or naïve, they HAVE to know that these are pretty much “contests about who has the most friends willing to vote for them”, regardless of the purported theme of the contest. And as some here said, more than a few won't actually care one damn bit about bias or rigged results, as long as it drives traffic in; these will be the least likely to deign answering you at all.
  4. kiramanell wrote: [...] there should be some way to override the viewer's rather crude way of blurring everything that is fartherst away. Some sort of texture 'persistent' bit. Debug settings > “TextureLoadFullRes” = “TRUE”. But it's not a persistent setting (it'll go back to “FALSE” on next relog), and I've found it makes the viewer a bit too crash-prone, so I only activate it for HQ photography.
  5. Gracias por la traducción, Damián :smileywink:
  6. I have been experiencing some slowness these last days, too, past the havoc days described in that Linden Labs post; nothing as bad as the OP says (I've seen way, way worse in my five years in SL), but slightly annoying nevertheless. I'm not sure how what LL are purportedly doing right now affects texture rezzing time, but who knows, perhaps there's an indirect connection between login and rezzing issues.
  7. I haven't understood Dres' referenced solution, I'll give it a second read later. Meanwhile, your proposal might be interesting as long as the resident understands that archived items will take significantly longer to retrieve, therefore giving the servers ample time to do the compression tasks thoroughly and thus achieve better compression... wouldn't do if such feature offered nearly instant retrieval at the expense of 1% or less compression plus additional complexity to the SL protocols. Another thing is... would assets compress that much? I'm hardly a compression expert, I only know that for some contents, conventional compression schemes achieve space gains hardly worth the trouble, and only memory/time-expensive specialized algorithms such as RK and even more obscure ones, claim significant enough compression for these.
  8. Min Barzane wrote: Will Lindens EVER do anyting to stop copyboters??? Such as...?
  9. Ni idea. El hecho de que anunciasen el primero con varios días de antelación ya es, de por sí, ligeramente inusual, y que lo hayan continuado con otros dos, también; pero cualquier especulación es inútil, posiblemente ni siquiera Linden Labs sepa exactamente cuánto tiempo llevará concluírlos. No más de unas pocas horas, imagino.
  10. Están de mantenimiento. Lo vienen anunciando desde hace unos días, y además de ese, parecen estar haciendo otro no anunciado. http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2014/05/19/post2273/ http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2014/05/20/post2275/ http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2014/05/20/post2276/
  11. Porque están de mantenimiento. Lo vienen anunciando desde hace unos días, y además de ese, parecen estar haciendo otro no anunciado. http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2014/05/19/post2273/ http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2014/05/20/post2275/ http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2014/05/20/post2276/
  12. “SL” is the accepted acronym for “Second Life” -you'll even see derivations of it. A “viewer” is a program with which you connect to, and explore and interact with, the Second Life virtual world. Due to its complexity, I doubt any Internet browser could possibly handle it all natively, so you need a specialized program to do that: the viewer. There's the official one, and then there are many third-party developed ones.
  13. Ren Toxx


    L'Uomo (skins here, mesh bases here).
  14. X*plosion... I'd recommend visiting their in-world store too, since I'm fairly sure they have more of that type than they show at the Marketplace.
  15. I havent' seriously considered OnLive for anything so far because, if nothing else, it's not available for my country yet. Still, and out of curiosity: what are its possibilities for photographers? Of course I mean high resolution & quality, not some low snapshot-to-inventory thing or, for that matter, screen caps of the stream, but things like 4096x or even more. I'm thinking that, if this is available, it could be interesting for many residents who do have the photographic skills but not the hardware to go with it. A stable high-res capture function that doesn't crash your computer even with everything turned on to the max., and you just have to wait a bit to download the resulting PNG... that'd be something, too.
  16. There's also an alphabetical order; since you've probably named the new batch of shirts pretty much the same way as the old, at least using that sorting they will appear together. Another thing you can do to help customers be aware of both batches, even if they use newest>oldest or Relevance order, is to use the 'Related items' function: for each of the new shirts, point out to eight of the old ones, and vice versa. What there isn't, and I imagine is the point of your question, is a 'custom sorting order'.
  17. I'm still unsure what your actual problem is. Old or otherwise not powerful hardware tend to cause the whole SL experience to go slow -objects and textures load slowly more as a side effect of it, but really, the main thing is that everything remains slow even after it's loaded: your avatar, and everything that moves, does so in noticeable lapses, your moving commands take a moment to begin, panels and menus take a while to open and close, typing is slow (if you're a decent typist, you see letters appearing quite later than you type them)... in essence, you get low framerates, because your processor and graphics card can't do it all fluidly. This is usually referred to as graphics lag. On the other hand, you could have a kick-ass computer and still see everything load slowly, if you have a poor connection, have your viewer set with a too low maximum bandwidth, or both -and your experience remains slow only insofar as new things need to be loaded, but once they're all so, the viewer performs otherwise fluidly. This is usually called connection lag. So I'm still not sure which of the two cases is yours. Anyway, connecting through wi-fi doesn't usually yield optimal results; I happen to do so too, it being my only option, and if that's your case as well, that's how it is; but still: - Next time you install and try the viewer, check that its maximum bandwidth isn't the 500 kbps. most viewers use by default. For wired connections 1500 kbps. is often cited as the optimal value, but maybe for wireless 1000 kbps. would be a wiser setting, so as to not overload it if it happens to be slow -more about this below. - Obviously, try making it easy for your wifi connection: don't expect good connectivity if you're the other side of the house from your main router, with many walls in between. If you can't avoid this either, try considering a wi-fi extender, it might improve things enormously. - If you have the patience, delve in your router's user manual to learn how to check all the specific wi-fi settings you're using. Things that come to mind: check that it's using the newest wireless protocol your computer is compatible with (G instead of B, N instead of G, and so on), try different wifi channels, lest a neighbour is using the same channel and causing interference, etc. - If you determine that other than connection issues your computer does well enough for SL (i.e. it suffers connection lag, but not graphics lag), try increasing your viewer's cache size (setting usually located right next to the bandwidth one); the more data you have pre-stored in your computer, the less it'll have to retrieve it again from the SL servers each time you arrive to a place, at least the ones you've visited before.
  18. I use it on an ancient laptop that forces me to set everything way below the preset minimum available through the preferences, and is still sluggish as hell... plus on a tablet which, though far more modern, performs as... well, a tablet; others will call it quits if it doesn't do full ALM, 512 m. draw distance at, like, 150 fps. There's just no telling how much everyone likes SL enough to put up with such annoyances. Despite yours being a low-end computer, if your main qualm is slow loading of surroundings that sounds mainly like a connection issue. What maximum bandwidth have you set in Preferences > Network? Come to think of it, how do you connect? Home wi-fi? For all that, you might want to check the latest official viewer, which is said to have notable improvements in loading efficiency.
  19. Sometimes, for reasons I ignore, opening a second conference -or even a third- with the same participants yields better results, at least for a while. Obviously the old one should be closed as soon as everyone involved has moved to the other.
  20. Thanks a lot for your suggestions, Rolig :smileywink:
  21. If Belleza and N-Core don't work together.... 1. Why is Belleza listed in the N-Core matches? What I think Marianne meant, and what in fact I usually understand by this, is that clothing/body part creators such as these try purchasing, or at least getting the demos of, a variety of the most popular skins, and then try to find the closest tint settings for each... precisely to save you, the customers, this chore which you yourself describe as hard. But what they can commit to, is to find the closest manual tinting... certainly not to provide a perfect textured extension of the Belleza skin; because, as Marianne said, they don't have these textures, and I don't imagine Belleza would be willing to provide them to pretty much anyone. So they (the N-core creators) have basically a list of preset tintings, that's all. It's not that close a collaboration, and indeed most people don't tend to assume it is. Both stores would make a far more explicit statement to that end, if that was the case. 2. Why are we not told, before OR after, that Belleza does not work with N-Core? (I have a TON of N-Core shoes, and this really puts a major damper on -- everything!) Because, as said, by default it just isn't assumed. Try seeing the logic of it: skin stores can't just go happily providing the actual textures they create to pretty much anyone who says it's a clothing / body parts creator. Even skin-textured body extension / clothing applier systems such as SLink's, don't work this way.
  22. Syn Anatine wrote: [...] But whyyyyyy do people do this in the first place? I don't understand! Aesthetic choices... so often risky. Even baked lights, gorgeous as they often look, may be problematic by, for example, featuring a sun angle not consistent with that of the area's windlight. Ideally buildings should come with as many options and controls as possible... but of course, that comes at the expense of more complexity (which the creator may not want, or know, to tackle)... plus less tech-savvy customers freaking out in 'how the hell does this work?' fashion.
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