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  1. I bought some fake nails that I attach to my avatar's hands, but with certain poses, like clenching my fist, the nails float and aren't on my fingers. Is there a different place I could attach the nails? Right now they are attached to my Left and Right Hands.
  2. It seems to have suddenly started working again! All I did was install Radegast without even opening it and the hair is back to normal... Even the same hair on my other character was missing those same prims. Oh well, at least all is fine again!
  3. My hair was perfectly fine up until now... Once day all of a sudden a bunch of strands in my mesh hair are missing and my avatar has a bald spot! Also sometimes a bunch of yellow pyramids float above my avatar when she enters a region now. What happened? This only happens on my computer. I am using Singularity.
  4. Thanks for your help Madeline. This is about as far as I got: string isTyping = "FALSE";string wasTyping = "FALSE";string owner;default{state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(1); owner = llGetOwner(); }timer() { isTyping = (llGetAgentInfo(owner) & AGENT_TYPING); if isTyping = "TRUE" && wasTyping = "FALSE" { llPlaySound("my_sound", 1.0); wasTyping = "isTyping" } }} It says there is a syntax error at 14, 11, and I'm sure there are other little mistakes here and there too, but I tried. Right now the script doesn't do anything. Mind helping some more?
  5. I've been working on this all day but I'm still a bit lost. I need a timer for everything? I really wish I could just get this to work.
  6. This is as far as I got and now I've confused myself: integer gToggle;default{ touch_start(integer num) { if (llGetAgentInfo(llGetOwner()) & AGENT_TYPING) { gToggle = !gToggle; } if (gToggle) { llPlaySound("my_sound", 1.0); } else { llStopSound(); } }}
  7. I know nothing about SLL, right now the most I know how to do is set a timer. Could you elaborate a bit more?
  8. Hi, how can I change this script so that the sound I want plays only once when a user is typing? default { state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(0.2); } timer() { if (llGetAgentInfo(llGetOwner()) & AGENT_TYPING) { llPlaySound("my_sound", 1.0); //Play it once each time the timer triggers } } }
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