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Garnet Psaltery

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Everything posted by Garnet Psaltery

  1. Taking emetics at midnight SUCKS (This is not happening to me. )
  2. Granted but your body stretches along with time. Welcome to really long flappy legs and arms. I wish I had a little more discretion.
  3. È stata un'esperienza spiacevole per te, ma a volte il proprietario di un negozio deve prendere una decisione per il bene degli altri clienti. Dimentica quel negozio. Prima di andare ad un altro, assicurati di indossare qualcosa, così sarai al sicuro.
  4. Wow, somehow you made that all about you.
  5. Finding Lucifer insensitive, retreat immediately. TEMPT
  6. Thanks for the explanation, and no offence taken (and nothing implied by my use of the spelling over here ). My knowledge of the US doesn't involve ever having been there, alas.
  7. Alas, I can't afford this house (it's thought to be linked to the Humpty Dumpty rhyme). What a lovely place in which to live, and imagine the right to fill ones garden with giant eggheads.
  8. Raglan Shire has had no problem with that, as far as I know, because it's General rated. Someone asked me whether I'd ever thought about or experienced sex as a Tiny, neither of which I've ever done. The old Wynx avatars and similar aren't capable of it anyway. What the Dinkies can do, I'm not sure, as they're mesh based on a human shape, but even then if they have the ability they must be doing it somewhere else.
  9. Well, I'd say I am on the conservative side, but perhaps we take that to mean different things. I have all kinds of friends, with different beliefs or none, and certainly different politics. I suppose we focus on what we have in common. I like the 'Find a Grandparent/Elder' idea though knowing SL it could be misused by people with another agenda. Anyway, I'm digressing, I think.
  10. Aha - I cleared browser cache and the formatting is back. Yay! Thanks again, @Rowan Amore
  11. Indeed, that's why I said 'generally', and in my mind was the thought that we've generally experienced more, including more pain, more examples from life from which to learn, and more understanding of what makes people tick .. and what's not worth the effort. I have to agree this is a bit sad. I'll let it go once I'm sure we're not still being misrepresented.
  12. Ah, I think I might have posted in the wrong forum. I did look for something suitable and landed on this one. I'm using Firefox.
  13. Tsk, misquoting me from a posting you're not supposed to be able to read? Let me help you with a little truth here. This is what I said 5 hours ago. "What you're hinting at here is that Love suggested people might like to join the Tiny community because they don't seem stressful. I agreed and said that it might be because we are generally older and wiser than the average SL resident". Notice I didn't say we were 'better' just that we aren't so stressful, and even then I just said 'might be'. Of course even if you do read this I don't think for a moment that's going to stop you misquoting me, and Love, and anyone else you choose.
  14. There are several missing between the first image and the second.
  15. These are the options I see in the GD forum and in this one.
  16. When I write in a comment in the GD forum I get the standard Arial font but am unable to change the font or its size. The same thing applies if I try to alter existing text I've written in the standard format. I can do it in this forum as the options are available. How is the GD forum for you? Do you still have all the options that you do here?
  17. Yesterday I suddenly found that the range of formatting tools had become reduced in the General Discussion Forum. I like to change the font and size in order to make it easier for me to see what I've typed clearly. I haven't tried other places and I notice that the formatting is as usual here, so is there a reason for the change?
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