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Garnet Psaltery

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Everything posted by Garnet Psaltery

  1. That will be because straight white males generally built your civilisation. (I have no numbers to demonstrate the ratio of straight to otherwise among them but by the statistics we have the straight would be in the majority). By all means do without the advantages that civilisation brought you (even granted its faults). If the balance of invention, creation, and foresight shifts then the default could change, of course.
  2. Money (or its equivalent in resources) is the general basis for war.
  3. Pfft we had actual tunes back then. Mostly without chickens!
  4. I'm wishing you the very best outcome from the procedure. It's hard not to worry, but you're relieving some of the stress by doing something practical. You've reminded me to look into avatar and account inheritance. If it's any help, it's been 26 years since my successful encounter with the beast, and surgery has come a long way since then.
  5. Does the Profile of the person who sent it give you any clue? Anyway if they're good people they won't mind you asking I wouldn't know what it is either, and I've been here 13 years. I'd ask.
  6. Yes, I hadn't been back there for a while, but will do that.
  7. There's a HUD with it to change to a few other colours.
  8. This was some 5-6 months ago. The things are still there.
  9. The land can be abandoned and still contain a lot of working items, as I know from when I lived briefly on the mainland this year where a parcel had been abandoned but a huge sky platform still existed with its luxury dwelling and adult toys. Of course the members still went there - they couldn't rez but they could certainly use the items.
  10. I'd better give you something that won't make you all scream
  11. I just wanted an excuse to post this picture because it's cute To make it relevant, erm, now's the time to start saving for buying presents for your friends because they need more stuff in inventory.
  12. I thought the same so I went back to check the original blog, which says "You can collect as many, or as few gifts as you want, but if you want to collect the final super-special Birthday Gift in the final week you will need to have collected all 14 of the previous gifts."
  13. It sounds as though the blind might be lodged inside the physics mesh (the invisible bit that mesh builders add in to allow you to go inside and move around). If it is then you'll be constantly clicking on the house itself. You'll either need very careful camming to get hold of the blind or you could try an Area Search on all the objects nearby. If you find the blind in the list you can edit it from there. I only know the Firestorm viewer, where you can find Area Search in the drop-down list under World on the top menu. Sorry, I have no idea if that's in the official viewer. Perhaps someone else can say if it is. If you can't manage the camming yourself and you know someone you trust you could give them edit rights to let them try to move it out for you. I'd be willing to try it for you as I've just been editing a house with the same problem, but of course you don't know me so I don't expect you to ask.
  14. I have no facts to back this up but my feeling is we won't see auctions back this year. They've failed badly now on more than occasion, and I doubt they're a high priority, given the small numbers of parcels being auctioned and the tiny profit (presume LL make something of of them but it can't be much).
  15. The only thing I eventually used was the jewellery set. It must be hard dreaming up gifts that will appeal to some of us and offend no-one. I nearly liked the tower but it's 84 LI so not for everyday, and the 'secret upper room' has no floor. So don't fret
  16. He's open to anything but doesn't want to talk to anyone inworld. Plus he can't stand the thought of talking to ooooolllllldddd people. Well, poo to him.
  17. The carriage has a music track as an option, which wobbles when you ride the carriage
  18. A quarter region offering 5,000 prims is available for a residence. This is a quiet location, with established, excellent neighbours who take a pride in their homes. The region has a Northern European/Canadian ambience, with gradual seasonal changes (we're moving into Autumn now). You have the freedom of providing your own house and garden, woodland, or beach if you wish, or lower the ground for a water dwelling. The rental cost is L$3,475 per week, and the land purchase price is L$100. Full information is available in a notecard which you can obtain from the rental box menu. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Parte Tenebrosa/120/138/21
  19. Some people mentioned Sansar in passing, but that's not the topic, so people are confused
  20. Going to a Grand Ball in Raglan. I suppose people want a style guide Well, the dress is [Peeps] Lady Edelina Medieval Dress, and the hair is Bea Shamrock's Dinkie Grace VI- Blonde 02 dinkie v1.6, and the jewellery is from one of the SL15B prizes. In Etheria Parrott's white dinkie kitty body.
  21. That's quite true; I'm just being precise about the nature of the new site. It's a good cue for promoting our favourite grid
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