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eyeye Afterthought

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Everything posted by eyeye Afterthought

  1. RedQop wrote: I've downloaded Second Life because I've read on a psychoanalysis book that it was possible to partecipate to discussions in groups, etc. I've downloaded it and started playing, but I can't get what's the goal of the ''game'' (it's not a game if I'm not wrong, is it?). Can someone explain me what's the goal of the ''game''? The goal of the game is to score an own goal, dude/dudess. Like when you get the keys to your first condo, you choose what happens next, you choose your own goals. Its a game if you want it to be. Its a job if you want it to be. Its just something to have as a hobby. Or if you want education, there's space for that too. (Some schools have closed off sims for education purposes. - but guess your psychoanalysis book might cover that aspect already.) In world, grab a hold of that "search" option, enter "discussion group" or "book group" and see what comes up. Or what it is you wanna discuss in a group. You're sure to find something interesting for discussion. And some games within the game.
  2. Talligurl wrote: OK one thing that kinda bugs me, all these people posting on here, "I need a friend, look me up and send me an IM" Why should I do that? I have lot of friends and don't need to go looking people up to make more, I find two or three new friends a week, without even looking, just going about my SL. I would however welcome you into my circle, but you are going to have to look me up. I am an artist, I make SL art and I have a nice gallery, I am in an SL relationship, both of these take up most of my time but you can still come be a part of it if you are interested, One thing that kinda bugs me is people who seem to feel the need to put other people down. In comes Damien, putting out the hand of friendship, and you don't sound at all as if you would really welcome him into your "circle", and frankly I think he'd be better off as a lone square. Just saying. LOL (winks) pfffft
  3. Hey, Gillian Sounds not an SL problem, its you're having to share your internet service with many more people than ever before. Contact your provider of internet service, they should be able to help. Even a new router might make a little difference. Sadly and realistically tho, you may have to avoid what are the peak times in your home area.
  4. Alwin Alcott wrote: wished it was black... your message shouts horribly with a even more horrible color it's a bug.. and reported several times Myself, I'd have preferred it to have been a bit more Christmassy. Auction Google Maps how do I fix because all I get is a black screen
  5. Phil Deakins wrote: Thank you for the kind comment, Pamela I probably won't do anything different to what I've been for a long time, Vanilla - log in and stand around while I do stuff in RL. But you never know. I might even take up exploring to see what's out there I don't know you, or what you used to sell in SL, although I've seen you post on the forums. I've always rented in SL and never get homeless, only somewhere dead cheap like. But you sound sad. When really you might be starting a new SL. Exploring is great!!!!! My favo thing to do ever. Welcome to new SL!
  6. How many people bothered to even vote? One thousand or one hundred or ten - Trump Trousers got in. Oh. Dear. We are all doomed, Mr Mainwaring, doomed I tell ya.
  7. Hello, Azia. This is not possible. You CAN open up the group details and untick the box that shows your groups on your profile. That will make it less likely for a potential stalker (unless they are already in the group).
  8. Hi Skyfe123 According to SL Wiki, as at June 2016 there is a bug and anyone who has not logged into Aditi before must contact Support. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Preview_Grid#How_do_I_log_in_to_Aditi.3F
  9. Dear Karin You sent a whole load of individual messages to a dude that was offline. No wonder they threw you out of the group. For the future you may need to consider the following. 1) Before you jump to the conclusion that someone has banned you from their land or club or whatever, consider their land or club might be temporarily closed. There might have been a group notice sent out. Always remember to check the group notices for announcements such as the likelihood of a closed venue. 2) There are rolling restarts that happen during most weeks. Usually on Tuesdays, sometimes on other days though. And this can mean when you try to teleport to a venue or sim you are denied access. Always it is wise to check the grid status page to see if this is a likelihood. 3) If you need to contact a land owner or sim owner or venue owner, rather than bombard them with multiple IMs as you have done this particular land owner, write your plea or problem onto a notecard and send that to them instead. Be humble rather than confrontations. It takes many kinds of people to make up a world. My guess would be that the owner of the land that you thought you were banned from is as reasonable as the average Joe, but if they are Master of all they own, they will take even less kindly to your rants at them and throwing you from group without a refund would seem perfectly in order. Go forward from this experience and learn something please.
  10. LunjoImagine wrote: For a fact I know it is true... my partner could read my ims with others... he could see me what i do on the other sim as well... i didnt mind it and i didnt ask how.... but just so you know... is true and apsolutely possible... No, what is more likely to be true is that someone is giving your partner IMs you are having with them.
  11. Either. Or neither. I don't do the holder thang. My bog roll stands on top of the cistern, or by my feet.
  12. I agree the most with Rolig, and the person who is attempting to cyber bully you may likely be doing esactly the same to a lot of other people, how they gets their kicks in life. If you must always return to the same places, then be quick to be ready with the block button. I don't think LL will waste time following up the many ARs they must be getting about this person and their alts. Block block block must be your mantra, never talk to anyone to respond to them if they call you any names or try to spread any rumors about your sexuality or gender.
  13. LLew's not had the big one yet . you know, the one where he takes a newspaper and goes for a long sit oO I don't know one thing about any of the breedables, but there must be an Amaretto group chat thingie going on inworld. If I had a sense of humor I'd say the foxes nipped in and took your egg while you danced the night away (teach you!) But I don't got a sense of humor, so I shant say it.
  14. (I ain't political, I don't know what Llllew is on about) I think it depends what viewer the group owner is on. Like with anyone else, if you use certain viewers, you can see who has the group chat window open, even if they aren't speaking. There's no law against listening in to group chat, any more than there's a law against listening to radio DJs prattling on into the ether.
  15. Dude, I saw your edit there, but as it directly contradicts what you said about LL not acting on most incident reports, what makes you think they'll take down posts you don't like, especially within a general discussion thread? Xpect youll be blazing mad at me right now too, and thats ok. Frustration needs venting, so vent away. I don't actually remember a time when crossing sims was anything less than problematic. Some times I've only been walking a cross a sim line and lost a boot (yes, scripted one). After all these years apart from getting a job at LL yourself and doing the job you believe they're not doing right in your opinion your choices are to live with the sim crossing deal, use race tracks only, or bog off to another type of game that is great for vehicularing around. theres worse things happen at sea, mate.
  16. Remove all personal details IMMEDIATELY please. Edit and remove those email details at once. This is not answered by linden Lab staff. Never reply directly to an email that looks like it has come from Linden Lab. It could very well be a scam email. You should change your password (on every website you are involved with) often. Keep a note of them in a very safe place in your home, and never let anyone know what your passwords are, not even your very dearest people in real life. Back to the first part of your post though. You aren't able to log in on your other account? What message do you get when you try to? It could be someone else has control of that account and it is important that you go to the HELP of Linden Lab immediately. Use the option that your account has been compromised. Click the "Help" word at the top of this screen and you will find where to go from there.
  17. You sound new-ish to Second Life, but I'd advise not to be even premium, its really not needed. Become familiar with the world, explore and look how things are. There are plenty of places to rent a store at first, see what sells, get established, and build on that. I've known a lot of people start like that. Although I don't know how SL Marketplace runs. Someone else will be able to say if you need to be a premium member for that, but I don't think so. You just need payment information on file. But the Linden Homes lands can only be for homes. no businesses and no skyboxes are allowed. Read all in the knowledge base that is appropriate to your needs (see the knowledge base tab at the top of this screen and go look through the sub-categories).
  18. Yukkies. (spit spit spit) especially the gooy entrails part.
  19. I saw in a phone booth a sign for "No Smoking" (this was RL), but no one thought to put a "No Peeing" sign in there :mantongue:
  20. I got news for you buddy cult (k**Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://img.tfd.com/hm/GIF/ubreve.gif" border="0" align="absbottom" />lt) n. 1. a. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader. b. The followers of such a religion or sect. 2. A system or community of religious worship and ritual. 3. The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual. 4. A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease. 5. a. Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing. b. The object of such devotion. 6. An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest.
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