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eyeye Afterthought

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Everything posted by eyeye Afterthought

  1. I see. Looking hard at the photo you've now added, there looks also to be something yellow poking from underneath one of the green crosses on the minimap. Did you have a friend online and in the same sim too? It looks to me like just avatars at different heights coincidentally at the same XY but at different Zs. No other explanation can there be.
  2. Compare the avatars. Does one wear a ton of scripted things like hair or tools of some kind? Cannot hear or spead? Like, on voice you mean? With voice usually only one account will work at a time, can't do voice running two avs at same time.
  3. Sounds like general overheating to me. When did you last dust out your computer with a can of air duster compressed air to rid it of its cat hair,dust bunnies and crummies? Its great having loads of memory to use, but once it gets untidy your computer will slow down a lot faster too, which means you need to regularly clear out unecessary programs, disk defragment your system too. And if its overheating, then your graphics card will suffer.
  4. It'd be cool to have last names back. I created this av through education website, which was lucky because other newbs at the time got all called Resident, which sucks. Mobile phone companies recycle inactive phone numbers. LL maybe should consider recycling inactive accounts. Must be loads.
  5. Are they just X crosses? Or are they like in this thread. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/What-do-the-mini-map-symbols-that-look-like-a-plus-sign-with-two/td-p/1289699 Is it possible someone has placed avatars below 750m and some above but at approx same XYZ so they make a cross symbol on minimap? Add a photo to your post if you want. The tree symbol in the toolbar lets you add a photo. OPTIONS<EDIT your post to add more info.
  6. It really looks like you've answered your own question. Log Ins Fail
  7. Oh ! :mansad: Maybe an answer in Knowledge Base will help. Log Ins Failure
  8. 2010 to now and your hard drive could be all full up. Check this. If you haven't got enough spare ram, then SL won't run. You can also try one of the other viewers that are available. Full list is on the Wiki. Link here for you. Viewers to choose from
  9. Are they in with other stuff? Coalesced objects that can be called just about anything will be there in your inventory and need unpacking so maybe you'll see all the stuff you think are lost. Find a big empty sandbox and rezz all the coalesced objects from your inventory and take a good look. Good luck.
  10. I don't really understand what you are asking. You must have got in with a password to this website or you wouldn't be able to post here. Explain more please - use OPTIONS<EDIT top corner of post.
  11. Second Life will work with Windows 8 as long as other parts of your computer are adequate, eg, graphics card. If you're thinking about buying new computer, post the full description of it here and the more technical minded people will give you more accurate advice.
  12. eyeye Afterthought


    You sometimes need to restart your computer and have all other windows closed when installing new graphics driver. Did you try this?
  13. Take the photo - yes? Slide photo from inventory to profile photo space - yes? CLICK "OK" ON PROFILE. Photo will stay on profile - yes?
  14. No. If you "cannot connect to simulator" - you are NOT banned. use login screen - login to different location. "Home" "last login location" Smith or Pooley - try to log in again.
  15. Yes it sounds like your invisible objects are ghost prims. Returning objects by the owner of the land might fix it, but often a region restart is needed.
  16. Without a photograph it is hard to see what is your problem. Use the little tree icon to add a photo to your post. (Options<Edit - see right hand top corner of your post)
  17. Only Linden Lab people can help you with this. Submit a ticket here https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ There is option to active an old account. They will explain to you how to do this after you create a new case. Good luck.
  18. Marigold Devin wrote: Time: 7.13pm PDT Place: That picnic table (!!!!!!) .... 7.22pm PDT she changed positions (looked like an autorelog) A name familiar to me came into a group chat. It said "." nd nothing more. Name is same as movie star in this photo, Marigold. I sent msg from inworld to you but you not online. Same group chat but a little later an av advertised a market place store. I don't know what to do with this information except looks like the movie stars are some kind of spam bots intending to increase traffic by advertising in group chats. I am unsure where tos stands on this.
  19. You show me yours and I'll show you mine, ducky.
  20. Theres a destination guide to give you ideas. http://secondlife.com/whatis/?lang=en
  21. My avatar looks like it has a dirty ass if you look at the photos stored in my album. Your avatar glitches don't at all look like anything out of the ordinary to me. None of us have got flat smooth faces, and nor should we have. My guess is that your avatar always looked like this but for some reason you're just noticing it. Just like that little tiny crack in your room that's been there ages suddenly looks massive and seems to be getting bigger once you do notice it. Test different light settings and take a good look at other avatars.
  22. Generally no. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?q=research Second Lifers aren't here to be studied like bugs under a microscope. Generally, virtually, anthropologically speaking.
  23. Depends what you mean by griefer. If its those self-replicating prims, you can submit an AR by clicking on Help button in your viewer. Check the box to include a screenshot of what it is that griefs. If it isn't removed right away then you could talk to the land owner and ask them to remove it and have an auto return set on their land.
  24. I'd say give it a couple of days. Maybe you need a cooling off period before you take this step again so soon.
  25. But maybe we should all be checking our friends list and checking if we can see where they are on the world map. Maybe something has gone wrong with the permissions system .
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