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Teagan Tobias

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Everything posted by Teagan Tobias

  1. Good luck with any of those things. The very first thing that needs to happen is have LL start to get at least some idea of what Second Life is, I don't think they have a clue. I am in world and looking at the inventory window in LLV3, its no longer an inventory floater, there are buttons across the bottom of it, there is the completely useless Received items piece of, well you know, and it can't be reduced in size less than a quarter of the screen and the length is so long the chat window can't fit very will under it. One thing for sure, when LLV2 came out, if it had not been for TPVs Second Life would have died and been dead and gone. Oh well whats the use, they don't get it, and do not appear to be interested in learning. When that new guy, what's his name, came along one of the things I put in with my welcome to him was that in order to improve SL every LL employee should be required to spend x number of hours a week in world. Put there time cards in world, put HR in world, every computerized part of there job should be in world. That way someone that can be heard would see just how sad it gets some times. I would be willing to bet that there is a large number of LL staff that have never seen what SL is.
  2. WOW, WHAT A MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT! That was the one driving force behind me using Nirans viewer, and now I find it does not matter. The only good part is, it does not bother me so much now if s/he quits updating his viewer like s/he is talking about. Thanks for the help. I guess ignorance really is bliss.
  3. If that were the way it worked, then I would have no idea what others are seeing my avatar do. I may think I am dancing but others could see me sitting on the floor not moving, that is, if others do not see what I see. So it does not sound like that should be the way it works. I guess my alt and I will need to do some testing. Good thought, thanks.
  4. I have found that you can increase and decrease the animation speed by 10% by drilling down down down in the menus. What is the faster way to do that? And where do you see what the increase or decrease is set to? If I am dancing and need to alter the speed of the dance, the song will be over by time I make adjustments going by the only way I see to make changes. I KNOW there is an easier way, please point it out to me. :) (I am using the Beta LLV3 with Starlight skinning) Thanks for your help.
  5. Where are you from? I live in Florida, USA When did you join SL originally? Sept. 1, 2007 What have you mainly spent your time doing in SL in the past? Started out renting a 4096 piece of land and building a home. Found out I can't build so I bought a house and started decorating it. Broke the house, rented a skybox. Now I'm homeless but I'm still here. How are you planning to spend your time in SL in 2013? I spend almost all my time going to clubs and dancing the day away, will most likely keep doing the same, I like the music in SL.
  6. I have a free account, have for over five years. If by having a free account, I (and all other free accounts) are not customers, then what we do makes no difference to the Lab. So if all free accounts stopped renting land, stopped buying lindens, stopped buying avatars, stopped buying clothing, stopped going to shows, stopped logging into the world, by not being customers it should not matter. I don't think that is right, it would kill Linden Lab in a heart beat. Free accounts are customers, like it or not.
  7. so i just pick up on the space thingy. bc i couldn't see why not either until i learn about the database if put a space in firstname then the second part is still not your LastName you still be: Jane Doe LastNames.ID (which points to Resident). not Doe. ----- Yes, you would still be Jane Doe LastName but as I understand it LL is working at eliminating the last name Resident. Not real sure about that but I think I remember reading that. So if they do get rid of Resident as the last name then even better, if not then “Jane Dow Resident”. You sigh up with a space in your name and no one will be able to tell the difference between “Teagan Tobias” and “Teagan Tobias”. That would need to be checked for during sign up, but that is what computers are for and they are very good at it, all part of the program.
  8. I could be wrong but, to me the problem is that to a computer the space is just another character. If you added to the sign up page the ability to add one space, only one, and only with at least one preceding character, and at least one trailing character, now you have “one name”, and a first name with a last names, everyone is happy and its not a big codding job. I could be missing something but if I am, I still don't see it, and my last statement still holds true... But we will not see it because LL does not care to put forth the effort. IMHO
  9. For a coder to say they can't do last names is lazy or stupid on there part, its a computer, just code it. And yes I have done and worked with coders. Now that said, there may be a lot of people stuck with the last name of Resident, but that has nothing to do with bringing back last names. Now bringing back last names and changing everyone from Resident to some other last name, now that is a horse of a different color. But again, bringing back last names can be done. But we will not see it because LL does not care to put forth the effort. IMHO
  10. I didn't read the rest carefully but here is what helps me. If I am using a LM from my inventory I bring it up and wait for it to load (right click and about I think), that is always a big help to me. If I am someplace, crowded or not, try to move before leaving. Walk someplace, short distance, seconds (1 or 2), then TP, that helps me. Just some things that I do and I think it helps some, TP still fails but not as often, for me that is.
  11. I had that problem and asked in a group I am in and they said its the viewer I was using. (it was not firestorm) I stopped using that viewer and have never seen the problem again. So... get another viewer or talk to the viewer Dev's about the problem, because it appears to be a viewer problem.
  12. You can send me your Lindens, I'll take good care of them. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  13. I believe virtual worlds are here for a good long time. They may not look exactly the same down the road but then SL is not the same as when it started. But I see several things that could spell the end to SL, other worlds getting a lot better, costing less, using hyper-grid, and luring people away from SL. Another sure fire end could be the good old American Corporate Greed, this is what I would place my bets on. But one thing I do not think you will see is no one interested in virtual worlds, there are a lot of them out there and a well run grid could last far into the future. I know I'm not going away. The problem with business today is no one is interested in making a living, they are only interested in making a killing.
  14. Shhhh, keep this quiet, maybe she doesn’t know about alts.
  15. hobbs Constantine wrote: I am studying the effect of virtual worlds on science inquiry skills. Participants between the ages of 18 and 65 should have had an Second Life avatar for at least 5 weeks before: taking an online pretest (~20 minutes), working through some basic genetics content (~20 minutes), and taking an online posttest (~20 minutes). Upon completion, the avatar's account will be paid $500Linden. If interested, please proceed to the Informed Consent Form here: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B7HbN-uLIFSqaGVPWDljTW9zYlU Cut and paste the link into your browser's address bar if it does not work directly. Alternatively, try accessing it through the Google browser that rhymes with dome. At the end of the Informed Consent Form there is a link to the pretest/survey to begin your participation. After you complete the pretest/survey, you will be notified both at your email address and avatar account what steps to take to complete remaining ~40 minutes of the study. Thank you. Wait a minute, my avatar can get an email address now, when did that happen, how do I get my email address. Will I look like TeaganTobias@secondlife.com. This part I need more information about because I know I am not giving out my RL email to some stranger.
  16. 16 wrote: official linden V3 oh! wait sry i thought you was ask for the best 3rd world viewer If he is from the US then V3 would be very fitting. (I am an American and I approve of this message)
  17. Why? Because, from what I can see the alpha is not offered or even referenced as being needed. They can be added (to some shoes but not even all of them) but you need to do some looking and testing to get the right one, and someone that is not aware of that, will not do that. They will just use the shoes, and from what I have seen, a lot of people don't know or don't care, that is why the name of the thread is Ugly feet. It took me a lot of time looking for the same style of shoe on the marketplace, for each shoe that I wanted to add alphas to, and getting the demo to get the alpha. That is why.
  18. Wow, still selling invisi-prims is just wrong.
  19. Some viewers take more “horse power” to run. I use Nirans viewer on my desk top but it will not even start on my lap top. There I have gone to Catznip and it works great. Go to the TPV list and it tells you what each viewer is attempting to make better. Nirans says “Viewer aimed at High-End Machinima and Photography.” I love it, love it, love it. Try a lot of them and you may just find one you can't live without.
  20. What is going on with invisi-prims, thought they were gone. I ask because I see a lot of ugly feet sticking out of shoes. Do a lot of people not look at their feet, and just don't know their feet are sticking out of their shoes. Or do invisi-prims still work with some viewers? Like a V1 viewer. I have gone to a lot of stores and got a lot of Demo shoes to get the alpha that is with them and added an alpha to all my old shoes and they look great now. I have even added two different alphas to some shoes to make them look right. And no, it does not work on all shoes. My old shoes with “a new alpha added” look good in LLV3 and Nirans viewer.
  21. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Linda Brynner wrote: one: LL has recently changed to another data location. Two: All viewers based on the new rendering engine plus mesh capable have had a major drop in Basic FPS. The latter is one of the biggest critisism about Second Life today seen on the internet. Firestorm, LL official viewer and all viewers based on 3 or 4 (FS) have the same problem. Terribly low Basic FPS. And this causes a very choppy and constant freezing experience, hence you can't move very well or not at all. Nope. Not having that problem. I get very high FPS. 40s to 60s regularly. I use the official V3 from LLs. Firestorm can put any number it wants on the front of its viewer BTW, but its still always about one to half an update -behind- the LLs viewer, then plus a few of its own unique mods. Its really not right to call it '4' as you do above. Having the TPVs use different version numbers is a little confusing for some people. I am sure FS is using LLV3 code base and the 4 is just there version number. The same is true with other TPVs, I am using Nirans viewer and the current version is 2.0.4 and it is based on LLV3 code and not LLV2 code as some may think by Nirans numbering. And my frame rate is around 100-150 in my skybox and around 40 in busy places.
  22. 1. How long have you been playing second life? I have been a resident since 2007. 2. How often do you play second life? I am in world just about every day. 3. Why did you begin playing second life? The rest of my family are big gamers and they attempted to get me in “game” with them. The one big problem is that I would not kill anything and as soon as I logged in a “game” I would be killed. Second Life gave(edited game to gave) me a place to “play” and not kill. 4. What do you gain from second life that you can’t get from reality? I go to live events in Second Life. In Real Life I have been to concerts and never have I been welcomed by name by the performer telling my how glad they are that I am there. That happens almost all the time in Second Life. Yes there is a lot more but that one stands out to me to answer your question.
  23. I'm not putting off getting Mesh waiting for the deformer, I am holding off because 95% of it just flat does not fit me. I have a very large folder of Mesh Demo stuff and I will never say, well that's close enough. However I do have some skirts from Has Been that fit, and I am looking at some skirts she just put out recently with color change HUDs for the skirt and belt. Very nice store.
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