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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. In case folks haven't heard (I haven't been watching this thread) : Premium Plus will officially launch during SL19B (Thursday, June 16th through to Sunday, June 26th, 2022).
  2. Well THIS is exciting! Nutmeg is at Shop and Hop this round. I can't post a photo but there is a very nice (if heavy) gift. Really gorgeous. Plus one half off item I am definitely going to buy -- again heavy mesh so won't work for everyone. I am perusing the TWENTY sims (mostly empty at the moment still ) to make my reporting easier and still timely *wink*. Less stress. PS: So I bought the item I wanted to find out that it wasn't delivered. Went back. Searched inventory and -- I had already bought it. I knew I had the carpet but the other piece. So the vendor remembered and gave me my money back and didn't deliver. I had read about this sort of new feature but USUALLY I remember what I buy LOL. So one point for the vendor system.
  3. Kraftwork at The Food Court Also comes in black plus a cute pot wall hanger. Mudhoney - The Food Court (79K triangles per set) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lovespell/130/154/26
  4. So I finally got into Anthem. They are having a "Pride Sale" with 50 items which some of you might be interested in. Here is the beach chair from Nutmeg. Meanwhile Seraphim was either completely wrong on prices OR the prices changed. The lowest price item is 100 linden and the highest is 850. The is (maybe "now") no fatpack which I was guessing was the 1900 price. I bought just the bed as the pillows added 4 li plus dinero. I have both the prims and the dinero but that meant those pillows had to be too heavy for my taste LOL. That's my report.
  5. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Umber/96/77/46
  6. I haven't made it to the event but according to Seraphim and the picture of the booth this seems like a very expensive set. If indeed the pitcher is $250 lindens (the lowest price mentioned). The highest price is $1900 but that might be for the adult version -- if there IS a separate fatpack.
  7. This is really cute. Nutmeg at Anthem. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Anthem/126/127/1107 Good LODs and triangle count. Event is full at the moment. I am really happy to see some improvement on the "game asset" part of the products!
  8. Pretty good LODs at this size. 8 land impact. 180K ish tri count. Nutmeg for Saturday.
  9. Note to the OP -- unless the new versions of Blender "fixed" this problem (and I am doubting that or there wouldn't be a video in 2.8 -- SOMETIMES it isn't YOU. Sometimes it is Blender. If you always have backface culling checked you can see when there is an issue and most times asking Blender to recalculate the normals with solve this issues. It is rare (for me anyway) to have to fix things by hand. But now and then depending on the complexity of the build it IS a triangle by triangle chore. Your build is simple so it should be very easy to fix. Sometime Blender just gets confused. BUT when you are learning it is most often "you".
  10. Might work? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Umber/143/49/3304 The more "organic" a home -- the higher the LI in most cases. This is 110. Comes both with opening on left or right (there is no door). I will be interested to see any others :D.
  11. Insurrection at the Arcade - 11 land impact and very good LOD. This comes with on off twinkle lights but I turned them invisible as they wouldn't work with where I am putting this. Really nicely done.
  12. Gift from LW Bento Poses at Tres Chic. THIS IS A NO COPY ITEM SO GRAB A FEW (free group).
  13. New group gift at Cosmo (free group) by Kaerri (well the Kaerri brand anyway :D), 10 land impact. Very pretty but NO MOD. There is an odd shadow prim that isn't working correctly but you can just put the planter into the ground a bit. I am there to show scale LOL but I DO MATCH.
  14. I don't think teasing is a cultural thing. The Lab may still be getting coding done in the background or web page stuff (which has historically been a problem on many new products). This is Memorial Day Weekend in the US so many places are closed through Monday. It is unlikely that anything will happen before Tuesday and I am still betting on "later" rather than "Soon" (tm). Since I have no plans to agree to Tilia in order to get Premium Plus or paying a fee out of my RL bank account I am only interested in all this from a historical viewpoint. Even if Tilia wasn't in the mix (realize this is MY thing and most folks don't care) I can't see anything I really need. Except for the one year I was Premium because of Belli (no regrets there) I have been a renter and it has worked out just fine for me. A half a mainland sim with almost full rights is certainly enough to keep me happy.
  15. In general I have a feeling that while lots of perks have been officially "leaked" LL is withholding a game changer addition to the Premium Plus pack. That would certainly make sense. As it is now, unless the cost is less than what has been hinted at it isn't a "oh I have GOT to get this" type of thing. Too much work by The Lab with not all that great a return would be sort of pointless. So hopefully I am correct. LOL.
  16. You will need to contact support, not talk to the bot (most don't seem to know much anyway). Have you tried logging into a different area? OR "home"? (which just drops you someplace -- or used to anyway. The beta grid IS down fairly often, but trying a few times over some days should let you know. Sandbox 2 is definitely working. In your screenshot you haven't filled in any password -- unless you deleted it for the screenshot but it only shows up as "stars" anyway. Good luck.
  17. As long as I can remember that has been the way FS works. You have a DIFFERENT login for Aditi than you do for Agni. And if you are using the OpenSim viewer you would have different logins for each grid you access in OS. They do not an have never used the same logins. Different grid, different login just like different avatar - different logiin. And I can log into the beta grid just fine so that isn't isn't a FS issue. I made a screenshot showing this but graphics aren't working today in the forums. I am going to try and link to it and will put that link in "soon". Looks like that will work ^^. Will see.
  18. I have been looking for "hat hair" since I made this post. Found a nice one that works with a variety of hats and comes with a full color hud (much more than the demo suggests happily). On sale for the weekend. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/White River Farm/143/179/24
  19. Now this is seriously cute!!! I am missing my rustic abodes. I still have a couple of thousand li left so maybe up in the sky. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lost Dreams Island/102/67/22
  20. This USED to be an issue with ad blockers or ad blocker browsers (like BRAVE). So try using a different browser that has no ad blocking on it. I use EDGE for that purpose.
  21. If you are talking about an "Opensim" environment, be apprised that while that will work for SOME parts of mesh, others are very different than uploaded in SL via the SL uploader :D. Good for some thing though. The beta grid (also free) is a better option.
  22. Most viewers have this function now but maybe not the Linden Viewer. This is Firestorm. Good for sizing. You need to clean up prims (and indeed imported mesh too) as the exports aren't perfect. Alt + J and Remove Doubles are a good first step. Really best to build with "mesh prims" rather then legacy prims as those are divided into many more triangles than a simple mesh prim would be.
  23. It seem logical that it would be just before SL19B or "at" SL19B. So a couple more weeks? You know things are never as soon as we expect them to be LOL.
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