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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Chic Aeon

    Door Physics

    I see Drongle is over there typing madly away so assume things are getting fixed for you . And Aquila too. WOW that's service LOL.
  2. Mesh houses do not NEED to have that "you can't rez" issue. It is a physics issue and when mesh was new there were tons of those houses around. Unfortunately some of the best known builders still haven't worked out that problem. The FIX -- and it is a VERY easy one -- is to put a prim floor (or rug) in your house and then you can rez inside. Obviously builders should TEST to see if they can rez in the house before they sell it LOL, but they don't all do that. For me -- aside from the land impact savings -- mesh gives you the abilitly to add many details (shapes that are not possible with prims or which represent highly tortured prims - very hard on the server). I personally love softly baked textures (not cast shadows) in buildings as it gives a much more realistic look. That being said a mesh house can be made with baked textures and still have the ability to "change the wallpaper" easily. It's all about planning. Most of the time you will not know the answers to these questions as you cannot rez in the demo area and it would be very difficult to figure out the mapping (how the textures are applied to mesh). You COULD ask the builder of course. I made a lot of prim houses in Opensim a year or two ago. It was fun. I like prims. But there are things you simply cannot do and designs that can't be made with just prims.
  3. This makes my fifth MAJOR one in eight plus years. THIS time it is my folder of textures for BUILDING. Many of which are not "mine" and hence I have no way to reupload even if I wanted to pay the 10L per texture again. Yes, I have gone through all the recovery steps. Yes, they are really gone. Happily I now mostly make things with baked textures which are -- again happily in another folder. I am not premium and this is likely not a new loss as I don't go into that "bulidings" folder or even look at it that often. STILL NOT GOOD. Not really a rant as I have learned over the years to deal with loss, but for the folks that KEEP insisting we never lose our inventories -- well here is yet again another case. /me walks off to look for some sort of floor texture that might be hiding in inventory in another folder. Yes, there is a "sigh" in there. PS and my often cleaned inventory is at 27,000 
  4. The only alternative I can think of would be to make the sculpt megaprim phantom and then place invisible prims to make your physics layer. Assume you already thought of that.
  5. Long time blogger with close to 5000 posts here. This is what I know. http://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/ Yes, Flickr is now considered a "blog" (I personally do not agree but that's how it is). That being said it is BETTER to also have a blog on Wordpress or Blogger where you post ALL THE CREDITS. This is very typical these days -- a large FLICKR photo with a link to a blog post with pertinent info. You do not need permission to blog anyone's items. It is really best NOT to criticise. If you cannot say something good about it, then simply do not blog about it. A blog is not a rant page. If you want to rant, then use the forums LOL. Edit: You can certainly give honest warnings. For example in my post yesterday I showed lots of great photos and a hud of a free gift from one of my long time creator "partners" . I mentioned that rigged hair would not fit the doll head (it was big). I framed it in a pleasing way that was not a derogatory statement, simply fact. " Now Bea has a head on her shoulders, so rigged mesh won't be her style. This gives you a great opportunity to dig around in your old favorites (mod will be necessary almost certainly) to find a fitting "do". A little stretching and readjustment and she will be all set. My antique style is about six years old, from Maitreya as part of fantastic blogger gift (back when there were very few bloggers) . Still looks good. " The creator sent me a note today and LOVED the post (yes in caps). So you CAN be honest. When you can, (after a certain time period and amount of bloggage I think) join a group like SL Blogger Support which can help you a lot with your blog. PS. I know nothing really about Tumbler. Most folks use Wordpress and Flickr and then Blogger (Chic waves hand). Good luck blogging and have fun.
  6. Agreed on the applier and neck sizing. Another choice would be to buy a Lelutka mesh head which has the same color palette as matreya and hence matches without an applier. DEMO OF COURSE
  7. Hey there. Wondering if you can document where this was revealed? (see below) "Content in Sansar is very much based on complete baked scenes, not assemblies of unrelated objects like we have in Second Life." Ebbe in many talks (some pretty recent) has mentioned the home decorating scenario where people pick a chair and a painting etc and put together their look. While this COULD be possible if all creators used the same lighting permeters it seems kinda odd that this is part of his often given talk. Thanks a bunch. Gotta run. Company. Hope this is clear.
  8. Note that unless you ONLY want to make clothes just for you, it would be better to use a "standard" avatar to work from. You might want to check this link out. There also videos. http://blog.machinimatrix.org/avatar-workbench/
  9. I have this happen quite often -- with mesh I have made and sometimes even with prims. The trick that works for me is to TAKE the item rather than trying to delete it. Also, I suspect you know this but you need to get out of "edit parts" before trying to delete or take. There are certainly times when an item LOOKS like it should be a few parts and is actually only one. That is often done with furniture and decor to save on the land impact. You can check how many pieces (prims says the info even though it is mesh) the item is and that will let you know if you can unlink. A full perm store should give you that info in the description I would think also. Good luck. Try the take and then delete from inventory and see if that works for you.
  10. Yes, backups are wonderful -- until there is a database meltdown (five major ones in my history with many thousands of items gone a couple of times). There is no safety LOL. We just pick up and go on .....
  11. You have everything you need -- just time . If you decide to make clothes you might want to check out Avastar which is very popular with clothes makers. Marvelous Designer is popular also but WATCH the poly count. But you have to walk before you fly, so work on some simple things to start like tables, chairs, picture frames and then work on harder things. There is MUUUUUUCH to learn.
  12. So my point somewhere along the way is that it is POSSIBLE to make things look very similar for folks running ALM or not -- using Cycles in Blender (or equivilent in another 3D program). I didn't pick out any special item. This is the last project I completed (yesterday) that was up on my building pad. I left off shadows but it looks very much the same with those. I didn't pick out any special lighting. It will eventually be a pose prop. There are two materials on this item, wood and metal. It was baked at 400 on a 1024 texture and is 3.5 meters long and 2.5 meters high. There are no normal or specular maps. We can never make sure how things will look to everyone. The best we can do in this platform is try and make things look as we designed them to look for the majority of the people AND provide samples that they can view. 
  13. Yes, buildings are tougher to light -- hence tougher to bake. You sometimes need to compromise (yes, I hate that too) and since making a house full many 1024 textures isn't the best choice IMHO, sometimes textures can't look as good as they COULD if we had unlimited power (or if more folks did really as I can load a lot of 1024 textures without an issue . Keep at it. I can honestly say it is MUCH FUN now. And I can honestly say it WAS NOT at the beginning LOL.
  14. Was this long ago or lately? I have lost plenty of things but mostly UNREZZED items in inventory. I consider things rezzed "safer" and have usually been proved true on that. Since I have VERY few no copy items (a few gacha things) and I take semi regular backups of the home sim coelesced, it isn't a HUGE deal, just seemingly something amiss.
  15. Actually I am not premium . Payment info used doesn't mean premium LOL. It is also rental land, not "mine" so I am not the landowner. But hopefully the problem will abate. Frequently our little extra ISSUES do disappear on their own. If it is a real technical oops I suspect someone else will file a ticket. thanks.
  16. The simple answer is YES! Cycles is fantastic (after the learning curve) and it works wonderfully in SL (again after the learning curve). It took me almost a year to REALLY get Cycles doing what I wanted it to do. Now it is much fun and I can pretty much get exactly what I want without a ton of effort. Here are a couple of hints about things you asked. Do a test bake at 20 samples. That goes quickly and you can see if everything is baking (I usually have several materials baking onto one map) AND if the lighting is going to be OK. I later bake at 400 these days but I have a hefty computer (bought in part for Cycles work). LIGHTING is key. It takes awhile to get the feel of that and get your personal default lighting set up. It will depend a lot on what you are making (furniture, houses, etc) and how large things are. I have a lot of Cycles info on my tutorial list (most from last year so I won't stand by all that info as I was still learning LOL) but there are also some newer screenshots from this year in my Google Plus feed here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/100190052320604204973/posts Here is the Cycles Specific list: https://plus.google.com/u/0/100190052320604204973/posts/45DDHkUnGvZ So there might be some info there that is helpful. Note that there are a lot of videos on YouTube on Cycles == many were also experiments and while going through the tutorials will likely be helpful you will probably find your own way . As someone said when I started to learn Cycles Spring of 2015 -- its like leveling up in a computer game. That is a very astute comment it turns out. Good luck. Keep going. Have fun.
  17. Demos solve much of the problem for sales as people can see what items will look like in THEIR viewer. I find that very few people think about what it might look like to others . I use Cycles Render and make my textures within the program so there are no AO maps. I find that with careful lighting in Blender I get get a realistic look of AMBIENT light. I avoid cast shadows on object or in buildings as I always use viewer shadows and have known for years how problematic those hard cast (Blender Render mostly) shadows can be. They drive me nuts. I find that with Cycles render materials ala SL specular and normal maps are rarely needed. The beauty of cycles is that even the folks without advanced lighting on see a lovely texture. I occassionaly add a normal map on items that would be very rough texture (like rocks) but stay away from them in general as the lighting can indeed give some nasty effects. We work within the programs and the confines of what we can do. That's pretty much our only choice if we want to keep creating .
  18. the Marketplace might be a good place to start: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search[category_id]=852&search[keywords]=apartment+rental&search[maturity]=General&search =1&search[per_page]=12 Filter for rentals and I typed in "apartment rental". Enjoy the hunt. Always fun.
  19. The items that disappeared were VERY low land impact (like 4 to 7), some just prims and I have a couple of hundred LIs for buffer at all times. No one can rez on my land other than folk perhaps in the same land group (just fixed that ) but I have autoreturn on also. The only missing areas that I have FOUND have been there along the roadway. I replaced them easy enough but since the do NOT come back to the Lost and Found just realizing they are missing can take some days. I am usually up in the sky. AND thinking about that now, if someone had tried to overfill the land I would have (should have) had any items taken off come back in my Lost and Found with a notice. I can remember that happening on a 512 once. There is very little that can be lost that I can't replace since it is a shop with all my stuff, but it is a hassle.
  20. This is the second time in a month when I have had to redo the front area of my store because sections just vanished. They were mine. I built them (mostly mesh, some prim). They were both CLEARLY inside the land lines and they abut the linden roadway. Two weeks ago the trees disappeared with a SECTION of my front entry wall. This morning a large grassy section AND the bus stop and pad disappeared. The no copy big tree and grasses happily remained. Being an old timer I of course had copies (some of which have mysteriously turned to no mod recently so things must not be going well :D). Anyway, there appears to be an issue and reporting as I know some devs read this thread. EDITED: A nice person contacted me in world with some ideas but I had checked those. Physics boxes (in some cases it was just a prim that was returned so no special "bounding box" there) were good and inside property. The two trees might have been into the air of the right of way but not the other items and the trees are not linked to the walls. ITEMS WERE NOT RETURNED TO LOST AND FOUND like happens when you encroach. Checked with the Linden Viewer and nothing miraculously appreared, so the items missing from today and a couple of weeks ago are still gone, not a viewer cache issue. There may be other things missing as it is a quarter of a sim withe various demo levels, but at least I know THESE things disappeared :D. 
  21. Just wanted to add here that just now I found a build of mine (absolutely ALL MINE including scripts and baked textures and sold on the Marketplace as mod-copy-nt) become NO MOD for ME. Definitely not handy. MAKE COPIES!!!!! And of course I have those. Some other very strange things have been happening this last couple of weeks but not relating to permissions.
  22. For anyone that may have missed that. https://www.blender.org/ Some pretty nifty changes and newness. Some WAY beyond me LOL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajdnTVDxsxU
  23. In case you don't know, you can use EDIT LINKED PARTS to see what item might be inside of things (like a door) and CHANGE the permissions WITHOUT unlinking. It is most likely a script, but that being said, I have had items COMPLETLY made by me (both prim and mesh) with only my scripts and textures turn into NO MOD for me (don't remember about the no transfer) over the years. One was only last month. Luckily I had the same piece that had turned no mod (only a mesh piece with NO SCRIPTS and only MY TEXTURES) as a copy so I didn't have to upload again. It does happen. Most likely it is YOU but it might just be SL Good luck. Make mulitple copies in the future - LOL. We learn as we age.
  24. And they seldom fit in the eye slots as you would want them to so adjustments are normal.
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