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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. I suspect there are many others like this and that I'm really not that unusual.
  2. SL now as compared to 2007 when I started, is much, much bigger but the concurrency hasn't grown along with it. This has got to have a thinning effect. The people I meet and interact with seem very much as they always have. It is just that you hear the same thing over and over, "where does everyone hangout?". There isn't just one place.
  3. When I am in SL I am also on another screen referencing other material in a web browser, editing a texture in GIMP, in another program for scripting editing, choosing some music, watching a video, etc. I need to be able to interact with the real world around me without taking all the gear off and on to do so. VR isn't going to work for me, regardless of whether I would get motion sick or not.
  4. Thanks. I must admit I failed to pick that out. It has been a trying day today and my humour detector must be off. My apologies @animats I should have realised.
  5. I have never and never would refuse to talk with a non-human avatar. I've gone around as a non-human myself at times. To me it seems really petty and mean to refuse to talk to someone for that reason.
  6. It's probably vendors who have decided to specialise in a particular aesthetic. For myself, even if Maitreya were ultimately to become unsupported by the majority of vendors, it wouldn't mean I would go out and buy a body with an aesthetic I am not interested in, I would simply buy less. If there were no bodies available with a Maitreya-like aesthetic which were supported, I would just stop buying. Considering the amount of clothing options I already own, I'm very confident I would cope.
  7. I hope you see what I did there!
  8. Don't worry, I'm pretty sure there's enough pendants around the forum to pick up the slack.
  9. I picked the wrong example for comparison, I'll admit. However what I am not wrong about is that if you pick up an item from group notices, it certainly does not appear in the transaction list of the person who posted the notice. I tested that to be sure and that information is actually the most pertinent to this question.
  10. I am like you and that is why originally I was an advocate also. We are not the problem however.
  11. I absolutely hope so but these differences of expectations are now causing more conflicts than before due to this joining. In my opinion.
  12. I didn't say that the rules were changing: I see this being expressed more and more by people who want to roam across from Bellisseria to mainland and have the rules (or at least the parts pertaining to land security) be the same. I don't think anyone who applauded the idea of connecting the continents ever expected that a wholly other Linden Estate with a covenant would be used as the glue to the other parts of mainland. It would have just have seemed bizarre and yet here we are.
  13. In New Zealand we have no legal minimum drinking age. You can only purchase alcohol when you are 18 however.
  14. I operate a no kill policy on bugs. I have a bug jar. When I find a bug in the house, in the jar it goes and then it goes outside. You have to wait until the flying ones have settled and have reasonable reflexes sometimes but if you are patient you can wait them out. I still use bleach to kill germs though.
  15. Not sure how they thought this would go down with SLB this time. I mean they picked a theme where it is normal to bolt on cogs, metal supports, prosthetics all sorts of other hardware bits and bobs. Sure *SOME* would think very carefully about their render weight and come up with a great but low cost avatar but I'm not sure how they couldn't see that many, many people would just load up as many of those things as possible so that they could be *THE BESTEST* steampunk avatar *EVAR* at the event. Not hard to see how the theme would encourage them.
  16. As Coffee said, there isn't. The reason it wouldn't show up on the transaction history is because there has been no L$ transaction when you take the inventory item from the notice. It is the same as if someone drops the item on your avatar profile for example. It isn't considered a sale, not even a L$0 one.
  17. Everyone is different and it's each person's own choice what they do but there is no shame in deciding that you've had enough for a while. It doesn't have to be a long time, doesn't have to mean to cancel everything, just a break. That's all I said.
  18. Sometimes protecting yourself does feel like you are losing, that's why it takes strength sometimes to do it anyway.
  19. Sometimes it's good to take a break from SL and hope they move on.
  20. Have you ever thought that's because many people on the internet say many things about themselves and declare themselves qualified in many things when in fact none of what they say about themselves is verifiable in any way. Whereas the rest of us don't make any of those claims but have what is called opinions and discuss those but those people in the first sentence of mine are asshats and don't seem to want anybody but "self declared qualified experts" to be able to discuss those and the rest of us just have to take it on faith about them and what they say. Sorry, but nope, not ever. I am prepare to believe I am wrong about many things. If I am wrong about my opinions then I shall recant on my death bed and go with an easy conscience with the sure fire knowledge that the only mistake I made in having my opinions was thinking there was an actually floor to the insane behavior of others.
  21. I used to think this as well but it looks like Bellisseria is being used as the glue for a large portion of it and with that is starting to emerge the expectations that Bellisseria rules will become the mainland rules. So on that basis, I wish they had never started to do this. Mainland should have stayed separate from Bellisseria in my opinion. It's a case of be careful what you ask for.
  22. I'm just shocked you didn't post that on the Religious Cult and Secret Society topic instead of this one.
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