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MartinRJ Fayray

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Everything posted by MartinRJ Fayray

  1. Hello, here is the site about your own landfees: https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php Here is the site about your land: https://secondlife.com/my/account/land.php If you need help with billing, please contact Linden Lab billing support: https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/
  2. Hello, you can try your luck with Radegast http://radegast.org/wiki/Radegast_Download It is a viewer aimed at older or low-performant hardware, and is the only viewer with optional 3d world view.
  3. Hello, it seems that Intel doesn't support OpenGL on Windows 8 for older graphics chips: http://communities.intel.com/thread/33111 To be more specific, Intel doesn't support Mobile Intel 4 on Windows. There possibly could be an update with the next Windows Update, though.
  4. Hello, it seems that Intel doesn't support OpenGL on Windows 8 for older graphics chips: http://communities.intel.com/thread/33111 To be more specific, Intel doesn't support Mobile Intel 4 on Windows - http://communities.intel.com/thread/33111 There possibly could be an update with the next Windows Update, though.
  5. Hello, make sure you're logged in, and the content rating selection is the drop-down right next to the search-field. Just switch your maturity rating by choosing it from the dropdown next to the input field (search field).
  6. Hello, currently there are rolling restarts of the RC channels, and maybe they're restarting the beta grid sandboxes, too. Make sure you're a member of the Second Life Beta group in order to be able to access the sandboxes.
  7. Hello, please see http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accounts-overview/ta-p/700019#Section_.5.2 Re-activating a canceled account If you have cancelled your account, you may be able to restore it, depending on how long ago it was cancelled. There is a US$9.95 reactivation fee for restoring an account. Warning: Even if your account is restored, the associated inventory, land, and Linden dollar balance may be unrecoverable. To start the process: Open a support case. Under What type of problem are you having? choose Account Issue. Choose Reactivate an old account. Enter the required information Click Submit.
  8. Hallo, hier kannst du deine Emailadresse ändern: https://secondlife.com/my/account/contact.php?lang=de-DE Das ist schon richtig, dass es nur ein Feld für die Emailadresse gibt. Falls du Probleme hast beim Eingeben des Passworts, achte darauf ob du Groß- und Kleinschreibung nicht verwechselt hast, und ob CAPSLOCK aktiv ist. Falls du in deinem aktuellen Passwort einen Umlaut verwendest wie ö, ä, ü, dann kann es sein dass du das deswegen nicht ändern kannst. Dann ändere zuerst dein Passwort auf dieser Seite: https://secondlife.com/my/account/password.php?lang=de-DE Und verwende keine Umlaute. Falls das immer noch nicht geht, musst du dich an den Support wenden, damit die dein Passwort für dich umstellen: http://support.secondlife.com/contact-support Beachte, dass dich NIEMAND der echten Mitarbeiter dich jemals nach deinem Passwort fragen wird.
  9. Hello, please go to the menu Me-> Preferences ->Setup and select 'Use built-in browser' and check ALL checkboxes (enable plugins, accept cookies, Enable javascript, Enable media browser pop-ups) and test if it works, then. They are needed in order to use web profiles. Also make sure you have the latest Flash version installed which is also needed for viewer media (but might not be the issue here). Please note that the Internet Explorer addon version of Flash is not sufficient, you would need the standalone Flash version instead.
  10. Hello, in case you talk about using two viewers at the same time: the viewers cannot share the media plugins, and therefore only the viewer that you started most recently will have full media support, for the other of two open viewer windows, most media will not work.
  11. Hallo, falls es um die kostenpflichtige Premium-Mitgliedschaft geht, die kann man hier kündigen: https://secondlife.com/my/account/membership.php? Achtung: immer zuerst die Land - Preisstaffel ändern auf dieser Seite: https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php?lang=de-DE Wenn man den Premium-Dienst gekündigt hat, kann man das selbst danach nicht mehr!!!! Bitte beachte, dass eine Änderung der Mitgliedschaft erst in Kraft tritt, wenn die aktuelle Abrechnungsperiode vorüber ist, das kann bis zu zwei Monate oder länger dauern, je nachdem welche Option man eingestellt hat (monatsweise oder jährliche Abrechnung). Man kann den ganzen Account auch löschen, aber es ist sinnvoller nur den Premium-Dienst zu kündigen, denn wenn man nachträglich einen gelöschten Account reaktivieren möchte, ist das meist mit schwerwiegenden Problemen verbunden (Inventar kann nicht richtig wiederhergestellt werden, 9,- $ Wiederherstellungsgebühr...): https://secondlife.com/my/account/cancel.php?lang=de-DE - das hier ist die Seite um den Account gänzlich zu löschen.
  12. Hello, please go to the menu Me-> Preferences ->Setup and select 'Use built-in browser' and check ALL checkboxes (enable plugins, accept cookies, Enable javascript, Enable media browser pop-ups) and test if it works, then. They are needed in order to use web profiles. Also make sure you have the latest Flash version installed which is also needed for viewer media (but might not be the issue here). Please note that the Internet Explorer addon version of Flash is not sufficient, you would need the standalone Flash version instead.
  13. Hallo, das klingt sehr danach als würdest du versuchen dich über WLAN oder mobiles Internet mit dem Second Life Grid zu verbinden. Das geht sehr oft nicht, und wird ausdrücklich nicht unterstützt. Eine Option um Abhilfe zu schaffen, ist es wenn du im Develop-Menü (das lässt sich mit der Tastenkombination STRG+ALT+Q aktivieren) die Option "HTTP-Textures" und "HTTP-Inventory" umstellst, je nachdem wie es gerade eingestellt ist bei dir. Ist es aktiv, schalte es aus, ist es deaktiviert, schalte es an, und probiere ob es besser wird.
  14. Hello, you can choose the device that you want to use in the menu in Me-> Preferences -> Sound & Media -> Input/Output devices
  15. Hello, here is an old guide about the Environment Editor: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Environment_Editor If you wish to share your settings with someone else, create and save a new environment (water preset, day preset...) and pass the .xml - files from C:\program files\SecondLifeViewer\app_settings\windlight to your friends, which then must replace them in their own folders (in the according days/skies/waters subfolders).
  16. Hello, just go to your Firestorm program folder and locate the 'Fonts' subdirectory. Then rename your new fonts to the names of the current fonts in the 'Fonts' folder, and replace the existing ones with yours (make sure they have the exact identical names, or otherwise it won't work) . Then you only have to relog.
  17. float fTimer = 2.0; //interval to check for nearby agents float fDistance = 10.0; //range to scan vector vLight = <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>; //prim_point_light's color float fIntensity = 1.0; //prim_point_light's intensity float fRadius = 10.0; //prim_point_light's radius float fFalloff = 0.5; //prim_point_light's falloff integer i_bool_On = FALSE; //stores the light's status default { state_entry() { //start a timer on startup of the script llSetTimerEvent(fTimer); } timer() { list lAvatars = llGetAgentList(AGENT_LIST_PARCEL, []); //retrieve agent list in the parcel integer iCount; //helper variable integer i_bool_Found = FALSE; //becomes TRUE when an agent was detected within "fDistance"-range for (iCount = 0; iCount < llGetListLength(lAvatars); iCount++) { //loop through all agents... if (llVecDist(llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(lAvatars, iCount), [OBJECT_POS]),0), llGetPos()) <= fDistance) { //...and calculate distance from this prim i_bool_Found = TRUE; //avatar found... iCount = llGetListLength(lAvatars); //...break out of the loop } } if (i_bool_Found) { //must be on if (!i_bool_On) { //turn on i_bool_On = TRUE; //remember status = TRUE (on) llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, TRUE, vLight, fIntensity, fRadius, fFalloff]); } } else { //must be off if (i_bool_On) { //turn off i_bool_On = FALSE; //remember status = FALSE (off) llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, FALSE, vLight, fIntensity, fRadius, fFalloff]); } } } }
  18. Hello, please see http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/downloads Make sure you have Flash installed, but not the Internet Explorer plugin version, because it doesn't work with the viewer. If Internet Explorer is the only browser you use, please ensure that you select Flash Player for Other Browsers, because the Internet Explorer version of Flashplayer is not compatible with any Second Life viewer.
  19. Have you tried Linden Realms, you can always get a few L$ there, for playing and collecting crystals in-world: http://secondlife.com/destination/linden-realms-portal-park-1
  20. Hello, please go to https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ and report an offline region from the dropdown-> Land & Region -> Report an offline region, and enter the Simulator name, and describe your problems. A Linden Lab support person will typically respond within half an hour.
  21. Hello, first of all, please create a new folder in your inventory, and right click it and add a new set of hair, also eyes, skin, shape, and right click this new folder, and choose REPLACE. You must select replace, not wear. Does this help? Other options: do you maybe have two monitors? This is a common problem in multi-screen setup. If this is the case, make sure that you're running the viewer always only on your *primary* monitor, as dual-screen setups are not supported by the viewer. If that doesn't help, make sure you have the latest graphics driver version, clear your cache, perform a clean install, but reboot your PC before you install the viewer again from http://secondlife.com/support/downloads and if you updated your graphics card drivers recently, try rolling them back to the previous version. Also make sure you have the latest service packs installed ( microsoftupdate.com ) if you are on Windows. And always use the viewer in a wired LAN mode, because WLAN often causes massive problems. Also you can un-tick 'HTTP-Textures' in the develop menu (CTRL+ALT+Q) and relog and try if that helps.
  22. Hello, in addition to what Rolig said, bring up the mini-map with CTRL+SHIFT+M and check it for lighter blue spots, which indicate objects that you own.
  23. Hello, did you try to reboot your PC?
  24. Hello, We are all only residents like you in this forum. It seems you filled in the incorrect age at registration. You can contact support at http://support.secondlife.com/contact-support and explain your situation and ask them nicely to update your date of birth, because it seems to be set to an incorrect date. Maybe they will ask you to identify yourself via a scan of an ID.
  25. Hello, did you maybe hit the shortcut key ctrl+alt+shift+4 which de-renders all avatars? If so, just press it again. See also https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Shortcuts
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