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MartinRJ Fayray

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Everything posted by MartinRJ Fayray

  1. Thank you for all the hard work you have put into keeping SL great! We will miss you a lot. It will be darn hard for any successor to step into your shoes.
  2. It was called "Second Life Residents". It was a social website that existed a couple of years ago. I'm not sure whether it was an official site from Linden-Lab, but it looked rather professional.
  3. What happened to the website called "Second Life Residents"? Was it renamed, or shut down? (Url: http://secondliferesidents.com/ ) I can't find anything about it with Google.
  4. No it doesn't help to change the viewer's language. Of course that wouldn't be an acceptable solution for me, anyways. CEF does offer the ability to turn off spell checking (by specifying NULL or an empty string for the dictionary-source). It's really annoying that noone at LL thought of that before rolling out the new viewer version with this badly implemented CEF.
  5. Is there a way to turn off spell-checking in the new browserkit in the SL Viewer? It drives me crazy, because of course it underlines everything that was written in my native language with a red line in the profile notes! 
  6. Thanks very much for your very detailed explanation. I updated that section in the wiki today, to make it work with the most recent versions of the Space Mouse software.
  7. I just got this email, and can confirm that offline-IMs and emails from dashboard are working again: Dear Mr. F., thank you for your patience. I have some good news for you. After talking to my colleagues from WEB.DE I just suspended the blacklisting. In a couple of minutes you will again receive emails from the email-servers *.lindenlab.com. Please consider, should the forwarding email-servers contact a high number of non-existing email-addresses on our email-servers, a temporary blacklisting of these particular servers will take place. In case that despite a temporary blacklisting of the forwarding servers there are no significant improvements of the delivery-rates, that can lead to a permanent blacklisting again. But I hope that this can be avoided, and that the servers score acceptable delivery rates. Kind regards Winfried K. 1&1 Kundenservice (translated by myself from German)
  8. @Marcus Does Uccello's workaround found here https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-7682 work for you? (PS: if you look closely, you will see that the OP edited his post to add more information (e.g. that she had the same issues with the LL viewer), no need to point at me)
  9. Wie heißt die Region in die du nicht kannst? Koennen andere Freunde von dir dorthin? Oder ist es moeglich, dass die besagte Region komplett gesperrt ist, momentan?
  10. Hallo, vermutlich hast du versucht in eine Skill Gaming- Region zu teleportieren. Wenn ich das probiere mit einem Account ohne hinterlegte Zahlungsinformationen, bekomme ich ebenfalls diese Meldung: "[15:45] Die Region die du versuchst zu betreten enthält unbekannt Inhalte, aber deine derzeitigen Einstellungen verbieten unbekannt Inhalte."
  11. Hi Orca, danke dass du dir die Zeit nimmst mir zu anworten! Erstmal vorweg: das Forum ueber das wir sprechen ist ein ganz stark spezialisiertes Forum (fuer Deutschsprachige SL-Experten, Viewer-Developer, professionelle Content-Ersteller etc.) mit einer entsprechend sehr kleinen Zielgruppe - zumindest solange Virtuelle Welten noch ein Nischenprodukt sind, und es soll ausdruecklich keine Konkurrenz zu existierenden Foren/Communities sein, und hat auch einen gewissen Bias auf der Vermittlung von Wissen, was die mir bekannten existierenden anderen Deutschsprachigen Foren allesamt nicht haben. Zu deiner Frage: in meinem Forum wird in den Forenregeln ausdruecklich darauf hingewiesen, dass es erlaubt ist fuer Projekte die mit SL und virtuellen Welten zu tun haben zu werben. Egal ob man diese als Konkurrenz betrachten koennte, oder nicht. Darueber wird nicht geurteilt. Deine Antwort lautet also: es wuerde mich freuen, wenn ueber solche anderen Communities dort gesprochen wird. Die Social-Network-Accounts vom Forum Virtuelle Welten teilen pausenlos Links zu anderen Communities, und helfen tagtaeglich dabei mit, alle News und Infos zum Thema "Virtuelle Welten" moeglichst weit zu verbreiten.
  12. Ich habe heute hier im Forum eine private Nachricht von jemandem bekommen, mit der Behauptung dass ich mein neues Deutschsprachiges SL-Forum http://forumvirtuellewelten.de hier nicht im Deutschen Forum vorstellen darf, weil es verboten ist, Werbung fuer 3rd-Party-Webseiten zu machen. Nun hier meine Frage, stimmt es was der Kerl gesagt hat: stimmt es, dass in den Community-Guidelines vorgeschrieben ist, dass man keine 3rd-Party-Webseiten hier im Deutschen Forum vorstellen darf? Kann mir jemand bitte den Ausschnitt zitieren? Wie ich das sehe steht dort nur, dass man keine Webseiten bewerben darf, die Produkte oder Services anbieten. Mein Forum bietet allerdings keine Produkte oder Services an, in dem Sinne dass ich dort nichts verkaufe oder bewerbe. Es ist ein rein privates Forum fuer Second Life-Enthusiasten bzw. fuer Leute die an virtuellen Welten generell interessiert sind (der Link steht jetzt auch in meiner Signatur, ueberzeugt euch selbst). Es handelt sich um ein privat gefuehrtes reines Diskussions-Forum - nicht-kommerziell - mit dem Hintergedanken, dass man gemeinsam Ideen und Ressourcen fuer neue Projekte fuer SL und andere virtuelle Welten sammelt, dass man sich organisiert und fuer gewisse Aufgaben zusammentut, und auch um Nicht-Experten Hilfestellung durch Profis innerhalb der Community einerseits in Form von akuter Unterstuetzung bei allen moeglichen Schwierigkeiten, sowie in Form von kostenloser Bereitstellung von Schulungsmaterialien wie Tutorials, Tipps oder Beispielskripts - also kostenloser Vermittlung von Expertenwissen - anzubieten. Dort wird noch nicht einmal Werbung geschaltet, es ist also absolut privat und nicht kommerziell. Vorweg ein kleines "Sorry" dafuer dass ich das hier direkt im Forum ausbreite, aber keiner von den SL-Mitarbeitern hier spricht offenbar Deutsch (und koennen deshalb nicht beurteilen was ich hier im Deutschen Forum eigentlich schreibe), und sie sind zu beschäftigt um mir zu antworten, und den SL-Support halte ich bei diesem Thema fuer total ungeeignet, die sind maximal gut um eine eingefrorene Sim neu zu starten lol. Wäre dieses Forum hier auf secondlife.com nicht voellig ungeeignet fuer die Deutsche Community - zum Beispiel weil man im Nachrichtentext keine Umlaute verwenden darf, weil es scheinbar keinen einzigen Moderator gibt der Deutsch spricht, weil es keinen Support (außer Billing) zu Europäischen Geschäftszeiten gibt, und und und - dann gäbe es auch weniger Bedarf fuer 3rd-Party- SL-Foren wie mein neues vwelt.com - Forum. Wollt ihr mich veräppeln?^^
  13. Hi, laeuft dieser Treiber eventuell bei kubuntu: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/latest-linux-beta-driver.aspx ? Mir ist aufgefallen dass du eine relativ alte Treiberversion hast, in den neueren Versionen sind einige OpenGL-Probleme behoben worden, die eventuell fuer die von dir beschriebenen Probleme verantwortlich sein koennen.
  14. Das Problem haben derzeit scheinbar mehrere Residents die bei Unitymedia sind. Am besten mal beim Support (von Unitymedia) anrufen!
  15. Pruefe mal im Viewer unter Hilfe-> Ueber Second Life, ob der richtige Grafiktreiber verwendet wird.
  16. Marishka Ixito wrote: If it's called a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. I am sure Italian magistrates agree. Seriously, it's really not that easy. Different countries in the world consider different games as prohibited gambling games than others. For examples a quick check in wikipedia is sufficient, to learn that for example Poker is considered a game of chance in Germany, but in Italy it's considered a game of skill, and many other examples: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_of_skill The regulations regarding gambling are extremely inconsistent in different countries all over the world.
  17. "Skill games" in Italy means something completely different than what LL consideres 'Skill games'. As you can read under the url you provided, the Italian government even considers Poker being a 'skill game', whereas Linden Lab prohibits Poker and any other games of chance and - more important - casino games, and they always did. The quoted regulation in Italy mostly covers casino-games, gambling and poker. See https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Policy_Regarding_Wagering_in_Second_Life
  18. Frankie Antonioni wrote: Ok, I'm not sure if this has been asked. I didn't read every page. What if somebody builds a skill gaming machine, that does not accept payment in L$, and doesn't pay out in L$, but instead took payment in Bitcoin, and paid out in Bitcoin? Would that be allowed? It uses no L$. No gaming place would have any machines that sold Bitcoins, or took payment in Bitcoins. That could be considered money-laundering and therefore it's prohibited by law.
  19. Hello, are operators allowed to buy stuff from the marketplace for themselves, e.g. to buy an avatar and fancy mesh-clothing? The part about operators not allowed to participate in any other SL-business is what worries me most. Since the official LL client still does not officially support to have multiple instances, and uses a hilarious amount of system-resources to run, it would be really difficult to maintain a social life in SL and at the same time practice the job of a skill-games- operator. E.g. an operator would (as they need to solicit in Second Life to stay in touch with customers and employers) need to have multiple accounts and therefore often need to be logged in on multiple viewer-instances at the same time, which is not officially supported (yet possible). For example the slplugin only works for a single instance, so an operator cannot use voice for his private account and his operator account at the same time, and hence would miss voice-calls in one of his accounts all the time. Will Linden Lab update the viewer to fully support multiple simultaneous viewer-instances (e.g. for SL-voice to work on at least two instances) and fix the viewer so it doesn't use a hilarious amount of system-resources like it does now, in order to make it possible for operators to maintain a social life in SL while at the same time using their operator-account? If you cannot promise that, then you should definately change the rules for operators (e.g. you could change the skill-games system so the operator can administrate his skill-games income via the website, and NOT directly with an SL-account), because they are residents too, and have the right to maintain a social life in SL, too.
  20. SosiaalinenKokeilu wrote: So, does this mean you have to apply for these licenses too Linden Lab? I mean you run Linden Realms. A game in which you need a certain amount of skill, in order to get a cash payout? No, there is no pay-in for Linden Realms, so the Skills Games-policy does not apply.
  21. Octavia Sorbet wrote: Purchasing games and add ons from creators is very expensive Okay I'm sorry to stop you right there, but this is nonsense. Gambling-casino hosts in Second Life never paid more than like 50.000L$ for a commissioned extremely advanced Zyngo-like game-machine (you know with 8 different play-modes, auto-play-mechanism/particles/sounds/bling, statistics and administrative functionality, and moving parts/effects and the like). And if a scripter charged more, they (the casino-hosts) simply found another scripter who did it for less. While on the other hand there are many zyngo- and other gambling-game- players in SL, which pay/bet 10.000 L$ or even more for playing a SINGLE GAME as a payin, using these slot machines. SL- casino-games are far from expensive. You can have experienced scripters write your own Zyngo from scratch for not more than 2000L$ to 5000L$, even with basic models, sounds, particles and textures included. Scripters who are writing SL-gambling-casino games most often have a worse hourly income than pole-dancers in SL-nightclubs. Blame the insanely extreme limits and limitations of the LSL scripting language and the LSL-virtual machine, which make programming games under pressure a true horror for the scripter. Those games often take 100+ hours to create only the scripts. But the gambling-casino hosts yet don't want to pay more than like 50.000 L$, sometimes 70.000 L$ for the entire machine, including mesh-models and texturing-work. To be honest: I feel sorry for every single scripter who still does that. It's not expensive to commission scripters to create gambling-casino-machines in SL. No it is the opposite: these games are extremely cheap, from the programmer's point of view. The L$ gainings (profit) for the scripter usually don't even pay up for the coffee- (or soda-)consumtion during the development of one of those 'games'.
  22. You can only use already approved skill games, so if you want to host a skill gaming region, you will need to find a skill game you can rent/purchase/license from this page: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Second_Life_Skill_Gaming_Approved_Participants#Approved_Skill_Games The creator of those tables will have to contact support about the issue, if he is in doubt whether he needs to report his games as skill games or not.
  23. Cam Mode wrote: Raffles are very regulated . Gives a short list of what all is involved. http://blink.ucsd.edu/sponsor/gift-processing/list/raffles.html In the very first line it says: "If participants are required to purchase a ticket in order to have a chance to win a prize, the drawing is subject to the provisions of Penal Code section 320.5 and related regulations as a raffle." Hence, raffle-balls/sploders which don't require the purchase of a ticket in order to have a chance to win a prize are legal, and NOT a game, therefore they shouldn't (and won't) fall under the new Skill Game policy.
  24. When you pay into a Raffle, I see it more like a donation to the club... for me it's nothing like gambling. Plus, it's not a game where you do anything to play it. The only interaction you make with a raffle-ball is paying it L$. Not like poker or one-armed bandits or other casino games or even zyngo games, where you play one or more games to win.
  25. See https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Second_Life_Skill_Gaming_FAQ#Why_is_there_a_fee_to_apply_to_become_an_approved_creator_or_an_approved_operator.3F
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