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MartinRJ Fayray

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Everything posted by MartinRJ Fayray

  1. Hello, first you will probably like to move the received folder into a specific folder in your inventory. so press CTRL+I to open your inventory, click the 'received items' button at the bottom of the inventory floater, and move the new folder to your desired inventory target folder via drag & drop. Then open that folder and drag the boxed item on the ground, then right-click open the box to unpack it. Good luck!
  2. Hallo, hast du den Viewer von dieser Seite heruntergeladen: http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/
  3. Hello Gfoult, in the menu under Me->Preferences->Sound&Media->Input/Output devices make sure that the correct input device is selected.
  4. Hello nellymonkone, currently all regions in Second Life are being restarted, probably the region where you tried to login is currently offline. Try again, and at the login screen enter a different region as startup region (e.g. your home location). ETA: You can find information about the so-called "rolling restarts" here: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ - rolling restarts are every Tuesday.
  5. Login at my.secondlife.com and go to this page: https://my.secondlife.com/settings/profile You can do the same inside the viewer when you go to Me->Profile->Edit profile.
  6. Please use phoenix or another V1 based viewer, if you try it with e.g. Singularity, you would NOT be able to un-delete an accidentally deleted/purged merchant outbox folder from trash.
  7. Hello, did you acidentally delete the merchant outbox folder when you were using a third-party-viewer (like Phoenix Viewer)? If so, please log in with phoenix viewer, locate the merchant outbox folder inside your trash, and then relog with the viewer that you normally use. Downloadlink: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/phoenix_downloads If that doesn't help it's recommended to contact support: http://support.secondlife.com/contact-support
  8. Hallo, 1.) das Problem mit den falschen Bildern im Marketplace ist bekannt, und daran wird bereits gearbeitet, aber ob und wann das gefixt wird kann ich nicht beantworten. 2.) man kann einen Marketplace-Shop nicht loeschen, lediglich das was du bereits getan hast ist moeglich: alle Items aus dem Store zu entfernen. 3.) Bezueglich der Marketplace- und Merchant Outbox Probleme die du beschrieben hast, soll man den Support kontaktieren, die haben jetzt seit kurzem Moeglichkeiten das zu fixen: http://support.secondlife.com/contact-support 4.) Wegen der Merchant Outbox log dich mal mit dem Phoenix Viewer ein und schau dort nach ob du versehentlich den 'Merchant Outbox' Ordner in den Papierkorb verschoben (geloescht) hast, ist das der Fall dann stelle ihn wieder her und versuche es dann erneut. Hier ist der Downloadlink fuer den Phoenix-Viewer: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/phoenix_downloads Viel Glueck!
  9. Hallo, 1.) das Problem mit den falschen Bildern im Marketplace ist bekannt, und daran wird bereits gearbeitet, aber ob und wann das gefixt wird kann ich nicht beantworten. 2.) man kann einen Marketplace-Shop nicht loeschen, lediglich das was du bereits getan hast ist moeglich: alle Items aus dem Store zu entfernen. 3.) Bezueglich der Marketplace- und Merchant Outbox Probleme die du beschrieben hast, soll man den Support kontaktieren, die haben jetzt seit kurzem Moeglichkeiten das zu fixen: http://support.secondlife.com/contact-support 4.) Wegen der Merchant Outbox log dich mal mit dem Phoenix Viewer ein und schau dort nach ob du versehentlich den 'Merchant Outbox' Ordner in den Papierkorb verschoben (geloescht) hast, ist das der Fall dann stelle ihn wieder her und versuche es dann erneut. Hier ist der Downloadlink fuer den Phoenix-Viewer: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/phoenix_downloads Viel Glueck!
  10. Hello, it's hard to tell what the error was, but I know two cases where this can happen: A) if you use copy&paste with a password that's longer than 16 characters, the website will crop it to 16 characters length, without telling you. B) If you use german Umlauts in your new password, you will not be able to login, that's a known bug.
  11. Hello, if you use a magic box, then just go to your magic box in-world, right-click edit it, go to the 'contents' tab in the edit / build tools floater, and drag&drop back it into your inventory from there, then delete the listing on the marketplace.
  12. Hello, could you please tell us what graphics adapter, viewer version and operating system you use? (Use the options menu at the top of the page to add the missing information). Also try contacting support directly if you're a premium member: http://support.secondlife.com/contact-support Did you download the viewer from the official download page: http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ You can try if you can get one of the third-party-viewers to work: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory Good luck! ETA: I want to add to Rolig's comment from above, that the directories differ if you are NOT using Firestorm, but the official viewer. In that case replace 'Firestorm' with "SecondLife" in the directory paths.
  13. Hello, you can turn off automatic updates in the preferences (Me->Preferences->Setup->Software updates). Also try downloading and installing the latest viewer (or beta viewer, if it doesn't work) from here: http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/
  14. Hello, try a password reset: https://secondlife.com/my/account/request.php If that doesn't help, I'd recommend to contact support: http://support.secondlife.com/contact-support
  15. There is a known issue with Intel HD 4000 graphics adapters with Windows 8, because Intel didn't release updates of their drivers yet.
  16. Hello, Second Life doesn't support mirrors, it would be too easy for griefers to make SL completely un-usable pretty quick, with mirrors.
  17. Hello, I also just tried and got a message that a display name containing 'Georgia' is banned. I am not sure, it is possible to use other Countrie's or US. state's names, e.g. I tried with 'Vermont' and 'Austria' with some alts and it worked (although I had hoped it wouldn't work, because now 2 of my alts have ridiculous names for at least a week:P ). Someone said in a previous thread about that issue, that the name 'Georgia' could sound too similar to the word 'Gor' and is maybe banned therefore, but that doesn't sound very reasonable. Also it would be possible that it's banned because it contains the spanish word 'orgia'.
  18. How is this Second Life-related? Also you will have to tell us more about your environment, IF there is anyone who has experience with this. What software and operating system were you using? Please use the button 'options'-> edit at the top right of the page to add the required information to your post. Thank you
  19. Hello, that should be solved very soon, according to the official Second Life gridstatus page: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2013/02/13/post1887/ If you continue to have problems, consider using google public DNS, look here for instructions: https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using
  20. Hello, if the ports that Second Life uses are blocked, then you cannot access Second Life from the university network. But most likely your network is using a proxy server, you'd have to fill in the information of your network's proxy in the Second Life Viewer's preferences (press CTRL+P and go to the 'Network' tab in the viewer). Ask your network administrator or a neighbour who also uses the network for that information.
  21. According to http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2013/02/06/post1882/ this is already fixed, but the search needs some time to catch up with the changes. Please don't file duplicate bug reports, this does not really annoy Lindens but it annoys resident helpers who are the ones who are linking and marking the duplicates.
  22. Hello, yes you can buy a couple of "sim scanners" on the marketplace. I also have such a gadget, it takes longer than area search of third-party viewers to find objects, but it's good to have in case you want to use the official supported Linden Lab viewer.
  23. Hallo, wenn du sicher bist dass das Objekt gestohlen war, dann fülle bitte das Formular im Second Life Viewer im Menü "Hilfe -> Missbrauch melden" aus. Siehe auch: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Deutsche-Knowledge-Base/Missbrauch-melden/ta-p/989887
  24. You can use this piece of code, but it requires that you enter the name of the persons in team 1 and team 2 into the lists (lTeam1 and lTeam2): string sTag1 = ", Team 1: "; string sTag2 = ", Team 2: "; list lTeam1 = ["MartinRJ Fayray","name2"]; //add names here list lTeam2 = ["MartinRJ Resident","name4"]; //add names here default { state_entry() { llListen(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "", NULL_KEY, ""); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { string sTag; list keys = llGetAgentList(AGENT_LIST_PARCEL, []); integer iNumber; if (llListFindList(lTeam1, [llKey2Name(id)]) != -1) { //in team 1 for (iNumber = 0; iNumber < llGetListLength(keys); iNumber++) { if (llList2Key(keys, iNumber) != id) { llRegionSayTo(llList2Key(keys, iNumber), PUBLIC_CHANNEL, name + sTag1 + message); } } return; } if (llListFindList(lTeam2, [llKey2Name(id)]) != -1) { //in team 2 for (iNumber = 0; iNumber < llGetListLength(keys); iNumber++) { if (llList2Key(keys, iNumber) != id) { llRegionSayTo(llList2Key(keys, iNumber), PUBLIC_CHANNEL, name + sTag2 + message); } } return; } } }
  25. Hallo, warte einige Zeit und versuche dann das Event nochmal zu editieren. Das Traffic-System wird zur Zeit wohl meiner Meinung nach umgebaut, denn viele haben schon das gleiche Problem gemeldet. Stelle sicher dass du die richtige Altersfreigabe eingestellt hast wenn du nach dem Inserat suchst, bzw. dass du die richtige Altersfreigabe für das Land eingestellt hast.
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