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MartinRJ Fayray

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Everything posted by MartinRJ Fayray

  1. Hello, make sure the people who try to join don't have the maximum number of groups already, also make sure that you didn't set an enrollment fee that's so high that nobody wants to join.
  2. Hello, this happens automatically. Make sure (if you have an ALT) you're logged in to the same account on the webpage. You may have to log out first.
  3. Hello, no you cannot move the app settings folder. It holds the cache of the internal browser of the viewer, the log files, the debug info, some setting files as well as the screenshot of your last logout. But you can move your log files and the cache via preferences (privacy and advanced section).
  4. Hello, please be aware that this is a community forum and not moderated by Linden Lab staff, as such. If you are a premium member you can go here to get help from professional Linden Lab support: https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/ There you will be even offered to participate in live chat with very experienced support staff: https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/ Live Chat is available 8am to Midnight PST, M-F; and 8am to 8pm PST Saturday and Sunday. Thank you
  5. Hello, did you maybe block this person from seeing your online status? (That option is visible in your friend list, and can be set in the profile of an other avatar)
  6. Hallo, hast du womöglich zwei Bildschirme und versuchst deinen Avatar zu bearbeiten während der Viewer auf deinem Zweitbildschirm läuft? Second Life funktioniert nur auf dem Haupt-Bildschirm fehlerfrei.
  7. Hallo, das funktioniert so: integer LINK_NUMBER= 4; vector localPos = llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_NUMBER, [PRIM_POS_LOCAL]),0);
  8. Hello, you probably hit the keyboard shortcut CTRL+L or just selected all prims with held down CTRL-key. CTRL+L is a shortcut to 'link' prims together (they become a single object, a linkset, consisting of a root prim - will have a yellow outline in build mode - and one or many childprims) that you selected together either by drawing a selection-rectangle around them in build mode, or by selecting all of them in build mode, and hit CTRL+L (or build->link from the menu). You can break these links by selecting the prim that you want to unlink (or the entire object if you want to unlink the entire linkset) and choosing Build->Unlink from the menu. You can select a single prim if you check the checkbox "Edit linked" in the build tools floater. ETA: Be careful, linking or unlinking existing content that contains "no-modify" scripts (where you have no permission to edit the script), will most likely cause damage beyond repair!!! ...and even if you have permission to edit the script, it will be alot of work to repair it... because the index (aka 'linknumber') of every child-prim changes when you link or unlink objects/prims together. And most scripts that are made to alter child-prims have hard-coded linknumbers, that cannot be altered if the script is set to "no-modify" (doesn't allow to be altered).
  9. You should be able to change that at the bottom of this page: https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php?
  10. Hello, in case you recently upgraded your graphics driver, try to roll it back to the previous version. If not, download and install the latest drivers.
  11. Hello, my first thought was that you could be having problems (as alot of people right now) with a RC Magnum sim, but I just looked: Furvata isn't one. Are you sure you're having these problems also on Furvata? Alot of Mainland regions are using the RC Magnum server code, so do you maybe have that problem on some neighbouring sims of Furvata only? See http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Deploys-for-the-week-of-2013-01-21/td-p/1837633 These problems should be gone on Tuesday with the next server deploy. Please update the topic (comment or use options->edit). Thank you very much! PS: If nothing helps, contact support at http://support.secondlife.com/contact-support ETA: Make sure you're using the latest viewer from https://secondlife.com/support/downloads?lang=en-US Also if you recently updated your graphics card driver before the issue started, consider rolling it back to the previous driver version. Do you maybe have a Livebox modem?
  12. Hello, clear your cache, relog and let your inventory fully load. Make sure you have the latest drivers of your graphics card, and try switching HTTP-Inventory (Develop menu - enable it with CTRL+ALT+Q or CTRL+ALT+D fromn the login screen). Also if you're on a wireless connection (WIFI), try connecting to Second Life via wired LAN. Make sure you use the latest viewer from http://secondlife.com/support/downloads. If that doesn't help, please do a clean install of *ALL* viewers (also third-party-viewers) and reboot your PC before you install the viewer again. See: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clean_Install for instructions. Beware that you must save your chat-log files manually, as they are often kept in the same folder as some of those that you will have to delete on a *clean install*. If you're premium member, contact support and ask them nicely to find your shape and run their 'inventory repair scripts' over your inventory: http://support.secondlife.com/contact-support ETA: Never use Secondlife on a secondary monitor, always use your primary monitor, in case you have multi-monitor setup!
  13. Kannst du etwas mehr Informationen posten bitte? Ganz wichtig ist welche Fehlermeldung bekommst du wenn du versuchst dich einzuloggen? Welchen Viewer verwendest du, und welche Version (die Versionsnummer findet man im Menü des Viewers bei Hilfe-> Über SecondLife)? Hast du das richtige Grid ausgewählt beim Startbildschirm? Welches? Welches Betriebssystem hast du? Welche Grafikkarte und welchen Treiber? In welcher Region versuchst du dich einzuloggen? Hast du meinen Tipp versucht: gib beim Startbildschirm zum Beispiel 'Chilbo' ein im Feld "Hier starten:" und klicke dann auf Login. Du kannst auch ein Supportticket öffnen bei http://support.secondlife.com/create-case Hier ist eine Liste mit weiteren Tipps: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Deutsche-Knowledge-Base/Anmeldeprobleme/ta-p/1538343
  14. Hello, the Lindens usually don't post in the answers forums. You could file a Jira issue instead: jira.secondlife.com
  15. integer swinging = FALSE; //set TRUE if you want the swing to initially swing float fTimer = 0.01; //pause between animation-steps (in seconds) list lSwinging = [11,4,8,6,7,5,9,10]; //list of swinging prims (fill in all LINKNUMBERS that should be swinging) integer iDegrees = 15; //degrees to move back and forth integer iSteps = 20; //number of steps for the animation float fDegree = 0; //global variable, stores current degrees integer iDirectionPos = TRUE; //global variable, stores direction default { touch_start(integer total_number) { if (swinging) { swinging = FALSE; llSetTimerEvent(0); } else { swinging = TRUE; llSetTimerEvent(fTimer); } } timer() { integer i; rotation r; vector v; integer l; for (i = 0; i < llGetListLength(lSwinging); i++) { l = llList2Integer(lSwinging, i); r = llList2Rot(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(l, [PRIM_ROT_LOCAL]),0); v = llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(l, [PRIM_POS_LOCAL]),0); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(l, [PRIM_POS_LOCAL, v * llEuler2Rot(<0,0,((float)fDegree / (float)iSteps)>*DEG_TO_RAD)]); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(l, [PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, r * llEuler2Rot(<0,0,((float)fDegree / (float)iSteps)>*DEG_TO_RAD)]); } if (iDirectionPos) { fDegree = fDegree + ((float)iDegrees / (float)iSteps); if (fDegree > iDegrees) { iDirectionPos = FALSE; } } else { fDegree = fDegree - ((float)iDegrees / (float)iSteps); if (fDegree < -iDegrees) { iDirectionPos = TRUE; } } } }
  16. Hello, when you go to Help-> About Secondlife in the viewer, does it say "RC Magnum" for the server version in the about window? If so, this is a known problem and will most likely be fixed by tuesday (after the next server updates). See http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Deploys-for-the-week-of-2013-01-21/td-p/1837633
  17. Hello, are you sure you mean "Nvidia 8600 GT"? That's not really a new graphics adapter. The 8-series are 6+ years old, and do not meet the system requirements for Second Life: https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/index.php? You could turn off the hardware detection and test if you can make the viewer run with your Nvidia 8600 GT: Edit your Secondlife shortcut, and add --noprobe to the end to turn off hardware check. See: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewer_parameters If that doesn't help, you can still use SecondLife with the Radegast viewer: http://radegast.org/wiki/Radegast_Download It's the only desktop-viewer with an optional 3D world view and it's also the only desktop-viewer that is not based on the LL viewer's code, and it works well with older graphics adapters and systems.
  18. Hallo, versuche mal dich in einer anderen Region anzumelden. Dazu gib beim Startbildschirm zum Beispiel 'Chilbo' ein im Feld "Hier starten:" und klicke dann auf Login. Falls das nicht hilft, klicke bitte hier oben auf 'Options' -> 'Edit' und füge noch ein paar Informationen hinzu: Was für Viewer (und welche Version) hast du, und was für Betriebssystem. Versuch den neuesten Viewer von https://secondlife.com/support/downloads?lang=en-US Viel Glück.
  19. Hello, bots can do everything that a normal resident can do (build, take snapshots, chat, receive messages, download textures and assets, and also upload them, read and change parcel and region/estate properties, buy or sell land, or search for particular things/stats/avatars, manage groups, update or create objects and scripts,... ), but they can do it faster and automated.
  20. Hello, can you check in the viewer menu under Help->About Secondlife if you're in a "RC Magnum" region. If so, this is a known issue, and should become fixed with the next rollout on tuesday. See: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Deploys-for-the-week-of-2013-01-21/td-p/1837633 ETA: I can hardly believe that you have a 1GB/sec internet connection. I've never heard of someone who has even something close to it.
  21. Hello, probably the viewer is using only the microphone from the webcam, as the Second Life Viewer does not support video chat. You can choose the correct input/output sound devices through the menu with Me-> Preferences-> Sound & Medio-> Input/Output Devices.
  22. Hello, please make sure you're using a mesh-capable viewer like the original one from Linden Lab: https://secondlife.com/support/downloads?lang=en-US If you're in a "RC Magnum" region (you can see the region channel when you go to Help-> About SecondLife in your viewer), that's a temporary current issue that should be solved by next week.
  23. Hello, please also look in your 'Received Items' folder. See http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Shopping-in-the-Second-Life-Marketplace/ta-p/700189#Section_.2 If none of Rolig's tips helps, clear your cache ( http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-improve-Viewer-performance/ta-p/1316923#Section_.2 ) and relog, and wait until the inventory fetching process completes, then look in your 'Objects' folder.
  24. Hello, the problem with incorrect listings is a known problem, you should file a support ticket about it. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ For the upload bug: For me it helped to make a clean install ( see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clean_Install ) of the LL viewer (from https://secondlife.com/support/downloads?lang=en-US ) (uninstalled all other viewers, also Third-Party-Viewers) and installed it in English (not in any other langue, maybe even set your Windows language to English before installing the viewer, and set the viewer language also to English/system default). Make sure you reboot your PC after uninstalling the viewers, before you install the viewer again. Then I went to a sim with the main release server and stayed on ground (not in a skybox), and opened the Received Inventory folder and kept it open then I opened the merchant outbox and uploading worked (while keeping the Received Inventory folder open).
  25. Hello, make sure the correct devices are selected in me- preferences (CTRL+P) - Sound & Media - Input/Output devices. Also of course make sure that the "Voice" checkbox is checked in preferences (CTRL+P) - Sound & Media
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