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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. This place had weird Windlight. It rendered the dress as white, but the dress is actually light blue.
  2. Yes, I understand. I've been in SL since 2007 and everybody was calling regions sims. Only quite recently I got out from the old habit - blame Patch. (And now I get annoyed when I see regions to be called sims; it has become a pet peeve. Help!)
  3. Linden Lab should totally upgrade the system avatar. So we could finally get rid of all the mesh body parts mess, and extreme complexity which has come upon us with them. Yes.
  4. I like to think what happens is: We see on our screen that avatar moves from one region to another region. Everybody knows (or should know) that a region is the 256 m x 256 m area. When crossing regions then in the servers a simulator handover happens (not a sim crossing). And anyway, on inworld signs "region crossing" is natural, because that's what we see is happening. We cross the border from one region to another region. What we see inworld is not a "sim", it indeed is a region. I know that "sim" is hard coded in many brains to mean something what it actually is not. Therefore people still speak of "sim" crossings.
  5. There are around 10000 new Linden homes ready now. There are about 38000 old Linden homes. Around 28000 new Linden homes are still needed. So the mass (forced) movement from the old homes will not be any time soon.
  6. No more traditionals, no more houseboats, no more trailers, no more Victorians! There are already plenty of those four themes. Enough is enough. Thank you. There are still four more new themes to be released. It would be very interesting to see what they are. 😃
  7. Oh no! No more clones please. 😟
  8. Sunset time. Sitting between two fires to keep warm, just in case if the night turns cold.
  9. In front of my house there is a strip of Linden land which is just enough for helicopter landing. Filling up the emergency floaters it's possible to land also on the water. No need for any (possibly unsightly) helipad, just land on the grass or water. After landing just hop off and the chopper poofs away from the Linden land. Few regions away from my house there is a boat rez zone where I can rez my helicopter on water. Perfect solution for me - to rez the helicopter on the rez zone, do some flying explorations and sightseeing, then return home and land in front of the house. Personally I feel that helicopters in SL are more versatile and fun than any airplane is. 🙂 (I have couple of airplanes too, but they mostly just stay in my inventory.)
  10. Display name is supposed to be a readable name, not a collection of weird characters. So, please don't "decorate" your display name with any unreadable/unpronounceable Unicode characters. It's not cool, it does not look nice. Just use the normal readable characters. Thank you very much. 🙂
  11. This is good evidence that black theme sucks. 😜 Anybody using black theme will miss out some important information, which is shown only to white theme users. 😉 😃 I'm still waiting for a light gray theme. For me the black theme is totally useless, and the white theme has some glaring off-white items in it. @Linden Lab
  12. Airplanes and airfields in SL are a bit of a joke. Especially the huge passenger planes and fast fighter planes. However, helicopters are quite nice to use for sightseeing trips in SL - and as a bonus, they don't need airfields. 😃
  13. I would certainly be totally pissed off if I were to lose my dream home because of some SL malfunction! 🥵
  14. Umm...what? The OP said: "What my plan is, is to use the BOM system, aka the classic avatar system to apply on both classic and mesh heads." The way I understand understand things is that the Robinwood template works well only on those mesh heads which use exactly that UV template (and naturally it works well with system avatar). Unfortunately some mesh heads use their own modified UV layout. For those heads which have different UV than the system avatar one needs to use the UV provided for the specific mesh head. There is no universal "one template fits all".
  15. Yeah, flexi still works nice in some cases. This wouldn't look so lively if all were mesh - even animesh cannot accomplish this.
  16. It might be that the hair animations are carefully done so that the hair does not move in such position that it would go through the body. Anyway, there is nothing in the hair and body which would prevent the clipping. Here's an example - the animation in the seat overrides the hair animation, and this is the result; clipping happens. So, the hair works well only with the animations provided with the animesh hair braid and nude body - or very tight clothes. With loose clothes - no. The animesh hair braid demo is limited to 10 minutes only! 😬 Unfortunately that is not enough time to extensively test it. 🙁 (-VA-VISTA A-DEMO VERGE ANIMESH HUD-V1 DEMO: Welcome Coby Foden ,you can try the demo for 10 minutes.)
  17. My neighbour has lots of bento animated trees, flowers and grass. On short glance they look okey'ish. But the longer you look at them the more you start to see the same repeating animation loop playing over and over again. On and on it goes forever. It gets a bit tiresome and unnatural, because you start to learn what comes next in the animation loop. The same might happen with animesh hair, because it is forced animation and has nothing to do with natural movement caused by physics. It might look cute and nice at first but for how long? I think that flexi hair still has the best natural like hair movement what SL can produce at the moment.
  18. Midnight shot against pitch black sky. Three local projector lights used to light the avatar.
  19. What's going? Anyway, today I saw two green dots in SSP1006 region in the map.
  20. Yes! I'll start... I just noticed that I'm one of the victims of this unfortunate malfunction! Why me? Why ?(°.°)? 🤬 🥵 😵 😒
  21. The mini map I showed is from Firestorm viewer. There are many extra options accessible in it by right clicking the mini map; for example showing the terrain, and also some other helpful things.
  22. Some viewer's show more things in the mini map than some other viewers - for example the terrain.
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