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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Whitmarsh/141/63/36 (Region not released yet.)
  2. For me the preference order still is (from most liked to less liked): • Traditionals • Houseboats • Trailers • Victorians For my purposes traditionals have just the right house footprint and garden area ratio. Houseboats on square parcels in non crowded locations are excellent choice too. The landscaping in trailer areas are very nice but the parcels are too small. Victorian houses have the biggest footprint, meaning less space for garden; the houses feel just too big for my purposes.
  3. The completed railroad which actually goes across the river is still hidden from view (it can be seen by doing a "Ctrl-Alt-T").
  4. Yes, agreed there is ocean all over. I walked route: SSPE1053, SSPE1054, SSPE1055, SSPE1057. Four regions totally dry, except the very south coast of SSPE1057. Anyway, I'm not complaining, just observing how it looks and how I felt about it. Those regions as they are do not bother me too much because Victorian houses are not the ones where i would like to have home in. I like my traditional house in very nice location the best so far. And I'm very happy with it, it's a keeper "for ever". 😉 Even though I'm a bit disappointed how some of the new Victorian regions look, I want to say that I do appreciate a lot what the Moles are doing. They have done amazing job in making Bellisseria beautiful place to live in. A big thank you to every Mole! ❤️
  5. The Quadro cards have not been optimized for game environments. Their main target area is 3D design software - AKA CAD applications used in industrial designing. They will produce robust 3D models without errors in geometry. That's why Quadro cards are rather expensive cards compared to GTX cards which are optimized for game environments. There is no advantage in using Quadro card in SL. It's just wasted money. With the same amount of money what Quadro costs it's possible to get much faster GTX or RTX card which are intended for gaming environments.
  6. As I said, very close to those unfinished regions there are also regions with houses in place, land fully terraformed and landscaped (not released yet, but ready to be released). There are regions after regions without any water features at all. And the regions look very similar to each other. Those things make the regions to look kind of monotonous and uninteresting.
  7. Without any water features those look rather uninteresting places to live. Sure there will be lots of trees and flowers, but it's the water features which give the regions the extra inviting and lovely looks. I wonder are they too busy in creating new regions as fast as possible, so they have no time to beautify the regions nicely with water features like earlier was the case? I went walking near there in some regions which already had been fully landscaped with trees and flowers. I must say that It got boring very fast. Nothing much to see except very similar places with houses after houses. It's a bit sad if that kind of thing continues to be the new norm in new regions. 😢
  8. For example In the free female Altamura Juliet body's HUD there are different colour options for the hairbase. From light to dark. Seven colours in all. You can select the colour from the HUD for the hairbase. Naturally it's not possible to change that hairbase to longer or shorter because it's just a flat texture painted on the skull, with few colour options in the HUD. It's common practice in the free or 1 L$ mesh bodies and heads that they have many limitations what can be done with them; that's why they are free or cost almost nothing. It's apparent that the staff member in Stealthic has just supposed that you had the full version of Altamura body where you can change the hairbase. Or he didn't know that there is also limited functionality free body. Before purchasing anything it's always good practice to try a demo first to avoid disappointments. (I saw in Stealthic store that they have hairbase for male avatars, but no demo available for it. All female hairs appear to be made so that they don't need hairbase at all. All hairs do have demo available, both for male and female hairs.)
  9. It's true that there are lots of new Victorian homes under work. The rumour is that a new theme is also under works. A preview region of the new theme is supposed to be available "soon" for visiting.
  10. Hair is an attachment which can be attached onto any avatar. Hairbase is not an attachment, it's a texture which is painted on the avatar. On those cheap Altamura bodies the textures cannot be changed. Thus it's not possible to change the hairbase on them. One solution is to buy better body which allows texture change. This would the best solution. Another solution is to buy hair which does not require hairbase. For example Stealthic sells very nice hairs like that.
  11. Those regions look like sand only on the world map. Some Mole has gone there already and has terraformed the regions. They are all green now, no sand there. And it appears that the Victorian housing will advance to those eight new regions too.
  12. They look (still) sandy on the world map only. But in reality those regions are now green. Some Mole did some terraforming there. 😁
  13. Yes, I guess that's what pops easily first into mind about tropical theme. But actually there are lots of different tropical scenes, it's not bright hot sandy beaches only. Like in the picture below - tropical foggy valley and mountains. Might be warmer than 55 F in the valley though. Probably not hot up in the mountains. I would love to see various tropical scene regions in SL - beaches, forests, valleys, and mountains. We don't have tropical Linden home regions yet. All what we have are colder region types.
  14. I would like just the opposite. A real tropical theme, with tropical plants all over the place and suitable modern open plan houses there. I live in cold country. That's why I would like something totally different in SL Warm lush tropics would be my dream place. 🌴 ❤️ 🙂
  15. Theresa is right. When I made the first snapshot I didn't notice that the tool tip was actually already fading away, that's why the text was was so faint. @Prokofy Neva I made new snapshot from the map. And look how very clear the tool tip is when it has not started to fade away. (Yes, you still have to know that the tool tip pops into view only when hovering the mouse over the button. But that's common knowledge how many buttons behave. Right?) 😉
  16. This is my original very first account created in 2007, and it's still my main avatar. Later I created few alt accounts. They come handy when for example I need help in adjusting poses in furniture. And yes, an alt is also handy when there is an urge to get a second Linden home. 😁 My alts are still very basic avatars. As I don't use them often there is no need to make them very nice looking with the latest things.
  17. One day I saw this floating dance floor passing by my house. Pretty cool! 😃 😁
  18. The learning goes like this: If there is a button in the viewer or something else of which function is not immediately clear, then you just click on it to see what it does. Or if you are afraid to click on some mysterious button on the viewer yourself, then you can ask from others what it does. What comes to the very faint hover text on the button, it's in the Linden Lab viewer what you like to use. Make a bug report to LL so they can make it better readable. Complaining about it here in the forums will not make the text more readable. (By the way, the viewer what you refuse to touch has very clear readable hover text on that button. Yay!) 😉
  19. @Prokofy Neva Linden Lab viewer's world map has the the clear button too. I just tested it, and it does work as intended, it will clear the tracking beacon. Prok, another way to clear the tracking beacon without going to the world map is: you need to click exactly on the arrow HEAD, not the saft, not somewhere near the arrow, but exactly on the arrow head. It DOES work. It always has worked, and works even now. If it does not work for you, then you have some serious problem on YOUR system.
  20. Testing combination of mesh and prims on avatar outfit. • Mesh body, mesh head, mesh hair, mesh necklace, two pairs of mesh earrings, mesh bracelet, mesh sandals. • Prim skirt made mostly of 218 flexi prims, necklace 50 sculpted prims, anklets 64 sculpted prims, hair flowers 7 sculpted prims. And the ARC is... very reasonable 74213 only! Not all flexies are evil.
  21. I tried Vista Erika AO in store. Indeed, it's expressions look pretty nice on Genus head. Genus head HUD has cool angry "about to murder" expressions in it. Below some samples from Genus HUD.
  22. I went searching for animations in inworld shops. Some of the Vista's expressions/animations work nicely on Genus head. Unfortunately, I find many of their body animations to be too lively and busy for my taste. But I liked what I saw in face animations.
  23. Some Bellisserian snapshots using Linden Lab's EEP viewer, version (released Tuesday, February 11, 2020). (Even though the viewer still has many faults and bugs, I like the moon.)
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