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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Read the rest, OK I was not clear that the sounds are made at the top of the atmosphere, but that is were they are made, and
I am using a lot of research
that was condensed for this thread.

Of course you can quote the research data you used, or if it is your own research, describe the measurements, the circumstances your researches where conducted, the redundancy of the results, well, the usual stuff that is needed and any technician/scientist does when conducting any research.


PS: as to how the sounds are made
i wont tell you
, ...

A beating argument, I think I've read that somewhere else before in a book, maybe the bible?

It proves that you have no idea what you are talking about.

By the way, my daughter stopped using that argument at the age of 6 or so  ...


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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

That just about sums you up, read your own post again,lol.


now shall we look at you, the man will a 1000 sheilds and a 1000 secrets, lol

I don't need to read my own posts again - I've read yours, and not only in this thread, but your posts in this thread reveal you perfectly. That's why I advised melita to notice who posted the thread, and then sit back and smile - knowingly ;)

Incidentally, the word is with - not will. And it's shields, not sheilds ;)

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Some weeks ago I had a chat here over the earth and its passage around the sun, I said that there would be large earthquakes when the earth crossed the solar plane, one of you said I was talking BS and that the earth was tilted and did not cross the solar plane, I put that reply down to CIA psyops, anyway we have just crossed the solar plane and had 4 large earthquakes, also the sun rose 2 days early over greenland, so I think I have been proved right, anyway that aside, I hear people have heard sounds in the sky, machine like sounds, if a large body had entered the solar system then we would hear sounds as the earth got between it and the sun, have any of you heard machine like sounds in the sky that last for an hour or so, this is important, those sounds have other elements to them that you can't hear and are electro magnetic, this would also explain the large amount of birds and animals dropping dead, the biggest thing we have to worry about is the passage of matter that is transferring itself from the sun and this large body, if we get in between them when this happens then we will fry, it will be seen as a very long and large solar flare and once this body is close enough will be constant till it moves away.


Have any of you heard sounds in the air?

The only sounds I've heard in the air have been the sounds of the motorway traffic in the distance, the neighbours having a BBQ every day this week (YAY for sunshine in the UK), dogs barking, and birdsong.

The large amounts of birds and animals dropping dead I put down to air pressure, sudden loud bangs, extreme weather.

I'm not very up-to-date on things astral or lunar, although Professor Brian Cox makes me want to learn more.  At the end of the day, though, if you think about how we all were created, right from the very beginning, the first atom(s), to us it had to begin somewhere, and we mull and mull and overthink, when really, what will be will be.  And just like Second Life, our Real Life as we know it can probably all be deleted/switched off with just one click (or very big bang).

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Lucinda Bullock wrote:

Dear I have been following this for 40 years, I don't have the time to tell you what I know, but I know so much about the van Allen belt that it would hurt you just knowing how much, I know its the weak link and can be proved that the USA never went to the moon, just one huge lie by NASA and the Russian know, give it a few years and Russia will make NASA look like the people they are.


40 years studying the Van Allen Belts and you still don’t know the inner Van Allen Belt reaches down to a few hundred kilometres above the Earth off the eastern coast of South America and the ISS periodically passes through the tip of this. Amazing! Scope for more study on both the Van Allen belts and the ISS I guess.

Sadly, it seems you have a similar lack of knowledge about the Oort Cloud (note it is the Oort Cloud, not the Ort Cloud as you typed). It’s named after the Dutch Astronomer Jan Hendrik Oort who first came up with this hypothesis. Although it is widely believed to exist and the repository of long term comets, it’s impossible at the present time for astronomers to confirm its existence as it has never been seen. The object Sedna discovered in 2004 is possibly from the inner Oort Cloud having been disturbed in its orbit and moved sunwards. It’s the furthest object discovered to date in the Solar System. Astronomers using the 48-inch Samuel Oschin Telescope at Mount Palomar could only see this as a point of light so I think scientists all around the world (including the Russians, we must not forget them) will be so excited that you have knowledge of a brown dwarf in the Oort Cloud and even have a picture of it along with its 7 moons. I fear you do not have even the remotest, teeniest comprehension of the Solar System.

Perhaps you should spend 40 years studying the Oort Cloud and the Solar System in general, although given your record with the Van Allen Belts after 40 years following it, that may not be good advice to offer you.

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Ty for joining me to the chat part of the beta group, I had to leave it because the people that chatted are much like the people here, I only needed the beta group to build at the beta sims, I don't need the ability to talk, so I rejoined as a normal person just with rez rights but no chat, those that do have chat rights are not really people that develop things they are like those here in this forum more to do with self promotion by putting others down, but ty for that, as for this thread I wish no further part in it, again like the beta group chat most here are people with issues so not interested in the subject just their need to put others down to make themselves feel good, i think all groups in sl are like this and are the major reason for the fall of SL.

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It is often the people who "think outside the box" who are ridiculed. This is often because people do not understand, or do not wish to understand, or are even scared at their lack of knowledge about a subject. I only know what I only know, Luci, and I think you got a mix of responses in this thread. A lot of people are very interested in how and why we are here, what is outside of our tiny little world, others don't wish to be reminded of it.

I know what you mean about the Beta chat and a lot of groups' chat. People are people. There is good in everyone, and there is bad in everyone. Sometimes the good comes out, sometimes the bad.  We have to not take it personally, and just be ourselves.

It was a very brave thread that you started.  I need to read up on a lot of things that have come up subsequently in the thread. (My book list is HUGE) :matte-motes-big-grin:

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Ty, I am old and tired, I don't have the time for this banter, I have met to many that are just wishing to climb on top no matter how many they tread on, soon I and my generation will be dead and this lot will be in charge, I think they will get what they deserve, but ty, was like the thread the other week about the meaning of life, so much I wanted to speak but again the thread was filled with narrow people with narrow views, don't have the time to change them or engage in them.

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Face it, you are some kind of a troll. Everytime you start a topic here it takes around 3 to 10 replies to make you jump out of your skin and blame everyone for being dumb, silly or to young to understand your brillant ideas and opinions. But instead of silently leaving you try everything to keep your thread on the top. Poking the people you called dumb enough so they reply again to say that you will leave now, because everyone is mean to you.

This continues for a while until you finaly find something else to do, cause every promise about leaving the thread, us or the forum aren't followed by actions. You want to look intelligent? Then don't rage on jokes, other peoples opinion or simply the fact that they dislike your behavior.

So...Mr. Superbrain-theworldhasearthquakes....trying to beat people by making a stupid comment about school yards doesn't make you stand in a good light. If you want to have nice discussions here, you should change something.

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It often makes me laugh out loud that people wish to climb to the top, but the top of what?  Ego is a strange thing. 

I am also old and tired.  When I was 16-18, I would meet my young friends at certain places in my town, and the world belonged to us and us alone. We knew it all.  Now the town belongs to the 16-18 year olds, and they know it all, of course.  :matte-motes-wink:

Ignorance can be bliss.  I fear I am ignorant in many things, but what I don't understand, I endeavour to learn about, and if I ever put anyone down, it is done unintentionally.

You started a potentially interesting thread, you must focus on the like-minded within it, and discard the flippant and unkind.  If someone treats you like you do not matter, better not to even acknowledge they exist, because we don't know what lies behind harsh words, not really; maybe simple arrogance, maybe mental illness. 


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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

also the sun rose 2 days early over greenland, so I think I have been proved right,

 That happened last year too, didn't it?

The only explanation, according to Thomas Posch, of the Institute for Astronomy of the University of Vienna, is a local change of the horizon: Since the ice levels are sinking, so does the horizon. The Sun's rays—coming at a very low angle because of Earth's inclination—don't get blocked by a mass of ice to the East and they can reach areas that were covered in shadow, illuminating them directly.

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The sun dont rise over ice, it rises over rock and that what it was measured against, but it seems only the people of greenland know that and think its odd that all these so called experts have ignored that and said ice. look at greenland and not places like Vienna that seem to have an axe to grind.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

It often makes me laugh out loud that people wish to climb to the top, but the top of what?  Ego is a strange thing. 

I am also old and tired.  When I was 16-18, I would meet my young friends at certain places in my town, and the world belonged to us and us alone. We knew it all.  Now the town belongs to the 16-18 year olds, and they know it all, of course.  :matte-motes-wink:

Ignorance can be bliss.  I fear I am ignorant in many things, but what I don't understand, I endeavour to learn about, and if I ever put anyone down, it is done unintentionally.

You started a potentially interesting thread, you must focus on the like-minded within it, and discard the flippant and unkind.  If someone treats you like you do not matter, better not to even acknowledge they exist, because we don't know what lies behind harsh words, not really; maybe simple arrogance, maybe mental illness. 

Mari, your "you must focus on the like-minded" seems to contradict your "I endeavour to learn". Do we learn from the like minded? As as to Lucinda's focus, it does seem laser-like to me.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Marigold Devin wrote:

It often makes me laugh out loud that people wish to climb to the top, but the top of what?  Ego is a strange thing. 

I am also old and tired.  When I was 16-18, I would meet my young friends at certain places in my town, and the world belonged to us and us alone. We knew it all.  Now the town belongs to the 16-18 year olds, and they know it all, of course.  :matte-motes-wink:

Ignorance can be bliss.  I fear I am ignorant in many things, but what I don't understand, I endeavour to learn about, and if I ever put anyone down, it is done unintentionally.

You started a potentially interesting thread, you must focus on the like-minded within it, and discard the flippant and unkind.  If someone treats you like you do not matter, better not to even acknowledge they exist, because we don't know what lies behind harsh words, not really; maybe simple arrogance, maybe mental illness. 

Mari, your "you must focus on the like-minded" seems to contradict your "I endeavour to learn". Do we learn from the like minded? As as to Lucinda's focus, it does seem laser-like to me.


Does it seem to?

And yes, you can learn from the like-minded, those being people with similar interests and leanings, rather than those who dismiss your beliefs, if you get what I mean.

Luci, like everyone, knows what she knows, researches what she's interested in, and just seemed to me to wish to discuss those interests.  What followed was a mix of like-minded people also wishing to discuss the theories, along with "the usual" people who just wanted to put her down for wanting to discuss something a little bit out of their range of interest.

So I don't believe my statement was contradictory at all.

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It is, I tried to isolate whether a hole in the magnetosphere could create sounds with the air at the bottom(top of atmosphere) and with the electro magnetic particles caught up in eddies at the top of the hole reacting with the solar wind, I thought that would be simple, but it seems none wanted to focus on that and wanted to focus on whether I am a worthy person or other outlandish things like making sounds in space and with bodies millions of miles away, as I am unable to express what I was looking for I have given up, I thought what I have said at the start would be seen for what it is as described above but this is not a chat to have with most of the people here.

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LOL, I knew it would not last long, just showing how destructive I can be, wont waste my time on the minnows here. I will go for the throats of those on top, I find the genghis khan way the best, kill them all then you are bound to get the right one, now as for your statement, you have DNA proof as to who these people are, because you are wrong, their DNA is pure white, not one Semitic drop of blood in them.

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