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Would you close your business if you were me?

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I first started with a shop in SL and then grown to a combat zone and a egyptian club! Now both these things were really fun to build and set up, even got my combat zone featured in the destinations guide, but I'm afraid that after the destinations guide feature on the login screen for my combat zone, worn off, I think it won't be paying off the land it takes. (My shop is currently paying the combat zone and club, but I don't think, honestly that the combat zone is earning me much profit, same for the club.., the club is even worse, I added a mall but now I have to find renters for it, it's really a slow process and I have no experience in running clubs, I suppose I could find a team to run my club but I have zero experience.

Should I just keep the store, shut down the club and combat zone and have a nice vacation with the family with the money I earn from the shop, instead of supporting these two entertainment zones I have, that don't earn me profit? What would you do if you were me?

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I'd write a "pros" and "cons" list out, and if it works out that you get a lot of fun and a buzz from keeping the entertainment zones open then I'd keep those open.

But I rather feel your inner voice is telling you it's time to ditch the entertainment zones, and have a real life holiday with real life family with the money you earn from the shop (and on face value, that does sound far more appealing).

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Hi voodoo

Ive read a few of your forums posts over the last couple of months...all connected with your business (I think at one point you were thinking of selling your store)...and how youre wanting to do this...then that...etc etc...seems to me (and this is just my opinion) that youre really restless...and in some sort of a rut...or maybe you just need a big break from SL for a time?

When you posted about wanting to get more exposure for your store..I checked out the gear...looked to be well made & good quality...maybe....cut out the stuff that isnt making cash...let the store run...and sit back for a while until youre sure of your direction.

Good luck in whatever you do :-)


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eh... if it ain't making the tier then there is no reason to keep it. you don't need land to sell on marketplace anymore. however, bear in mind a lot of people do look to see if you have an in world store before buying. also matters when marketplace is dogging.

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Business is not easy in Sl.

Always best to start out small and see how it goes.  Everyone thinks just building a club is gonna bring in the cash. It takes a lot of work. Marketing and time

And yes if you are going to have a club. You need someone to manage it. You may not have experience but users you hire may.

Hire hosts and throw events. Get you name out there by throwing cash events and get the people fired up about it and see how they respond. Business in Sl is no different than RL. You have to drop some coin to get it going, and work at it. It doesn't come automatically

I don't think closing is the option right now. I think you need to just research more and findout what works.....

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I don't think that anyone here can tell you what to do, because each of us does things in SL for our own personal reasons. Some people's hobby is to make something nice for other people and they don't mind it costing a bit to do it. Other people enjoy having a business as long as it doesn't cost anything, or very little. Everyone has their own reasons for doing things, and you're no different. If losing money on the whole deal is something you prefer not to do, close the things that lose money. But, if you don't mind 'entertaining' others at your own personal expense, or at break even costs, keep it all going. Only you can decide.

But your question is "Would you close ...". Personally, I would close whatever loses money, but that's me. Others would be different.

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keep what is fun for you and what you can afford to have,live in SL like in RL and do not put your self in a spot where finances are the defining factor of your experience in SL.

Many people can tell you build and selling objects  can really be more of a success when stumbled upon.

When I came here I just want to hang out and meet people to SL was a game/online hang out the markets where small but growing,  99% of the people that where a  vendor  wanted to be creative and make a few things.Then some one says "you should try to sell that" some people can say success came fast or never.

.Clubs..Can be a huge cost and finding people willing to spend their time running them normally means paying them and it sounds like your position is a less costly one.

Malls with out a steady stream of people.. who would risk it? Why would any one spend money to be in a mall that dose not sell?  You are better off up and running with good honest traffic to be able to make your mall foot the bill.

Cure all..Drop anything that cost you more then you are willing to pay in..

Have fun and keep being creative and be part of a community that offers you friendly support and are of your same interest..

Funny thing and probably not the best to say.I am not into maternity..Never done it.Never taken a ride ona bed..Never had a baby.Never bought a single maternity product I do it because I love scripting and it gives me a  challenge and I love making that stuff..I have a 2nd SL life I am very active in and bend over backwards for and really enjoy the people and it is my 2nd home in my mind.The min my maternity shops stop selling I will just walk away and keep on having fun with my SL friends and family in what I call "booby land" I come here to have fun and be creative not stress over cost.

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First I’ll start off saying that I have a close friend going through the same thing minus the combat sim. People seem to go way off the rails and spend time, money and resources building and starting clubs, malls, outdoor live music venues, RP sims, combat sims, even churches, weddings, wedding retreats, and mature content around their original intent (store or shop) just to try and draw business to that and end up effectively spending all their time on the ancillary and not have any time for their store.

Hell I did it when I built and ran a club round my store. My friend has a runway for model shows, a church, does weddings, has a wedding retreat, has a live music venue, and plans to add more and I’m just like "but you forgot your shop" heh.

I don’t have a problem with her doing it, if she likes it but currently she has no staff to help with any of these events, just her which takes away all time doing anything with the actual store.

If on the side you really like having the club (and I would recommend hiring staff to manage) then do it. If it's making you go bald, quit and work on just plain old fashion advertising. :smileyhappy:

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"If I were you" - but I'm not you and I know nothing about you. 

If it were ME, and I was in Second Life for money, and had a couple of large parcels that were not making any money for me, and I could not think of a way to monetize them (such as for instance putting a small shop ON the combat sim, maybe that sells weapons, or even putting secondary sale vendors there, or renting carts for other merchants to sell THEIR weapons on etc.) I'd dump the land that was not making profit.

That is, if I were in SL for money. I'm not, but I have an imagination. :)  

You can always pick up land again later, since there is so much of it now. People are selling mainland for less than 1 Linden per meter, since abandoned land sells for 1 Linden per meter, if people want any money at all they often price it less than that. So you don't have to worry about getting that much land again later, for cheap.

People are buying up entire sims for .50 $L a meter - it's crazy.

If only I could find a deal like that in real life. heh

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