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Direct Delivery Launching March 21, 2012


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Debbie Infinity wrote:

Great, just what I need, more work.  I think I will just close up shop and stop messing with the marketplace.

Me too because I still don't know how to do any of this. Well.. I think that other merchants were given notice before some. Because notice who isn't posting on these forums. Nuff said.



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What a royal PITA this is!


Thought oh hey this looks easy, just take the boxes out my magicboxes, plonk them in the Merchants Outbox which was showed in the quick migration instructions, so I do that, do a test buy and I read on my listing


"Use It Now

This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required."


What??? So I DO have to unpack all boxes and put them in tas folders :matte-motes-angry: Not only that, I now have 

 Unassociated inventory items, that won't blooming delete and even with removing boxes from the magic boxes and syncing them ot the marketplace, they're still there. Some items have now got confused and are saying unavailiable and still say they are in the magic box and not direct delivery.
Think to save loss of custom from items all over the place, I will continue to use my trusty magic box until such time that I will be forced to use this rickety Outbox thing.
I even shrunk my land size in world as customers were buying more from the MP then in world and now the MP screwed up all my listings!
This really isn't making me very happy and actually quite stressful! :'(
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Faye Feldragonne wrote:

Debbie Infinity wrote:

Great, just what I need, more work.  I think I will just close up shop and stop messing with the marketplace.

Me too because I still don't know how to do any of this. Well.. I think that other merchants were given notice before some. Because notice who isn't posting on these forums. Nuff said.



Information about Direct Delivery has been made publicly available for months in forum postings.  The only ones who received any information prior to the public postings were those who opted to apply for the closed beta.

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KellyM Watkins wrote:

What a royal PITA this is!


Thought oh hey this looks easy, just take the boxes out my magicboxes, plonk them in the Merchants Outbox which was showed in the quick migration instructions, so I do that, do a test buy and I read on my listing


"Use It Now

This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required."


What??? So I DO have to unpack all boxes and put them in tas folders :matte-motes-angry: Not only that, I now have 
 Unassociated inventory items, that won't blooming delete and even with removing boxes from the magic boxes and syncing them ot the marketplace, they're still there. Some items have now got confused and are saying unavailiable and still say they are in the magic box and not direct delivery.
Think to save loss of custom from items all over the place, I will continue to use my trusty magic box until such time that I will be forced to use this rickety Outbox thing.

What I have done for now is to bulk edit my items to change the "Usage Requirements" to "Unpacking" - it's a new choice in the Edit Items field -

Usage Requirements: None Unpacking Land Wearable

Also, I had to manually delete my Magic Boxes from the old Xstreet website (you can get there by going to MagicBox status in the Marketplace website.  Then all the unassociated items disappeared.

Not sure what to say about those 'unavailable' items though.. :/

Good luck, I agree the directions/implementation could be way better and the "Use it Now" is misleading, I dunno why they decided to make that the default when switching items from Magic Box to DD.  Some of the migration information is incorrect/still based on the Beta grid, so it makes it pretty confusing.


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Unfortunately, the sample messages showing the extra information in order history, do not yet match what is shown. Neither do the emails I have received concerning transactions. I know Direct Delivery is working, because that Sample Bear arrived in my Received folder, It looks as though the supporting infrastructure is not yet working.

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KellyM Watkins wrote:

Thank you Sera, I will give that a go. Its weird though. On my listings some say 'Direct' and some say 'Magic Box' but according to my Merchant Outbox inworld, there is nothing in there. :smileyfrustrated:

That is because the outbox empties itself each time you upload stuff.  I don't know where the items are being stored, but instead of storing it in our inventories or magic boxes, there is now some.. 'other place' where things are kept. Take a look at the Torley videos, they might help, they certainly helped me!


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WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote:

Unfortunately, the sample messages showing the extra information in order history, do not yet match what is shown. Neither do the emails I have received concerning transactions. I know Direct Delivery is working, because that Sample Bear arrived in my Received folder, It looks as though the supporting infrastructure is not yet working.

Yeah, I have noticed this too :(  It would help if the information they are leading us to were actually accurate... heh

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Sera Lok wrote:

KellyM Watkins wrote:

Thank you Sera, I will give that a go. Its weird though. On my listings some say 'Direct' and some say 'Magic Box' but according to my Merchant Outbox inworld, there is nothing in there. :smileyfrustrated:

That is because the outbox empties itself each time you upload stuff.  I don't know where the items are being stored, but instead of storing it in our inventories or magic boxes, there is now some.. 'other place' where things are kept. Take a look at the Torley videos, they might help, they certainly helped me!


Thank you for this. I think I have hope. ;-)

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Oh I see. So I have just been going over and over again and now because I have over 100 items unasociated, it won't let me add more.


So what with the "Edit unassociated items" not allowing me to delete, as there is some 'error' I am stuck for the time being.

Just wish I could start again. :/



So sorry to keep you waiting. We'll be right back!

We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly.

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IF my brain does not blow a gasket, I am going to use this opportunity to clean up my MP inventory. I have a lot of things in the box I don't list. I'm kinda sad we're losing our pretty gift boxes. Oh well. It will be easier for noobs to get dressed. I don't think the boxes were much of a problem for oldies. Besides we all have about 10000 in our inventory that will still be there. LOL. Happy Day!!! Om, Peace, Amen!

Turning lemons into lemonaid! 

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You can still deliver your items boxed. If you just drop the boxed item into the Merchant Outbox, it will automatically create a folder with the same name. Then just edit the listing to set "Usage Requirements" to "Unpacking" from its default of "None".

You can also Bulk Edit a bunch of listings to set the Usage Requirements on all of them at once. So do a bunch of boxed items, then Bulk Edit them all to set Usage Requirements to Unpacking .. and you're good to go.

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Well this is truly to much stress for me at the moment, so much so, it has literally given me a headache. So I have just unlisted everything at the moment, until LL clears up the mess they have created.


One thing I have noted in my 6 nearly 7 years on Secondlife....things are working well, then all of a sudden some pair of boffin Lindens with a very small number of residents, who think they know round every part of Secondlife with fine tooth comb, get together and plan how they can mess up every bugger elses experience.

I have to go points in my Secondlife where  I just closed up shop and left for a while, but then come crawling back. I am in two minds to cash out and just blow Secondlife altogether. Secondlife was my escape from the things that get me down in RL, but it's getting just as stressful now :( 


All my SL friends I have on Facebook, so won't be missing them..... :matte-motes-not-entertained:

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Awe, Kelly, I so understand. It is so stressfull and time consuming, and then the pay off is so small. ;-( The price, high! Especially if you own land... mine is 75.00 US dollars a month + extra for Prem, so, I'm so maxed out and really wondering if this is worth it anymore. Both time-wise and money-wise. 

I don't know how the decisions are made, but I'm assuming they're trying to fix the Market Place, and plenty have been angry about failed deliveries (this wasn't a problem for me, tho in a long time).

I'm hoping this new system makes it easier, but it does send your items to some cloud where LL has them squirreled away. Maybe this is good, maybe not. I don't know about anything anymore. Most of the people in SL are totally in the dark about these changes. We, us, here are less than 1% of users. So... all we can do is one thing at a time and try our best and if it's not good enough in SL, then we have to look for other grids. But things are changing, rapidly.

I don't care so much about "change," I care about the terrible communications from the lab. Everything is mysterious and causes lots of distress.

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Well, bye, too, tho not sure what the reference is.

Ok, just checked the two I uploaded directly to MP, and yes, it's slow as a snail, but they seem listed. Not sure what happened to the Magic Box listing of these two items because that seems gone. I watched the vid and thought I had to delete them.

Well, it was easy, and if I can do, anyone can. I am hoping the site gets faster. I'll just do a few each day. Sure feel better now that I tried it!

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I guess I'll just sit tight for a few days before I migrate my small store. The process is simple and straightforward, and I cannot believe that anyone would say the "payoff" is small. This is a HUGE step in the right direction for Marketplace, one that I wish they would have taken when they first acquired the property. 

Yeah, if you've got hundreds of listings, it's going to be a pain in the ass. There isn't any way around that, and it isn't the developers' fault. There is no way to make this migration just magically happen with minimal effort. There is no way to make boxed items magically turn into foldered items. There is no way to do this in a way that's hands-off for the merchants.

But what you get in return, and what I suspect you'll be very happy about once the madness is done, is the ability to offer your customers multi-item products in a folder, or a nest of folders if you please. It streamlines the process of moving product to Marketplace. Right click on an inventory item or folder, done in a few clicks and keystrokes.

This is one of the most significant improvements to commerce in Second Life since.. I dunno.. the beginning?


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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Stil doing my head in, why  it seems always go wrong with trasnferable items ?

who telss the truth? can we  relay  on it if LL telss items send succefully?

I  have nearly fail send, but  98% of the complanes is abouth transferable items,

i  think hard to  only  send copyble items to  marketplace and make them buy inworld for transferable,  that way  we keep sales inworld active to,

but its  pretty anoying  we dont know who or whatt to beleive on  not recieved items.



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  • 4 months later...

Just a general thought about boxing items ~ early in my SL merchant life, I realized that a box can be an important part of the product. I began boxing many of my items in complimentary boxes. For instance, my Tudor house comes boxed in a matching birdhouse the owner could place as a garden decoration. My fireplaces come boxed in stacks of firewood. Some of my items come boxed in decorative re-giftable boxes the owner can use to give gifts to others.

Surely there was a more sensible solution to a non-existant issue like rezzing a box than restructuring Marketplace and forcing a kazillion merchants to revamp their some 2 million plus products. Maybe the ability to open a box directly from inventory? That solution would also solve the associated non-issues of people giving multiple items to each other in boxes or inworld vendors which deliver items in boxes.

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