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Nazi Symbology becoming more dominant in WW2 RP/Combat sim, Will the region get into trouble?

Malcious Vuckovic

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A WW2/RP combat sim that has been open for 2 years now, when it was first opened we decided to keep the Nazisum to a minimum by keeping the German groups generalized, limiting the use of certian propoganda items and replacing the Nazi swastika with the Iron Cross.

This was to prevent people taking offence to the themes of the sim and to prevent the sim becoming a hotbed for RL supporters of Nazi Ideaology.

In Recent mounths though this has taken a swing away from its original plans, we've seen the creation of the 'SS' devision, complete with DeathSquad uniforms and its members greeting each other with a 'Seig Heil' gesture, at one point wearing Armbands depicting the Nazi Swastika.

This Continued with the creation of the 'Hitler Youth' Group, in which child avatars are armed with guns, sing propoganda songs of the period and do marches through the sim, in the past few weeks that has reached its obvious conclusion pictures of Hitler and books depicting 'Mein Kampf' have began appearing in several of the Axis occupied Buildings and Bunkers.

As a result we have been under constant greifing attack from various Left wing organistions, and sim traffic has began to slow down as (to the main organiser of the sims) roleplaying the nazi fettish has become more important than being a combat sim, and the Allies as well as other Axis factions are being shoved aside as a result.


While most of this is an Internal Issue with the ideology of the people who run some of the sims, my main concern and question is this, With such a high level of Nazisum now present in the sim, as well as now being run by people who are clearly Nazi Supports and not afraid to show it, will the other sims who do not support this action but are still part of the region be 'prosecuted' for the way one of the sims chooses to represent itself and/or is this an LL issue or an Internal Issue?

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I'm going to refer you to the Terms of Service, Point 8.2 (vi):


8.2 You will not post or transmit prohibited Content, including any Content that is illegal, harassing or violates any person's rights.

You agree that you will not:


(vi) Post, display or transmit Content that is obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;

Anything you find distasteful, unacceptable, please report to LL via the inworld abuse report system.  

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I gather this is sim you are concerned about is a single sim within a group of sms with similar role playing goals.  To answer your question about whether or not your sim (the one you seem worried about) would be "procsecuted" for actions that occur in the other sims that are fostering this hateful roleplaying of Nazis.  I think probably not........as long as your sim owner (and managers) openly oppose the actions that cross over to your sim.  Banning the offenders, etc.  Filing AR's every times such actions warrant and otherwise fight the hatred as best you can.  Like Rolig said, this is a resident to resident issue in part.  However the display and advocation of hatred is a violation of the ToS.......that part LL can and should take care of.  Complete and accurate AR's for every violation that occurs on your sim should be filed.  Tedious and, I'm sure, totally destroys the role playing that you and others are trying to enjoy.....but it must be done.  What I wouldn't do is to go to the sims condoning this behavior and trying to file AR's.  That could (and probably would) be seen as seeking out questionable ToS violations.........after all the people who frequent those sims can always say "we are not really Nazis, we are merely role playing".  That's a gray area for me.  If you don't like something and you know it happens at certain places they why did you go there in the first place?

Keep the AR's to violations that occur on your sim and report them as often as necessary........eventually LL will get it solved.  But you don't want to put your sim in jeopardy so you must make sure you (and everyone) on your sim doesn't violate the ToS in your fight against the haters. 

I don't roleplay but I can say I'm symphathic to your situation.  It's like dealing with SL stalkers........you need to be consistant and patient.  Don't blow it all by retaliating.

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Well, the Nazis WERE the reason for WW II.  In the interest of verisimilitude, I can't say these activities are improper.  The Nazis did exist, they did do these things.  It's important not to forget that, even as we do our best to see that they do not happen again.

If the symbols and the racism go beyond the borders of the sim and the roleplay, then I would be concerned.

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Am I mistaken that showing or displaying the swastika in modern day Germany is against German law?

Since Second Life extends to Germany, wouldn't the simple showing of a Nazi swastika within the country be against SL ToS, unless it's handled as an educational tool and not for entertainment?

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@Jerilynn Lemon jepp the symbol is banned and against the law. Sure asian people could find that funny or even racist but that´s another dumb law.

Even in history books you an get into trouble for using the symbol. Modell cars, planes ... cannot show the symbol too.

German people should avoid that sim or facing jail. For all other countries i see no problems.

Because LL is an american company, and they can use the symbol all day long there´s no problems, again.

Maybe if the german police would notice and than ask LL to ban all german people from the sim, but holy crap - that´s not going to happen.


The symbol didn´t kill people and deny parts of a countries history is just stupid and ignorant.
No one is bothered if kids play cowboys and indians, even the "cowboys" got money for killing millions of native americans.

Deal with your history not ban it, that will only raise people to glorify the crap each and every country did in history.

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There are many attacks on free speech. Hate speech is a primary beginning point for those wanting to control public discourse. Ban hate speech to breach free speech laws then start redefining what is hate speech. Soon saying I HATE peach pie.... will land you in jail. The idea is to devolve to the place where saying anything someone somewhere doesn't like is hate speech.

Germany already controls speech and is placing more and more limits on it. Saying anything negative about a world leader outside of Germany can land one in jail or in a law suite. I've been surprised at the number of SL'ers that think that is OK. (Reference)

California's ridiculous governor and Democrat controlled legislature want to make misuse of gender pronouns a crime. (reference) No regard for free speech. You have to say it our way. Basic fascist style government.

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20 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

Germany already controls speech and is placing more and more limits on it. Saying anything negative about a world leader outside of Germany can land one in jail or in a law suite. I've been surprised at the number of SL'ers that think that is OK. (Reference)

That's ... well ... a very short summary, to say the least.

Erdogan got butthurt over Böhmermann's persiflage aka reading out a "poem" on TV, found some ancient leftovers concerning infringement of foreign majesties and felt it would suit him. Merkel bowed to it, but prosecution didn't deem it worthy of a lawsuit. The paragraph concerned in that affair is in the process of getting eliminated. 

However, there's still Wahrheitsminister Maas and his understanding of making laws... ¬¬

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