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Ron Paul For President

Yohan Roux

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I am also not American and if I was I wouldn't be a Republican, but I would vote for Ron Paul, i think he talks a lot of sense and doesn't seem to be so bogged down with religious beliefs as the other candidates, but most of all I like him because he at least seems like a genuine guy, his delivery is so natural you can tell he has thought about stuff, arrived at logical conclusions and from this formed a political ideology.

The other candidates just seem to spout carefully prepared soundbites which are based on their statistical appeal rather than true political belief followed by their devout god bothering nonsense.

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I wouldn't say no one has.   Dr Paul has been pretty consistent in his primary standings so far and will likely go to the Republican Convention with a lot of delegates committed to him, giving him some power to have a large say in the party platform.   Dr Paul also receives more support from active duty/reserve military personnel (I was active duty and am now a reservist myself) than all other candidates combined.

Though a registered as a Republican, I am actually more of a Constitutionalist.   I may not agree with Paul on a lot of things he espouses but, smaller, less intrusive government bound by the limits of the Constitution and the assertion of individual freedoms, liberties and rights will always get my support over big government with it's nose in everything and kowtowing to special interest groups.   As a military officer, I took an oath to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution just like every politician and bureaucrat in D.C. did.    They have all failed miserably in honoring that oath.  Not being a lawyer, I just can't decide if it's simply a matter of failing to honor the oath they took or an act of treason.

As a resident of a state with only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul on the Primary ballot, my intention is to vote for Dr Paul.   Romney et al are little more than Obama-lite.  



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Ron Paul's speech on Foreign policy makes sense.....and one which most Europeans could identify with!

Who is the dipstick at the beginning of the video?....I can't believe they have Presidential candidates like that! It's frightening... as he seems the type that would lead the U.S into WW3....or figure out a way on attacking attack Iran next!

The arms industry must be getting hungry again!


Can't believe how ignorant that audience are ....was it loaded with neo-con voters? Fox News broadcasting it?



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Soon most of Europe will be in revolt, not a civil war but huge strikes and riots, that is when the world will need Ron Paul more than ever, the wrong hands could do the wrong things and it could spread, I hope that you are still standing with the constitution in your hands when this is over, your people need your militaries support more than the politicians.

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as far as i am concerned he is the only hope for the republican side..plus i think he would be good for the state we are in..he has a lot of experience and has seen a lot of the problems coming before they happened that have us crippled right now..like the banking crisis  and housing market collapse...

newt and romney are just way too hard core republican..they scare me lol

i just hope the hard core republicans get outnumbered in the primary voting or it will be newt or romney..

and i don't think either of those guys will beat Obama because they are so one sided and so hardcore..

i'm not looking for someone to beat Obama..i just want some the best in there..if Obama starts with that change shpeel again..i'm gonna puke..

unless he says..good change is coming  this time LOL


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Europe is descending into chaos, the fire fighters of Brussels have turned their hoses on the riot police, instead of rioters washing down the streets its the riot police washing down the streets, in Greece the police have joined the rioters and have given a judge an arrest warrant so they can storm parliament and arrest every politician, the rich are flooding out of Greece as the streets burn fearing for their lives as they no longer have the support of the police, things will get bad fast at this rate, so we all need Ron Paul because this will spread across the pond.

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@  Lynda, as you probably know, Dr. Paul of one of the few candidates, with military experience.  He was an US Air Force flight surgeon, and in the Air National Guard. 


@ Rene, that person is the supposedly leading candidate.  Newt Gingrich.  


@ Medhue, I like the way you think.  : )


@ Ceka, yes.  You're correct. 

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Ron Paul is the only person running for president that does not think killing, torturing, and beatings are how you handle conflict. Whether that means wars, or cops on the streets. If you do no physical harm to any1, there is no reason to recieve physical harm back. We don't need swats teams roaming the streets looking for pot smokers, or cops flipping over get away cars of a woman that stole condoms from the Walmart. Our society is quickly getting out of control with reason and logic being tossed out the window.

I do believe Ron Paul would also be good for the world. Yes, many countries would no longer get foriegn aid, but the average american is generally very generous. If we see people suffering and know about it, we will give, irreguardless of our own petty problems. Plus, under President Paul, we'd all be paying less in taxes, and we would be deciding for ourselves where to give our own money, not politicians. Foriegn aid rarely gets to the people, and usually ends of in a bad dictators hands anyways.

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Yohan Roux wrote:

I agree with both of you, in the UK Ron Paul is an inspiration, we are becoming more vocal now and calling for someone like him here.

I entirely disagree; he isn't an inspiration here and it is absolutely unequivocal that we are not becoming more vocal and calling for someone like him here.

Pie says "I wonder if Yohan is talking about the same 'UK' as I live in, where American politicians are perceived as the sort of real life puppets that made Spitting Image so amusing."

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The political reality is that he doesn't stand a chance because he can't attract the kind of super-PAC money needed to run a successful campaign.  Indeed, simply by arguing to cut the defense budget, he's disqualified himself from most of the funds he'd need to win.  And those same funding sources are critical to the campaigns of Republican candidates for Congress, so it's not as if he has any friends among the party apparatchiks, either.

The Republican race has been chock full of flagrant pandering to the largest contributors, but the most dangerous is the insistence of all but Paul that the nation must continue to bankrupt itself with ever higher military spending even after the current withdrawals are complete.

Only a Democrat can get a campaign funded with anything but an utterly ruinous position on military spending. So it's shaping up to a choice between Obama or whichever Republican promises to waste the most money.

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Yohan Roux wrote:

Dont blog in the DT then, is the sun more you, try the DT and you might learn what those that dont have a pitpull think.

PS the DT does have the top bloggers in, dont know how long you would last, they dont ban, they just let the wolves tear you apart.

Right, I'm channelling Pep here and I think he would want to know whether the post quoted above was the result of you being an ESLer, semi-literate (for educational or genetic reasons) or simply so splenetic that your fingers jerked wildly out of control on the keyboard, refusing to obey instructions from your brain. Pray do appraise us of the correct explanation.

Pie says, "For those of you who don't know, the "DT" is (probably) the Daily Telegraph, the political stance of which is slightly to the right of Genghis Khan - although they do give the daily cricket scores in complete detail - and presumably Yohan believes, as does my father, that everything it prints must be true, without reference to any corroborating (or conflicting) material".

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Qie Niangao wrote:

The political reality is that he doesn't stand a chance because he can't attract the kind of super-PAC money needed to run a successful campaign.  Indeed, simply by arguing to cut the defense budget, he's disqualified himself from most of the funds he'd need to win.  And those same funding sources are critical to the campaigns of Republican candidates for Congress, so it's not as if he has any friends among the party apparatchiks, either.

The Republican race has been chock full of flagrant pandering to the largest contributors, but the most dangerous is the insistence of all but Paul that the nation must continue to bankrupt itself with ever higher military spending even after the current withdrawals are complete.

Only a Democrat can get a campaign funded with anything but an utterly ruinous position on military spending. So it's shaping up to a choice between Obama or whichever Republican promises to waste the most money.

i hate to say it but you may be right..that's if things go as usual..unless this becomes a 1% against 99%ers and republicans can put away the us against them thing and vote for the man best for the country and not their party..they could get a big showing in the republican primaries for Ron Paul..i'm keeping my fingers crossed for it..

the republican party will not win the election with the other two..that type of republican right now will not get the votes needed to pull part of a democratic vote or the independents for that matter to win a presidency...if Ron Paul loses the primary then it's over for them before it even starts..

i'm just hoping that the past 8 years people are more awake and tired of how we are living now and ready to show up to the polls and vote to knock off the corporate edge..

most times guys like Paul don't make it past the primaries or they are running as an independent..

i'm in big time bible belt raw republican territory where i live..and really the people i work with are tired of how they are living..the businesses that keep hearing how it is getting better..those owners are saying..maybe they need to ship some of that better  over here..cause we haven't gotten any better here yet lol we need some better though..maybe next week we will get us some better..till then nope it hasn't..

it would be nice to see him knock Newt and Romney off..

i really think he could win..his biggest hurdle will be the primary..

and i'm hoping for a big turnout of citizens this round..because that campaign money may fool most of the people some of the time..but i don't think it's gonna fool them this time..

i'm really hoping it won't i guess i should say hehehhe

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I'm following the primaries at the moment and my only hope is that Ron Paul will have a good enough showing throughout them that his campaign won't falter till the convention at least.  I'm really intrigued by Ron Paul since he first came to my attention through some political blogs over here [uK] and Jon Stewart highlighting the fact that Fox News were going out of their way to ignore him or give him any spotlight in their coverage.  It seems to me that the more people are exposed to Ron Paul the more they like him and this maybe a point the right wing media are keenly aware of.

To my mind he is the only true Republican running, based on their historic principles, since Eisenhower.  The rest are just pseudo Christian fundamentalists, Tea Party lap dogs and right wing media cookie cutter candidates.  There's a touch of the Josiah Bartlet about Paul in terms of trust and integrity and his team really should be building and capitalising on that.  From what I've seen he's the only one who could go toe to toe with Obama in a debate on issues and present a plausible alternative and have a credible track record of views and voting records behind him.  As a natural left winger myself I could never vote for him, but if there were to be a Republican President then I'd rather him than any of the other shower of bought up and sold out reprobates.

Sadly though he does not enjoy the widespread support or funding of those two pervading spectres of democracy that Eisenhower warned of so many years ago; the military-industrial complex.  Add to that fact that most Republicans voting in the primaries will no doubt be watching and reading right wing media, that goes out of its way to dismiss him, then I'm afraid Ron Paul really is battling against a stacked deck.  I wish him the best of luck because he sure as Hell is going to need it and he deserves it.

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Full disclosure: Although I live in Canada these days, I'm a US citizen and hence could vote in the presidential election. (Theoretically.  Ain't gonna happen, but I could.)

From here, it's harder to see why so many folks are so disappointed in Obama. It's probably a different matter when one's patience is more directly tested, day after day.  Removed from the immediacy of waiting for change, the only news is about the changes that actually happen.  Well, that and the Congressional conspiracy to remain perpetually deadlocked on any issue for which campaign contributions can be raised.

Anyway, the Republican race is fun to watch as a mostly disinterested spectator. My dream is that Santorum, Gingrich, and Paul somehow win enough delegates among them to deny Romney a majority, and a good ol' fashioned brokered convention results. It's fun to imagine that they'd then draft some viable candidate, rather than any currently competing for the nomination.  It's just fantasy, of course; in reality, those delegates would never vote for anybody who might win the election.

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