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SL is drama, period.

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Wish you drama queens would get over it, second life is drama, it is what you would do with your second life, so there for it is drama the moment you log on, if you role play then it is created drama that you have to do or your not role playing, ever time I see the word drama it comes from someone addicted to sl and wants sl to be their first home rather than real life.

In fact from my point of view as I make role play systems the more drama the better, better than being a static hating others that are getting more out of SL than them, don't you all agree?

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Hmm I think SL is big enough to either find your desired drama or avoid it altogether....

Telling people you can't stand drama (especially on the front page of ones profile) is an open invitation for it. Most of the time probably on purpose. Easiest and best way to avoid it is just to..well.. avoid it.

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all role play is not dramatic..that is just one genre of it..

comedy can be another..thriller can be another..action can be another,violent or sexual..it just depends of the role play and the characters and what they are doing or acting out at the time..

i'm sure some may love to stick with just drama..myself i love humor *winks*


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Ok seems there is a culture difference, I am UK and go by the oxford dictionary, all those things that you said are other all come under the term drama, what you are saying you wish to filter it, well that's fine, but why lie to yourself by thinking that all the things you like are not drama but the things you don't are, lets all agree that the English Oxford dictionary has the agreed meanings of any words.

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I think drama when done right is great, the best can role play the positive to the negative as if real, when Sparta enacted its breakup with Athens it became real, the role play by some was so good that it took 100 others in its flow, I admit it did get to tense, LOL, and I was in the middle of it with different av's and different genders on both sides,lol, but it became epic as it was in Sparta and Athens 300bc, when over most had to have a break from SL, I played 5 different chars between all sides, most hated me when they found out cos they had become so deeply involved in it, but they had the best time of their life during it, the battles were epic and real, they really did try every trick in the book to kill each other, all the best role players there learnt their craft at toxia, another reason to thank its creator "Dime"

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No, sorry but i don't.

I've managed to be in SL for a long time now without a lot of drama and much prefer it that way.  I have run into it once in a great while because its unavoidable if your as active in SL as long as I have, but i get out asap and avoid it like the plague.

However, i understand why your viewpoint for business reasons.  I'm just thankful I don't have to put up with it myself and grateful that not everyone is interested in it.

If SL becomes all drama and roleplay, i'm gone.

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Much like real life, SL is what you make it. The places you go and the people you interact with define your experience. So I suspect the title of your thread "SL is drama, period" is only applicable to you and others like you, mainly due to the choices you have freely made since you have been here.

I've been here 7 years and focused on building content, creating a business and generally interacting with other like minded people. I try to avoid drama at all costs, it's not something I desire in RL or SL.

I deal with customers on a daily basis and obviously come accross some that are pure drama queens. At this point I am presented with 2 options, I either stoop to their level and engage with them, perpetuating the drama, which is what they want, or I can choose to ignore them. I always choose the later, even if it means loosing a customer and revenue.

I just don't have the time or inclination to deal with drama queens and quite frankly I can't be arsed with it.. So I don't..... period.

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Ok seems there is a culture difference, I am UK and go by the oxford dictionary, all those things that you said are other all come under the term drama, what you are saying you wish to filter it, well that's fine, but why lie to yourself by thinking that all the things you like are not drama but the things you don't are, lets all agree that the English Oxford dictionary has the agreed meanings of any words.

i'm apache..and i'm not in the UK..go by what you want and thats fine i will respect it..you should state things like this at the start of your thread rather than as it goes along..then the rules are clear on your meaing..

but you didn't and it was open for more than one definition..so thats the answer you had recieved..

so saying i lie to myself is just  not true half way into a discussion while you change the rules ..


but now that we know..it's now fair ..unless there are more rules that will be added later?




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I only build, script and chat in SL.

So if SL is drama. Also all other 3D modeling enviroments are drama. And all other programming languages are drama. All other communicating tools are drama.

Blender, C++, Maya, Java, e-Mail, ZBrush, HTML, 3ds Max, Phone, Basic, MSN, and many others are all drama, Period.

I dont care if it is drama or not, im still having fun with them.


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I think its silly to take something you see as a great motivator for rp to be great for everyone. Most of the time I'm online, I'm just me. Not a charakter I created for a roleplay setting and I want people to respect that. The only time I mentioned the word "drama" in some way in my profile is a statement to all those stupid disclaimers which mostly want to tell me, that I did agree to some dumb selfcreated rule by IM them. But thats another topic.

Finaly, as a roleplayer myself, I think the desire for drama and dramaqueens especially is the worst thing you can do to your roleplay environment. A catching roleplay, which people want to join, is created by a good storyline, interesting charakters with feelings, realistic actions and a good background. Dramaqueens doesn't care for a storyline and they won't stop the drama at the border of the roleplay. And if you have luck, and they don't do that.....there drama is pretty poor and breaks logic and setting within a moment.

But I guess its worthless to tell those things to someone who barly mistakes the desire for a friendly and peacefull stay in SL as an addiction to SL.

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

If you make things for role play sims then drama is your food, role play sims tend to fail when the drama stops, that is something I have noticed, get the drama balance right and the sims grow, but I have noticed info hubs grow as others shrink.

this is what it says about drama..it's showing it as a genre or style as well in the oxford dictionary heheheh


Pronunciation: /ˈdrɑːmə/




a play for theatre, radio, or television: a gritty urban drama about growing up in Harlem

    [mass noun] plays as a genre or style of literature: Renaissance drama

    [mass noun] the activity of acting: teachers who use drama are working in partnership with pupils [as modifier]: drama school



an exciting, emotional, or unexpected event or circumstance: a hostage drama [mass noun]: an afternoon of high drama at Wembley




make a drama out of

    informal exaggerate the importance of (a minor problem or incident): Gwyneth makes such a drama out of things




early 16th century: via late Latin from Greek drama, from dran 'do, act'




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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Maybe you only feel at peace in that kind environment, that's fine, why not try to be someone else cos maybe being you all the time is not doing you good, don't know, you have a box over your head.

I would disagree. being me in SL has benefited my RL a great amount, it's allowed me to pay off my mortgage, bought me an expensive car and allowed me nice holidays for the last 5 years, so I would say my current approach to SL is doing me a lot of good.

If I want to roleplay I'lll go and play Skyrim.

And it's a bag on my head, not a box :smileyhappy:


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Oddly, I don't see this drama thing at all inworld in my experience of SL.

I find SL forums to be high drama, but SL itself to be very low drama. Almost free of it.

Some people have very negative attitudes: selfish, self-focused, jealous, narcissistic, iconoclastic, libertarian - those kinds of 'me first and community can die' mentalities tend to wrap them up in a lot of problems when they find other people have needs, and those needs are either not trying to take advantage of others - or trying to take advantage of them. I.e.: The only thing more drama brewing than a narcissist meeting a community minded person is one facing off against someone just like them.

I either keep to myself, or socialize with like community-thinkers who instinctively consider the feelings of those around them - such people tend to not get into these problems.

By contrast, being of strong opinion, on places like forums I magent onto folks who have 'my way', 'I'm better', or other selfish mentalities and end up with conflicts in such places. But inworld and in RL, pretty smooth sailing.


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Again a culture diff, Drama means what it means and your reply even says that " is created by a good storyline, interesting charakters with feelings, realistic actions and a good background"


So what you are saying is those bad at it are "dramaqueens ", yes i agree with that.

Pity all dont see the logic of their own thoughts

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Its your fault talking about two different things at the same time.

Speaking of drama in the context of acting in a movie, story or anykind of theather is something different from "SL drama". Your opening post mixes both things together. SL can't be all drama, cause SL is not all about roleplaying in a fantasy story.

Now stop trolling and continue thinking your great on your own.

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Now greek drama i love, was a guy at sparta that for a short time told the storys, i was spell bound, some of the best moments in SL.

i love the spartacus series on stars hehehe

it's really good and it makes much more realistic as to what it was like than any others that i have seen heheheh

ok Ganacus tribute time =)  we need more Ganacus and Crixus in SL hehehe i feel it is the only right answer lol

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Every Sunday Sparta have a FFA tournament, about 20 in the arena fight till only one is standing, to win the tournament you have to be the last one standing 3 times, I won it once in a cage, but have fought at nord in the days of the Friday FFA, came second, I have fought in huge battles and cut as many as 4 down before I fell myself, one of my AV's was the protector of the great Athens general (Mystery), in most of the wars he survived but I never did, the Spartan king would send all his best to put us down first, and another time another AV was one of the spartans he would send.


Lucinda Bulloch has never fought or been to war, i must add that, none of these combat sims have never seem me as lucinda bulloch.

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