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Miss Murder?

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

my Cell screen is too small to even try to post to these fourms...........i'm waiting for 5g to get the iphones.....right now i'm on some version of AT&T that was pretty basic when i got it....... i never really use my cell..it just kind of sits there lol...............maybe if i get an Iphone i'll use it more hehehehehe..............

AT&T makes cell phones? 

i don't know if they do or not but thats where i got it from  lol

i just looked mine up and this is the one i have right now..it's nothing special...


sorry i don't have forum tools so you would have to copy and paste the  url to see it...


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MP can be good, I use it a lot to browse for stuff, but if the item is not delivered and if I can't see or buy it inworld, there is no sale.

That is why I don't understand vendors who just on MP and don't even have a tiny shop somewhere in world.

I want to be able to visit the shop and see the items or buy them there if MP isn't working.

A cheap little skybox somewhere won't cut into your provit too much.


As for old phones... I have also have an old Motorola... made in 1937... on a wire.... I don't do mobile.

Does my phone win?

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Eloise Baily wrote:


Think...hmmmm my plants are looking a bit 80s, let's go shopping.

Open the MP while inworld.

Search, find, look for inworld location.

Go to inworld location. Rinse and repeat untill I find the thing that is most glittery.

Well see, if this was how MP worked, it'd be good for SL.

But the trendline is going the other way. Direct Delivery is coming, so you won't even need the 16m square of land to host a magic box...


And your observation is endemic of the problem.

You said 'bad for business' - you disagree with me that its bad for business.


I never said it was bad for 'business'.




The problem is that its too good for busines.


So good for the business of merchants, that it kills the heart of SL: entertainment venues. If merchants don't need to rent land, venues have no one to rent to, and have no revenue stream.


But you skipped right past that, seemingly oblivious to the point I was making, because it was good for the thing that is obvious on the surface: merchants.


BUT merchants are -NOT- the heart of what keeps SL alive. Merchants are part of the food chain, but the ecosystem all of us fish are swimming in, the fishtank itself... that's the places we all go to to do things in SL.

Merchants -ARE- a very important piece of the puzzle, but you could have an SL without them, while you could not have an SL without places to go to.




Honestly at LLs, not only does the right hand not know what the left hand is up to, but its got a gun and is gonna 'cap that sucker for some street cred...'

LLs are literally working as hard as they can to kill themselves, intentionally...


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

 Venues we all love to visit and enjoy have no built in source of revenue, so they generate it through 2 other possible avenues: residential rentals and shop rentals. Either on the same sim or a related sim.

Marketplace makes shop rentals uneeded. Linden homes makes residential rentals less viable. And being a venue people visit also can make residential rentals less viable.

As merchants move offworld, we're seeing entertainment, social, and arts venues close in record numbers. Even from someone like me who feels a lot of the closures are just shifting generations in the SL userbase - with many new places opening elsewhere...
I can't overlook the loss of 879 sims.

Merchants fail to realize that SL doesn't exist for them. SL exists to entertain us all in various ways. We buy from the merchants to have things to use, wear, or rez at the laces we go to to be entertained or entertain others.

Merchants NEED these social venues to stay open, or their customer base will dry up. But too many are looking to short term interests and jumping ship. Tragedy of the commons problem.


If you really need to go off to MP for your mainstore, consider still renting a signboard in some clubs or other spots that you know your kind of customer enjoys.



Try 1200 sims, if you add the last 2 weeks (9th Jan 2011 to 15th Jan 2012) of losses.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

The money trail in SL is very simple:

Residents buy lindens, they go shopping for things to wear or use. Merchants use a portion of that money to rent spaces to show off the things residents can buy. Land owners use a portion of that money to pay the bills to support the places residents go to to use the things they bought.

- That's pretty much it. Everything fits in there somewhere.

MP slices a clean line through that, like a sword beheading someone; with equally brutal impact.


It's a shame that no one smart enough at Linden Lab to realise the workings of the above flow-chart....as that is how it pretty much works.

 If LL are not alarmed, they should be,  having loss 1200 Estate sims in the last year.......400 have gone since X-Mas!!

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

I haven't been here long enough to speculate on the decline of sims in SL
but I bet it has more to do with RL situations
, such as less time for luxuries because of economics and all that jazz. SL is a luxury I think and those that derive an income from it are leaving in droves because it doesn't make economical sense I think.



Marketplace pumped/ promoted  through LL's official V2 & V3 viewers are responsible of shifting shopping traffic from In-World to Marketplace.....hence tons of Commercial closures since Spring of last year.

The Recession is real bad...no doubt about it, especially with rising food & energy costs. Whilst some countries are worst than others.....it's not exactly the Great Depression though,  where money was losing value daily due to hyper-inflation. At the end of the day, employment levels in most Western Countries are still ranging from 90%-10% to 80% -20% splits.....it's still very bad....but not as bad as Media makes out. There's still lots of people spending money in RL


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

BUT merchants are -NOT- the heart of what keeps SL alive. Merchants are part of the food chain, but the ecosystem all of us fish are swimming in, the fishtank itself... that's the places we all go to to do things in SL.

Merchants -ARE- a very important piece of the puzzle,
but you could have an SL without them
, while you could not have an SL without places to go to.



Sorry, but that's a silly statement.....it sounds like Merchants are just shop keepers.....when in fact they are Creators who sell their products.....they are designer, manufacturer, advertiser and shop keeper all rolled into one.


Without Creators (your Merchants)....Second Life landscape would be empty aside from the builds created by LL Moles and you would be running around naked or  wearing clothes donated to your Inventory Library.

I suggest the Creators are the heart of Second Life.....the Sun of our SL solar system of which everything else rotates around......without it, none of the side businesses would exist unless they are an acceptable entertainment expense to some Sim owners.


By the way,  Cartonimals is closing down very shortly. Worth viewing those wonderful animals one last time.


Side note. It works for IMVU just having a shopping site for their Creators, but it's a different model...as your don't pay tiers for their Rooms....Second Life is heavily reliant on Land Tiers.


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Rene Erlanger wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

I haven't been here long enough to speculate on the decline of sims in SL
but I bet it has more to do with RL situations
, such as less time for luxuries because of economics and all that jazz. SL is a luxury I think and those that derive an income from it are leaving in droves because it doesn't make economical sense I think.



Marketplace pumped/ promoted  through LL's official V2 & V3 viewers are responsible of shifting shopping traffic from In-World to Marketplace.....hence tons of Commercial closures since Spring of last year.

The Recession is real bad...no doubt about it, especially with rising food & energy costs. Whilst some countries are worst than others.....it's still not the Great Depression either,  where money was losing value daily due to hyper-inflation. At the end of the day, employment levels in most Western Countries are still ranging from 90%-10% to 80% -20% splits.....it's still very bad....but not as bad as Media makes out. There's still lots of people spending money in RL


That's good to know. I get all my info from the media.

That and all the people I know that are not spending as much as they used to.

Probably because of the media scare? That or because of lost jobs etc.


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Jo Yardley wrote: 

As for old phones... I have also have an old Motorola... made in 1937... on a wire.... I don't do mobile.

Does my phone win?

Your phone wins. Although I don't have a cell/mobile phone either. I hate them! Grr!

Do you know if it is possible to buy a phone that has been leased from the old Ma Bell for decades? We want to buy my grandma's phone. It is rotary. It has probably been paid for many times over by now. But those phone companies and their red tape. (I know you're not in the US but might know. Or someone will.)

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

That's good to know. I get all my info from the media.

That and all the people I know that are not spending as much as they used to.

Probably because of the media scare? That or because of lost jobs etc.


Like I said, it is very bad for sure....especially in places like Greece, Portugal, possibly Ireland, Italy and Spain that near bankrupt. All their credit ratings marked down....even France. Despite all that, 80-90% in all of those countries and elsewhere in the Western World are employed....people are still hanging out in Bars, Restaurants and going on Holidays.

News services are notorious for reporting mostly bad news.....the good or happy bits are normally save at the end of the broadcast.

US is ok...the Federal Reserve just print money endlessly, because of Oil being priced in Dollars -rofl ..

Man 16 Trillion dollars debt, that's near imposible to repay.


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Clarissa Lowell wrote:

Jo Yardley wrote: 

As for old phones... I have also have an old Motorola... made in 1937... on a wire.... I don't do mobile.

Does my phone win?

Your phone wins. Although I don't have a cell/mobile phone either. I hate them! Grr!

Do you know if it is possible to buy a phone that has been leased from the old Ma Bell for decades? We want to buy my grandma's phone. It is rotary. It has probably been paid for many times over by now. But those phone companies and their red tape. (I know you're not in the US but might know. Or someone will.)

I love the old rotary phones too, Miss Clarissa!  In fact, I have about 20 of them here at home that I have collected over the past few years.  From wall phones to desk phones to Princess phones, I got them all!  Unfortunately, I don't have Ma Bell land line service at this time, so I don't have any of them hooked up and working, but, I sure wish I did.  There's nothing like a REAL bell ringer!  Those rotary phones were built to last for a lifetime, let me just tell you!  :)

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Rene Erlanger wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

The money trail in SL is very simple:

Residents buy lindens, they go shopping for things to wear or use. Merchants use a portion of that money to rent spaces to show off the things residents can buy. Land owners use a portion of that money to pay the bills to support the places residents go to to use the things they bought.

- That's pretty much it. Everything fits in there somewhere.

MP slices a clean line through that, like a sword beheading someone; with equally brutal impact.


It's a shame that no one smart enough at Linden Lab to realise the workings of the above flow-chart....as that is how it pretty much works.

 If LL are not alarmed, they should be,  having loss 1200 Estate sims in the last year.......400 have gone since X-Mas!!

And still...there are people out there (I won't name names, because...you know...that's a big no-no), who are SO dedicated to the marketplace that they have told me flat out in a thread not long ago that they refuse to shop inworld because they don't want to have to wait for things to rez (like they do on every other sim in SL) and waste their precious time.  They also told me that if I want them to shop at my inworld store, I would have to give them deep discounts on alll my products!

Going further, they also said that they are not concerned with someone else's tiers and feels no need to help with those tiers because they have RL people to take care of and RL problems that deserve their precious time and money, even though the discussion was about merchants who can no longer afford to have inworld stores because they cannot afford the high tiers that accompany them. 

And so..." If LL are not alarmed, they should be,  having loss 1200 Estate sims in the last year.......400 have gone since X-Mas!!" <--this happens.  I sincerely hope this trend changes or soon all we will have are mainland sims owned by LindenLab to explore and have "fun" in.  

The absolute dedication to the Marketplace HAS to change as well and more inworld shopping done or I see the loss of 400 sims in 30 days continuing.

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Eloise Baily wrote:

Interesting Charlotte. I only discovered the serious business side of SL when I discovered the forums.

When I bump into old friends who just shop, chat, breed (animals and themselves mainly), dance and enjoy each other, I'm quite envious of their ignorance/innocence.

What's the meme?...cannot be unseen...

Charolotte Caxton wrote

Ah, you've been peeking at my diary, have you? Yes I agree, for the most part that describes me. It took me a while to even realize real money was at stake here and that everything was created by other people and wasn't just part of the built in scenery. 

I sometimes joke that I didn't know that I was supposed to hate Linden Lab until I started participating in the Forums.

I am not sure when it dawned on me that there was a serious economic side to SL but I recognize now that there is real money involved.  There are some people who started from 'scratch' here.  They came to SL, learned how to build, discovered they had a knack for it and grew from there.

Then there were others who already had great technical skills and simply adapted and applied them to SL. 

Regardless, for them to build their businesses required an In World presence.

I have an Australian Shepherd from VKC.  I was gifted with my dog early on in SL.  VKC has a dog park where you can go and 'train' your dog to do tricks, etc, and interact with other dog owners.  Can you race one of those 'breedable horses?'  Are there race tracks to race your horses on?  Or are there only auction places for them?  Where is the In World interactive experience.  All I've ever seen is people who have breeding pens for their horses.

When I started my thread on Marketplace trivia, http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Market-Place-Trivia-That-s-A-Whole-Lot-Of-Stuff-For-Sale/m-p/1338013#M46646 , there was actually a lot in this discussion that I was thinking about.

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Eloise Baily wrote:

Interesting Charlotte. I only discovered the serious business side of SL when I discovered the forums.

When I bump into old friends who just shop, chat, breed (animals and themselves mainly), dance and enjoy each other, I'm quite envious of their ignorance/innocence.

What's the meme?...cannot be unseen...

I came to this conclusion about the forums a while back.  It feels almost as if the forums have stolen a part of my SL innocence and there's no going back.  I think of it as kind of a mixed blessing.


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