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Linden Executives


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Please explain to me, why so many residents think they're oppinion is of any importance to LL?

Daily they come to me and complain with arguments like 'why did LL ban gambling? they cant do that.', 'LL doesn't have the right to delete my forum post / reply' or 'They banned me for nothing so i have the right to come back.'

NEWSFLASH: Just because LL is a company, doesn't mean they have to act to please. They can ban you if they dont like your IRL picture for that matter, they reserve the right. STOP MOANING

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I think a lot of that stems from the old style of resident engagement that LL was once very good at and what Rodvik said he would bring back.  In part they have done this by getting more involved with open meetings and such, though they don't post atta boys.

I've gotten to know a few lindens at SLCC and in world and though we are often at odds with the decisions made as a corporation, I believe they ARE paying attention and for the most part, most are pretty good people.  Oddly, the best ones don't stay for long which tells me there is something amiss with their corporate culture.

But I have a similar philosophy to you in that stop complaining and do something instead.  We can change ourselves and how we do things, but we cannot change that around us.

However, SL still has the loosest policing policy of any game around where very little is frowned upon.

BTW, haven't seen you on the boards in a while, WB.

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Strange I think my opinions should be of importance to Lindens because Im a paying customer... You merely confirm what we've increasingly thought lately  - that lindens don't give a stuff about long term customers...


still I am cutting back on my financial input to sl as is my girlfriend...


why ??


Because Lindens apparently didnt give any importance to what I said and apparently arent that bothered about the 'meagre' couple of hundred dollars we pay in tier fees,,


Enough said ??

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Oh and as for the removal of posts Ive had two deleted - I dont know why one vanished I never got any message... presumably my suggestion that lindens should actually focus on sorting out long term problems in sl was a massive threat to the Lindens empire..  as for the other I was trying to warn fellow sl users that a dodgy group was whipping away lindens when its founder doesnt even exist in sl anymore... I got my wrist slapped by email over that one - dont know if lindens did anything to stop people paying their money into a  defunct and useless group though...

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Pammymy wrote:

Please explain to me, why so many residents think they're oppinion is of any importance to LL?

Daily they come to me and complain with arguments like 'why did LL ban gambling? they cant do that.', 'LL doesn't have the right to delete my forum post / reply' or 'They banned me for nothing so i have the right to come back.'

NEWSFLASH: Just because LL is a company, doesn't mean they have to act to please. They can ban you if they dont like your IRL picture for that matter, they reserve the right. STOP MOANING

Obvious troll is obvious.

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I would guess that they complain because they may believe that it is LL who has taken their Liberties.

LL operates under the permission and regulation of the State in which LL operates. The State operates under regulation from the Federal Government.

Governments operate under the regulation of the International Commercial Code, United Nations mandates, International Banking Regulatory commissions, .... the list is extensive. 

Moaning and complaining are the actions which have secured Liberty for centuries.



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Pammymy wrote:

Please explain to me, why so many residents think they're oppinion is of any importance to LL?

Daily they come to me and complain with arguments like 'why did LL ban gambling? they cant do that.', 'LL doesn't have the right to delete my forum post / reply' or 'They banned me for nothing so i have the right to come back.'

NEWSFLASH: Just because LL is a company, doesn't mean they have to act to please. They can ban you if they dont like your IRL picture for that matter, they reserve the right. STOP MOANING

Please explain to me why you think your opinion is of any importance to me.


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as i understand it, if a post has been removed you can ask genn moderator about it in private message.

sometimes you get an answer, sometimes you don't.

when they get removed i believe what initially happens is that they get archived in some way.  they aren't 'deleted' but removed from public view.  we have seen posts restored.

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.......Typical sort of attitude from Lindens that has me SLASHING my tier...if they dont want to hear criticism from paying customers CENSOR them......Even if tier payers are paying the wages or at least contributing to keeping the censors in paid employment.....


Funny how the people like the original poster of this thread can be as obnoxious as she wants ... so long as it favours linden policy and attacks linden critics of course ;)

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First of all, I do not pay the Moderator's salary.  I pay my money to a company that pays them.   I am not that companies only source of revenue.  The Moderator has the choice of either toeing the company line, quitting if he doesn't agree with that line, or getting fired if he doesn't toe that line.  There does exist the unlikely possibility that the company has given the Forum to the Moderator as a personal playground to inflict their every whim and fancy on the Forum's users. And yes, sometimes we feel like this last point is what is going on in here at times. 

For me personally, I can only speak of my experience.  There are issues that I am in stark disagreement with Linden Lab about and have been vocal and detailed about them.  I have even started threads about them that are still here to see.  Yet, in over two years I have only ever had one post moderated.  And when I asked about it I was given additional guidance.

I have also spoken up about the (lack of) quality of the moderation here and those posts still stand also.

I also think that there have been people unfairly censored in this Forum too and have lent my voice to that also.

I would like to think that this Forum is Moderated with out prejudice but I know it is moderated by people and that if I impugn the moral purity of a Moderator's Mother, that I will get moderated.  So I just don't go there.  Maybe some day something will happen that will lead me to do that, but in my experience so far it hasn't.  Been close a couple of times, but not there yet.  I try to keep my eyes on the long term benefit.

That's just me.  Whether this makes me better or worse than anyone else, I will leave that for others to decide.  I am still mainly here to enjoy myself and hopefully contribute something that will result in a better Second Life for someone else.

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Ann Otoole wrote:

Questoning moderation is a violation of the guidelines and can earn a ban.

If you observe a post has been removed then best just let it go and learn what sort of things LL allows and forbids.

You mean there are bigger w@nkers at the controls than before?  :matte-motes-nerdy:

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