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Robin Sprocket

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  1. Hey Curious, I was just thinking the same thing a few moments ago. Back in the day the users got regular communication from the Lindens about what they were working on, what they thought was important, exciting or just a big challenge. It made it seem like the whole SL thing was something bigger, something we were part of, rather than just a "user base". Granted, they took a lotta flak from us, as well as occasional praise, but they also knew that the users were passionate about what they did, and that has to make anyone at the lab care more. In other words, I think their lack of regular communication hurts them at least as much as us. Back in the day people could actually name some Lindens, because we heard their voices. A return to some regular communication might do a lot to make SL a better place for everyone. Robin
  2. The old reverse psychology? I'm afraid... there are things I DON'T want!! I shan't mention them within earshot of a Linden!
  3. I smell a Republican. Corporations are people, so don't hurt their feelings!
  4. Sounds like an ambitious project! You may want to consider using ICS (Ironclad combat System) scripts. It's an open system that allows a great deal of flexibility. The benefit is that your ships will be compatible with others for battles. I've had great fun making ICS ships and modifying the scripts. The basic damage core is not editable, but that's good because it levels the playing field somewhat. Even if you want to script your own system, I'd suggest taking a peek at it. It is fairly complete, but still requires the scripter to integrate it into their ships. Feel free to contact me inworld if you have an interest in ICS. I'm not the developer, just an enthusiast, but I'd be glad to help.
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