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Funny SL moments!

garey Solo

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Its raining, Second life has frozen and I'm feeling pretty miserable right now , so I  thought I would start a thread on funny Second life  moments.

My memorable moment was being interviewed with my female avi for an imortant position with 2 business execs from the USA.  Trying to appear professional I answered all their questions as best I could and when the time came to leave I stood up to say goodbye . My skirt fell off and I had no knickers on. As I ran from the room in embarrasement my hair fell off. I returned 5 mins later full of apologies , hair and underwear entact. Needless to say I didn't get the job :)

Please post your silly / funny experiences/crazy  here and  brighten my day :)  I could do with a good old laugh.

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When I was new, I was given an attachment that would change your pose by pressing either the left or right arrows on your keyboard. About 75 different poses. Very nice for changing poses while standing still. In one spot.

I used to walk around with it on. Every left or right turn I made was a different static pose.

I would be asked, what are you doing?


You keep making those weird poses.

Ah, what a crazy baby avatar I was.

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heh, since it is now almost 3 years...I am over my most embarrassing moment enough to share it.

I just joined a Samurai Clan and was very new in the whole 'way of the warrior'stuff and Bushido, hardly won anything but had lots of fun trying.

Anyway, I was sent to an official inter clan-tournament for beginners, representing my clan in that class. I was so nervous! It was in the middle of the night for me, and I had been training all day and evening.

You always start a fight with a certain gesture, which makes you bow and say "ready".  When both fighters have performed that gesture, the fight starts.

So I stood there, on the mat, in my official Clan outfit - all shakey and nervous - while my clan (and many others!)was watching from a sim next to it (appr 70 ppl audience).

Then, to my horror I did not trigger the appropiate 'ready' gesture, as my Japanese opponent just did before me (and boy was he ready!) but I triggered the embarrassing: "Time To Riverdance" (it was the R that did it, really!).

The audience, the referees, my clan, my opponent .....all just went silent and perplexed, watching me doing the Riverdance. You know that gesture? It takes FOREVER and I was so frozen that I could not find a way to stop it. Not very Samurai-like eh?

Of course, many of my clan in IM, asking me why the H**.. I was doing a riverdance ....Yah, as if I always do that to start a tournament? Gah!

I deleted the gesture....it is still a pain to hear and see it, till this day.....



Editted to add: I lost the fight. The riverdance did not help....

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i remember moving my skybox one time and i must have went over my head as well..i was cammed way way back..so i moved it up..then when i let go i went to go inside and seen i was bald..

so i started to fly around looking for my hair..

after like 15 minutes with ctrl alt T on..i went inside and was looking everyone..

i was like..what the CRAP did i do with my freaking hair!!! \o/

then i cammed back out and it was above my head the whole time way up above me..when i was moving around it was moving with me the whole time meters and meters above my head hehehehe


i was like.. omg there you are!!

i wish i had taken a pic..but i was too busy feeling really stupid..

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I bought a house once, a factory building I wanted to use as private home. Just because I loved that build. Didn't have land back then tho and rezzed it in a sandbox to check it out. But the building never showed. Since it was no copy I could see it was gone from my inventory but never appeared in world. So I contacted the builder and they were nice enough and sent me a new one.

Next try, same result. House left the invent but never rezzed in world. At least that's what I thought. I don't know why but somehow I zoomed out when I was just ready to leave the sandbox and call it a day. And there they were, 2 nice brandnew factory buildings hovering about 50 meters above ground. Uh oh. Shock. What an embarassment. I felt so stupid. I hope nobody will ever find out about my blindness.

On the other hand it must be said it's rather strange for an obejct to rezz around 50 meters above the point where you wanted it.

Needless to say I later managed to delete a lot of stuff accidentally, which made for funny moments for all the people around me while it was more like facepalm moments for me.



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Back in my early days,  I was being griefed by a couple in the sandbox since I was an obvious noob.  I returned from afk and found they had had put a trash barrel around me and set my avatar on fire.   Next they then started to attack me with a giant ant.   So I "sat" on the ant and went for a ride.  Then they tried to shock me by rezzing a big...em...feminine vibrating device next to me.  Fortunately I'd just been check out the Planned Parenthood sim in my travels in SL (not sure if it still exists here) and  picked up a very useful prophylactic device (that has no doubt saved me from many, many a virtually communicable disease in SL) and  I rezzed the gigantic cartoonish pink condom next to their device.   Although I only speak English and  they only speak Polish, they became friends and we had no trouble communicating from that point on.

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Caitlin Tobias wrote:


Then, to my horror I did not trigger the appropiate
gesture, as my Japanese opponent just did before me (and boy was he ready!) but I triggered the embarrassing:
"Time To Riverdance"
(it was the R that did it, really!).

The audience, the referees, my clan, my opponent .....all just went silent and perplexed, watching me doing the Riverdance. You know that gesture? It takes FOREVER and I was so frozen that I could not find a way to stop it. Not very Samurai-like eh?

Of course, many of my clan in IM, asking me why the H**.. I was doing a riverdance ....Yah, as if I always do that to start a tournament? Gah!

Oh my I have not laughed that hard in a while!  <wipes tears>

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