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A Jiggly Problem

Aylin Moonshadow

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So last night was the second time I had this happen to me. 

I was dancing at one of my favorite clubs, Junkyard Blues, when a MAN IM's me out of the blue and tells me that my boobs are 'bouncing off the wall' saying, "Hi Alyin.. :)  how are you?  Your physics are on steroids it seems :)"

So this is the second time a guy has said something to me.  Of course I could have asked why he was staring at my boobs but I do know men will be men. 

Me personally, I like boob bounce.  I like watching my own boobs bounce in SL and I know my GF likes them.  But I thought what I had chose was pretty subtle.  I use the Tonya presets from Firestorm/Phoenix.  I am wanting to look natural.

So how much of what you see is affected by your computer.  I have a fairly decent computer, 3GB processor and a gtx250 card.  And what I see doesn't look like steroids to me.  And I think my boobs are pretty average sized for SL.  Maybe slightly larger when compared to RL but I am not going to poke any ones eyes out with them.

Or could this guy be one of the anti boob bounce crowd in SL?




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Aylin Moonshadow wrote:

So last night was the second time I had this happen to me. 

I was dancing at one of my favorite clubs, Junkyard Blues, when a MAN IM's me out of the blue and tells me that my boobs are 'bouncing off the wall' saying, "Hi Alyin..
  how are you?  Your physics are on steroids it seems

So this is the second time a guy has said something to me.  Of course I could have asked why he was staring at my boobs but I do know men will be men. 

Me personally, I like boob bounce.  I like watching my own boobs bounce in SL and I know my GF likes them.  But I thought what I had chose was pretty subtle.  I use the Tonya presets from Firestorm/Phoenix.  I am wanting to look natural.

So how much of what you see is affected by your computer.  I have a fairly decent computer, 3GB processor and a gtx250 card.  And what I see doesn't look like steroids to me.  And I think my boobs are pretty average sized for SL.  Maybe slightly larger when compared to RL but I am not going to poke any ones eyes out with them.

Or could this guy be one of the anti boob bounce crowd in SL?




Hi Aylin, I have heard, and it has been my own experience, that the viewer (which implements the physics), does indeed affect the intensity of the jiggles. Unless and until there is uniformity across viewers, I think you jiggle at your own risk.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Hi Aylin, I have heard, and it has been my own experience, that the viewer (which implements the physics), does indeed affect the intensity of the jiggles. Unless and until there is uniformity across viewers, I think you jiggle at your own risk.

So people using different viewers may see things differently?  I use Firestorm.

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Avatar physics are seen according to the users settings.

So what looks good to you will look different to another.

Also, a laggy system will cause extreme movements, as opposed to the smooth movements that are required for the subtle or low key effect you are seeing in your own viewer.  

You know how avatar imposters look kinda jerky? Its because your system isn't trying to fully animate them, so it is with laggy and or underpowered systems. 

Please see discussion HERE, at the bottom, under comments, notably this one by Bea Linden:

The avatar physics (AP) slider in your graphics preferences controls the frequency of movement updates in your Viewer. (Hopefully, the fact that it's a slider and not a button makes it clear that you can select in-between positions.) A low setting means the AP movements look jerkier, since the updates are less frequent. A high setting means the AP movements look smoother.

So the AP slider doesn't "damp" the movement -- you still see the full range of motion unless you have the slider set to 0. The AP slider only affects smoothness of the movement.

Hope that helps!


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Jiggly can definitely be a problem.  I liked the Tonya presets too, it seemed the most natural.  Apparently it doesn't look natural to everyone. :(  I finally stopped wearing it because what I saw and what my partner saw were extremely different things. 

 My partner saw the Tonya preset jigges on me looking so extreme that he wondered why I didn't have a black eye.  What I saw was subtle and natural.  When we'd be out dancing he'd point out women that were wearing physics, and I could see no movement whatsoever.  When I finally got the settings to the point where my partner loved them, I could see nothing at all.  I got bored with the whole thing at that point and decided to scrap it. 

My partner has seen bounce that looked so horrible he's been tempted to IM them, like telling someone they've got toilet paper stuck to thier shoe or something.  He hasn't felt it was appropriate though, figuring if they look good to the gal wearing it then they're enjoying themselves and he doesn't need to interfere with that. 


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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Avatar physics are seen according to the users settings.

So what looks good to you will look different to another.

Also, a laggy system will cause extreme movements, as opposed to the smooth movements that are required for the subtle or low key effect you are seeing in your own viewer.  

You know how avatar imposters look kinda jerky? Its because your system isn't trying to fully animate them, so it is with laggy and or underpowered systems. 

Please see discussion
, at the bottom, under comments, notably this one by Bea Linden:

The avatar physics (AP) slider in your graphics preferences controls the frequency of movement updates in your Viewer. (Hopefully, the fact that it's a slider and not a button makes it clear that you can select in-between positions.) A low setting means the AP movements look jerkier, since the updates are less frequent. A high setting means the AP movements look smoother.

So the AP slider doesn't "damp" the movement -- you still see the full range of motion unless you have the slider set to 0. The AP slider only affects smoothness of the movement.

Hope that helps!


Charolotte, your understanding of how physics works does not match mine, though you do describe the way physics worked back when third party viewers like Emerald implemented "breast physics". When that feature was first introduced, SL itself was not aware of breast physics. It was a viewer only function. The physics settings in your viewer applied to all avatars in view.

With the introduction of avatar physics into SL itself, my understanding is that the slider settings of other avatars are now transmitted to your viewer. The result is that each avatar in view can have different physics coefficients, including "Off". This interpretation is supported by the following lines in the link you referenced.


Can other people make my body parts bounce?

No, absolutely not. That's one of the great things about this feature: you have complete control over how you appear to others.


The problem Aylin is experiencing is one I've seen myself. I was helping a friend adjust physics sliders to achieve more realistic motion (I've net to see anything that looks real to me) and noticed she described seeing motion that was not consistent with my view. I believe she was running SL V2 and I was running Firestorm, but I'm not certain. I switched to the same viewer she was using and noticed that breast motion was far less severe. I switched back again and she was back to the exaggerated motion I'd originally described. It appeared to me as if the two viewers were interpreting the physics coefficients differently.

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That is correct, set to 0, you will not see movement in your viewer, also, if you are not wearing avatar physics layers, no one will see you move regardless of their settings and also if you set your slider to 0 no one will see you move, either.

What I attempted to say was that depending on how others have their settings set to in their viewer, is how their system will interpret your settings.

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

That is correct, set to 0, you will not see movement in your viewer, also, if you are not wearing avatar physics layers, no one will see you move regardless of their settings and also if you set your slider to 0 no one will see you move, either.

What I attempted to say was that depending on how others have their settings set to in their viewer, is how their system will interpret your settings.

Sounds like it's time for experimentation, no?

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Perhaps it is more of a difference in how different viewers interpret the info than just settings alone.

From what you and Madelaine and Leyna have described, it may indeed just be a difference of viewer interpretation.

I know sometimes I look different to others that use phoenix, such as my shoes and makeup are weird to them. When they teleport away and then back again, the problem is solved.

Maybe try asking two of your friends, who use two different viewers, like one Phoenix and the other the official viewer, what your physics look like to them. When you do, get back to us with the results, otherwise it looks like I might have a long night ahead of me, "experimenting" :P

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i tried physics for about 5 minutes..

i noticed something when i put them on and took them off..

when putting them on things shifted downward like a Gforce just tugged at everything at one time ..only it didn't go back up..this was when i was standing still hehehe

then when i took them off everything went back up where it belonged..

it just didn't look right to me so i took it off and haven't worn them since..

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Hi, Aylin.

There still seems to be a problem with the consistency of the physics settings across the viewers, based on the various bug reports. Usually on V3, I see the problem with FS users. Phoenix users seem fine. But it looks like it cuts across all the viewers. People on Phoenix say they see exaggerated movement on AVs using V3, too.


The thread below has some things people can try to fix the issue:


I guess until there's consistency with the physics across the viewers this might continue to be an issue.

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this is nothing new either. the differences in veiwers and what they see has been my experience since my rez day. sometimes people appear naked, and when i say something they say in their veiwer they are clothed. once i "ruthed" which is stranged cause i was always a man but others saw me as normal. when you are concerned, ask someone what they see. If you tone down your physics then you will only change your experience.keep it the same as long as you are enjoying it, coz you will never beable to fix what others see.

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  • 1 year later...

                  From what I can tell, the avatar Physics coinsidering it comes from Havok, is actually a mix of 5 things. Maybe 4, but thats only if the 5th isn't implimented as I think it is.

1: Breast Physic Setting - Note, I use Nirans, his viewer does NOT use sliders, and instead uses virbalized settings None, Very Low, Low, Medium, High, and Extreme. I use Extreme, and the bounce does not bother me. It should be noted if this setting is like havok enabled games, it is the setting for PHYSICS REFRESH RATE. Not how bouncy this are.

2: Breast Size, This also goes for Butt Size, and Muscle/Fat Ratio, because the SL skeletons for Havok to create boucne require weight on parts that bounce, cleavage, butt, and so on. Adding extra size, streches these weight locations influencing more bounce. IE - More Size, More Jiggle.

3: Breast Gravity((THIS IS QUESTIONABLE)) Now reason I say this is questionable, is because Gravity makes your breasts droop w/o Physics Enabled, or even attached to your avatar, so it's my thought Breast Gravity, adds extra weight to the skeleton map on the avatar, but I could be wrong, and it may just be cosmetic.

4: Extremity of your Physics Layer enabled on your avatar, I only buy Moddable Physics layers for this reason, heck I only have one, so not like I need anymore, These Sliders effect how powerful  your bounce is.

5, Last but not least, the viewer you use((Yes, thats right, Viewer has effects on it)) Now the main reason for this, is some allow you to force Physics on your avatar, rather then using a Physics Layer, simalure to how Frestorm comes with an AO((Dunno why, because Oricle and Zhao AO's without anims inside are free)) These settings can alter how Havok effects things on others, as my friend used the Physics Slider on Emrald after Havok was implimented and her **bleep** were doing a disco.

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