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Melita Magic

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...I couldn't resist.

So, what's everyone doing for Halloween?  SL? RL? Both? Your choice what to spill here (Just so it's not sticky.)

I'm relaxing mostly. Got some candy ready in RL and set out some treats on my SL land, too. And a couple of attractions to the side of my SL land. And set some spooky little surprises to find at my beach. (No sharks in the water, I promise.) But I mostly wanted to just take it easy today, RL and SL.

I'm having some organic squash soup, and orange soda from Mexico.  So at least my meal is autumn themed. (Boring, I know!) Watching spooky things on Tv later.

I did the Never You Mind hunt last night. It was fun. I love that sim anyway. 

How about everyone else?

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Hi Melita.

Yesterday in SL I went on a treasure hunt in Folkvangr on the Lexicolo sim. I found 3 of the 9 items by myself, then my bf came inworld & he showed me how to "cheat" by using a search function on the local map to find the rest. I wouldn't have done that 'cept I didn't want to be late for the Samhain circle w/ the coven from Artemis Tavern. We attended the circle & the ritual was very nice. Then we went to a restaurant & had a virtual meal (I ate ice cream with chopsticks LoL) and after that, met some friends at a haunted house. I was in bed by 11!

Tonight my mom's coven will circle but I won't be able to attend. I'll honor the ancestors informally, & give candy to any trick-r-treaters who come by. First I have to do some shopping tho. I'm not going out other than that so I'll probably be in SL at some point.

Last week I stuffed a big squash with potatos & onions & mushrooms, etc., & baked it. Me & my housemates finally finished the leftovers from that this past weekend. Not sure what I'll have for supper this evening. Probably candy!!

Happy Halloween!


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Happy Halloween to you both, and Happy Samhain (is that the correct greeting?) to those who celebrate it.

Both celebrations sound lovely. Very relaxing, informal and fun.

On Halloween would be one day I wouldn't think your avatar answering the door would scare anyone, Storm.  ;-)

JeanneAnne, I love squash, I never tried it until adulthood (never available to me before) but it's so good!

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Well, the club where I DJ had a huge Halloween party on Saturday so I went to that one.  I DJ'ed today and many patrons were costumed up but I did not.

For RL, I have the usual bowl of goodies by the door.  It is drippy and cool this evening so I expect those that brave the elements can have as much from the bowl as they like. 

Happy Halloween

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I am gnashing my teeth at and berating the whole of the US for exporting this vulgarity to our shores.  I am sure you all (or is that y'all) have fond memories of it from when you grew up and there is nothing more you wish than for your own children or young kin to experience it too.  In short, you have it as a tradition.

For some reason, somewhere in the past 5-10 years, some kids with ambitions to be protection racketeers when they grow up, abetted by major retailers suddenly took to our streets demanding sweets (candy) with the threat of menaces.  It's not as if they have even bothered to work out the patter.  They simply knock on the door and say, "Trick or treat".  When I say "Trick" they look at me as if I've just asked them to solve Fermat's last theorem.

I have many US friends who live and work over here who also agree that it's a complete sham from the way it's celebrated back home.  One of them did the, as usual in the US, jumping out from nowhere in a scary costume and scaring the bejeesus out of the kids only to have a father of the kids pin him against a wall asking him what the f*ck he was doing trying to scare little kids like that and why couldn't he just pony up the sweets like everyone else and stop being a lunatic around small children.

We really do need to think of exporting one of our quaint little traditions back over to you and see how you like it.  For starters how about

?  If nothing else it'll toughen the little blighters up and hey, it's a tradition.

/rant over bah humbug!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all of you! :smileyhappy:


P.S. I believe Suella is still the all England Ladies reigning and undefeated champion, and the only person on record to have caught the cheese before the finishing line.

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When I tell people in RL that I prefer to do Halloween in SL more than anywhere, I get the most bizarre looks.  But the truth is SL rocks on Halloween!  I can hop from club to club all night, change outfits in seconds and drink without the fear of a DUI.  Not to mention in SL EVERYONE gets dressed up.  What's not to love?

Last year I got a great deal on lighters so I gave them away to all the kids and this year I have a case of sample cigarettes I'll give out.  The neighborhood kids love coming to aunt Chelsea's house.

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Happy Halloween, Melita. Doing nothing in RL; there aren't any trick-or-treat aged kids withing walking distance of the house these days, unfortunately. The little devils all grew up. In SL I'll probably do the same. I think between this past weekend and the one before I've worn five different costumes—I'm pretty much Halloweened out.

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Melita Magic wrote:

...I couldn't resist.

So, what's everyone doing for Halloween?  SL? RL? Both? Your choice what to spill here (Just so it's not sticky.)

I'm relaxing mostly. Got some candy ready in RL and set out some treats on my SL land, too. And a couple of attractions to the side of my SL land. And set some spooky little surprises to find at my beach. (No sharks in the water, I promise.) But I mostly wanted to just take it easy today, RL and SL.

I'm having some organic squash soup, and orange soda from Mexico.  So at least my meal is autumn themed. (Boring, I know!) Watching spooky things on Tv later.

I did the Never You Mind hunt last night. It was fun. I love that sim anyway. 

How about everyone else?

Sounds nice Melita!  We (my rl bf and I) will relax too in RL.  Having filet million wrapped in bacon, baked potatoes, and brussel sprouts with real butter.  My rl bf and I will probably watch a music documentary we have saved on Tivo. 

We do not give out candy and we do not give out toothbrushes either.   Parents can afford to get their own kids the toothbrushes they like. 

As far as SL, I gave up, there is too much lag for me and I cannot rez anything but grey at this time.  I changed my tag at least 20 times, and still not getting rez.  I'll be checking my machine and SL tomorrow.  The lag and the rez is impossible for me right now, and this is a new machine; not working today at all. 

I think with SL we can dress up any day we like; that's part of the fun of SL. 




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Sy Beck wrote:


I believe Suella is still the all England Ladies reigning and undefeated champion, and the only person on record to have caught the cheese before the finishing line.

Bunch of bloody amateurs couldn't beat me to the cheese even with a head start!

As for Halloween, I have my own unique way of celebrating it:



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Storm Clarence wrote:

What do you smell cheese threads Suella?  


Storm Clarence wrote:

I can't even eat a piece of cheese in RL without looking over my shoulder for some crazy red-headed Brit that may want to steal this from my hungry mouth.   

You won't see me. I'm too quick. They call me the Ginga Ninja!



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Void Singer wrote:

so, you would see the speck in our eye, but not the beam in your own?

Halloween was not born in the US... look to thy neighbors.

Hmm, maybe I should have been clearer, my fault.  I was in the main referring to trick or treating, which although based on the past European traditions of begging for food in exchange for prayers for the dead (asouling as it was delightfully called, or guising) bears little resemblance to the modern tradition as practised in the US, as Wikipedia (caveat emptor) sums up quite well.


Phrase introduction to the UK and Ireland

Before the 1980s, the North American phrase "trick-or-treat" was little known in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland and when introduced was often regarded as an unusual and even unwelcome import. Guising is devoid of any jocular threat.[30] Since the 80s usage of the phrase has become more widespread, but is still often viewed as an exotic and unwelcome commercialised import, with the BBC referring to it as "the Japanese knotweed of festivals" and "Making demands with menaces".[31] Very often, the phrase "trick - or - treat" is simply said and the revellers are given sweets, with the choice of a trick or a treat having been largely discarded.

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Void Singer wrote:

ah but the implied threat was also an irish import, based on gifts to placate fae and other spirits... muddled somewhat through cristian ideology and time (
and probably copious amounts of alcohol

What? Are you tryna say those of Irish descent might be fond of alcohol? Ridiclus. Ridikuls. Rdioluls. Don't be silly.

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I plan to go to the nearest graveyard with a bag of apples and oranges, a roasted chicken, a bottle of sherry and a few of those pungent Incense sticks. I plan to search for the oldest grave in that area where I can use to call upon the dead and to present my humble offerings in return for a few clues of the next Lottery numbers.

It will look something like below:


Photo was found in a public domain purely used in this thread as a visual reference. This lady was actually performing a Qingming ritual or paying respect to the ancestors as I would call it. Some asian cultures celebrate Hungry Ghost Festival which is equivalent to Halloween, by worshipping and staying away from anything that might get them killed.

Hospital workers are the happiest people during this month.



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