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Dumb Question: Changing AV Name

kurt7D8 Avon

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Penny Patton wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

you can of course refer to me as Dogboat Taurog, thats my SL name, easier no?


So what makes YOUR SL name a good option, but a new users SL name something to be avoided?

Remember, new sign-ups don't have the same naming options you did. Remember, usernames are no longer avatar names, they're the account name you sign in with. New sign-ups don't have nearly the freedom in choosing their usernames that we did with our SL names, meaning a lot of people are going to be stuck with usernames they really don't want as an avatar name, hence they set their avatar name using the feature designed percisely for that purpose.




its not that i avoid the new residents, in fact i dont even know if fairywings has a resident last name.

if i knew someone as penny patton then it would confuse the heck out of me if suddenly they were known as someone else.

its not just for new "residents" its for everyone dave.

do you mind if i call you herbert or is that a bit confusing sandra?




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Forget it Dogboat. Some people would rather namecall and ignore any points of view other than their own. Heaven forbid that there's actually more than one user case, one "right" way...

Sadly it's this attitude that is causing as much damage to the SL community as any of the dumb decisions made by the Lab in the recent past.

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"New sign-ups don't have nearly the freedom in choosing their usernames that we did with our SL names, meaning a lot of people are going to be stuck with usernames they really don't want as an avatar name, hence they set their avatar name using the feature designed percisely for that purpose."

This isn't exactly true. When we older users signed up, we were free to create our first name, but had to choose from a list of last names. New users can now set up their user name as something like FairyWings instead of Fairy Wings (if Wings had been one of the last names on our initial sign-up list).  Their problem isn't that new users have fewer choices, but that many of them don't think their user name is going to matter to anyone, themselves included.

Your user name is in fact your official SL name, whether you like it or not. No matter what display name you choose to display, your user name is what rental systems & many other interactive objects respond to. I rent out a couple of parcels using a HippoRent system that only recognizes my tenants by their user name. I have a virtual pet that only recognizes user names as well. I choose to use Phoenix & Firestorm viewers, which allow me to choose whether I see user names, display names or both. I choose to see both, so I have a better idea of who is actually who.

In the end, the problem with the new naming system comes down to choice & perception. We should be able to choose whatever available names we want as our user name & to display it clearly if we wish to do so. However, other people will see both our user name and our display name, whether we want them to or not. If a user of SL doesn't like his or her display name, it's easy to change. If one doesn't like their user name, the only sure way to change it is to sign up with a new account.

To the OP,

If you really hate the user name you picked, sign up for a new account ASAP, so you'll have a better chance of getting a name you like.  If you can live with it as it is, then just change your display name & don't worry about your user name.


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Willow Danube wrote:

Oh don't tell me your nasal didn't flare up a bit when your partner finally could change her name to Mrs.Taurog?

I know I would. Especially now that residents couldn't have the choice of a last name, my future partner can always change his to Mr.Danube unless I said no.

my partner is happy with her SL name and doesnt need to change it to my surname.

old school thinking i guess but we are allowed to think old school and neither of us take SL that seriously.

we dont use namechanges in SL and it hasnt crossed our minds to do so.

we will do that in RL :smileywink:

i have no clue why LL decided to implement "resident" surnames and i'm pretty sure LL haven't either. but its not my problem and i dont have to deal with it.

thank you for listening.

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Penny Patton wrote:

... New sign-ups don't have nearly the freedom in choosing their usernames that we did with our SL names, meaning a lot of people are going to be stuck with usernames they really don't want as an avatar name ...

Linden Lab made a great mistake when they implemented Display Names by abandoning last names from new account User Names at the same time. It is almost impossible for new users to create nice User Name anymore. Their only option is to create something silly, gibberish, ugly and hard to remember User Name with what they are stuck for ever. :smileysad:

There is a JIRA here: Bring Back Last Name Options! :smileyhappy: People go and vote for it, 1560 votes so far.

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Willow Danube wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

we will do that in RL :smileywink:


I hope you have a better name for your wife than Taurog.



'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;

      Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.

      What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,

      Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part

      Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!

      What's in a name? that which we call a rose

      By any other name would smell as sweet;

      So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,

      Retain that dear perfection which he owes

      Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,

      And for that name which is no part of thee

      Take all myself.



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I have disabled the display name feature. My screen is crowded enough without everyone having multiple names, nor am I going to spend my life trying to remember what someone wishes to be called on a given day.

The original avatar name system worked well. It could have been improved by enabling residents to change their first name (subject to it never having been used by another resident) for a modest fee (say US$10). It was that simple.

The complex and confusing username (carla2222xy) / avatar name (carla2222xy Resident) / display name (Foxy C carla2222xy Resident) fiasco makes me wonder sometimes if Linden Lab is deliberately sabotaging Second Life.

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Deej Kasshiki wrote:

Forget it Dogboat. Some people would rather namecall and ignore any points of view other than their own. Heaven forbid that there's actually more than one user case, one "right" way...

Sadly it's this attitude that is causing as much damage to the SL community as any of the dumb decisions made by the Lab in the recent past.

 If my username is login2317november because I didn't know it was going to be visible, I set my display name to "Suzy" and you insist on referring to me by my username then you're being offensive.

 That's all I'm saying and if that offends you then I really can't help you.

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Penny Patton wrote:

Deej Kasshiki wrote:

Forget it Dogboat. Some people would rather namecall and ignore any points of view other than their own. Heaven forbid that there's actually more than one user case, one "right" way...

Sadly it's this attitude that is causing as much damage to the SL community as any of the dumb decisions made by the Lab in the recent past.

 If my username is login2317november because I didn't know it was going to be visible, I set my display name to "Suzy" and you insist on referring to me by my username then
being offensive.

 That's all I'm saying and if that offends you then I really can't help you.

it would seem the only person offended is you.

i just ignore the display names, i cant be bothered with them.

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I have display names off (when I use a viewer that can even display them) for a very good reason; people are abusing the hell out of unicode and ASCII characters. I'm not going to try and decipher a string of symbols, foreign alphabets or upside down words that can change on a whim. The username is unique and doesn't change. It doesn't require any extra steps on my part to discern.

Don't hate the player, hate the game. I didn't design display names, LL did. Save the indignation for them.

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The original avatar name system worked well. It could have been improved by enabling residents to change their first name (subject to it never having been used by another resident) for a modest fee (say US$10). It was that simple.


Yes! Yes! Yes!  I understand progress. But I don't understand REGRESS.

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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

my partner is happy with her SL name and doesnt need to change it to my surname...we dont use namechanges in SL and it hasnt crossed our minds to do so.

That's funny. Cuz when I pulled up your profile after you sent those nasty IMs, I saw that you were partnered to "Mrs. Dogboat Taurog." So... what... did you ask her to remove her display name?

BTW. There's yet another "Mrs. Dogboat Taurog" running around. Also a display name...

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

my partner is happy with her SL name and doesnt need to change it to my surname...we dont use namechanges in SL and it hasnt crossed our minds to do so.

That's funny. Cuz when I pulled up your profile after you sent those nasty IMs, I saw that you were partnered to "Mrs. Dogboat Taurog." So... what... did you ask her to remove her display name?

BTW. There's yet another "Mrs. Dogboat Taurog" running around. Also a display name...


i sent you the "nasty" iMS after i read your cowardly blog which is 80% about me duh.

you don't have the guts to attack me here and in public or call me the names you did in your blog.

we are partnered in SL so what, my GF still has her own name duh.

put it in your snide blog and stop trolling.

ETA if you were attempting to cause dischord between my GF and i by mentioning another Mrs Dogboat Taurog you failed.

there is no Mrs Dogboat Taurog  in SL unless some stalker has decided to use the ridiculous display names option.

an alt of yours maybe? seems funny you know and i dont.



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My post wasn't about those nasty IMs. It was about your "wife's" use of display names, even though "it hasn't crossed [y]our minds."

Two blog posts makes it 80% about you? You must have failed at math, too.

Say what you wish about me, Dogboat. It doesn't make it so. But now I can add liar to the things I will call you. The above is proof of just one example, I'm sure.

Have a nice day. :smileyhappy:

ETA: Yeah. I created an alt in June 2010 and created a Marketplace store just so I could use the display name of "Mrs. Dogboat Taurog." Bwahahaha!

ETA II: I was hoping to find a cached version of your "wife's" profile, so I Googled "Mrs. Dogboat Taurog." That's how I found that there was "another" one. But screaming "Alt!" is always a good defense, right? Silly little man.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

My post wasn't about those nasty IMs. It was about your "wife's" use of display names, even though "it hasn't crossed [y]our minds."

Two blog posts makes it 80% about you? You must have failed at math, too.

Say what you wish about me, Dogboat. It doesn't make it so. But now I can add
to the things I will call you. The above is proof of just one example, I'm sure.

Have a nice day. :smileyhappy:

my GF is not my wife in SL, it clearly states in the profile "partner".

if she is using Mrs Dogboat Taurog as a display name you should have known from this thread i dont use or see display names and what she does is her own business,

your petty name calling on your snide blog just shows what kind of a person you are, as does assuming i'm a liar for the second time.

please keep my GF out of this forum btw, and you want to discuss things with me then do it here where i can reply to you, not your pathetic one way hate blog.

Say what you wish about me also, but at least be man enough to say it on an even playing field,.


ETA in response to your ETA, do not stalk my GF or there will be serious repercussions,

she has nothing to do with any of this.




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I just found it funny, Dogboat. You say "my partner is happy with her SL name and doesnt need to change it to my surname" and "we dont use namechanges in SL and it hasnt crossed our minds to do so" when he/she was using a display name less than two weeks ago. You brought him/her into the discussion, btw, before I joined it.

RE your ETA: Stalking your girlfriend? By Googling "Mrs. Dogboat Taurog"??? Quite a stretch, even for you.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

I just found it funny, Dogboat. You say "my partner is happy with her SL name and doesnt need to change it to my surname" and "we dont use namechanges in SL and it hasnt crossed our minds to do so" when he/she was using a display name less than two weeks ago. You brought him/her into the discussion, btw, before I joined it.

RE your ETA: Stalking your girlfriend? By Googling "Mrs. Dogboat Taurog"??? Quite a stretch, even for you.




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"Leave her alone"? How am I NOT "leaving her alone," Dogboat? Is the mere mention of her here, after you held her up as a shining example of those "old school" SLers who have no use for display names, "stalking" her? Please. Explain it to all of these good people.

Have I IM'd/PM'd her? No.

Have I so much as looked at her profile more than twice? No.

I'm off to work now. Do go on with your hysteria, though. I can tell you need to work something out.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

"Leave her alone"? How am I NOT "leaving her alone," Dogboat? Is the mere mention of her here, after you held her up as a shining example of those "old school" SLers who have no use for display names, "stalking" her? Please. Explain it to all of these good people.

Have I IM'd/PM'd her? No.

Have I so much as looked at her profile more than twice? No.

I'm off to work now. Do go on with your hysteria, though. I can tell you need to work something out.




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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

One last reply and then I really must go.


brought her up in this thread. She's now part of this discussion. See how that works?

You were not part of this discussion, you merely joined it to troll and inflame.

my partner is not part of this discussion either.



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