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Dumb Question: Changing AV Name

kurt7D8 Avon

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I thought that with the new naming system, that maybe LL would cut some slack and allow a name edit.  Not even for $L -- it's just a fee.

My name is kurt7D8 Avon.  I thought I was slick.  "7D8" is the year I began teaching.  "7D8" is base 16 (hexadecimal) for "2008," the year I retired. 

But given that I was an English teacher for 30 years and made my first name lower case is driving me crazy!  I almost want an ALT only so that I can change "k" to "K."  You think I should contact LL or am I wasting my time??

And what's up with the name change policy??

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the name you choose becomes the name of your account. i did the same thing with my w instead of W. and everyone thinks wiked is an adjective instead of a noun which pisses me off to no end. If there is a way ( not including using SL veiwer) i wouold also be most interested, but.............i doubt it!

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If it's only "k" to "K", I actually think you can have it done.

I can not be sure, but I heard about it 2 years ago. So if they still do it? It is the one and only thing LL will do with your name. All other changes, not at all. Only change your Display name, and we know that many other users don't even turn on the option to see Display names.



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Some clarifications.


Your "user name" is the name you log in with. It is not meant to be visible beyond being a unique identifier, like a social security number or other government ID. This is unique and cannot be changed.


Your "display name" is your avatar name, what you want to be called by people you meet in SL. This can be changed and it is not unique, so there may be others with the same name just like in real life.


 To change your display name simple edit your profile, there is an option for changing your display name there.




Unfortunately, LL handled the upgrade ot display names with all the wisdom and grace they've become known for over the years, which is to say they took a great idea and managed to implement it in the worst possible way. LL set up the viewer to display both user names and display names by default, a stupid, stupid move considering how easily accessable usernames are making impersonation impossible. So this move only served to confuse the issue.

On top of that, LL introduced display names shortly after the release of Viewer 2. The initial releases of Viewer 2 were awful, absolutely atrociously bad, it took them almost a year to turn Viewer 2 into what was eventually a superior viewer, but by then they'd burned so many existing residents that many refuse to touch it, citing problems that were resolved half a year ago or longer.

 So they continue to use older viewers that only show user names.

 Still others are simply crotchety old SL users who hate change, even when it's change for the better, and simply refuse to use display names. Those people need to get a life.

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Thanks for your explanations.  I did go to Profile < Edit Profile < New Display Name and, happily, I could change kurt7D8 Avon to Kurt7D8 Avon!  Yay! I'm so happy!

I'm still a little confused though. Sorry if you already explained one of these items.  First, by "username" are we talking about the log-on to SL name?  I used my AV name as my username, so my username and display name are the same.  Does it matter?  Second,  a Profile comment said that the display name is the AV name.  That's confusing.  Why not just call it the avatar's name?  Now on display I have two names, my old one and my new one.  Do you think I'm just waiting for the old one to be purged?  There was a note to that effect.

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As I recall, a change in capitalization is one of the few cases where the Lindens normally WILL allow a name change. Try sending a message to Torley or one of the more accessible Lindens, and ask. The worst they can do is say no. But something like changing "john" to "John" was at one time quite possible to get them to do for you.

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Your original name will not be 'purged'. Ever.  It is still also your username and the one with which you must logon.  Many users will see both your username 'kurt7D8' and your display name 'Kurt7D8'.  Some users will only see you as 'kurt7D8' because they choose not to see display names.  Some users who use display names make them with odd looking special characters or features that can sometimes make them difficult to read (as a DJ, I like to greet patrons on mic and if I cannot read their display name I will use their username).

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 Yes, "username" is your log-on to SL name.

 No, it does not matter if your username and display name are the same. Most older users keep their old usernames as their display names.


 As for the naming of different features, Linden Lab has always been extremely bad about that. I've been saying since 2005 that the so-called "Friends List" should be renamed a "Contact List" that we can organize by friends, acquaintances, etcetera.

  About both username and display name being shown, go to Preferences > General > and un-check "Usernames". This will leave you with only display names shown. If you need to see anyone else's username for identity purposes, usernames are displayed in mouse-over pop-ups, the little information boxes that appear when your mosue cursor lingers over an avatar or scripted object, or the display name of an avatar or scripted object in chat/IM history.

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kurt7D8 Avon wrote:

Now on display I have two names, my old one and my new one.  Do you think I'm just waiting for the old one to be purged?  There was a note to that effect.


That is how Display Names work. If there is any difference between your actual Username and your current Display Name, then both can be displayed, and most Residents with a Display- Names capable Viewer opt to see both.

Think about it this way. You walk into a club, and there's ten people there all with the Display Name "John Smith". You seem to recall that your friend "kurt7D8 Avon" was using "John Smith" this week as his Display Name. Is one of those people your friend? Well, you could mouseover each one, and check their profiles. If you can find each of them, in a laggy, crowded club. Or you could mouseover their name in chat each time one of them speaks, and try to remember which one is which. Or you could do what most people do, and display both names, so "John Smith (kurt7D8 Avon)" is instantly and visibly different from "John Smith (Peggy Patton)".

Now imagine someone IM's you. You're showing only Display Names, because you think that's what you prefer to see. You get an IM from "Polly Avon", which is the same name as your SL Partner, or is maybe the name of your business partner in SL, and they say they need L$5000 to cover the tier on your shared parcel. Are you going to remember to mouseover their name before sending them the money, to make sure that the person is really "Polly Avon (Polly Avon)", and not "Polly Avon (DetestableScammer)"? That is the kind of impersonation that many people were worried about, when Display Names was first proposed, and it still is a possible issue.

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And yes, like wiked Anton points out, changing display names only applies to current SL viewers SL 2.1 and above, including third party viewers like Firestorm and Kirstens.

 Outdated viewers that are still in use obviously do not support all current features. Phoenix apparently shows display names but doesn't let you change your own.

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Ceera Murakami wrote:

Think about it this way. You walk into a club, and there's ten people there all with the Display Name "John Smith". You seem to recall that your friend "kurt7D8 Avon" was using "John Smith" this week as his Display Name. Is one of those people your friend? Well, you could mouseover each one, and check their profiles. If you can find each of them, in a laggy, crowded club. Or you could mouseover their name in chat each time one of them speaks, and try to remember which one is which. Or you could do what most people do, and display both names, so "John Smith (kurt7D8 Avon)" is instantly and visibly different from "John Smith (Peggy Patton)".

Now imagine someone IM's you. You're showing only Display Names, because you think that's what you prefer to see. You get an IM from "Polly Avon", which is the same name as your SL Partner, or is maybe the name fo your business partner in SL, and they say they need L$5000 to cover the tier on your shared parcel. Are you going to remember to mouseover their name before sending them the money, to make sure that the person is really "Polly Avon (Polly Avon)", and not "Polly Avon (DetestableScammer)"? That is the kind of impersonation that many people were worried about, when Display Names was first proposed, and it still is a possible issue.

As for the first case...that is extremely unlikely to ever happen unless the club is running a "John Smith" event. We've had display names for over a year now and this has never been an issue.

 With the second, you do realize that usernames are displayed automatically in the payment window, right? That's even with usernames not shown over people's heads. You will always see a person's username when you go to pay them so you don't need to remember to check.

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Penny Patton wrote:

Some clarifications.


Your "user name" is the name you log in with. It is not meant to be visible beyond being a unique identifier, like a social security number or other government ID. This is unique and cannot be changed.


Your "display name" is your avatar name, what you want to be called by people you meet in SL. This can be changed and it is not unique, so there may be others with the same name just like in real life.


 To change your display name simple edit your profile, there is an option for changing your display name there.




Unfortunately, LL handled the upgrade ot display names with all the wisdom and grace they've become known for over the years, which is to say they took a great idea and managed to implement it in the worst possible way. LL set up the viewer to display both user names and display names by default, a stupid, stupid move considering how easily accessable usernames are making impersonation impossible. So this move only served to confuse the issue.

On top of that, LL introduced display names shortly after the release of Viewer 2. The initial releases of Viewer 2 were awful, absolutely atrociously bad, it took them almost a year to turn Viewer 2 into what was eventually a superior viewer, but by then they'd burned so many existing residents that many refuse to touch it, citing problems that were resolved half a year ago or longer.

 So they continue to use older viewers that only show user names.

Still others are simply crotchety old SL users who hate change, even when it's change for the better, and simply refuse to use display names. Those people need to get a life.

You are entitled to your opinion but, was that really necessary?

Comments like this only serve to further divide an already polarized community and detract from the otherwise solid info in the post as well as make you look petty.

Can we all agree to drop the invective and accept that everyone has different needs and uses SL in different ways? Just because the LL viewer meets your needs doesn't mean it will meet mine. I prefer Firestorm or Cool VL and even though they can show display names I have that turned off because of the rampant abuse of ASCII characters in display names. I don't like trying to decipher upside down names or names full of symbols.

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Yes, really it was necessary.


Look, there's very valid complaints about the newer LL viewers. I have plenty myself. Lots of people I know use Phoenix, Singularity, I'm using Firestorm myself and for the longest time Ascent was my viewer of choice. I only reluctantly went to the 2.x viewers even tho I find the 1.x viewers are far, far, far better for content creation.

 However, if I'm walking around with "Princess Sparkles" as my display name and you insist on referring to me by my username herpyderp5656 because you don't like display names then you are being silly, petty, rude, stubborn and need to get over yourself.

 And sure, there are people out there who make their display names illegible, in those cases use their username, or do what I do and make names up for them. In that situation THEY'RE the ones being difficult.

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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

lol i dont see any change for the better when twinkletoes (who?) is now known as fairywings.

i must have known them once i but its beyond me now who they are or were.

some of us crotchety old SL users prefer people not changing their names every week, wierd i know....


I've got a fairly large contact list and yet only one person on it who changes their name with any frequency. People frequently changing names is a non-issue, anyone not blinded by their own stubborn refusal to accept change would see that.

Even so, I agree LL shouldn't have made it so easy to frequently change names. If someone abuses that ability then the problem is their's if their friends don't recognize them, or start to get annoyed by it.

Or are you suggesting I'd be better off referring to you as 1a084e61-abc2-40e8-8fae-41de0272be8c because twinkeltoes changed her name to fairywings one week then queenbee the next and it's made me decide to avoid the whole "names" thing altogether?

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Willow Danube wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

lol i dont see any change for the better when twinkletoes (who?) is now known as fairywings.

Why would YOU need to feel better when someone wants to change their names to TwinkleFairies to make THEM feel better? :matte-motes-stress:


because i havent a clue who they are.

it was one of the worst decisions LL ever made. lol

that and resident names. and the homestead fiasco and the gambling ban and V2 and V3 and media on a prim,and the teen integration and mesh and need i carry on?






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Penny Patton wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

lol i dont see any change for the better when twinkletoes (who?) is now known as fairywings.

i must have known them once i but its beyond me now who they are or were.

some of us crotchety old SL users prefer people not changing their names every week, wierd i know....


I've got a fairly large contact list and yet only one person on it who changes their name with any frequency. People frequently changing names is a non-issue, anyone not blinded by their own stubborn refusal to accept change would see that.

Even so, I agree LL shouldn't have made it so easy to frequently change names. If someone abuses that ability then the problem is
if their friends don't recognize them, or start to get annoyed by it.

Or are you suggesting I'd be better off referring to
as 1a084e61-abc2-40e8-8fae-41de0272be8c because
changed her name to fairywings one week then queenbee the next and it's made me decide to avoid the whole "names" thing altogether?

you can of course refer to me as Dogboat Taurog, thats my SL name, easier no?

i don;t remember suggesting anything to you.

i have some ideas though. :smileywink:

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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

you can of course refer to me as Dogboat Taurog, thats my SL name, easier no?


So what makes YOUR SL name a good option, but a new users SL name something to be avoided?

Remember, new sign-ups don't have the same naming options you did. Remember, usernames are no longer avatar names, they're the account name you sign in with. New sign-ups don't have nearly the freedom in choosing their usernames that we did with our SL names, meaning a lot of people are going to be stuck with usernames they really don't want as an avatar name, hence they set their avatar name using the feature designed percisely for that purpose.

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