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Nine Keys to Happy SL'ing

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I've carefully analyzed SL and concluded that there nine keys to a happy SL that will keep you happy and logging in. They are listed below in no particular order. Please add your keys to the list or correct mine if you believe any are in error.

1) Remember that you are more important than you realize. When you dissappear, there is someone out there saying "wtf, happend to that person?"

2) Don't live project to project, live adventure to adventure.

3) Be completely unhibited in chat regarding grammarr, spelling and syntax. Nobody cares about korrect speling.

4) Be in love with someone else's wife your life.

5) Try not to have slex while drunk or you may inexplicably wakeup naked and locked outside your home.

6) Don't be too serious.

7) Be creative. Creativity connects more of the neurons in your brain to each other and makes you smarter. You can be creative in tiny ways everday. Make someone laugh. Change your look, don't wear underwear, get a new tattoo, just do something.

8) Be nice to other residents.

9) Never wear a freenis.

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1) awww

2) My first project is to cancel some of my projects.

3) I feel inhibited by this key rule.

4) a good key. 

5) Being naked and lock outside of my home is never a problem. The problem is when the house is not mine.

6) Does that include the 8 9 Keys? 

7) lose underwear/get tattoo; got it.

8) Nice is nice.

9) I'm glad I don't know everything.

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There is an answer to everything. So I will answer your following numbered sentences, regardless of lack of a question being asked with them..

1.If all of use are important, then when you go missing any of the otheres will be important and since we can only keep track of so many sentences..well, they will always find another to fill your place...to say they wont is to deny all of us are important...you said we all are.

2. This sounds like paycheck to paycheck, in the event there is not a adventure we would die OR you are saying we live between the adventures, so we must be totallyunable to live through an adventure. So, projects get us a life, adventures mean we have no life. I say we are alive weather we wanto to be and I never died when I had neither a project or adventure, so this is all moot.

3. Spelling? Some do. Ones who would hire you for a writing asignment, and since you might be able to pysically or mentall do much else the wonderful thing about old PC's is that they are always able to work office software before 3D software and heavy 2D stuff! Even SL itself has more system req's than all of that, so even using SL might be hard to use and text allows you to turn off the voice chat and all that stuff that slows everything down on old hardware. So, Spelling and grammar are of the utmost importance, they might be your only lifeline to earnings in the event you are forced into disablment at any degree!

4. You can't love you life, you can't set it free...or once again, are you advocating death again!!?:(

5. Slex and drunk? Well, if you wife doesn't understand and you turn to drink you already knew this, so you where willing to have this adventure of not knowing if you will wake up or where you would wake up or what happens to your stuff! People frequently will commit crimes or quasi malicious acts as payback and expressions of hate. To foster more hate is not good, it can lead to war...so NO just dont drink and slex all you want and remaind sharp like a fox!!!? The hate will still arrive as the neive man who drinks and slexes already or is tempted will simply not know about the keylogger or microphone! Not good. The answer is to join a monk order and never slex or sex and leave your wife with a very thick warm clothing on and scowl at her and scream that it is her fault! She has destroyed your life by being a person who would take advantage of a drunken sleeping man.

6. You are in some proccess of killing yourself to set your life free from your body YET...you say this place isn't serious!So, I say...be serious BUT be smart..dont' let your life free of your body over SL, just be silly and serious as much as you can and never make a decision on what is happening....action, decisions and responsibility are all deadly things!

7. Cretivity is almost a given because you can't choose anything and if you choose nothing...well, then you would have taken a different path by no choice at all...since everyone chooses to choose and decide, by NOT deciding you are stillbeign different. Enough difference ='s creativity! So, you can't help but be creative to someone, so no need to even say this!

8. Nah, some want to be hit, shot at, be 'embrasased' and have blood sucked, some want to cuase you greif and see the result of this in reactions....so, this is almost impossible! So, there is once again an answer...your question can't be asked here!

9. This is almsot impossible becuase there are hardly any items called this by the time you find out what the name is, so once again..you question does NOT make and answer or a "key" and this is obsurdity! I will not answer any more qeustions to prove there was a key to them! I will go groom by beard and wonder other things and answer other questions that have not been asked...good day sir.


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Randall Ahren wrote:


3) Be completely unhibited in chat regarding grammarr, spelling and syntax. Nobody cares about korrect speling.

On the.. kontrary... I care very much and I am very quick to dismiss people who ask questions like, "how r u" and "WUD?"

Even if English is your second language, it's in your best interests to learn to spell correctly. It says a lot about you and your level of maturity.

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Willow Danube wrote:

Randall Ahren wrote:

... I usually judge by breast size, and dun kare about there spilling and grimmer.

10. Be silly whenever, wherever.

/me waves to Hayley... good to see you here. :matte-motes-big-grin:

GP Corse weird encounter_002.png

I take it you know who deadmau5 is. :)

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11. One hundred percent straight in a woman is boring. If your man friend suggests a threesome with you, him, and another female friend, you should do it.

@Poenald, you're right about No. 4. I was talking to my neighbor yesterday with the hot wife, and No. 4 should be corrected from love your life to:

4. Love thy neighbor's wife neighbor.

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Oh Pep...

so soweee I ran off through your bedroom window last year... I mean I was goin to stay but then i saw your sagging old boys dangling dangerously low when you ran off to the bathroom for your 1 hourly peeing. I was like... OMG! No way I'm having that next to my skin... and so I got freaked out. I did leave you a phone number of my ex fiance. He is a urologist. You should see him

Willow (seriously... )

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9) Never wear a freenis.

This should be #1.

2) Don't live project to project, live adventure to adventure.

A project can be an adventure too. I'd rather say try to do something new each time you log in.

3) Be completely unhibited in chat regarding grammarr, spelling and syntax. Nobody cares about korrect speling.

Use a viewer with spell check. You don't have to have perfect spelling & grammer, but try to post readable, sensible chat.

4) Be in love with someone else's wife your life.

Love & respect yourself, no matter which life you're in.


I would also add #12. Never spend more than 12 hours a day in SL.  There's a reason it's called *Second* Life.

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Randall Ahren wrote:

11. One hundred percent straight in a woman is boring. If your man friend suggests a threesome with you, him, and another female friend, you should do it.

I agree. 

Same goes for if your lady friend suggests a threesome with you, her and another male friend. 

He always gets all coy about getting it out in front of another man when I suggest that though. :smileyindifferent:

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Suella Ember wrote:

Randall Ahren wrote:

11. One hundred percent straight in a woman is boring. If your man friend suggests a threesome with you, him, and another female friend, you should do it.

I agree. 

Same goes for if your lady friend suggests a threesome with you, her and another male friend

That is against the ToS.  

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Storm Clarence wrote:

Suella Ember wrote:

Randall Ahren wrote:

11. One hundred percent straight in a woman is boring. If your man friend suggests a threesome with you, him, and another female friend, you should do it.

I agree. 

Same goes for if your lady friend suggests a threesome with you, her and another male friend

That is against the ToS.  


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