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Do you get tired of tweaking?

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Let's say you're driving your car down the road and you see a new road and want to see where it goes.  Once on the road your car starts running slowly.  You see someone stopped on the side of the road and stop to offer help.  They tell you if you want to drive on this road you need to change your tires, use a different gas and roll down your back windows.  So you do that and for a few miles your car runs great.  After a few miles more problems crop up.  You find out you need to turn on your right turn signal and rotate your tires.  This goes on and on and on.

It seems to me trying to run Second Life on any computer is like this scenario.  I can't just open a viewer and cruise effortlessly through Second Life.  I have to spend hours in the Forums and JiRA searching for fixes to my poor performance.  Don't you get tired of tweaking everything?

And since July 6, I can't even get VWR 2 to log me in.  "Despite our best efforts, something has gone wrong."  VWR 1 logs in but but lags horribly.  Phoenix and Firestorm won't work either.

And with the direction LL seems to be taking SL, I don't need it anymore - I already have Facebook and Skype.

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Sounds like an issue on your side, I don't have to tweak anything. I do, but just because I like things a certain way. I tweak various graphics and debug menu settings to where I like them. But I could just as easily log in, set the slider to ultra and be on my way. And that is with Phoenix, firestorm Kirstens and official LL viewer. I haven't tried the new mesh viewer yet.

Rather than using analogies why don't tell use exactly what you have to tweak and what sort of problems you are having. Maybe someone could help if we knew what was really going on.

As for you original analogy, I used to be an ASE certified mechanic and I can tell you without a doubt if you need to do all that to drive down any road you need a new car lol.

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Something happened on or around July 6 of this year.  NO SL viewers will run on my computer.  LL VWR 2 won't log in.  LL VWR 1 will log in but is slower than Christmas.  Phoenix is no better.  Firestorm took 30 minutes to log in the last time I tried it.

The tweaks I'm referring to are the VOB, HTTP Get Textures, Draw distance, etc..

Here's Phoenix after applying the VOB and HTTP Get Textures tweaks as suggested by the Phoenix team:


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honestly, yes.

which is why I aim for the top in performance, so that I have to tweak less often to get what I want. But eventually, what was once top performance eventually gets passed up by what's new, and I have to do it all over again. Such is life if you want to keep up with the public standard.

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What kind of computer are you trying to run SL on? I run it on 3 different macs, it runs fine except on the oldest laptop, which is admittedly a little old now.... only problem there is overheating more than I'd like to see, so I just use SL on the other two. No tweaking required. If we know more about the machines you're trying this on, it may help...

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It sounds like you have tried a lot of viewers. Earlier this summer, I did a total uninstallment. I also deleted the files manually, emptied the trash, restarted the computer and installed Firestorm. I can not explain this more technically, but this post can perhaps explain it. Do it for all SL viewers you find on your computer.  http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_clean_reinstall

It is good to do this once in a while, especially since you tried lots of viewers. The cache can be corrupted with all these installments, and new viewers installed overwriting old ones, maybe something is left.

Since you compare SL with a car, think of it as changing your motor oil.


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Tweaking is just a part of every day computing no matter what you are doing on your computer.

Some things are more 'automated' than others like virus definition updates.  Technically speaking, you set your preferences for that once and away you go.  Same is true for Windows updates. 

Some updates do require deliberate action on your part.  It sometimes drives me batty that Windows Vista always asks me if I am sure I want to do install this new program or update.

In a perfect world it would be great if computers ran perfectly.   But then again the idea of a perfect computer scares me.


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Hotrod you are correct that something has been happening since beginning of July. Linden has been doing some "server restarts" a lot. The first roll out they did created a lot of "lag" issues in Homestead sims which only recently did they correct.

I used Phoenix viewer until recently and found it very stable. You do not mention what OS you are using. I use WIndows 7 64 bit and phoenix ran extremely well. Now I have switched to Firestorm since all Viewer 1 versions will soon not run well if at all in SL and I refuse to use Viewer 2 since I do not like Facebook or Tweeter which does not belong in this world.

I have had considerable trouble with Firestorm similar to what I see on your YouTube. Since the code is being changed do to Lindens desire to integrate Mesh more "bugs" are popping up. I also believe Linden is working on trying to balance how loading of Textures vs.. Scripting when one "arrives" in world or Sims. All of this is playing havoc on each persons settings. Also you will notice Bandwidth. This plays an important part in "loading" time to the client from the server. Also cache  is becoming more and more a player in this. One can help "load" quicker if one does not clean often since many textures are stored here. But if the cache becomes "corrupted" which does happen for various reasons and one has to "clean" and YES start all over collecting.

I like you have chosen to continue to struggle through hoping this will all calm down. Bigger issues lie ahead for SL like how to keep the Creators here and retain first time users. "Land" issues and pricing. I think Linden needs to quit messing with Graphics(they have done a great job) and start laying out a plan to keep SL a viable vibrant place it once was ,and in some places still is. Ask the question "Where will SL be in 2 Years?" not "How will SL look? "

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I read about tweaks for all operating systems.  I'm using the latest 10.6.8 on a 2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Mac mini.  All SL viewers ran great through June of this year.  I even ran two at a time.  Now all SL viewers run like a car with four flat tires.  I have removed all files ever mentioned for all the viewers I had installed and tried one a time with the same poor results.  As for any other programs not related to SL I see no change in performance.

 As a side note, my  dual 1.8GHz G5 PPC Mac still runs VWR1 well enough I can build and ride a motorcycle.  In a Firestorm JIRA it has been suggested that I do an OS reinstall.

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Cars, motor engines and roads aren't an appropriate metaphor for virtual world platforms and softwares.

Car industry and road infrastructures are a well-established set of standards, with quality requirements. Law regulations exist about them in order to provide a reliable experience to users.

I'd rather compare Second Life and virtual world platforms in 2011 to cars -and roads- in 1911. 

The higher your expectations, the stronger your disappointment.

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Maybe you need a new computer; I never have to tweak anything.  SL like every other online world is always pushing forward which pushes our systems.

As for SL being compared to facebook or skype...well if all you want to do is chat, use the SL mobile app and never come into the world at all.

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I'm increasingly bothered by the inability to build for a single user experience in SL because there are so very many different ways of viewing anything.  Lighting is the biggest problem for me, because it's a choice of whose viewer to lag more, those with shadows turned on or those without.

That said, however, the session initiation problem you describe is way beyond viewer tweaking.  My hunch is that you and/or your ISP has major routing problems.  I'd first try powering off every scrap of network gear, then powering it all back on again.  Then check that there hasn't been a change in any software firewall that might be running, or any change in router firmware or settings made around the time stuff stopped working.  If none of that helps, you may need to find a trail of evidence with which to challenge the ISP.

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HotRodJohnny Gears wrote:


And with the direction LL seems to be taking SL, I don't need it anymore - I already have Facebook and Skype.


Not seeing the connection there, thats like saying, "I don`t need a computer anymore, I already have a camera & a phone". LMAO.gif

As for your SL problems, you could trying posting your system info, maybe thats what needs improving. SL runs fine for me without constant tweaking.

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This seems more like some server issues at that time.

Since then a lot has happened, server-wise, so you should probably try again. At least for me, my performance has changed to the better lately, although not sure why :)

As for the tweaking. I'm running on a rather old compy here, so yes i had to do some tweaking to get the best compromise between performance and good looks, but i don't have to do that each time i try out a new viewer, the basics are solid now ;)

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