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Do you Play Second Life?


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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:

Parse your words all you like and you are still incorrect.

thats your opinion.

the facts are that pc chips contain an operating system, windows goes over the top of that, and when you log in to SL that goes over the top of windows. (or mac or linux etc)


no thats the bios(basic input output system)

not an operating system

an operating system is what takes over after the basic input output system gives control to the operating system which resides on the hard drive..

SL needs an operating system to operate..it resides within an operating system..without an operating system working to run it.. it's nothing.. it's an application using the operating system it resides in to run..



if anything it's a really neat browser.. kind of like that blue E that comes with windows


without the bios controlling the computer it would be useless.

its a low level operating system.

thats why your pc or mac has those messages on the screen at start up.

it allows the drives to be read and many other tasks.

theres more to it than you think, its all about levels of control.

it's not an operating system 

it's a program that the microprocessor uses to get the system going..

well i'm off to work..have a good evening


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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:

Parse your words all you like and you are still incorrect.

thats your opinion.

the facts are that pc chips contain an operating system, windows goes over the top of that, and when you log in to SL that goes over the top of windows. (or mac or linux etc)


no thats the bios(basic input output system)

not an operating system

an operating system is what takes over after the basic input output system gives control to the operating system which resides on the hard drive..

SL needs an operating system to operate..it resides within an operating system..without an operating system working to run it.. it's nothing.. it's an application using the operating system it resides in to run..



if anything it's a really neat browser.. kind of like that blue E that comes with windows


without the bios controlling the computer it would be useless.

its a low level operating system.

thats why your pc or mac has those messages on the screen at start up.

it allows the drives to be read and many other tasks.

theres more to it than you think, its all about levels of control.

it's not an operating system 

it's a program that the microprocessor uses to get the system going..


yawn, the term OS is evidently misunderstood.

same as platform and virtual world it seems.

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or is it something all together different than anything else?

Second life is a virtual toolbox loaded with various activities you can execute in here 24/7. It offers a wide-range of possibilities for various users; building, networking, gaming, learning, .... this depending on the choice of the tool or requirements. Some tools are free, others come at a certain cost, but it is the end consumer that makes the final choice, not LL.

Do you play SL or does it play you...

I don't play it, I use second life like I would use any other software program. Of course in case the program would take control of me as a user, then no doubt I will stop using it. I don't have any emotional connection with this world nor do I care in general, I still see a monitor and masses of coloured pixels.





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Keli Kyrie wrote:

Some like it rough, some like it spaced-out and some don't like you to call it a game at all...

So what do you think: Do you play SL or does it play you...

or is it something all together different than anything else?




It is something altogether different than anything else.


From reading about life in Wikipedia, THe authority on what is true :P, it becomes obvious that life itself cannot be unanimously and unarguably defined either:


Life is a characteristic that distinguishes objects that have signaling and self-sustaining processes (i. e., living organisms) from those that do not, either because such functions have ceased (death), or else because they lack such functions and are classified as inanimate. link


It is still a challenge for scientists and philosophers to define life in unequivocal terms. Defining life is difficult—in part—because life is a process, not a pure substance. Any definition must be sufficiently broad to encompass all life with which we are familiar, and it should be sufficiently general that, with it, scientists would not miss life that may be fundamentally different from life on Earth. link


Therefore, I conclude that Second Life is a virtual reality that as of yet defies definition. It is a virtual reality that is under development. It is an unrealized dream. 

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I'm so sorry Keli.  I think this topic of whether SL is a game or not puts me in a bad mood.

I don't think I want to discuss this topic any more, but I should not mind if any of you do wish to discuss.

My feeling about SL is it is whatever the individual makes it.

I also was frustrated because I didn't know if you meant to say "play sports on SL" put the thread had already run over into warring about a game or not. 

I wouldn't exactly call SL a game, but it has aspects of "play" in it for me.  I play a fairy.  I play a mermaid.  Who knows what else I will play in the future.  I don't know....?  I've also said it has aspects of Monopoly.... yada yada. 

I think it's just a fact that I need to stay out of this topic, but let others freely discuss it.

And to Keli, you are acute person, btw.  You are a very nice person, and I'm sorry. 

Mayalily shuts up now about this topic and perhaps others, too.  Life is a learning experience.  We all learn from our mistakes.

I'm sorry, Keli for the way I acted. 


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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

oh you bought that phD from the net? university of libya right?  i saw them too, very cheep. but i wont tell anyone about you :smileywink:

socialising makes things a game? wut?

Ah so you tell me not to name call in one thread, and toss this out in another.

Try again. Went to the UC system for my last degree, after working my way up via the GI bill from the community colleges to the state universities.

And again, you failed to see my point, and instead focused on a side comment. Two of them in fact.



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Thank you for understanding.

You see it's not even Keli's fault at all.  I just wasn't sure if I wanted to discuss "playing" in regards to SL as I feel my playing is private and shouldn't be judged.  It's like playing has become a dirty word or something.  There is nothing wrong with playing and nothing wrong with sharing lovely pictures.  For the most past, yes I play but it's wholesome and there is nothing wrong with it. 

And do I think SL plays me as asked in the OP?  No, I don't.  I have met a lot of very kind people here on SL.  I do not feel SL plays me. 

But for me, I do play, but it's my own play and for the most part I'd rather not talk about it.  I fear it will be judged. 

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Keli Kyrie wrote:

Canoro Philipp wrote:

a system is a set of programs working together for a purpose, if that set is operating, then is an operating system.

second life maybe is not an operating system that you install in your computer so that hardware can cooperate with what you want to do, but its an operating system in a more traditional way. as long as there are some programs interconnected to provide a result, is an operating system.

^^I like this^^ if ever I am in need will you be my lawyer?

i would. :) i would be fair.

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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

for those that "play" SL i suggest they explore themselves and find out exactly why they havent grown up properly and where their deficiencies lie. 


This reminds me of an article by the French anthropologist Peter Frost, in particular of this quote:


"A newborn creature will spend much time exploring its environment. As it comes to know its surroundings, it no longer has to acquire new information at the same rate. It loses its ability to learn.


We humans are different. We never grow up. As adults, we retain this infant-like mental plasticity, much in the same way as a child’s tolerance for milk persists into adulthood in dairy-farming societies."
If humans ever grew up, we'd stop being such an insanely successful species. Our entire technological progress is driven by playfulness and curiosity. Scientists, engineers and geeks are probably the most playful of us all. Normal, mature apes don't run around flying kites and waiting to be struck by lightning. They stick to important things, things they can eat and hump and thump their chests at. They don't split atoms. We do. An atom? Wow, let's try and take it apart. Like a kid breaking the wheels off of a toy car. We're playful, immature creatures. If we weren't, there would be no Second Life.
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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Keli Kyrie wrote:

Some like it rough, some like it spaced-out and some don't like you to call it a game at all...

So what do you think: Do you play SL or does it play you...

or is it something all together different than anything else?




It is something altogether different than anything else.


From reading about life in Wikipedia, THe authority on what is true
, it becomes obvious that life itself cannot be unanimously and unarguably defined either:


Life is a characteristic that distinguishes objects that have signaling and self-sustaining processes (i. e., living organisms) from those that do not, either because such functions have ceased (death), or else because they lack such functions and are classified as inanimate.


It is still a challenge for scientists and philosophers to define life in unequivocal terms. Defining life is difficult—in part—because life is a process, not a pure substance. Any definition must be sufficiently broad to encompass all life with which we are familiar, and it should be sufficiently general that, with it, scientists would not miss life that may be fundamentally different from life on Earth.


Therefore, I conclude that Second Life is a virtual reality that as of yet defies definition. It is a virtual reality that is under development. It is an unrealized dream. 

Life is quite easily defined. If something has a metabolism and is able to reproduce, it is alive. Everything else is not.

In addition, living organisms compete in a race for continued survival of their genes, and are subject to a rule set that is imposed on them by their environment and by natural selection. The more complex living organisms become, the more complex and intrigate are the games of strategy they're playing in order to survive and successfully propel their genes into the next generation.

The interactions of advanced social species, such as humans, are so complex that scientists have come up with a field of mathematics called "game theory" in order to analyze and predict their behavior. The fact that Second Life tries to imitate life is exactly what makes it a game of chance and strategy, just like the real life.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

I might be able to answer here.  I've been reading these games vs real arguments for almost 6 years now.  And there are always two sides to the issue (no real middle ground). [...]

... and now we know where you blew it... you think it's about games vs real.... here's a clue... some games are a quite real and plenty of real things are games.... so if those two things can be the same thing, obviously arguing them as opposites makes no sense whatsoever. and arguing how "real" something is, that's a suckers game.

it all boils down to a simple set of two questions; do people have and make the unguided choice to take part in activities that are not commonly considered "games" in daily life, and are those activities common and available in SL? if so, then by the commonality and choice SL is obviously not a "game" at it's core.

that does not preclude SL being a game for some people who only use it in that manner, nor does it preclude a combination of the two, which in fact is much more common (just like the rest of life), and is a middle ground (which would be your second major mistake).

 you worst mistake though, wasn't either of those two, nor even insisting that SL is a game. The biggest blunder was that you insisted that only the way you use it defines it for everyone. As someone who's been around a while you should know better. it's one thing to do that in ignorance, but for a person to do so while knowing better passes from ignorance to stupidity. if the duck calls you a horse shoe.... (pick whichever of three saying about obviously observable things that you like)


if *I* do any crying it'll be for the sad state of common sense and critical reasoning skills.

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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Life is quite easily defined. If something has a metabolism and is able to reproduce, it is alive. Everything else is not.

 according to your definition, water is alive....  it meets the requirements for metabolism (Ionic exchange, suspension of other materials, etc), and reproduction (condensation, which is also metabolic in nature).


and by the same definition, all sterile people are not alive (they miss at least one requirement in your definition).


I'm not going to expect that your definition gets adopted any time soon =P

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

oh you bought that PhD from the net? university of libya right?  i saw them too, very cheep. but i wont tell anyone about you :smileywink:

socialising makes things a game? wut?

Ah so you tell me not to name call in one thread, and toss this out in another.

Try again. Went to the UC system for my last degree, after working my way up via the GI bill from the community colleges to the state universities.

And again, you failed to see my point, and instead focused on a side comment. Two of them in fact.



lighten up, i wasn't name calling.

the PhD is a standing joke where i live, the equivalent of a MacD , i thought you would see the wink. :smileywink:

there it is again..


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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

And those who study life (biology) know that human behavior is best explained using the
It really is one big old game of strategy. People who lose this game give up, sit down and play Second Life instead.

Wow, just wow, Ishtara. In your narrow view everyone who enjoys SL has failed at RL? You didn't really mean that, did you? Thats sorta pot-kettle, with your post count here -- perhaps you need to step away from the blogorums and get some fresh air.


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Shelby Silverspar wrote:

Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

And those who study life (biology) know that human behavior is best explained using the
It really is one big old game of strategy. People who lose this game give up, sit down and play Second Life instead.

Wow, just wow, Ishtara. In your narrow view everyone who enjoys SL has failed at RL? You didn't really mean that, did you? Thats sorta pot-kettle, with your post count here -- perhaps you need to step away from the blogorums and get some fresh air.


i think he was speaking from personal experience Shelby :smileywink:

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Void Singer wrote:

Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Life is quite easily defined. If something has a metabolism and is able to reproduce, it is alive. Everything else is not.

 according to your definition, water is alive....  it meets the requirements for metabolism (Ionic exchange, suspension of other materials, etc), and reproduction (condensation, which is also metabolic in nature).


and by the same definition, all sterile people are not alive (they miss at least one requirement in your definition).


I'm not going to expect that your definition gets adopted any time soon =P

Water doesn't have a metabolism. A metabolism is a biochemical process by definition (or two biochemical processes actually, catabolism and anabolism). The chemical reactions of H2O don't meet these requirements.

And sterile people are very much alive. After all, they are a conglomerate of living cells, all of which use mitosis to replicate (which the exception of some neurons, that is).

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