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Who is the mobile viewer even for?

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4 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

it's impossible to tell what's been reported and/or is being worked on.

If you submit a Mobile bug (at least with the Alpha program I was in), you can see comments on it, where other's were merged into it (and/or whether yours was merged into another's), and even see status changes if you are actually looking at it.

I feel like the Mobile bug reporting / feedback gave users more visibility than they usually get with Canny. I haven't looked for awhile so can't easily give you an example, though.

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6 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I guess one point of view is, if you don't like the mobile app, don't use the mobile app.

Another is that a significant amount of development has gone into SL on mobile, and yet we have...that. I have wanted mobile for a long time, but the approach they are taking, and it not even working well on high end devices makes me wonder what they are doing. It seems to just be floundering with little progress.

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Who is the mobile viewer even for?

For people who

  1. Prefer handheld over desktop or laptop devices.
  2. Can see things clearly on small screens without the need of reading glasses.

However, it is my utterly unprofessional opinion that it will take a whole lot more than a shiny app to lure these kind of people off and away from my lawn.

Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
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2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I guess if there are 10k+ downloads, that means at least 10k+ PREMIUM members downloaded it..

Or less than 10k users downloaded it onto multiple devices (like I did).

Anyone can download it so long as their device supports it, actually logging in requires the plus or above membership.  You will see a lot of negative reviews on google play from people who have not actually used the app, because they do not have a paid subscription to second life.  They are able to download it, then after waiting to log in, find out that they can't access the servers.  I for one, tend to read and research what I am downloading, before sticking it on my device 🤣 It is probably one of the reasons I have had so few viruses in the past three decades.




A lot of people will get upset that it is not a polished product, and post their grievances on the reviews as well - as they feel that is the feedback portal for beta testing.  SL mobile should still be in alpha, but what done is done.

Edited by Istelathis
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50 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

If you submit a Mobile bug (at least with the Alpha program I was in), you can see comments on it, where other's were merged into it (and/or whether yours was merged into another's), and even see status changes if you are actually looking at it.

I feel like the Mobile bug reporting / feedback gave users more visibility than they usually get with Canny. I haven't looked for awhile so can't easily give you an example, though.

You know what I think is part of the disconnect? I suspect that all the Alpha bugs got hidden from non-Linden testers. Does this work for you: https://feedback.secondlife.com/mobile-alpha-bugs ? I'm not sure what's in there, but…

I keep searching for a particular bug I filed (probably on an alt account) about teleports within a region leaving the cam stranded back where it was before teleporting with no apparent way to re-associate it with the avatar's current location, short of a blind teleport outside the region. I remember this being complicated to file because they wanted me to re-send the report from inside the mobile viewer (probably embeds some configuration and program context that way), and I couldn't figure out how to link that report with the one I'd filed in Canny. Some while later the bug seemed to get somewhat better: sometimes the cam would come along with the intra-region teleport, but not always, but by that time I couldn't find the report anywhere anymore. At first I thought it was because the Canny search interface is pretty limited, but I eventually concluded the report just wasn't there to be found anymore.

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2 hours ago, Cynite00 said:

Nothing. In true LL style, they open up the app to the most 'loyal' or 'invested' customers (subscribers) that will most likely upvote the app. It's that simple.
It's too bad, because the REAL feedback, the REAL effect and results of releasing an app to NORMAL consumers - can be conveniently ignored. Sure that's where a lot of trolls or SL haters giving LL back some karma - can add some negativity, but out of that also is a lot of honesty that LL needs to hear to be able to create a top-knotch product that will get them to their goals.

It's a bit cringe to see Obwerwolf pretty much begging for good reviews "Come on guys, give it a good rating so we can succeed there" instead of "Hey guys, don't hold back, give us your honest reviews, because we want this to be the best app to access SL through mobile ever!"

Play Store is absolutely savage for publishers. Google is basically looking for any excuse to put you on page 1,000 forever. Unless you're giving them lots of money.

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11 minutes ago, Cristiano Midnight said:

I am curious, is the App Store any better?

I've only done Android dev before. With Apple you have to have a Mac, iPhone, and pay a yearly fee to be listed in the App Store. You can make Android Apps without having anything Android, you don't even have to have an Android phone since you can use the emulator. I would guess Apple is a lot better, Android has a problem with low effort, spammy, broken apps since anyone can make one for free and Apple doesn't.


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1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

Does this work for you: https://feedback.secondlife.com/mobile-alpha-bugs ? I'm not sure what's in there, but…

Yes, it does. That's no surprise since I was/am an Alpha tester!

You can also see recent bug reports and search for your own there.

I see that both of my own show "Tracked".



Edited by Love Zhaoying
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1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

I remember this being complicated to file because they wanted me to re-send the report from inside the mobile viewer (probably embeds some configuration and program context that way), and I couldn't figure out how to link that report with the one I'd filed in Canny.

I was told that too for one of my bugs (create the bug report from the viewer). I think it was not necessary to link, but I wondered / worried about that also.

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3 hours ago, Istelathis said:

Anyone can download it so long as their device supports it, actually logging in requires the plus or above membership.  You will see a lot of negative reviews on google play from people who have not actually used the app, because they do not have a paid subscription to second life.  They are able to download it, then after waiting to log in, find out that they can't access the servers.  I for one, tend to read and research what I am downloading, before sticking it on my device 🤣 It is probably one of the reasons I have had so few viruses in the past three decades.




A lot of people will get upset that it is not a polished product, and post their grievances on the reviews as well - as they feel that is the feedback portal for beta testing.  SL mobile should still be in alpha, but what done is done.

I’ve said it before, but I guess I will say it again FWIW (I am guessing nothing lol): Hopefully LL has some evidenced-based reason for putting the ‘must have a paid account’ at the end (and they put it indirectly, ‘available to’), but I personally would put it at the beginning, and use some sort of graphical organizer to make that sentence more obvious.

One other thing, I have no idea how the app works, but if someone downloads it and tries to get in, do they get a message that tells them they need a paid sub? If so, and if they actually want to pay to try, do they get instructions on how to set up an account? Can they set up an account from inside the app, or do they have to go to the SL website?

Seems like perhaps a lot of obstacles for new people to try SL?

Also, instead of (IMO) noting that the app is in Beta as if that is some positive thing, I would emphasize that it is in beta and that issues may arise. Perhaps the Apple rules prevent that? I seem to recall something about developers having to tread lightly around saying an app is in development?

Wrt people noting issues in the reviews rather than filing some report, I would give a link to whatever site LL uses for that and say ‘please file trouble tickets here’ or something. Again, perhaps Apple will not allow that.

In their description LL as per usual seems to want to give a false impression of what SL is like. Perhaps that lures people in, I dunno. But as many people have said many times, that can just set people up for confusion and disappointment.

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55 minutes ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

One other thing, I have no idea how the app works, but if someone downloads it and tries to get in, do they get a message that tells them they need a paid sub? If so, and if they actually want to pay to try, do they get instructions on how to set up an account? Can they set up an account from inside the app, or do they have to go to the SL website?

I tried with an alt, and it did not show that you need a paid membership.  I might have fat fingered it, but I tried twice.  I had the wrong password, I was actually able to log in using a non premium account



It would probably be better if every time someone logs in, they are greeted with a dialogue window explaining that this is beta, there are bugs, the purpose of beta, and how to file bugs, which the user agrees to.  As it stands now, a lot of people haven't a clue what the beta or alpha cycle is, where to report bugs, and that they need to be subscribed.




I just found a bug.. I logged in with an account that was previously a premium account, but no longer is one..  It worked with two previous premium accounts, I'm not sure if everyone is allowed in now or not.



Edited by Istelathis
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41 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

It would probably be better if every time someone logs in, they are greeted with a dialogue window explaining that this is beta, there are bugs, the purpose of beta, and how to file bugs, which the user agrees to.  As it stands now, a lot of people haven't a clue what the beta or alpha cycle is, where to report bugs, and that they need to be subscribed.

It's hard to keep track..I still get "Test Flight" messages about the iOS app. (As if you still had to get the app using "Test Flight", which I assume is no longer true.)

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4 hours ago, Istelathis said:

  I for one, tend to read and research what I am downloading, before sticking it on my device 🤣 It is probably one of the reasons I have had so few viruses in the past three decades.

Ways to avoid viruses:

- Take care of what you stick on your device

- Don't be kissing strangers

- Don't have kids

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38 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

I had the wrong password, I was actually able to log in using a non premium account

Thx! I wonder what happens if someone new who doesn’t already have an account set up tries to log in. Hopefully lets them register an account!

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2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Ways to avoid viruses:

- Take care of what you stick on your device

- Don't be kissing strangers

Got to watch out for the Herpacovolaids, that stuff really does a number to your system, it gets the fans revving at PBR levels 😋🪿

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2 minutes ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

Also, take care of what you stick in strangers (synthesis of points 1 and 2 lol)


2 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

Got to watch out for the Herpacovolaids, that stuff really does a number to your system, it gets the fans revving at PBR levels 😋🪿

Y'all are awful! Or herpacovolicious. Or both.

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1 minute ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

Did you set up the new account in the app?

I created it through the web page, strangely enough when I logged in with mobile I believe I showed up at the firestorm welcome area.



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