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Ban Lines - time to finally fix it?

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48 minutes ago, Extrude Ragu said:

Just give people the option to put a banline that only above >2000m.

That's the sort of thing I mentioned (I think I did, anyway) some time ago. If I were designing things, I would have a free-fly altitude zone (I was thinking like 500 to 1000) which is not owned by the land's owner. Below and above that zone is the land owners with (if enabled) short-range-visibility so as not to spoil the view banlines or something. Could even have a script function to detect if the zone is enabled.

...when I win the international billionaire's lottery and design my own SL for people (OK, it wouldn't be called that; I do have a name for it but I'm not telling). What am I saying... I would be too busy on my ultra-mega-yacht someone far away from here.

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On 9/5/2024 at 10:24 AM, Rowan Amore said:

What part of my parcel on mainland is public access?Β  I don't have banlines but I do have a security orb for those nitwits who don't pay attention to the 15 sec warning.Β  You know the ones who TP to an avatar on the map and disrupt MY time alone at home.Β  15 seconds is plenty of time for anyone to fly over my 1024 parcel.Β  Why should I be expected to pay extra for more privacy?Β Β 


54 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

Not going to bother reading the whole, short thread.

  1. Below 50 meters, visibility restrictions are enforced
  2. For a skybox or added security in general one can use a Security Orb or similar
  3. MainlandΒ does not automatically equate to public accessΒ period
    1. Believe it does - good for you, now go and payΒ everyone'sΒ tierΒ by yourselfΒ as that is theΒ onlyΒ way you get to have any say whatsoever on how a user manages parcel access

To be fair... "I want complete privacy here in the middle of all these people and their parcels" on mainland (especially on roadside or waterways that have even more traffic) while private regions are a thing is kind of a silly expectation, isn't it?

Or are we really going to argue that we should expect to not to have to deal with people while we pick a spot in the middle of them?

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33 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:


To be fair... "I want complete privacy here in the middle of all these people and their parcels" on mainland (especially on roadside or waterways that have even more traffic) while private regions are a thing is kind of a silly expectation, isn't it?

Or are we really going to argue that we should expect to not to have to deal with people while we pick a spot in the middle of them?

My parcel is on a corner in Horizons.Β  I rarely see people on the roads but have people flying over at least once a day.Β  I have a 30 second orb that will.put.you in the corner (not TP you home) if you don't heed the warning.Β  That's complete privacy enough for me without having to pay extra to live on a parcel on a private estate.Β  A lot of private estates don't allow banlines and do have some restriction on your personal security orbs.Β  I certainly can't afford to shell out for an entire region for total privacy nor do I need to.Β  What I have, which is allowed, is sufficient.

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47 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:


To be fair... "I want complete privacy here in the middle of all these people and their parcels" on mainland (especially on roadside or waterways that have even more traffic) while private regions are a thing is kind of a silly expectation, isn't it?

Or are we really going to argue that we should expect to not to have to deal with people while we pick a spot in the middle of them?

This is the core of the issue that never gets addressed. It's people on 'publicly accessible' mainland areas (not private sims and homesteads) doing this - and we see multiple complaints over the years from users regarding getting zapped when they're just casually flying around, and the same landowners who practice this sort of thing just double down for some reason, like they have any real right to expect a private parcel when they don't want to pay for the privilege. Then they ignore possible solutions to this, like having a private instance where they are guaranteed to never be bothered, or encouraged to go to areas more suited to privacy.

For me, I enjoyed the open nature and relative friendliness that was in Mainland SL in the early days.Β  Now it's all so territorial it's a minefield. Also neglecting to address this issue or provide solutions and the resultant antisocial behaviour (or negative experiences) in this regard is just another contributer to why the platform is not popular.

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13 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

I have a 30 second orb that will.put.you in the corner (not TP you home) if you don't heed the warning.

If you must at least this solution is not so jarring to people, as many of us are exploring and lose our place if sent home. It sucks when you see something interesting and ZAP by shorter-timed orbs. Let's face it, we're not flying at 2000m because we can't see anything.. Oh what's that cool looking store down .... ahhh

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Welcome to Second Life.

You do not get to control how another user sets up their parcel access - no matter how much you wail about how unfair it is.

You do not pay the tier for the parcel, you have no say.

Want to fly over? Do so.Β Fly. Over.Β 

Spot something interesting? Aim for it or wait to adjust until you're over a parcel with less restrictions/securityΒ orΒ the closestΒ actually publicΒ parcel.

Which brings me to this: Unless a parcel is owned by Linden Lab directlyΒ it is not public access - period.Β The person paying for itΒ mightΒ set it up for full public access, they might not. That is up to them - if they decide to have a Security System set up, then they are well within their right to do so. If they decide to restrict ground level access, that is their call to make. If they decide toΒ directlyΒ ban an individual user, that is their decision.

No one has free reign to explore wherever they please (outside of Linden Lab employees).

Accept that and move on.

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I've said it before so I'll say it again for those in the back who didn't hear.Β  I've been driving extensively over the last almost 2 yrs and have not once been sent home by an orb.Β  I've run into banlines (my driving skills are marginal) and have had my vehicle stuck.Β  I assume it will be returned at some point.Β  I rez a new one and continue on my way.Β  Are you people just driving willy nilly across the land and not on the roads?Β  Who does that?Β Β 

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On 9/4/2024 at 8:31 PM, animats said:

I had some old requests in the queue on ban lines back in the JIRA era:

  • If a physical vehicle hits a ban line, and any onboard avatar or the vehicle itself can't enter, it should bounce off like an avatar. Current behaviors include the vehicle getting stuck.Β  Or worse, object can enter, avatar can't, and avatar gets kicked off the vehicle. After that, the avatar is stuck in a half-unsit state - avatar thinks it's seated, but it's not on anything, and you have to relog or TP or something. That's a bug.

My previous writeup on vehicles vs. ban lines, from 2018. Filed a JIRA six years ago. Back when I expected bugs to be fixed.

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1 hour ago, Paul Hexem said:

(especially on roadside or waterways that have even more traffic)

Those are the worst, especially when its a parcel on a specific junction in a waterway and they have a 0 second security orb, so even if you have no intention of going onto their property, you slightly scrape the parcel that extends into the river while turning and you are instantly sent home. Maddening.

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17 years before the mast oops sorry SL and people still do not understand the idea of 'nope cannot go here'. I am a Mainlander (as it were) and like to go for a trundle in whatever I am driving and - gosh I would never deliberately impose on anothers place. No I do not use banlines - if I do not want you then there are better ways. I even have a way to email my banning thingy.

Animats, as ever, is correct in how to make them better. So we use what we have.



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