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Is Lindenlab choosing a doomed path for SL ? Tell us if the EEP and PBR introduction changed the way you play SL

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7 minutes ago, RicDelMoro said:

For those who like to place bets, here is a link to a website that shows SL's audience daily :   https://e*****up.com/slstatistics/online-now-last-24hrs   we can follow along and see what happens

Substract the audience which runs midrange PC´s. Then the ones who run high end machines and are not willing to stagger around on medium settings and still burn their GPU´s. Then you will be there in a few weeks.

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6 minutes ago, Vivienne Schell said:

Then the ones who run high end machines and are not willing to stagger around on medium settings and still burn their GPU´s.

Why would people with high end PC's be reluctant to use their full capabilities? Those must be ignorant users.


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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

It is indeed.."interesting"..to see how people focus on framerate (knowing that the human eye can only see so many frames per second).

Right 25-30 fps can be recognised by the human eye. Anything lower than 20 is recognised being "stuttering". The thing is that the new SL viewer lets 50 percent of LL customer PC´s  "stagger", even on lowest settings (which do not really make SL worth visiting). Apparently LL did not learn a thing by the Sansar debacle.

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8 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Why would people with high end PC's be reluctant to use their full capabilities? Those must be ignorant users.


No one wants to toast her or his 1500 dollars GPU. Whatever some people coded there, it throws way too much workload onto the GPU, constantly. And it also does not make friends with the power supply.

Edited by Vivienne Schell
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2 hours ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

One at a time?

*checking Arielle’s pulse*

i spent a week one time in that popular virtual world that closed down a few years ago… think it was inworldz. I even bought myself a mesh avi, but it was dead, pure torture. I had to bring my bf along, even though i could barely stand him. 😂

Inworldz was a challenge to find anything except peace and quiet. I spent some time there when I had a horrid SL bf I wanted to escape from. There were money trees, campers, and some free stuff, but it took all my freebie finding skills to get Inworldz versions of my 4 avatars outfitted to look somewhat like their SL versions.

There were a few mesh items available. I bought a nice mesh bed from one store that had SL type quality. I did not buy mesh bodies, though there was at least one avaiable. I had a mesh generator tool from SL that I was able to use to create a few of my own mesh items and upload them for free. 

I found an incredibly generous lady running an almost free hotel, with freebies on the top floor, and made my home there. I also shared some skins (from textures I'd bought in SL) & shapes I made to a couple of freebie areas.

I thought at the time that Inworldz would be my backup world if SL were gone, because technically it was very similar to SL and could even use the same Firestorm viewer, but it had big copy-bot and financial issues, so it went the way of the dodo 🦤 first.

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25 minutes ago, RicDelMoro said:

For those who like to place bets, here is a link to a website that shows SL's audience daily :   https://e*****up.com/slstatistics/online-now-last-24hrs   we can follow along and see what happens

Invalid. Average use in SL always goes down in the summer (northern hemisphere). And there are a lot of other factors so there is no way to isolate those leaving SL because their computer sucks.

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On 6/22/2024 at 4:22 AM, RicDelMoro said:

It's sad to say, but currently I avoid places with more people and very complex landscapes, I've been playing in a kind of "survival mode". I know if I step outside my box my PC will overheat or crash.


50 minutes ago, RicDelMoro said:

My PC is not as outdated as you suggest, it still runs SL PBR very well in medium configuration . No, I'm not against these updates, I simply think that LL is doing a bad job  !!!

I didn't suggest it, you did.

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1 minute ago, Thecla said:

Invalid. Average use in SL always goes down in the summer (northern hemisphere). And there are a lot of other factors so there is no way to isolate those leaving SL because their computer sucks.

Gaslighting. Also, the computers of half of SL users "suck". They always did, if you base your judgement on on the wllingness to invest like 2000 Dollars on a decent high end machine (for getting miserable performance compared to any other AAA game). Fine, if you wanna stay among the ten or fifteen percent high end fetishists in SL, you´ll be happy. But the world will be empty. Just like Sansar, the El Dorado for high end fetishists.

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7 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Inworldz was a challenge to find anything except peace and quiet. I spent some time there when I had a horrid SL bf I wanted to escape from. There were money trees, campers, and some free stuff, but it took all my freebie finding skills to get Inworldz versions of my 4 avatars outfitted to look somewhat like their SL versions.

There were a few mesh items available. I bought a nice mesh bed from one store that had SL type quality. I did not buy mesh bodies, though there was at least one avaiable. I had a mesh generator tool from SL that I was able to use to create a few of my own mesh items and upload them for free. 

I found an incredibly generous lady running an almost free hotel, with freebies on the top floor, and made my home there. I also shared some skins (from textures I'd bought in SL) & shapes I made to a couple of freebie areas.

I thought at the time that Inworldz would be my backup world if SL were gone, because technically it was very similar to SL and could even use the same Firestorm viewer, but it had big copy-bot and financial issues, so it went the way of the dodo 🦤 first.

I gave that place nearly 10 years, it was fun learning how to build things with no cost, however I had not been logging in regularly when it folded and it took what money I had there with it. Not a lot mind you, but it was just gone, not to mention all the stuff I made too.

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2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Wait, what? YOU are the one who made this comment? (I saw it referenced in the Peeves thread.)  I bet you were kidding. I hope you were kidding.  Of course, $800 is nothing to sneeze at but 8 donations is a lot.  On the plus side, donations are sorely needed.  So, there's a paradox at work.


Nah, I'm actually doing it.  Not just for Second Life, but to afford a new computer because I use it so often for a variety of things and my old laptop could not keep up.  My old laptop could run PBR, a bit slowly at times, but it was getting sluggish and couldn't keep up with AI, and the screen was dying which was giving me severe eye strain.

It is strange that people find this so unsettling though, they will work themselves to the bone, or sell their soul at some mind boringly job to make ends meet, this by comparison is sitting in a comfy recliner, and having your blood drawn for a couple of hours.  I think the blood factor may be the icky part, I would rather do this, than work retail 🤣 I've done that before, it is hell.

Imagine standing around at a register, having customers yell at you for hours a day, blaming you for the over inflated prices, for being mandated to ask them repeated questions such as giving donations, signing up for that stores rewards, for being out of an item.. now that is gut wrenching.. giving blood, that is just looking at your phone for a while.  Don't even make me mention factory work, now that is about as soul sucking as it gets, standing in the same place, repeating the same few actions repeatedly for twelve hours, where minutes feel like hours passing.

I've given blood for money in the past, especially around Christmas to afford extra gifts.  To me it is just a normal part of our grand 'ol end capitalism environment we find ourselves in.  Unfortunately, I only ever get a portion of that money, the company is likely to have a few fat cats at the top making a fortune off of our blood, sweat, and tears.

I figure probably 16 -20 hours of sitting in a recliner like seat, watching videos on my phone, over the span of a month and a half total, is worth a decent(to me) computer.  A lot easier to do than find a second job, and the computer should be good for another five years.  Plus, that plasma will go toward saving people's lives, which makes me feel good.  

It was an honest suggestion for others that may have that option available to them, despite how strange and unusual it sounds, not just for second life but if they want a new computer in general.  Of course, I would prefer UBI over the environment we find in, where one must labor at mostly useless jobs to maintain the status quo of our society 🤣 


Aaaand.. yes I'm glad SL is updating their platform, and am likewise glad that there is more out there that requires more powerful computers, giving blood is not much of a sacrifice to get all of these cool toys for me.

Edited by Istelathis
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1 hour ago, Thecla said:

As for losing you as a paying premium customer, I'm sure they will be devastated.

I'm much less concerned with those who might flounce off in the forums than I am with the thousands of other users who might just silently give up on SL and stop supporting the platform with their RL money.

Do people really think these updates will help with user retention and spending? Will people spend more money buying new items and environmental settings? Will they spend more money to have Premium or Premium Plus accounts?

(Note, I haven't read most of the posts in this thread, because it seemed like a waste of my time when I could otherwise be inworld collecting gifts and sorting my inventory.)

Edited by Persephone Emerald
Left out a word
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2 minutes ago, Vivienne Schell said:
8 minutes ago, Thecla said:

Invalid. Average use in SL always goes down in the summer (northern hemisphere). And there are a lot of other factors so there is no way to isolate those leaving SL because their computer sucks.


Sometimes, "gaslighting" is declared when someone merely presents an opinion you don't like.  I believe that Thecla "believes what she is saying" and is not trying to gaslight us. 

But if you insist that the number of users will go down due to the changes, maybe the onus is on you to "prove it". 🙂


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2 minutes ago, Vivienne Schell said:

Gaslighting. Also, the computers of half of SL users "suck". They always did, if you base your judgement on on the wllingness to invest like 2000 Dollars on a decent high end machine (for getting miserable performance compared to any other AAA game). Fine, if you wanna stay among the ten or fifteen percent high end fetishists in SL, you´ll be happy. But the world will be empty. Just like Sansar, the El Dorado for high end fetishists.

I assume you've been around SL to know it does not function like an AAA game and your hardware doesn't have to constantly render assets as they are installed when you install a game. It's never going to function like one.  Your gpu will tamp down long before it 'burns out' unless there is something seriously wrong with it to begin with.  

You are doing what I have seen others do in FS support: EVERYONE IS GOING TO LEAVE SL NOW BECAUSE OF THIS THEY HATE IT. No, you hate it, speak only for yourself.  This constant whinging on repeat is a bit tired.

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1 hour ago, RicDelMoro said:

And a final reminder : LL is a company and SL is a product , I have a paid premium account and I'm not satisfied with the service : I'm regretful to had renew my contract recently, next time I will downgrade to FREE '

That will teach them.

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1 hour ago, RicDelMoro said:

First they implemented the EEP and we were forced to use it,

Who forced you?
I never bothered with EEP and had a happy Second Life nevertheless.

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6 minutes ago, Modulated said:

I assume you've been around SL to know it does not function like an AAA game and your hardware doesn't have to constantly render assets as they are installed when you install a game. It's never going to function like one.  Your gpu will tamp down long before it 'burns out' unless there is something seriously wrong with it to begin with.  

You are doing what I have seen others do in FS support: EVERYONE IS GOING TO LEAVE SL NOW BECAUSE OF THIS THEY HATE IT. No, you hate it, speak only for yourself.  This constant whinging on repeat is a bit tired.

Stating facts is not whining. And fact is that the new engine results in a dramatic performance loss. And nothing much more, besides that some things look a little bit more pretty. Add that to a not optimised code. If you think that downgrading performance is a way to upgrade, do that. I do not.

Edited by Vivienne Schell
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33 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Why would people with high end PC's be reluctant to use their full capabilities? Those must be ignorant users.


An old saying comes to mind, "Just because you can doesn't mean you should"

I have a high end PC, but I would not want to max it out and I am not ignorant!

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8 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:
1 hour ago, RicDelMoro said:

First they implemented the EEP and we were forced to use it,

Who forced you?
I never bothered with EEP and had a happy Second Life nevertheless.

Same here.

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4 minutes ago, Istelathis said:


Aaaand.. yes I'm glad SL is updating their platform, and am likewise glad that there is more out there that requires more powerful computers, giving blood is not much of a sacrifice to get all of these cool toys for me.

Thanks, but I'm already selling plasma to pay for RL expenses. It's good money for the first month ($100/ donation), then it drops down to $115/ week for me if I can go twice/ week. I paid for one annual Premium account with that money, but it's not enough for a new computer or car repairs. It's enough for gas, some fast food and Starbucks (free wifi and air conditioning when it's over 100 F outside).

One problem with depending on money from selling plasma is that if something goes wrong and you can't get your red blood cells returned, you're deferred for 8 weeks in which you can't donate. That means no extra money for almost 2 months.

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3 minutes ago, MadameGloom Ravenwood said:

An old saying comes to mind, "Just because you can doesn't mean you should"

I have a high end PC, but I would not want to max it out and I am not ignorant!

This is kinda like buying a Ferrari only to leave it in the garage all the time. Its your Ferrari tho! 😆

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15 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Do people really think these updates will help with user retention and spending? Will people spend more money buying new items and environmental settings? Will they spend more money to Premium an Premium Plus accounts?

In short, yes, most reasonable people do. And clearly so does LL, since they spent the resources to do it, a company known for not wanting to do anything that takes resources.

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2 minutes ago, Modulated said:

This is kinda like buying a Ferrari only to leave it in the garage all the time. Its your Ferrari tho! 😆

When one has a Ferrari better not drive it full speed all the time, unless you don't care to buy a new one within no time.

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2 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

In short, yes, most reasonable people do. And clearly so does LL, since they spent the resources to do it, a company known for not wanting to do anything that takes resources.

They thought that when they launched Sansar. I thought that this would have cured their high end focus. Apparently it did not. While Sansar actually performed better than this baby now. Whew.

Edited by Vivienne Schell
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