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Curiouser and curiouser

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

It's probably that "bad side of town" attitude lol.


'If you love someone, set them free'.  :smileywink:  Plus it gave Janelle another chance at a first impression.

The "bad side of town" thing is being worked into the storyline when we all move.  I wandered around Pamela's store last night and was blown away at how amazing her stuff looked... and it'd be very difficult to claim they all live in a house with barbed wire on the outside when everything inside looks so classy.  :smileytongue:

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Janelle Darkstone wrote:

'If you love someone, set them free'.  :smileywink:  Plus it gave Janelle another chance at a first impression.

The "bad side of town" thing is being worked into the storyline when we all
.  I wandered around Pamela's store last night and was blown away at how amazing her stuff looked... and it'd be very difficult to claim they all live in a house with barbed wire on the outside when everything inside looks so
.  :smileytongue:

Next time inworld I'm going to Pamela's store and bagging an LM. One, it's about time I got some decent furniture. Two, I'm thinking of hanging around there just to see if can catch a shoot. I'll be the one with the camera and the box of popcorn:smileywink:. I wonder if Pamela has any folding chairs?

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Janelle Darkstone wrote:

Maryanne Solo wrote:

It's probably that "bad side of town" attitude lol.


'If you love someone, set them free'.  :smileywink:  Plus it gave Janelle another chance at a first impression.

The "bad side of town" thing is being worked into the storyline when we all
.  I wandered around Pamela's store last night and was blown away at how amazing her stuff looked... and it'd be very difficult to claim they all live in a house with barbed wire on the outside when everything inside looks so
.  :smileytongue:

Hey I have a bunch of grungy/stained fabric/wallpaper and wood I can slap on anything and make it look ratty. :matte-motes-sunglasses-2:

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Meanwhile, I got up extra early, after receiving a tip-off that there might be some lifeless beings on Route 6 of the mainland. I set up a surveillance area and watched the sun rise.

spy 1.jpg

I moved position after a while, but after an hour or so, I could see nothing and no one anywhere on the route.

spy 2.jpg

Just then a message came through,

a group notice.

spy 3.jpg

Spy theme, eh? I seemed to be dressed for it.

I looked at my watch; I had been out on surveillance for long enough.

spy 5.jpg

spy 6.jpg

And a good time was had by all !

/me looks at watch. I hope Janelle is ok. And what was she saying about having someone ... a cookie cook? A cookie seller... to stay with us. I really must pay more attention.


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I found a furniture place, but I'm not sure it's the right one. I so hope it is. It would be soooo cool if they actually decided to do a scene right here. I'm ready. Got the Leica ready to go with the last ever roll of Kodachrome (I'd been saving it for a special occasion).

This armchair is comfy. I hope I don't run out of popcorn.


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Kodachrome? loool

For a recent, distant clan gathering which, unfortunately I did not attend, I offered my sister my very nice 12mp camera and HD video recorder and... get this... she said "no It's ok I bought some old type disposable cameras" which is just wonderful...

.... IF you can find someone to develop the film ;o

Still no clan gathering photos and that was last year ^^ *tsk tsk lill siss spoiler.gif

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I miss having a film camera.  :smileysad:  I like and appreciate digital immensely -- but there's just something comfortable and soothing about loading film and hearing the sound of the shutter and mirror when you press the button.

In town we still have a few places that do professional developing and tons of Walgreens, but that doesn't mean I still don't have about six undeveloped disposable cameras from my wedding thirteen years ago.  :smileysurprised:

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Muuurrg wrote:



Dear Muuurrg,

   I am not sure what your raking is in the zombie world is but I do hope you are well enough connected that you can send a message for me. You see I over reacted and I feel guilty and ashamed of my actions. One day while I was exploring this long dark cave I saw... ThE mOsT EviL tHiNg.... oops there I go again... um I am sorry about that... what I was trying to say is while exploring I saw this zombie eating it's lunch... OMG iT wAS A FReeK'N BRAIN... oops there I go again... it was just eating a typical zombie lunch. The zombie was not causing me any harm what-so-ever, it was just sitting there calmly eating it's lunch and then it suddenly  said "blarggGGH rrmMMrr bbBbrraaiiiinnssszz." unable to speak zombie myself I thought that meant "I am going to ruin your life and eat your brains" and so I took out my Blaster and blasted away hoping to destroy this zombie and dispose of it body in some suitable location. I had such anger and hatred in my heart for this creature that I had never meet. I just don't know what got into me that I reacted that way. Thank goodness the zombie suffered no permanent  damage and was able to get up and chase me out of the cave. Muuurrg after seeing how you interact with the other characters in this story I can see I have placed all zombies into a box thinking they are all evil, I am very sorry for misjudging the zombie community and I hope you and all zombies can forgive me. As you can see sometimes I can overreact and start blasting away without really thinking things through.

Please forgive me Muuurrg,

Keli :)

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Splat, that's the sound the water I was drinking hitting my puter screen when I saw the last the pic, the one of you ladies on either side of the zombie crying at the little girls story. Had a near miss then, thanks Janelle for the laugh. Just got home from a hellish day at work and that made me laugh. :smileyvery-happy:

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