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People underground?

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Ahh yes, I can think of two possible  situations for this.

In a nut shell:

1) There could be a subterranean cavity with 'real SL residents' *Did you happen to see if these people had names and profiles?*

2) Alts * that are pseudo fake SL kind of avi's* That are used for traffic.(placed under a structure (in the bowls) We are drawn to activity. "Somethings happening over there" "It must be a 'hot spot' of activity" Then when we get there. Zelsh.

Not 'seeing' what you experienced, these two reasons (leaning to #2) is my inclination.

Hope this helps.



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This one puzzled me too till someone explained to me that it was a viewer limitation.


As has been said by posters above, its the viewers way of showing that the people are in fact very, very high above you, usually over 3000 ft high, way higher than most skyboxes.

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Oh, well, this topic maybe answers a query i had last night.  I was at this incredibly dull "club" type place but on the minimap i could see about 20 green dots not so far away, albeit out of range on my radar.  I flew around a bit and couldn't locate them.  I guess they were all way up in the sky having a great time. 

Why am i always on the outside of things?  Huh?   :matte-motes-bored:

Yes, i really AM a miserable sod today! 

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Yes.  When i clicked on the mini-map to take me there, i'd get the message "couldn't TP closer to destination".

I suppose it could have been some "exclusive" location that i wasn't granted access to, for whatever reason.  But that isn't how it normally works, is it?   Usually, one can tp anywhere one likes and IF there's a security orb one gets advised at the point of arrival and then given a few seconds to leave.  Well, that's what i'd always assumed.

Perhaps there's a simple explanation, but i can't figure it out at all.   

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I know exactly how you feel.  Like there's this big party goin on, and you're missing it. hehe

Sometimes you can just IM one of the people on your radar, and find out what is up, and sometimes they will TP you.


I also heard there were these certain types of boots available, that enabled your avi to fly to any height.  Anyone know where these can be purchased?

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I think someone said recently that TPing from a map doesn't work if you're trying to get somewhere high up...it's that map limitation thing. 

I know from personal experience that if you give someone the right to find your location on a map, and you are in a skybox, the TP doesn't work (they land on the ground beneath you). 

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squashy Beeswing wrote:

Yes.  When i clicked on the mini-map to take me there, i'd get the message "couldn't TP closer to destination".

This message is about land settings, land owners can set teleport routing so that you can go anywhere on the parcel, or only to the landing point. Current viewers are OK with teleport to high altitudes on the map, older ones had trouble with it.

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No, Darrius.  They were real people.  They all were on my radar as 'out of range' but i was able to click on their names  and read their profiles.  There was a good mix...  a bit of waffle about Gor, some other waffle about bdsm and some other folk who actually seemed quite interesting.  :matte-motes-silly:   

I'm confused about what a bot is.  Are they alts? 

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A "Bot" (or Scripted Agent) is essentially just like a human sitting at their computer. The program running though isn't a regular Viewer, it's been modified to take out (or never had put in) all the user interface stuff .. and instead routines have been plugged in to do specific functions.

One of the most common Bots is a Group Inviter. In a Closed Enrollment Group, someone with the authority to do so must send an "Invitation" to the prospective new member. But since that normally requires a human clicking a bunch of buttons to accomplish, several smart folks have created Bots that listen for specific IMs or commands then do all the "behind the scenes" stuff to send the invitation to the right Avatar.

There are other functions that people use Bots for, the most infamous being to increase Traffic numbers on a Parcel. Since they "look" like a regular Avatar to everyone else, it's sometimes hard to tell which is a Bot and which is a human running a Viewer. Regardless of their purpose (legit or otherwise) they tend to stand still mostly, although newer versions sit (because a sitting Avatar is harder to mess with .. bump and push around for example).

When Bots are used in Clubs to inflate Traffic numbers, they often run continuous Dance animations and randomly fire off stupid Gestures to give the appearance of a human operator. Some of the more sophisticated ones even attempt to interact with other people by providing "canned responses" to IMs with specific keywords or phrases.

Because they have been used for purposes that violate the spirit or letter of the ToS, Linden Lab has gotten a lot more strict on checking and dealing with Bot Abusers. They also provide a special page where the Scripted Agent Status should be set for Bots to indicate they are under automatic control and not human control. (There is a link on that page that gives more details about when and why to set it .. and what happens if you should but don't.)

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Thanks, Darrius, for your very full explanation!  I'm sure i've spoken to bots in the past and -- surprise surprise -- they didn't answer me. :matte-motes-tongue: 

There was a 'model' in the store where my friend used to work and i'd make a little comment each time i saw him.  A flirtatious comment. *blush*  He was a bot, but i'd never have known.   I only found out when my friend told me.   Would i know now?  Maybe not.  I guess the profile or lack of it would be the giveaway? 

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squashy Beeswing wrote:

Thanks, Darrius, for your very full explanation!  I'm sure i've spoken to bots in the past and -- surprise surprise -- they didn't answer me. :matte-motes-tongue: 

There was a 'model' in the store where my friend used to work and i'd make a little comment each time i saw him.  A flirtatious comment
was a bot, but i'd never have known.   I only found out when my friend told me.   Would i know now?  Maybe not.  I guess the profile or lack of it would be the giveaway? 

Are you SURE he was a bot? A number of my friends and associates that have models actually hire live people to model their stuff .. but often the model is AFK as they "sit n spin". He may have just been noting your comments for ... later. *ebil wink*

You're welcome.

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Love Leonoase wrote:

I also heard there were these certain types of boots available, that enabled your avi to fly to any height.  Anyone know where these can be purchased?

A flight feather will do that too. When you wear it, it removes the height restriction on flying.


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There are 3 ways an avatar can actually BE underground.   All require it to be sitting on something.

1.  Object sit position can place the avatar underground.

2.  Object can more the avatar underground with llSetLinkPrimiitiveParams(llGetNumberofPrims(), [PRIM_POSITION ...

3.  Object can be PHYSICAL and VolumeDetect.  In this case, the object itself can go underground, but not very far, and it will tend to be pushed to the surface as long as an avatar is sitting on it.



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