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Dose Kupra and Catwa Is it really outdated?


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First of all I have no ill intentions and just wonder this 😃

you see,i use Catwa Head + Kupra Body,but it's really hard to find the same choice person as me,it seems most girl like to use Evo X head and Ebody Reborn?

Maybe I should make some changes now?😃

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I don't know what versions you have of Catwa Head or Kupra body, but I don't think that I would call them categorically call them "outdated" overall - I think both have had relatively recent offerings.  

As long as you like the head/body combination that you are using, and you're still able to find the clothes and other body related accessories that you like for Kupra and makeup that you like for Catwa, there is no reason to change just because other people wear a different brand of head or body.  

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Pretty much what @MoiraKathleen said. There is no "right" or "wrong" head and/or body combo, as that is entirely subjective. The "right" head or body for you is the one that feels like "you". What may be just right for one person may be very ill suited for another.  There are many heads and bodies out there, as well as skins. And don't forget shapes, as that also plays a crucial role in things! All these result in a look that is "you". Also, please don't feel compelled to make a change just because someone said so - such should solely be on your terms!

Good luck!

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I won't be as nice as previous two posters and say "yes, they are". I'll agree that as long as you like your look it's what really matters, some people are still using classic avatars and are perfectly fine with those, but support/new (quality, not FP garbage and endless recycled weekend sales) releases wise both Catwa and Kupra are very outdated.

Stats wise (collected by bots around the grid) the decline is also obvious, and even newest Catwa head with EvoX mapping is nowhere to find, it had like 200-something detections since its release months ago. That's less than more popular Lelutka heads get in a week. Kupra also is on the negative trend, and it'll only get worse from there.

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Of course merchants and developers move on over time. They need to if they want to make new sales, because nothing wears of in SL.
One can only lose stuff in the inventory. Same in RL: fashion is invented to sell new goods to customers, before your clothes you already have are worn out.
There is no rule that says one has to keep hunting for the next new shiny and the latest fashion idea.
Something is outdated if you are no longer satisfied with it. 

What others think....... yeah... uh right... me included.
Time for another coffee.

Edited by Sid Nagy
Monday is as good as any other to edit a text.
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8 hours ago, FreakinMH said:

First of all I have no ill intentions and just wonder this 😃

you see,i use Catwa Head + Kupra Body,but it's really hard to find the same choice person as me,it seems most girl like to use Evo X head and Ebody Reborn?

Maybe I should make some changes now?😃


Or you could just think of yourself as "unique."

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9 hours ago, FreakinMH said:

it's really hard to find the same choice person as me

Real talk - This is 100% what I aim for. That's not a bad thing to me at all. Much like real life, the last thing I'd ever want to do is run into an exact clone of myself. Admittedly, styling avatars is a big hobby for me so I might be a lot more picky about these things than most, but I do go pretty far out of my way to hunt down fun items.

Body choices matter more than head, and that's really only because you'll likely be shopping for clothing a bit more often than you'll be shopping for more expensive items like skins. Even still - there's nothing that mandates participating in trendy sales or even paying any attention to those. Find stores that carry cute stuff for your body and if you're happy with their offerings, stick with them. Kupra is far less popular these days than other options, it's true, but I've no idea why that would ever matter. As long as there are designers YOU like still creating for it (matters not what anyone else in your circle thinks) and you enjoy what they have for sale, you're all set.

Heads matter even less. All you really need are one or two good quality skins and some makeup you can mix and match (unless you're an active shapeshifter), and as someone who IS a shapeshifter and wears both old and new human and fantasy skins and addons, there isn't a ton of difference. My favorite human skin is an old Velour I picked up years ago that I'd argue is far better quality than anything that store is selling these days (the skin tone is gorgeous and no longer exists). One of my favorite fantasy skins is an old SLUV one from POUT!. Everything I've grabbed since looks ehhh in comparison (not bad but not WOW), and it's all newer. 

Realistically, though, how many people are swapping heads/skins enough to where they even need to worry about grabbing the latest and greatest? I'm the only one I know of who drastically changes my entire appearance frequently (numerous times per session) and even I don't buy skins that often.

As for popularity - never been a concern of mine except to run in the entire opposite direction. You'll be hard-pressed to find my favorite heads on any popularity lists or grid stats. If you find a ton of people rockin' AK Pride, Catwa Queen, or BeSpoke's Gizzy, Ryker, Android Raven, or Lich, I'll eat my fashionable hat! Despite running across the occasional custom UV maps (Gizzy, in particular), I've never had a single ounce of trouble styling any of those and they're my most flexible and fun to play with heads (the BeSpokes are full mod).

Short version - shopping and styling is a lot more fun when you don't give a rat's tail what other people are doing.

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Yes, a lot of people use Lelutka and Catwa isn’t as popular as it used to be. That’s just how SL is. What was once a top choice, could immediately fall out of favor. We’ve seen that story play out over and over again.

That being said, a lot of people never change their desired look. If you like what you have, stick with it. Just make sure you have the most up to date versions. Catwa now can use the EvoX UV which is huge for buying skins and Kupra has an Alpha hud now. 

You don’t have to worry about “running into yourself” with a less popular combo which is always a good thing!

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1 hour ago, Janet Voxel said:

Catwa now can use the EvoX UV which is huge for buying skins

Totally wrong. At this moment it's only the Catwa Reema head that is EVO X enabled, and only EVO X. No updates to the previous CATWA HDPro heads. Future heads will be EVO X, if they release more.

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1 hour ago, Dorientje Woller said:

Totally wrong. At this moment it's only the Catwa Reema head that is EVO X enabled, and only EVO X. No updates to the previous CATWA HDPro heads. Future heads will be EVO X, if they release more.

Oh, excuse me...

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On 1/22/2024 at 4:02 AM, FreakinMH said:

First of all I have no ill intentions and just wonder this 😃

you see,i use Catwa Head + Kupra Body,but it's really hard to find the same choice person as me,it seems most girl like to use Evo X head and Ebody Reborn?

Maybe I should make some changes now?😃

The problem with the Catwa heads is that (aside from their newest release) they use only the original SLUV map, not the EVOX map that Lelutka and some other brands use. On top of that, most new skin and makeup releases now are for EVOX only. So, it depends whether you're happy with the skin and cosmetics you have now, or that you're still able to buy older ones rather than the latest releases.

The story with Kupra is much the same - the creators that were makig clothing for it have stopped and switched to Reborn as a replacement. So again - it depends if you want to get the newest clothing releases or you're happy with the older stuff made for Kupra that's still available.

Personally, I am staying with my Catwa head because it's the perfect shape for me,  I cannot get the right shape with any Lelutka head (and I have tried at least a demo of literally every single one they've made). So I put up with old makeup.  As for bodies, I use several, and switch them depending on the outfit I'm wearing. I can buy pretty much ANY outfit and know that at least one of my bodies will be able to wear it.


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I realize you're asking opinions from others, but ask yourself if you feel your look is outdated or not. It really only matters what you think about your look. How you feel about it. People should use whatever head and body they wish to use.

There are a few things to look at though. 

If you are happy with your wardribe and look. If you're not into shopping. If you are happy with your current head and body.  Your wardrobe. All of these things mean that your look works for you so it shouldn't matter what others think.

If you love to shop, but can't find new looks and meshes that support the body or head you use...that could be an issue. You might want to give yourself a makeover. If you enjoy fashion blogging this is a necessity if you want to keep being able to create new looks in your photos.

A personal example is that I love to create photos and I'm really into fashion so I had to recently come to the decision to get the Reborn body. Reborn allowed me to edit my shape almost identical to my Maitreya Lara with a look I actually like. I only use the Reborn body for newer looks though. My head is Lelutka and I found that you can get such a beautiful and original look from all the Lelutka heads with editing, skin, makeup and eyes. They are very versatile in that respect. There are endless possiblities.

It really all depends on what you want for your look. It never hurts to give yourself a makeover from time to time if you are asking this about your current head and body.

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On 1/23/2024 at 11:26 PM, Maitimo said:

The problem with the Catwa heads is that (aside from their newest release) they use only the original SLUV map


They use their own map, that is only partially similar to the original map, so if you use a classic skin it won't fit perfectly either. Still your point stands: new skins and makeup are released for EvoX now. And I agree that you can still get the old releases for the not longer supported products (you can still find stuff for the classic avatar here and there), unless you want the new things, take advantage of the current sales or have more availability in general.

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