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Create avatar - no last name allowed?


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I am trying to open a Second Life account, and went through the process of selecting my avatar. But in the name selection, I was only allowed to make one name and no last name. The space between first and last are not allowed. I Googled for instructions of what to do to obtain a last name but the information is based, I think, on an older version as the layout is completely different. So how do I get a last name so I can log into Second Life to begin my new life? The login does require a first and last name!

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You can't. Some time ago it was changed so that all new avatars would have the same last name: 'Resident'.

If you'd really like to look like you have a last name, though, you can always set your display name as you want.

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As the others have said, you can not register using a last name.

You can, however, use a display name in world. This is a name you can set to whatever you want, and change once a week. Many, including myself, are not showing display names, so the name you use as display name may only be visible to some people.

- Luc -

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Out of curiosity. *You old timers* :P would know more about this.

If I recall in my readings, there is a TPV (Third Party Viewer) that gets around the 'resident-last name';  enabling new users to choose a last name?

I may be totaly off on this. I just seem to recall reading this info on this forum or another?



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Who are you calling old? :smileymad: :D

Some TPV's have two fields on the login screen for first and last name. To log in using these, you have to type 'Resident' in the last name field. They do not let you log in using a last name of your choosing.

There are, however, some 'thrid party' registration sites for SL which let you register using the old system where you get both a first and a last name. I do not have the addresses for these sites, but a search on the forums or in Answers should turn up the links.

- Luc -

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You could create a first and last name by using upper and lowercase in your username, eg BobHope. Viewers that are not based on viewer 2 code, like Phoenix or Imprudence require a lastname. New residents have to put "Resident" as a last name in that field when logging in. These viewers also display "Resident" as a last name. So BobHope becomes BobHope Resident.  BobHope could of course decide to choose Oprah Winfrey as display name.

There was a lot of controversy around the display names and a lot of seasoned residents stay with the account names. The two major reasons some people don't accept display names are:


1 They can be changed weekly, so they could be a tool for anonymous griefing. There is not always time to check out the account name.

2 There are very few limits on which display name to choose (no celebreties I think and no names with Linden in it). Basically anyone could use as a display name the name of another resident. People who put years building up an online identity and reputation can see their name used by a total stranger.


So many residents stay with the account names as the only names that matter. Therefore choose your account name wisely. People will adress you with that name and have to be able to type it fast and remember it;. There is a tendency in SL to shorten names, take that into account when choosing a name.

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I saw someone with a last name and a rez date of about a week ago, June 19th, 2011.  Their last name was hurricane.  I have seen a bunch of sites with about 10 names to chose from but cant get any to work.  THey usually just say the daily limit exceeded.  If anyone can help with this, I would be very interested.  Thanks.  

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Leviathan Flux wrote:

Pussycat, I think you must have missed my post.  I understand how the naming system works now, but doesnt explain how I saw someone with a last name of Hurricane instead of Resident with rez date of 6/19/2011 (9 days old)

There are still a few legacy sites where you can register a last name (see the link Marigold posted above).

On a side note: I really wish people would stop saying all new accounts have a surname of 'Resident' bucause that isn't actually true. They have a single name and no surname. You will only see 'Resident' in old legacy viewers and some legacy scripts. If you use a new 2.x based viewer you'll probably never see any reference to 'Resident' as a surname :)

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I believe they have shut off the third party sites' ability to register a last name. I was using the AC Dreamland site before but now it doesn't work. But on the positive side, I switched to a V2 compatible viewer and display names works great. You can make any name you want. I just see display names only for people and it's perfectly fine. I don't see the need to see original names.

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I would say we do have resident as a last name. Competition boards, automated greeters, rent boxes and a great many other things list that as our second name or use it when addressing us.

I am in two minds as to how to treat it. At first i hated it, but now i`m in the mood to defend it. After all, it may suck, but its the only second name we have and it confers a sort of identity, just as the older second names confer one on the "old timers".

As display names are only visible to some, i would welcome the chance to have a proper second name as everyone else once had. It's bad enough that my premium stipend is less than everyone elses because i`m newer, but the no surname thing just makes me feel like more of a stranger, when really we should all be equal as citizens.


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Haha ok I don't think people believe me.  Log onto SL, and open your search browser (not the people tab).  Set it to 'people' and try searching these last names like kroll, hurricane, coy, lastchance, ashland, or whatever else are on all those 3rd party registration sites.  As you browse through the pages, you will see many names created in past 2 months, many as recent as a week or two ago, and all of the ones made recently are pretty much all empty profiles.  So what's going on?  Someone is using up all these last names but not using the AVs?  The ones that seem active are all from 2010 mostly.  

Try searching and see for yourself.  Last names are still available!

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Hey Leviathan, I just checked and I found a person with a Hurricane surname made in June 2011. I'm really not sure how they are showing up. Maybe there is a rogue registration site still running.

As to the avatar's not being used, I think it might be that the owners are making new accounts to stock up on a few avatars with last names in the eventuality that last names do get wiped out. There are a huge number of old accounts that haven't been used either. Just look at all the 'Flux' accounts out there and see how many profiles are filled out.

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Although you might be right that people register alts while they can register with a last name, it might not be entirely accurate to call them 'unused' just because they don't have info in their profile. The alts might be created for testing purposes, as models, or some other reason where it is not of huge importance to have a filled out profile. Which makes them 'used' to some extent, but not with the frequently a regular account would be. Some people also leave their profile blank even if they use it every day - I have met a few like this.

- Luc -

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