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Land Sales Crash

Diablo Lioncourt

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10 hours ago, animats said:

Zindra runs a bit busier than most mainland, but most of the avatars seem to be in sky boxes

There's a simple reason for that...

An infestation of the pest known to science as "Hominus Noobius Perambulatus", or more commonly the "wandering noob guy".

These creatures wander around, usually in welcome island issue fail-atars, with 2 ft freenises, begging for SLex, usually by IM, and frothing at the mouth when refused.


1 hour ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

the massively underdeveloped roads

Kama City's road network isn't under developed, there's 4 roads per region, along the edges. The roads there just SUCK.

Personally I see this as a good thing, it cuts down on the numbers of over-entitled jerks who think parking their ass in a vehicle grants the right to crash into peoples homes and then complain that the home was in their way.


1 hour ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

but almost nobody seems to do anything under 1500m there.

It's a mainland thing, less lag over 1000m, because neighbouring regions.


1 hour ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

all in the sky, sucking up the resources for the region with a zombie horde of AFKers standing around in complete silence filling up the region capacity

This, is something I consider to be one of the worst Anti-Mainland memes in SL

Captain Oldbie walked past a region I often visit one day, he saw 20 dots on the map on the region next door, and all of them clustered together in one spot, all up in the sky.

"Aiiiii a horde of filthy bots, sucking up resources for the entire region! I must do my duty as a Fraudulent AR Spamming Prodnose Crusader!"

So Captain Oldbie teleported up to the horde of filthy bots and found that...

They were 20 actual people enjoying a Saturday night party, and they weren't "sucking up" resources from poor sods at ground level, because...

The DJ owns the entire sodding region, and the ground level is beach properties, the semi-public homes of the club staff and close friends, so AALL the ground property renters/owners, were in fact up in the club, partying.

Captain Oldbie, nether the less, whined and moaned, and threatened to spam fraudulent AR's at the "obvious filthy bots" and "resource suckers" until...


The DJ broke her foot off in Captain Oldbies cluleless, worthless ass.


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On 12/11/2023 at 3:32 PM, animats said:

Zindra runs a bit busier than most mainland, but most of the avatars seem to be in sky boxes. Down at ground level, not much seem to be happening.

New Babbage, the steampunk city, is Landlord, but has avatar counts in the 0-1 range. Some of the long-standing landowners moved out, and one died. Much empty space now. I really miss the Brunel Hall Hotel and the Ying Industries workshop. Those were some of the best builds in SL.

The secret to getting people to live on the ground in Zindra is to place their home on the grid edge, or along the sailable water. It's less laggy there, and there's water - but there's a limited number of these parcels and the average person seeking an adult parcel may not easily find one for sale at a good price at the time they need it. And some people are still just going to feel more comfortable in the sky, even if neighbors can't see/hear them on the ground. People can be peculiar like that.

Adult businesses/services are often happy on a road in Zindra; many major adult brands have a token presence in downtown Kama City or somewhere along the Southwest Bypass just to be seen in a major "red light district". Having said that, a major club/hangout or a huge retailer's main store will to have to go in the sky to keep lag down at peak times, no matter where they are or what they're promoting. There's likely just more people in Moderate who haven't yet learned that the hard way.

Babbage is listed in the SL Wikki as a "city" just like Kama, Bay, Nautilus, Calleta, and Bembecia. I've never lived there but it looks cool.


Edited by Diablo Lioncourt
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18 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

The DJ broke her foot off in Captain Oldbies cluleless, worthless ass.


Falling off that same old tired soapbox again must hurt even more than the first time?

IIRC you are the same one too cheap to move to a private area that loves to scream about people who actually drive on the Linden Roads while promotiong massively obnoxious orbs and banlines clogging up the grid and degrading the potential for exploration and community.

I'm talking about places like HBC, which is on a mainland parcel, and even with their tower to manage traffic eats up most of the region resources. It's not a party, it's a place for people to go stand AFK and show off their avatars in hopes one of the other silent AFKers will see them and maybe send them a message they can reply to when the person sending it is offline after the tower kicks them out an hour or two later.

Edited by Setsuki Takeda
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14 hours ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

I'm talking about places like HBC, which is on a mainland parcel, and even with their tower to manage traffic eats up most of the region resources. It's not a party, it's a place for people to go stand AFK and show off their avatars in hopes one of the other silent AFKers will see them and maybe send them a message they can reply to when the person sending it is offline after the tower kicks them out an hour or two later.

I dislike HBC nor was I talking about it, but at least I don't LIE about it

Their ticket system gives people 15 MINUTES not a couple of hours, if they are AFK when that times up, bye bye.

Because they  would rather stand there in that lag pit making smutty assignations via IM, rather than wander the grid trying to park their cars in peoples living rooms, you dismiss them as AFKers "stealing" your resources. The ones you don't actually own, because you don't live there.


14 hours ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

that loves to scream about people who actually drive on the Linden Roads

What? Both of them?

You forget, I've driven on the roads of Zindra, I'm well aware of how many "keen drivers" one sees there.


14 hours ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

while promotiong massively obnoxious orbs and banlines clogging up the grid and degrading the potential for exploration and community.

The only bit of the grid "clogged" by MY banlines and Orb, is the bit I pay for, my home, that habitual repeat offending criminal trespassers FRAUDULENTLY think they have a right to "explore", and who are certainly NOT part of any "community" that includes the people who pay for the property they invade.


14 hours ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

IIRC you are the same one too cheap to move to a private area

I'm in a private area, it's called "my mainland parcel". IIRC, you are the same one who boasts about the entire classes of people you pre-emptively ban from your parcel, while demanding the right to enter their parcels. There's a word for that. Hypocrisy.


14 hours ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

Falling off that same old tired soapbox again

Falling off that same old tired "what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine too" hypocritical soapbox again are you?


Edited by Zalificent Corvinus
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On 12/6/2023 at 6:13 AM, Diablo Lioncourt said:

Calleta is a city, as we already covered.

The one little sim called "Calleta" from which the city got its name is not that important now except for the infastructure, and it was always useless for rentals/homes anyway because it's g-rated. And its right by Magellan's Crash, although not in the same region overlooking it like a certain tower:)

Note that the port isn't in the Calleta sim either, it's actually mostly in the Cecropia sim, yet look at it's name: "Port Calleta". Amazing how this all goes together.

Have you considering convincing the SL wikki or your long-time neighbors that your version of reality is correct before preaching it as fact here?

Kama City is a small part of Zindra. Its clearly you that might benefit from visiting it a bit more. Whether you choose to acknowledge their existence in SL or not, there are urban areas that aren't single sims and are not the entire continent they occopy, such as Nova Albion, Bay City, Shermerville, Nautilius City, and Kama. All Kama is Zindra, but not all Zindra is Kama:)

Calleta was never called a city when it was born, and for years after. I think you are arguing out from your experience of Bay City to believing that many other things are cities.

As Qie pointed out, Nautilus had the entire continent built out which then became very lucrative with Blake Sea. But I'm old enough to remember, and frankly Diablo is as well, when there was JUST Nautilus on the peninsula with the ruins and the content packs and easements, a kind of early prototype of Bellisseria -- an no continent. As adept as the Lindens and Moles are, continents don't spring full-blown into being on the grid, and back then, there were less affordances and they took longer.

NO continent existed, and didn't for some time, so you didn't see Nautilus as "the capital city of this big continent with these two adjacent land masses," but just "a thing unto itself". People forget how time stretched out and things didn't happen all at once.

In fact, I'll go you one better. I'm old enough to remember when there was no Blake Sea hype, no Blake Sea over-value, because the deal between a sailors' group and Linden Lab had not yet been hammered out with all its understandings and codicils, in fact by a former long-term tenant of mine as it happens LOL.

Because BEFORE all this, I had ANOTHER long-term tenant that bought the entire sim of Blake (as in Blake Sea but not yet "Blake Sea" as we know it today) and installed a beautiful mermaid colony there. I bought some nearby waterfronts and had other tenants there but I was an early discoverer of the basic flaw of the Blake Sea phenom, which is that the waterfront is worth a bunch -- if you can get it unobstructed and other people haven't put up ban lines in water LL sold and became conflict generators -- but inland or uphill gets worthless very fast. No one will pay for Seaview when they can move down to the next sim and get Waterfront.

Eventually the whole Blake thing unspooled with certain land dealers working "nights, weekends, and vacations" as one leading dealer once told me to make their businesses work and for what? Was that valuation worth it? You tell me. I didn't want to play. For some people it was the core of their happiness and I respect that. I guess my happiness tends more to abandoned cliffs in G with views of old Linden builds -- as long as I look in the other direction from giant, er, symbols deployed by a man-child from the old teen grid.

It's not about "acknowledging". It's about reporting events as they occurred and looking at old sites documenting this. In your mind, for your business reasons, "city" is a thing. It wasn't to other people, except for the first urban sims of Nova Albion, Bay City etc. 

If Kama City had the word "City" in it and had this fabulous Greek-style mall build in the middle of it that you all are so enchanted with great, that's great, that's grand, I totally get the value of Linden builds, truly I do.

But I can remember another giant Parthenon build in Tenera, the home of the vaunted Volunteers' Group, that in the flash of a second, due to a Linden accident in moving a parcel to another group for the auction, was blown of the server and likely will never be restored again. That group and the Linden who ran it were of course gone for many years even before that.

They Lindens are busy with other things, understandably.

Sic transit gloria mundi.



Edited by Prokofy Neva
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19 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

I dislike HBC nor was I talking about it, but at least I don't LIE about it

Their ticket system gives people 15 MINUTES not a couple of hours, if they are AFK when that times up, bye bye.


So, let's call it unfortunate inaccuracy and delusions of omniscience, then?

The ticket system grants anywhere from 5-120 minutes on landing, so your flat rate is both higher and lower than the potential range of times given to guests.

Flatly calling someone a liar when you do not have the actual information?

This is why I can never take *anything* you say seriously. Not just your entitled nature, but the attempted gaslighting by spewing incorrect "facts" as if they were true.

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3 hours ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

Not just your entitled nature

The "entitlement" here lies squarely on the people claiming that parking their entitled ass in vehicle grants them "right" to trespass on private property, against the wishes of the owner, AND the "right" to whine like spoiled brats when their "right" to trespass is denied.


3 hours ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

the attempted gaslighting by spewing incorrect "facts" as if they were true

I made one of my extremely rare visits to that lag hole, about two weeks ago, and the pay-n-display meter clearly indicated "15 mins" per ticket.

If it does longer tickets at different times, I've never seen those, not once in almost 8 years, if you HAVE that suggests you are an habitual visitor to that place, so you complaining about the place being occupied by "AFKers", when you are in fact one of them, is blatant hypocrisy.


Poor, hard done by vehicle fanatics, why, oh why, wont mainland parcel owners admit that vehicle fanatics are the masters of the SLuniverse, with a right to act like they own everything that they don't pay for?


Why? Because you don't. You do NOT have more rights on land *I* pay for than I do. Ban lines say "Stay the f**k out", Orb puntkicks means you didn't listen to the banlines.


3 hours ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

So, let's call it unfortunate inaccuracy and delusions of omniscience, then?

More accurate to say delusions of Over-Entitlement and Supremacy because "Fanatically Vehicular Habitual TOS violating Harassment Reoffending Criminal Trespasser Master-race".


Now, can we put an end to YOUR derail of the thread about Land prices, into another foam-at-the-mouth rant demanding special snowflake status for over-entitled people who like to park their cars and planes in peoples living rooms?

Unless you want to admit that those STFU-Hub truck stop things you people keep building everywhere lower land prices by being fugly industrial eyesores. I know that @Prokofy Neva hates those things even more than I do.


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/me chuckles.

Private property...

You know RL planes fly over your home all the time RL. They aren't trespassing, they are simply passing by.

Ban lines only go so high, though many orb the area over them in its entirety and don't set a reasonable kick time, some are even so incompotent as to set one and tell it to eject from the *region* when they own a tiny 1024 and then get all shocked when LL comes in to handle the abuse reports from all their neighbors they started screaming at for "trespassing" (sounds familiar, that) when their poorly configured freebie orb was encroaching instead.

To think you own the entierty of the world from build limit to water table and then compare it to real life encrochment on your home is rather entitled.

It is quite easy to incluse an orb with zones that protects your actual build from trespassing. It only take a little more effort, and a modicum of intelligence, to only protect the areas you use while letting people who have no interest in your stacked cereal boxes pass by without even noticing you rather than turning on AA guns and shooting at passenger jets leaving them to wonder just what is going on there to make someone so bloody irrationally paranoid.

Sure, it's easier for someone to click a button and rez a free "security" object, but then they often get stuck on defense of their paranoia and start yelling and throwing attacks at everyone who disagrees with them ;)

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40 minutes ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

Private property...

You know RL planes fly over your home all the time RL. They aren't trespassing, they are simply passing by.

In RL, the aviation authorities revoke the licences of pilots who harass groundsiders by flying BELOW the minimum overfly height.

In SL that height is 5km.


42 minutes ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

don't set a reasonable kick time

Reasonable kick time is whatever the land owner decides, anything over zero seconds is generosity.

My Orb gives you as much time as you spent considering NOT trespassing. NONE.


44 minutes ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

To think you own the entierty of the world from build limit to water table and then compare it to real life encrochment on your home is rather entitled.

To think you own the entirety of the world from build limit to water table because you parked your ass in a vehicle is rather entitled.


45 minutes ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

It is quite easy to incluse an orb with zones that protects your actual build from trespassing. It only take a little more effort, and a modicum of intelligence, to only protect the areas you use while letting people who have no interest in your stacked cereal boxes pass by without even noticing you

And that entitlement manifests in TELLING parcel owners which bits of the parcel they pay for they are allowed to keep private.


47 minutes ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

someone so bloody irrationally paranoid

It's not paranoia, its ANGER, at the level of over entitled "what's min is mine and what's yours is mine too" BS you people keep spamming at private residential parcel owners.


51 minutes ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

so incompotent as to set one and tell it to eject from the *region* when they own a tiny 1024 and then get all shocked when LL comes in to handle the abuse reports from all their neighbors

Bad attempt at disinformation there. there is NO "eject from region" command at a parcel level, only at an estate level. 

llTeleportHome simply sends trespassers back to their home location. In the case of an overentitled neighbour trespassing, that sends them back to NEXT DOOR where they live.

Using an orb with llTeleportHome is NOT an abuse reportable offence anywhere OUTSIDE Belli. The Lindens don't punish mainlanders for kicking trespassers off their property.

And NO orb can eject anyone from anywhere that the orb owner doesn't have kick and ban rights for.

So we have not one, not two, but three obvious LIES, in a single dishonest over-entitled paragraph of yours.


56 minutes ago, Setsuki Takeda said:



 bloody irrationally paranoid.
their paranoia

Gratuitous insults, from over-entitled fanatical home invasion trespassers, that's not paranoia inducing, it's anger inducing.

And you people wonder why you get NO sympathy from the home owners you deliberately anger.


We're done here, back to the Land Prices topic, as your derail vehicle fanatic rant NEVER wins, that's why we still have banlines and security orbs, LL won't make you the Masters of the Grid, no matter how hard you whine about your non-constitutional un-rights.

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1 hour ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

/me chuckles.

Private property...

You know RL planes fly over your home all the time RL. They aren't trespassing, they are simply passing by.

Ban lines only go so high, though many orb the area over them in its entirety and don't set a reasonable kick time, some are even so incompotent as to set one and tell it to eject from the *region* when they own a tiny 1024 and then get all shocked when LL comes in to handle the abuse reports from all their neighbors they started screaming at for "trespassing" (sounds familiar, that) when their poorly configured freebie orb was encroaching instead.

To think you own the entierty of the world from build limit to water table and then compare it to real life encrochment on your home is rather entitled.

It is quite easy to incluse an orb with zones that protects your actual build from trespassing. It only take a little more effort, and a modicum of intelligence, to only protect the areas you use while letting people who have no interest in your stacked cereal boxes pass by without even noticing you rather than turning on AA guns and shooting at passenger jets leaving them to wonder just what is going on there to make someone so bloody irrationally paranoid.

Sure, it's easier for someone to click a button and rez a free "security" object, but then they often get stuck on defense of their paranoia and start yelling and throwing attacks at everyone who disagrees with them ;)

I think Philip/LL was a bit too idealistic when They rigged mainland. If they had done it in another way there wouldnt have been this much  ”hate” between different groups of ppl. They could have made housing instanced (with a LL made house on ground as a place holder maybee?) on mainland and the land/roads open for everyone to explore with only shops and that kind of stuff at ground level. Or orbs only allowed over 500m up in the sky or something. Then some continents totally free from restrictions (and orbs?) so ppl could choose. Market decides what is worth pursuing. Maybee this was impossible due to tech reasons Im not aware of? Or maybee we would miss the drama and the wild west feeling? 🙃

Edited by Always Incognito
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3 minutes ago, Always Incognito said:

I think Philip/LL was a bit too idealistic when They rigged mainland. If they had done it in another way there wouldnt have been this much  ”hate” between different groups of ppl. They could have made housing instanced (with a LL made house on ground as a place holder maybee?) on mainland and the land/roads open for everyone to explore with only shops and that kind of stuff at ground level. Or orbs only allowed over 500m up in the sky or something. Then some continents totally free from restrictions (and orbs?) so ppl could choose. Market decides what is worth pursuing. Maybee this was impossible due to tech reasons Im not aware of? Or maybee we would miss the drama and the wild west feeling? 🙃

I signed up for a free world, I forget the name of it, and you got a free house on a plot, but it wasn't connected to anything, it was not part of the world, and that is what makes SL second Life. Even on an estate island, you still show up on the world map and are connected to the rest of the world.

All people need to do in SL is respect private property rights.

I have a hornet swarm that attacks you and pushes you to the property line and people in here said oh nooo, that's so terrible, that's so wrong, you invite people to your land then attack them. Yea well, try walking thru a RL woods and see what happens if you get attacked by hornets, or a bear.

People want realism, then when realism bites them in the ass, they whine and cry.

So, ban lines and zero second orbs for everyone. 😂



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57 minutes ago, Always Incognito said:

hey could have made housing instanced (with a LL made house on ground as a place holder maybee?) on mainland and the land/roads open for everyone to explore with only shops and that kind of stuff at ground level. Or orbs only allowed over 500m up in the sky or something.

Endless repetitious instances of residential only areas with LL houses, and nothing to see or do, and no ability to use any kind of effective security to keep random over-entitlement trash out of your home?

That already exists, it's called Belli.

1 hour ago, Always Incognito said:

Market decides

And the fact that people choose NOT to live there, but on mainland with banlines and orbs, is the market speaking.


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9 hours ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

/me chuckles.

Private property...

You know RL planes fly over your home all the time RL. They aren't trespassing, they are simply passing by.

Ban lines only go so high, though many orb the area over them in its entirety and don't set a reasonable kick time, some are even so incompotent as to set one and tell it to eject from the *region* when they own a tiny 1024 and then get all shocked when LL comes in to handle the abuse reports from all their neighbors they started screaming at for "trespassing" (sounds familiar, that) when their poorly configured freebie orb was encroaching instead.

To think you own the entierty of the world from build limit to water table and then compare it to real life encrochment on your home is rather entitled.

It is quite easy to incluse an orb with zones that protects your actual build from trespassing. It only take a little more effort, and a modicum of intelligence, to only protect the areas you use while letting people who have no interest in your stacked cereal boxes pass by without even noticing you rather than turning on AA guns and shooting at passenger jets leaving them to wonder just what is going on there to make someone so bloody irrationally paranoid.

Sure, it's easier for someone to click a button and rez a free "security" object, but then they often get stuck on defense of their paranoia and start yelling and throwing attacks at everyone who disagrees with them ;)

See page 110

You are not first with this airplane analogy


This document is actually an abomination from start to finish, but that's a horse of a different colour.

You can remember this law suit of 1946 because one of the plaintiffs names was Tinie Causby, because her cause was tiny, you see.


Lessig actually extrapolates an abomination from this about letting big IT platforms schooled in the California Ideology slurp up content for free to draw eyeballs, a phenom Lessig has facilitated with Creative Communism, but that's a different -- though related -- topic.


RL airports are not built up in the view of the sky, with planes taking off from sky platforms.

RL planes are not allowed to swoop down and graze the roof-tops of houses, nor are police helicopters; there are regulations, bylaws, and fines related to these behaviours. But they can, you know, fly over your house because how else can they get to the airport? RL doesn't have teleportation -- yet.

There is a limit, however, to scaring the chickens, even if they are pixelated Sionchickens (who were allowed to die off completely their creator sadly not long ago). Various communities get local ordinances against airplane takeoff noise and sonic booms all the time.

I think it would be great if the Lindens -- since they love "code as law" and not the rule of law and adjudication of policies (and in a way, who can blame them in the Customer Service State) -- simply made it impossible by hard code to ban anybody for any reason with any tool in the viewer or out in the 32 m2 perimeter around a waterfront parcel. That is, any ban deployed via the land menu or with a device would simply not take effect in a 32 m margin by Linden water. That way no one could ever interfere with sailing, but would have much ballyhooed "privacy".

You could think about making this true of ANY parcel but the resulting "tunnels" might become grief zones and conflict generators in unintended ways.

You could start with waterways.

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14 hours ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

You know RL planes fly over your home all the time RL. They aren't trespassing, they are simply passing by.

False analogy so the logic doesn't hold up.

There is no "eminent domain" in most of SL's mainland. There's no real need for infrastructure in a virtual world where all pixels can be instantly sent anywhere. Attempts to artificially create "realistic" movement restriction by forcing people to walk to "teleport hubs" to reach remote destinationsin the early days of SL were abandoned, and only the oldest parts of the world assume people need a "Protected Municipal Right of Way" adjacent to every parcel to get around.  

In SL land ownership extends "from heaven to hell". The government does not necessarily retain the rights to lay/maintain lines beneath you, a third party doesn't likely already own "mineral rights" or "wind rights" to part of your land when you buy it, nor is  there "public air" above you. SL is not the real world.

Deciding who can access their land is a landowners prerogative. Ban lines don't actually work that well and they're ugly AF, but resident can legally use a Caspersafe or Bear Orb  and set it to  0 seconds with "full parcel" range, and people can't fly over, unless they happen to live in Blake Sea, some mainland rental communities,  or a few areas where the covenant requires residents to keep access open or give an extended warning for sailing/flying/"community feel"...

Edited by Diablo Lioncourt
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2 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

It's miraculous how these vehicle users can be both fictitious—nobody really uses vehicles, you know, just a few despicable oldbies too entitled to die off—and at the same time the absolute bane of the grid, invading in swarms of militant intruders bent on mayhem.

The roads aren't primarily for driving, they are to provide a sense of connectivity to the rest of the world.

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While land shopping a week or so back I noticed anything that popped up affordable was bought and relisted. I spotted a good plot I went to and there was a person purchasing it then they stated it was for sale and listed it for doublet he price. Its just people buying and upping the price.

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21 minutes ago, Goblin Waifu said:

While land shopping a week or so back I noticed anything that popped up affordable was bought and relisted. I spotted a good plot I went to and there was a person purchasing it then they stated it was for sale and listed it for doublet he price. Its just people buying and upping the price.

I can't tell you how many plots I sold 3 months ago are still sitting out there for sale because somebody was sure he could double his money right away. Virtually all of these parcels were in my possession for a few weeks or less.

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12 minutes ago, Diablo Lioncourt said:

I can't tell you how many plots I sold 3 months ago are still sitting out there for sale because somebody was sure he could double his money right away. Virtually all of these parcels were in my possession for a few weeks or less.

yeah its why theres so much abandoned land now, people try to flip it then just drop it when it gets too expensive to hold onto so no one gets it unless it goes for auction.

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On 12/14/2023 at 12:11 AM, Zalificent Corvinus said:

And NO orb can eject anyone from anywhere that the orb owner doesn't have kick and ban rights for.

No, it can't eject from land not owned by the owner of the orb, or the group it is deeded to...

It can spam people over the whole region telling them is is ejecting them outside of its zone, though...

Which is a reportable offence ;)

They are crappy orbs, CasperSafe is well designed enough to not be in violations of the ToS, not all of them are. Sending messages to avatars outside of your parcel is against the rules, whether it is from orbs, or from badly configured "greeters" at roadside attractions.


You are right in one thing, though, not worth talking to you at all.

I just though I'd clarify my "lies" to others since you are so quick to make assumptions based on your own limited understanding of how things actually work.

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On 12/14/2023 at 12:33 AM, Always Incognito said:

I think Philip/LL was a bit too idealistic when They rigged mainland. If they had done it in another way there wouldnt have been this much  ”hate” between different groups of ppl. They could have made housing instanced (with a LL made house on ground as a place holder maybee?) on mainland and the land/roads open for everyone to explore with only shops and that kind of stuff at ground level. Or orbs only allowed over 500m up in the sky or something. Then some continents totally free from restrictions (and orbs?) so ppl could choose. Market decides what is worth pursuing. Maybee this was impossible due to tech reasons Im not aware of? Or maybee we would miss the drama and the wild west feeling? 🙃

See, now, this I would love to see.

A place with a few "common sense" rules like Belli has, but with more open design for people to actually build on, both commerical and residential.

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1 hour ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

I just though I'd clarify my "lies" to others since you are so quick to make assumptions based on your own limited understanding of how things actually work.

I am an owner of a land group that owns a parcel, and I've been an estate manager on a private estate region, I understand perfectly how the different levels of ban work, I also understand the script commands used in them, since I worked on the script for mine.


You claimed there was an "eject from region" command, there is not, you lied.


1 hour ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

It can spam people over the whole region telling them is is ejecting them outside of its zone, though...

Well if you want to whine about ancient llSensor based orbs from the Clueless Captain Oldbie days...

Though one of those would only do that if it was set to punt from a spherical area larger than a whole region..

However, that has nothing to do with your lies about innocent home invaders getting kicked .


1 hour ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

Which is a reportable offence

So is IM'ing a home owner after you've been punted and banned, demanding they unban you, take down their banlines and delete their orb or else you'll get your friends to harass them, but Fanatical Home Invaders do that quite often.

That's why I automatically AR any home invader who IM's me to whine about getting punted from my parcel and banned.


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18 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

It's miraculous how these vehicle users can be both fictitious—nobody really uses vehicles, you know, just a few despicable oldbies too entitled to die off—and at the same time the absolute bane of the grid, invading in swarms of militant intruders bent on mayhem.

I estimate, based on the number of these trash punted and banned by my orb, after they mapped a major migration route literally through my living room, and how long it took for them to stop coming by, that there are almost certainly less than 100 hard core home invading anti-privacy griefer trash, and probably less than 50.


So, similar numbers to the famous griefer clubs of the past, like the Woddbury U, the Justice League, the Patriotic N's, etc.


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3 hours ago, Setsuki Takeda said:

A place with a few "common sense" rules like Belli has, but with more open design for people to actually build on, both commercial and residential.

The success of Bellessaria is a good argument for using some of the Bellesaria covenant terms on mainland. The minimum height for skyboxes is the main one.

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