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How to properly block a forum user?

Lewis Nerd

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1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:

Whether I agree with you  is irrelevant when what you say is incorrect and merely your opinion.

Incorrect in your opinion, and you have no say in what my opinions are.

Hopefully LL will come along and respond with an apology for their oversight, and correct this mistake in due course.

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2 minutes ago, Lewis Nerd said:

Incorrect in your opinion, and you have no say in what my opinions are.

Hopefully LL will come along and respond with an apology for their oversight, and correct this mistake in due course.

Maybe you missed where they already responded...

4 hours ago, Quartz Mole said:

You can't stop other people from seeing your posts, I'm afraid.  Nor can you prevent their reacting to them.   As far as I know, the forum software doesn't allow it.    


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@Lewis Nerd Good to see you're still around, my old friend.  I might well have never tried SL if you hadn't talked about it on the old Sims Online forum, all those years ago.

Just my opinion, but I'd recommend against ignoring people.  It's always interesting to hear what kind of lunacy comes out of people's mouths lol.  Plus they might not be the enemy you think they are.  For example, I remember a bunch of folks who delighted in getting under your skin on that forum, but, when there was a terrorist attack in your hometown, everyone was instantly concerned for your safety.  You never would have known had you ignored/blocked those folks.

Personally, I just make my own private list of people I...well, for lack of a better word, "ignore", but in the traditional sense, not via software making me unable to see what they're saying.  I still read their blathering.  I just choose to ignore their b.s. and refuse to engage with them, as it's pointless.  To whit, one of the folks you are arguing with here is on my "not worth engaging with" list due to their past racist and misogynistic rants.  Do they often say stuff, even more recently, that disgusts me?  Sure.  But that just helps me realize that, in putting them on that list, I made the right choice.

P.S.  You were right about TSO all along.  Bots DID kill one of the best online games of the naughts.


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I'm reminded how it works on reddit. A user you have blocked can't reply to your posts anymore. It's one of those ideas that's good on paper until you've seen it in action. That function is abused for so many actions done in bad faith it's ridiculous. Two people are having an argument? One blocks the other and gets to do a victory lap, mic dropping the last shot. Want to spread misinformation - just block any prominent member that could debunk you and let the FUD fly until someone else corrects it hours later. By that point, it's been spread far and wide.

However not once have I seen it used as a way to stop a fight between two people. It was always a tool to get one up on someone else. No surprise: I'm against the functionality of giving users a tool to dictate how others can interact with a public forum. That's a power reserved for site owners and moderators, not people that overextended in an argument.

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14 hours ago, Lewis Nerd said:

Excellent, so facilitating abusers and making them out to be the victim, and pushing all the blame on to me.  That sounds like a fantastic plan.

There are no real abusers on these forums.
There are sometimes trolls on the loose, but they lose interest very quickly in general.

My two general tips:
1. Use your scroll wheel on the mouse if you don't want to read postings from certain people in a thread. Putting people on ignore only makes the threads harder to read.
And people who are a pain in the *ss in one thread, can have an interesting opinion in another thread. I never have someone on ignore, but I scroll past some more than once.

2. And if a thread turns sour, just tiptoe out. Continuing in such a thread most of the times leads to nothing

Sometimes I forget my own second rule, but most of the times it works perfectly.
One simply doesn't have to win a discussion or participate in every thread. Agree (for yourself) to disagree works perfect most of the time for me.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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11 hours ago, Lewis Nerd said:

Yes but when the abuse passes a certain point, you shouldn't be expected to just brush it off.  That's why I'd like to prevent that user seeing me as much as it prevents me seeing them.

If another poster is actually abusive in their words to you, you can report that post and it will be removed.

If you have them on Ignore, you wouldn't see their posts until you click the option to see it. There's your choice. Either Ignore or read and react. The Moderators are not going to police everyone who says something that someone else doesn't like.

If you want to post "without being seen" by someone, you could always post as an alt.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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13 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

There are no real abusers on these forums.

I disagree, Sid. But you and I might define 'abuse' differently.  I think if someone revels in your downfall and attempts to cause this downfall in various ways (in other words, if they are sadistic), and finds fault with many of the things you say (while ignoring the same behavior in others), that this is abusive.

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21 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I disagree, Sid. But you and I might define 'abuse' differently.  I think if someone revels in your downfall and attempts to cause this downfall in various ways (in other words, if they are sadistic), and finds fault with many of the things you say (while ignoring the same behavior in others), that this is abusive.

It all depends on what one finds abusive and what not, indeed.
And yes, I agree that not all show their chocolate sides all the time. Heck, most off us don't do that 24/7. Everyone has bad hair days I guess or is over sensitive about certain subjects.
When one wants to participate on whatever forum, it is always a game of give and take IMHO. There is simply no such thing as a perfect forum.

Sadly George Orwell was right when he let the pigs alter one of the commandments in Animal Farm towards the end of the book: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more than equal others".
That is basically how it works everywhere. RL, SL, forums.... :(

Edited by Sid Nagy
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1 minute ago, Sid Nagy said:

There is no such thing as a perfect forum.

I totally agree, no such thing as a perfect forum, and we all misbehave some of the time.  I certainly do my share.

That fact, however, is different from being targeted. I wonder if you don't understand this because you have not been targeted by someone....like someone 'going after' you?

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17 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I totally agree, no such thing as a perfect forum, and we all misbehave some of the time.  I certainly do my share.

That fact, however, is different from being targeted. I wonder if you don't understand this because you have not been targeted by someone....like someone 'going after' you?

Oh yes I know where you are talking about. A few months ago half the forum ladies were after me, because I dared to say something different from the general opinion in one of those "Male - Female" threads that pop up every now and then. Only to find out a few pages further in the discussion, that the stuff I was saying was said by someone else in slightly different wording and accepted.

Most of the time I just leave the tread. But in that case I was even haunted in the Pet Peeve thread. You know how that works sometimes....
I decided to leave the forums for a few days.  As I said earlier in this thread, one doesn't need to win the Internet all the time.

Edited by Sid Nagy
There is no novel ever written without editing. 😃
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2 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

I decided to leave the forums for a few days.  As I said, one doesn't need to win the Internet all the time.

Yes, I vaguely remember that after it happened but never quite knew what happened.

I just hope @Lewis Nerd doesn't leave the forum because he was targeted, and remembers that he has friends here, and that sometimes we just need to ignore those who try to 'take us down' and focus on those who wish us well.

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2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Yes, I vaguely remember that after it happened but never quite knew what happened.

I just hope @Lewis Nerd doesn't leave the forum because he was targeted, and remembers that he has friends here, and that sometimes we just need to ignore those who try to 'take us down' and focus on those who wish us well.

Jury's still out on that at the moment.  I suppose the question is that pretty much nobody here (or, for that matter, active any more) really remembers or knows me from when I was more active on the old forums, so would anyone notice if I wasn't here any more and just went back to messing about in-world and enjoying myself there.

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32 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

You may need to answer questions like, "but WHY do you want to block someone properly?" and, "but how does it make you FEEL that you cannot block them properly"?

Why?  Why shouldn't I?  It removes their power over me and allows me to take control of a situation.  I would feel the same regardless of who, or what, the person I wanted to block, and for whatever reasons.

Just as we can, if we choose, control who visits our land, and thus decide whether to allow them to interact with us or not, it seems perfectly logical to me that it should be a basic forum function as well.

Is there a difference between forum harrassment or abuse, and in-world harrassment or abuse?  I don't want to 'hide behind an alt' just to not be bothered by someone in-world.

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1 minute ago, Lewis Nerd said:

Why?  Why shouldn't I?  It removes their power over me and allows me to take control of a situation.  I would feel the same regardless of who, or what, the person I wanted to block, and for whatever reasons.

Just as we can, if we choose, control who visits our land, and thus decide whether to allow them to interact with us or not, it seems perfectly logical to me that it should be a basic forum function as well.

Is there a difference between forum harrassment or abuse, and in-world harrassment or abuse?  I don't want to 'hide behind an alt' just to not be bothered by someone in-world.

Sorry, I was referring to OTHER people's tendency to over-analyze.

I was not actually "asking" you to answer those, I was saying that you MAY be asked by other people who are just nosy and have a tendency to overanalyze.

Sorry if my comment was not clear!

I personally agree with the general premise that everyone SHOULD be able to "completely" block someone on the Forum.

In my case, I dislike seeing that someone I've blocked has posted in my "unread feed", even if their post is "hidden".  And, I dislike knowing that they "liked/disliked/reacted" to my posts.

What a bodge job I made of it (my previous comment)!



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24 minutes ago, Lewis Nerd said:
2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

I just hope @Lewis Nerd doesn't leave the forum because he was targeted, and remembers that he has friends here, and that sometimes we just need to ignore those who try to 'take us down' and focus on those who wish us well.

Jury's still out on that at the moment. 

Well here's my feelings about all this, and what I've decided to do. What you want or choose to do is fine for you of course.

I think some people simply cannot deal with others they dislike being around them at all. Those they dislike must be removed, as they believe they have the right to control others.
So they target, try to irritate the person they dislike, or even get them banned from the space they both inhabit.

Eliminating others is WAR (the most extreme and unnecessary solution to a conflict).
I refuse to play that game.
I won't stoop to their level. So I don't block anyone anymore...I just scroll on by if I'm not liking what they're saying.
Nobody is all bad -- nobody deserves to be totally cancelled -- even if they want to cancel me.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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21 minutes ago, Lewis Nerd said:

ust as we can, if we choose, control who visits our land, and thus decide whether to allow them to interact with us or not, it seems perfectly logical to me that it should be a basic forum function as well.

The major difference, again is that YOU do not own the forums.  It's not YOUR personal space on the interwebs.  Your Twitter feed, your Facebook page, your Flickr are all YOURS.  Access to those can be granted to individuals and blocking can be done to individuals.  You don't see, they don't see.

You seem to be missing that part.  Just as inworld, when you block someone, they can still see and hear YOU.  You have no ability, nor should you, to effect how others see inworld or the forums.

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4 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Nobody is all bad -- nobody deserves to be totally cancelled -- even if they want to cancel me.

To me, "cancel culture" is generally led by a mob mentality and pressure in numbers to silence an individual and their views which they find offensive, although often they can't specify "why" the person is offensive, just that they disagree with them.

Now if 100 forum users gang up to drive someone away, or mass report them for no reason in the hope that, eventually "enough sticks" and they win - that's cancelling someone.

I don't see my question as being 'cancel' based.

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3 minutes ago, Lewis Nerd said:
9 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Nobody is all bad -- nobody deserves to be totally cancelled -- even if they want to cancel me.

To me, "cancel culture" is generally led by a mob mentality and pressure in numbers to silence an individual and their views which they find offensive, although often they can't specify "why" the person is offensive, just that they disagree with them.

Now if 100 forum users gang up to drive someone away, or mass report them for no reason in the hope that, eventually "enough sticks" and they win - that's cancelling someone.

I don't see my question as being 'cancel' based.

I'm not referring to the current usage of the word 'cancel', as in 'cancel culture'.

By 'cancel' I'm meaning 'totally eliminate'.

"There is no greater power than the power of goodbye", someone said.   Eliminating another person totally is a power grab.

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2 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Just as inworld, when you block someone, they can still see and hear YOU.  You have no ability, nor should you, to effect how others see inworld or the forums.

I remember discussions on the forums many years back about heavily-blinged avatars with 500 scripted prim sparkle earrings and such like bringing massive lag to an area, and there was a whole argument then about turning down "level of detail" and some feeling that, having spent time and money on "their look" everyone else should be forced to suffer the in-game experience simply because they wanted everyone else to see them how they wanted to be seen.  Then, of course, the infamous 'flexidong wars' where people felt that their desire to be naked was more important than those on "moderate" sims not wanting these bulging purple monstrosities being waved around in their faces.

I guess this is something I'm not going to win as simply not enough people care about the "full block" ability, but then if some people had been in-game as long as I have, and seen some of the things I've been through when active griefer gangs roamed the grid, maybe people would understand a little better as to why you'd want to cut someone out completely from interacting with you.

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4 minutes ago, Lewis Nerd said:

heavily-blinged avatars with 500 scripted prim sparkle earrings and such

.....maybe people would understand a little better as to why you'd want to cut someone out completely from interacting with you.

OK, you won the debate....there are cases for blocking....LOL

But seriously, there is a difference between inworld and a forum....I don't think we should equate them in every respect.

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3 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Eliminating another person totally is a power grab.

I see a difference as 'taking control over someone' and 'regaining control over a situation'.

If you were being harrassed or abused by an individual in the real world, then getting away from that individual or situation would be top of your mind.  Of course, you can't equate "some random on a forum with an attitude" with real world physical or mental harm ... but none of us here know what people we don't know have experienced in life and I don't know if invalidating and belitteling their experience and response would necessarily be as freely exercised in real life v a bunch of binary data on a hard drive in a server rack.

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7 minutes ago, Lewis Nerd said:
14 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Eliminating another person totally is a power grab.

I see a difference as 'taking control over someone' and 'regaining control over a situation'.

If you were being harrassed or abused by an individual in the real world, then getting away from that individual or situation would be top of your mind.  Of course, you can't equate "some random on a forum with an attitude" with real world physical or mental harm ... but none of us here know what people we don't know have experienced in life and I don't know if invalidating and belitteling their experience and response would necessarily be as freely exercised in real life v a bunch of binary data on a hard drive in a server rack.

You want total control.  I see that as wrong....as infringing too much on the other  (on a forum that restricts blatant abuse). I think you have enough control via blocking them and ignoring their reactions to you.

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