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Mayalily wrote:

Common?  I've never heard of any women having any.  But you know what, they say you can't understand a person unless you walk a mile in their shoes.  So, if you haven't been through it, I don't think you understand. 

The same could be said about people who are interested in or excited by content that offends you. Unless you've walked a mile in their shoes, don't judge them or their interests.


There is a very common mindset in the Western World that everything which a single individual finds offensive must be offensive to everybody, and those who disagree are somehow flawed, perverted, and potentially dangerous. And of course everything must be child friendly. Think of the children! An infant can't chew a steak, so nobody should be allowed to eat one. A child could suffer a severe mental trauma by hearing a swearword or seeing a bare nipple (has that ever been conclusively proven, I wonder? If so, how can women still be allowed to breastfeed?), so we can't tolerate any of these things on TV.

I really admire the Japanese culture, where media such as manga, anime, or video games is divided into a multitude of target groups. For example, there are so-called seijin or seinen manga / anime / video games, which are made for an adult male audience and feature extreme adult content, including rape fantasies, that most women would find horribly offensive. Which is perfectly fine, because they are simply not the target group and have their own type of media (called josei or redikomi, which is probably equally frightening for many males, albeit for different reasons).

Considering the surprisingly low amount of crime in Japan, this approach seems to work just fine. And considering that violent crime, including sexual assault, has greatly declined in the West since the rise of the internet and the free availability of all types of pornography, I'd even speculate that Japan's low violent crime rate is a direct result of their comparatively liberal media.

I think this is a model that we ought to adopt in the Western hemisphere. Not all media needs to be family friendly. Mature adults are perfectly capable of deciding what is appropriate and harmless for them (or for their children, for that matter), and don't need other adults with different interests and backgrounds to play guardians of public morals on their behalf. We all share this world -- and that goes twice for Second Life, which started out as a very adult place -- and we should all be allowed to pursue our personal interests as long as we don't harm anyone else in the process, which is hardly possible in SL anyway.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

If I made a sim where we 'roleplayed' putting certain members of a real life faith and ethnicity into gas ovens... or roleplayed a certain other ethnicity getting lynched... People would laugh if I tried to call it anything -but- hate speech. A rape RP environment is no different.



The difference is that consensual rape role play is perfectly legal, even in RL, whereas the first example is probably not. Although... didn't the actors in movies such as Schindler's List do just that?

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In the United States you do have the right to express yourself even if it can be construed as hate speech because of freedom of speech law (there are some provisions to this of course). Otherwise, you probably couldn't even reenact certain events in history or make video games or movies out of them, which has been done countless times.

The depiction of what might be considered rape is not all that unusual in art, movie and literature and really wouldn't be considered hate speech in a virtual setting since it's a fetish (like BDSM which is everyhwere in SL) where no group is being implicated or provoked intentionally.  Even having Gorean slaves for example, could be considered hate speech if we were to go with your reasoning.

So, while your objection to this content is understandable, we shouldn't be advocating book burning here because for what you might see as rape, are actors and actresses roleplaying the act of rape using cartoon pixels on a screen; there's a big difference, they might as well use hand puppets. :)

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

If I made a sim where we 'roleplayed' putting certain members of a real life faith and ethnicity into gas ovens... or roleplayed a certain other ethnicity getting lynched... People would laugh if I tried to call it anything -but- hate speech. A rape RP environment is no different.


I disagree Pussycat.   First, this is not about ethnicity.  So, I'm not sure why you brought that into the discussion.

But, since you have brought ethnicity into the discussion, I'll touch on that. 

If you were to go and watch a play where a man named Kunta Kinte is "blindfolded, gagged, bound and prisoner of the white men. .....how they humiliate him by stripping him naked, probing him in every orifice, and branding him with a hot iron."   Would you be watching "hate speech"?   Or would you be watching a scene from powerful literature that tells a story?  A story that is part of real life history?   

Because scenes from Roots could be considered "hate speech" as could parts of the documentary "Eyes on the Prize" if the only thing one considered were depictions of disparaging words, actions and thoughts toward a minority or ethnic group.    Do you see how great literature, movies, plays and games could all be considered "hate speech" if the only definition were that they are portraying language and actions that disparges another ethnic group?   Schindler's List and Sophie's Choice and Raisin in the Sun all become "hate speech".

Secondly, just as I can go to a combat sim in SL and shoot people and "kill" them, but, I'm not "hating" them or killing them.  I'd be acting out a pretend scene.  The people in combat sims who kill each other are often friends.  It's just pretend.  

If you go to the play "A Streetcar Named Desire" and see Stanley rape Blanche, the actors are not participating in a hate speech.  They are pretending and role playing a scene.  They are all consenting to the dialog and action involved.

Role play in SL may not have the caliber of story telling that those famous plays and movies have, but the role play deserves the same kind of consideration.  It is story telling and playing out a scene.  Just as a RL play or movie is done. Just because it's not a play that you would like to see, does not mean that it needs to be shut down. 

Censorship is a powerful weapon, and it wield it to silence others is to travel down the proverbial slippery slope.  


"Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?… Has it ever occurred to your, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?…The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact, there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking—not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness." - Syme from 1984.



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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

If I made a sim where we 'roleplayed' putting certain members of a real life faith and ethnicity into gas ovens... or roleplayed a certain other ethnicity getting lynched... People would laugh if I tried to call it anything -but- hate speech. A rape RP environment is no different.



The difference is that consensual rape role play is perfectly legal, even in RL, whereas the first example is probably not. Although... didn't the actors in movies such as Schindler's List do just that?

I was typing my long-winded...errr..long-worded reply while you posted yours.  Now, I see we were having a Vulcan Mind meld...yet again.   (laughing)

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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

If I made a sim where we 'roleplayed' putting certain members of a real life faith and ethnicity into gas ovens... or roleplayed a certain other ethnicity getting lynched... People would laugh if I tried to call it anything -but- hate speech. A rape RP environment is no different.


The difference is that consensual rape role play is perfectly legal, even in RL, whereas the first example is probably not. Although... didn't the actors in movies such as Schindler's List do just that?

The difference is one of simple context. A movie like Schindler's List is not fantacising about subjecting such people to that experience. Its recalling it and shedding light on it - not indulging or glorifying it.

Were I to put out a film advocating genocide or glamorizing it or even fantcizing about engaging in it - you can be sure I'd face a very hostile reaction, and possibly even legal action (in the US, limited to a civil suit. But in the EU and many other places, possible criminal sanctions).


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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

If I made a sim where we 'roleplayed' putting certain members of a real life faith and ethnicity into gas ovens... or roleplayed a certain other ethnicity getting lynched... People would laugh if I tried to call it anything -but- hate speech. A rape RP environment is no different.



The difference is that consensual rape role play is perfectly legal, even in RL, whereas the first example is probably not. Although... didn't the actors in movies such as Schindler's List do just that?

I was typing my long-winded...errr..long-
reply while you posted yours.  Now, I see we were having a Vulcan Mind meld...yet again.   (laughing)

And Setekh followed the same train of thought :) He also mentioned movies.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

The difference is one of simple context. A movie like Schindler's List is not fantacising about subjecting such people to that experience. Its recalling it and shedding light on it - not indulging or glorifying it.

Were I to put out a film advocating genocide or glamorizing it or even fantcizing about engaging in it - you can be sure I'd face a very hostile reaction, and possibly even legal action (in the US, limited to a civil suit. But in the EU and many other places, possible criminal sanctions).


Are you saying that SL role players fantasize about acting out the same kind of behaviour in RL? I doubt that is always the case, even when there is a sexual element to a role play scenario. I for one have RP'ed a great many scenes in SL, as well as in other MMOs, that I wouldn't want to experience in reality.

Like actors, role players often reenact something they read or heard about. RP can also be a way of coming to terms with one's fears and dislikes. And sometimes, role players simply want to be somebody else for a while, as different from their RL self as possible. A kind and gentle person might role play a villain, and a powerful businessman might RP a docile female submissive. That's not necessarily a fantasy or a deepfelt desire, it could simply act as a counterweight to their RL experience.

PS: This reminds me of fantasy MMORPGs, where even the most peaceful people perform acts of mass murder. I doubt that any WoW player fantasizes about swinging a battle axe at a group of midgets. Or worse... I remember a dark elf quest in the original Everquest, where the player was given the task to stab a pregnant halfling woman. I don't think that any Everquest player has ever remotely considered to do something equally violent in RL. In the end, it is the same as shooting space invaders or using a slingshot to catapult birds into stone walls, and I can't believe that it affects the RL conduct of the role player.

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Do you think extremely successful games like Modern Warfare advocate and glorify violence?
How many teenagers and young adults do you think play these games solely for the violence?
What do you suppose we do it? Where did they learn this?

These games certainly glorify violence and just about every person playing them, plays them to become better killing machines, whether they are aware of it or not. Nature is harsh and survival has always only been gifted to those who were most aggressive and most capable and this is the reason why males primarily, seek out these competitive simulations; it's training. 

Violence, rape (another form of violence), cannibalism and every human sin you could imagine happens in nature regularily and for all we know, we wouldn't be here had they not have occured at some point.  The truth is that all of this is hardcoded into our genetics somewhere so, while they are horribly detestable and certainly not appropriate in our everyday lives, our attempts to deny certain instincts (as aspects of ourselves) outright, may infact lead to more instances of the real world form we want to eliminate. 

Just an important reminder because you can't say it enough: This is virtual, it's simulated, it's not real, be happy with that because any attempt to change people (as it seems you may be trying to do unconsciously) by wanting to make it less popular, won't help because we're a slave to our genetics (pardon the pun), more or less. The best thing we can do is provide it a safe outlet with every other destructive force in society so we can separate it from our real lives. It's never wise to play with nature too much because although we might detest violence and want to erraticate it in the most general sense, it may be in our own foolishness.

Edit: To the person below, Second Life at it's worst is a good thing for society, not a bad thing, despite ones immediate impression.

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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

The difference is one of simple context. A movie like Schindler's List is not fantacising about subjecting such people to that experience. Its recalling it and shedding light on it - not indulging or glorifying it.

Were I to put out a film advocating genocide or glamorizing it or even fantcizing about engaging in it - you can be sure I'd face a very hostile reaction, and possibly even legal action (in the US, limited to a civil suit. But in the EU and many other places, possible criminal sanctions).


Are you saying that SL role players fantasize about acting out the same kind of behaviour in RL? I doubt that is always the case, even when there is a sexual element to a role play scenario. I for one have RP'ed a great many scenes in SL, as well as in other MMOs, that I wouldn't want to experience in reality.

Like actors, role players often reenact something they read or heard about. RP can also be a way of coming to terms with one's fears and dislikes. And sometimes, role players simply want to be somebody else for a while, as different from their RL self as possible. A kind and gentle person might role play a villain, and a powerful businessman might RP a docile female submissive. That's not necessarily a fantasy or a deepfelt desire, it could simply act as a counterweight to their RL experience.

PS: This reminds me of fantasy MMORPGs, where even the most peaceful people perform acts of mass murder. I doubt that any WoW player fantasizes about swinging a battle axe at a group of midgets. Or worse... I remember a dark elf quest in the original Everquest, where the player was given the task to stab a pregnant halfling woman. I don't think that any Everquest player has ever remotely considered to do something equally violent in RL. In the end, it is the same as shooting space invaders or using a slingshot to catapult birds into stone walls, and I can't believe that it affects the RL conduct of the role player.

i believe psychiatrists have found links to RL violence from video games.

its a very dangerous path to fantasise too much.

stabbing a pregnant halfling women (whatever that is) may have been justified in the end in a MMORPG, but the same couldnt be said for a gratuitious killing in another setting, this is where the problems start.

there are probably causal links to violent video games from RL and censors are required nowadays for most adult games.

SL is probably slightly more dangerous in this respect.

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Love Leonoase wrote:

Speaking as a mature adult, the whole use of this "I'll report you" card is entirely childish to me.   

My suspicion is that those who scream "I'll report you!" are the least likely to even know where to find "Report Abuse" in their viewer. Meanwhile, I'm I'm reporting you, I'm just doing it. I'm not sitting their yelling and screaming about how I'm gonna do it and them those big ole Lindens will bust your butt. Like Love said, that's childish - and there is a difference between childish and childlike. ;-)

Have I ARed? Countless time. I have land next to three different infohubs, and I've been assaulted for being a kid avatar. I've got a pretty well-worn rut leading to the AR menu selection. I also know a time or two where I participated in AR parties. There are definitely times ot take that action.

Stamping your feet and screaming about reporting someone? Why waste all that time an energy when you could be doing something fun? Just do it (presuming merit) and be done with it.


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I think you are talking about a trist or a fling wherein an attraction occurs in the moment where two people hardly know each other. That is not rape.  Rape is an act of violence and terrorism.  An instantized sexual moment wherein two people hardly know each other yet feel this strong attraction for one another, is consensual. 

So, we need to agree to disagree that women fantasize about that kind of terrorism upon themselves.  If they do, they cannot actually have much self esteem. This is why I believe the dark side of SL is not healthy to engage your mind in, as it will bear no good fruit in your life. 

I prefer to look for the good fruit of SL as well be in the light of SL, which is so much more blissful, peaceful, joyful. 

So, please, let us agree to disagree because I am googling no such thing. 


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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

i believe psychiatrists have found links to RL violence from video games.

Psychiatrists have also found that this kind of thing can be cured with prefrontal lobotomies, electroshocks, insulin-induced coma, forced ice water baths a.k.a. arctic waterboarding, forced sterilization, involuntary drug trials sponsored by pharmaceutic companies, life-long imprisonment without a fair process, as well as forced restrainment and sedation whenever the torture victims complain about these horrible human rights violations. Like almost everything in the field of psychiatry, which is the ugly, stunted and feeble-minded stepchild of medical science, it is mere pseudo-science that has never been conclusively proven.

I'm being a bit facetious here, but the fact is that there is lots of data to disprove the few make-believe studies with fabricated conclusions that right-wing conservatives and left-wing authoritarians like to wave around. If you google for "video games don't cause violence", you'll find a ton of studies and research papers that prove the exact opposite. But you only need to look at the statistics. Here are the key points:


  • For several decades, the crime rates in the entire Western World have been on a continuous decline. Which means that while video game usage goes up, crime goes down.
  • Out of millions of kids that play video games, only a very small percentage commit violent crimes. If video games really caused violence, you'd expect to see a percentage of 50% or more, not something more akin to 0.05%.
  • There are vastly more juvenile delinquents who come from impoverished families that can't afford a computer or gaming console than criminal youths who spent their time playing video games.
  • While the USA still has a relatively high crime rate, many Western European and Scandinavian countries have very little crime. Yet adolescents in these countries play just as many violent video games as their American counterparts.


 PS: Just recently, I read an article by a psychologist who stated that transsexual people who are born with the wrong gender were actually suffering from a delusion and needed psychiatric "treatment" rather than acceptance by society and the opportunity to live as their chosen gender. So much for psychiatrists and their opinions.


its a very dangerous path to fantasise too much.

I'm pretty sure there is a George Orwell quote about fantasizing and dreaming, but I can't be bothered to look it up. Personally, I think people can't use enough of their imagination. Almost all great ideas and discoveries started with "I have a dream", i.e. with people fantasizing about something.

Of course these new ideas and inventions always led to societal changes, and despite the fact that most of these changes were for the better, conservatives never like change and try everything to resist it. Change endangers the status quo, which is always met with a resounding "no we can't" from the powers that be and the moral majority.

For example, can you believe that back in the 18th century, many self-proclaimed experts warned that the novels of romantic writers such as Jean Paul might cause a "loss of reality and spiritual withdrawal into a romanticized dreamworld"? That's right, they tried to demonize books. Mass-printed fictional novels were a new medium at that time, and like every new medium it was thought to be the end of moral behavior and traditional values.

Another dire concern was that female readers could get a bit too excited over romantic literature and might be driven to engage in unladylike behaviour. Just imagine that an unmarried young gentlewoman sneaking her hitherto innocent fingers into her undergarments while reading chick lit! The horror! Nowadays, people voice very similar moral concerns when it comes to video games and MMOs like Second Life. The reality loss and sexual deviancy arguments are usually among the first when small-minded people are desperately searching for reasons to resist progress. The violence argument is a more recent addition. Looking back, their concerns were always made up out of thin air and never justified.


SL is probably slightly more dangerous in this respect.

"Probably" does not cut it. Personally, I think that your typical SL addict is not very likely to do anything at all in RL, criminal or otherwise, seeing that he spends most of his time trying to escape reality :) SL residents might be the most quiet and non-violent people on this planet, no matter what kind of virtual activities they engage in.


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I was not protesting anything, but I do applaud Scylla for standing up for what is right and how she handled it.

I'm just protesting the fact that someone could teleport me there by sending me a lm that says "Cake" for instance or a tp that has nothing to do with what's involved in the actual sim and says "Shiny Pearls".   If anyone tries to teleport anyone to one of these sims unbeknownst to them, then that should be sexual harassment and be a violation of the TOS. 

I'm putting something in my profile, and avoiding adult sims at this time.  I'm going to stay on moderate 'cuz it's my SL too, and I do need to be the captain of my own ship and where it goes.   And other people need to respect that this is my ship and my avatar.

Just as in RL, it's my body, no tresspassing. 

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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

i believe psychiatrists have found links to RL violence from video games.

Psychiatrists have also found that this kind of thing can be cured with prefrontal lobotomies, electroshocks, insulin-induced coma, forced ice water baths a.k.a. arctic waterboarding, forced sterilization, involuntary drug trials sponsored by pharmaceutic companies, life-long imprisonment without a fair process, as well as forced restrainment and sedation whenever the torture victims complain about these horrible human rights violations. Like almost everything in the field of psychiatry, which is the ugly, stunted and feeble-minded stepchild of medical science, it is mere pseudo-science that has never been conclusively proven.

I'm being a bit facetious here, but the fact is that there is lots of data to disprove the few make-believe studies with fabricated conclusions that right-wing conservatives and left-wing authoritarians like to wave around. If you google for "
", you'll find a ton of studies and research papers that prove the exact opposite. But you only need to look at the statistics. Here are the key points:

  • For several decades, the crime rates in the entire Western World have been on a continuous decline. Which means that while video game usage goes up, crime goes down.
  • Out of millions of kids that play video games, only a very small percentage commit violent crimes. If video games really caused violence, you'd expect to see a percentage of 50% or more, not something more akin to 0.05%.
  • There are vastly more juvenile delinquents who come from impoverished families that can't afford a computer or gaming console than criminal youths who spent their time playing video games.
  • While the USA still has a relatively high crime rate, many Western European and Scandinavian countries have very little crime. Yet adolescents in these countries play just as many violent video games as their American counterparts.


 PS: Just recently, I read an article by a psychologist who stated that transsexual people who are born with the wrong gender were actually suffering from a delusion and needed psychiatric "treatment" rather than acceptance by society and the opportunity to live as their chosen gender. So much for psychiatrists and their opinions.


its a very dangerous path to fantasise too much.

I'm pretty sure there is a George Orwell quote about fantasizing and dreaming, but I can't be bothered to look it up. Personally, I think people can't use enough of their imagination. Almost all great ideas and discoveries started with "I have a dream", i.e. with people fantasizing about something.

Of course these new ideas and inventions always led to societal changes, and despite the fact that most of these changes were for the better, conservatives never like change and try everything to resist it. Change endangers the status quo, which is always met with a resounding "no we can't" from the powers that be and the moral majority.

For example, can you believe that back in the 18th century, many self-proclaimed experts warned that the novels of romantic writers such as Jean Paul might cause a "loss of reality and spiritual withdrawal into a romanticized dreamworld"? That's right, they tried to demonize books. Mass-printed fictional novels were a new medium at that time, and like every new medium it was thought to be the end of moral behavior and traditional values.

Another dire concern was that female readers could get a bit too excited over romantic literature and might be driven to engage in unladylike behaviour. Just imagine that an unmarried young gentlewoman sneaking her hitherto innocent fingers into her undergarments while reading chick lit! The horror! Nowadays, people voice very similar moral concerns when it comes to video games and MMOs like Second Life. The reality loss and sexual deviancy arguments are usually among the first when small-minded people are desperately searching for reasons to resist progress. The violence argument is a more recent addition. Looking back, their concerns were always made up out of thin air and never justified.


SL is probably slightly more dangerous in this respect.

"Probably" does not cut it. Personally, I think that your typical SL addict is not very likely to do anything at all in RL, criminal or otherwise, seeing that he spends most of his time trying to escape reality
SL residents might be the most quiet and non-violent people on this planet, no matter what kind of virtual activities they engage in.



many films  and video games  have been blamed for various real world atrocities which is why they are censored.

SL has no such censoring and no story line hence "SL is probably slightly more dangerous in this respect."

i think we both know that paedophilia isnt a good thing, even if its just fantasy, and i'm afraid you scare me because you are so wierd.

there is no telling what goes on in your mind  when you decide to have a mythical character with a 12 inch "attachment".

does your mother know about you?

not trying to be nasty but could you tell her what you do and of this attachment?

perhaps thats a sign that you have gone too far if you cant.





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I agree with the consensus that violence even if role play is not healthy for the mind and bears no good fruit at all.   The dark side of life some people are attracted too, however, for whatever reason?  As for me I don't even like Halloween because it's creepy and creepy doesn't interest me at all. 

I said before I liked to be in the light of SL, the beautiful cherry trees blooming, and then I mentioned something about Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator on another thread so I went to check the Wikipedia about the film The Great Dictator and it rung a bell with me.  I don't know why people would want to add more clouds to their life, instead of living in the glorious light of what is beautiful and true.

Quote from "The Great Dictator" by Charlie Chaplin (and excerpt from the Wikipedia):

Hannah, who was previously mistreated by Tomainian police agents looking for the barber, hears the barber's speech on the radio, and is amazed when "Hynkel" addresses her directly: "Hannah, can you hear me? Wherever you are, look up, Hannah. The clouds are lifting. The sun is breaking through. We are coming out of the darkness into the light. We are coming into a new world, a kindlier world, where men will rise above their hate, their greed and brutality. Look up, Hannah. The soul of man has been given wings, and at last he is beginning to fly. He is flying into the rainbow—into the light of hope, into the future, the glorious future that belongs to you, to me, and to all of us. Look up, Hannah. Look up". Hannah looks up with an optimistic smile.

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the only solid correlation that has been linked to RL behavior from various forms of media, is that people who already act on those behaviors are drawn to their virtual counterparts... not vice versa....

playing lemmings does not give people a desire to watch RL rodents pushed of a cliff, nor the desire to try to build bridges to save them. but people that already have those desires tend to be drawn to it, along with countless others as a competitive pass time. Claims to the contrary have never been shown to hold water, no matter how loudly they are yelled.

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Mayalily wrote:

I think you are talking about a trist or a fling wherein an attraction occurs in the moment where two people hardly know each other. That is not rape.  Rape is an act of violence and terrorism.  An instantized sexual moment wherein two people hardly know each other yet feel this strong attraction for one another, is consensual. 

No, Mayalily, we are both talking about rape.  The physical violent forcing of sexual acts onto another person, and yes, that is a common sexual fantasy among women.  I've had this fantasy, and a fairly good percentage of the human female population does indeed have this sexual fantasy.  And no, within the context of the fantasy the actions are not consensual.

Mayalily wrote:

So, we need to agree to disagree that women fantasize about that kind of terrorism upon themselves.

We certainly do disagree.  I know that many women do have this fantasy. 


Mayalily wrote: 

If they do, they cannot actually have much self esteem.



Now, I'm laughing out loud in RL.  You really need to do some reading and studying on this subject.  *still chuckling*


Mayalily wrote:

This is why I believe the dark side of SL is not healthy to engage your mind in, as it will bear no good fruit in your life. 

I prefer to look for the good fruit of SL as well be in the light of SL, which is so much more blissful, peaceful, joyful. 


Huh?  The dark side?  This is not a Star Wars movie.  I've referring to actual real life sexual fantasies that women have.  The human mind is a complex area Mayalily.

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Mayalily wrote:


So, please, let us agree to disagree because I am googling no such thing. 


Here are some links to get you started on reading about how rape fantasies are common for women.:


Note that the articles sites studies and university research that says the percentage of women who have rape fantasies ranges from 31-57 % (studies done from 1973 -2008) to a 2009 study done at North Texas University, and published in the Journal of Sex Research, which takes the percentage of women who report having this sexual fantasy to a high 62%.


Here's an abstract from a professional journal and cited on the National Center for Biotechnology Information, US National Library of Medicine site which also cites the University of North Texas study.  This is let you know that these numbers are taken seriously as documented research. (62% of women have had  a rape fantasy....and 14% of participants report have rape fantasies at least once a week)



Here's an article that evaluates theory and research regarding women's rape fantasies and women's sexual guilt.



A very interesting article on women's sexual arousal and women's rape fantasies:



There is much more that is written and researched on this topic.  But, it is well documented that rape fantasies are common for women. 

If you're actually wanting to understand how the complex human mind can be sexually aroused by thoughts and fantasies like this, there is information at libraries, universities, bookstores, and on the internet.  There are respected and legitimate studies by professionals and recognized by government entities, such as the link I posted above to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, US National Library of Medicine website, are avalable for reading and learning about this topic.

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Unless it's in the American Journal of Psychiatric Medicine, I do not wish to have dueling websites with you nor anyone on this subject.  As I said, I am not googling anything on this topic and I do not wish to read your googles nor engage in dueling websites about this either.  Do I believe the internet can teach?  In a word:  No.  Anyone can write a website. 

So, as I trust the American Journal of Psychiatric Medicine, all I came up with is this: The Deviant Mind: when I googled American Journal of Psychiatric Medicine and rape fantasy.  It gave me the deviant mind.    Nuff said for me.

If you can find something in this link about rape fantasy, good luck on your search.


I'm done with this discussion.  Hope that spells that out for you. 

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