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"I'll report you!"

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I hear this card being thrown around a lot.  I've seen it brought up on these forums, from other people who have either been threatened with it or made threats to use it, and I've had a couple people even threaten to use it against me.

Speaking as a mature adult, the whole use of this "I'll report you" card is entirely childish to me.  In a virtual world, where you can easily mute and TP away from people (or ban them if it's your own land), what in the world is the need to issue a "report" to Linden Labs?  (Visions run through my head of two children, with one crying "I'm gonna telllllllll". )

So I'm curious, what exactly happens when one child decides to run to "tell"?

And IF Linden Labs actually wastes their time dealing with these, is not an opportunity created for abuse, where people can simply lie and gossip about others?


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If it's not in the TOS, Linden Labs will stay out of it, including things involving money, etc. You are exactly right...."I'll report you" is usually an empty threat by a person too angry to think straight. As a club owner, I have people sending me IMs with cut and paste chat logs because some is 'telling lies about me' or some other personal altercation...I always tell them, I'm not your parent or your judge. (ie, I don't care about your personal drama, use the block button). Some folks get mad at this and leave my group or club and will not return. They think I am supposed to police up their personal problems. It's usually good that they go, drama seems to follow particular people.

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I have seen the Labbies act upon a false AR in a couple of events.  It has happened to me once, long ago.  I was banned under a pretty extreme accusation and simply rose high hell, asking about how my actions were percieved as the violation I was banned for.  Lacking a reasonable response, the Labbies backpedaled and apologised for the error. (^_^)y



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Funny as I was just thinking about this yesterday when I saw the post on the girl getting reported for having a child height avi, or when I see someone ranting over copyrights that they do not own nor have any reason to be concerned about.

It's almost as if the current world social climate dictates that you need to rat out your neighbor for anything you can find.

In my opinion, the quality of individual has diminished a great deal over the past few years and most of us who came in when second life was a paid game, are gone. Today this world is filled with either bored (and boring) individuals who have little more to do than sit at home in their bathrobes, popping Prozak looking to find people they can "narc" on or compulsive masturbaters.  Throw in we creative types and you pretty much have the current population of SL.

These days I just avoid most of it and do not log in nearly as much as I used to.  It's about creating, running my stores and chatting with old friends.  Anything just to avoid the drama.



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AnthonyMann wrote:

If it's not in the TOS, Linden Labs will stay out of it, including things involving money, etc. You are exactly right...."I'll report you" is usually an empty threat by a person too angry to think straight. As a club owner, I have people sending me IMs with cut and paste chat logs because some is 'telling lies about me' or some other personal altercation...
I always tell them, I'm not your parent or your judge. (ie, I don't care about your personal drama, use the block button).
Some folks get mad at this and leave my group or club and will not return. They think I am supposed to police up their personal problems. It's usually good that they go, drama seems to follow particular people.

I think we share the same mature outlook.

I just reviewed the TOS, and it looks like there is plenty of "wiggle room" for people to be babies/victims, and cry foul, and go "running to the principal".  Just look at the "Harrassment" section of the Community Standards.  "likely to cause annoyance or alarm"???  Heck, that could be construed from just about anything, and is completely subjective. 

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Imnotgoing Sideways wrote:

I have seen the Labbies act upon a false AR in a couple of events.  It has happened to me once, long ago.  I was banned under a pretty extreme accusation and simply rose high hell, asking about how my actions were percieved as the violation I was banned for.  Lacking a reasonable response, the Labbies backpedaled and apologised for the error. (



That is fortunate for you in that case, but what I find extremely juvenile and troubling, is that people can create drama, and then it's in the hands of some completely subjective judgment.  That sucks pretty hard.

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Well don't think these are empty threads, I know from first hand people get kicked out of SL also based on their IP.

The cases I refer to, were of extreme racist kind (in Jewish SIM's) and LL actions were resolute....  Of course the first thing you can do is kick someone of your land as the sim owners did.

LL will of course (seems logical with so many users) not react on every case of course, but they do when things get serious... also severe grievers (those for example that spawn off huge quantities of items or shooting rockets or other stuff) are expelled from SL

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Yeah it does get bad when the Lindens act on false AR's. My first sl avatar was banned on a false AR, the person who submitted the AR was bragging about it after I was banned. I did nothing to this girl, didnt break the TOS, and now I cant get my account back, its permabanned. God only knows exactly what she put in that AR.

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Chelsea Malibu wrote:

Today this world is filled with either bored (and boring) individuals who have little more to do than sit at home in their bathrobes, popping Prozak looking to find people they can "narc" on or compulsive masturbaters.

OMG! Have you been spying on me again? I told you to stop that or I'll report you! cool-unhappy-071.gif

...Dres (Btw, you forgot to mention the bunny slippers)

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It's just a childish and stupid retort. It annoys me, because it's similar to the Godwin, or the threat of a lawsuit. A person no longer wants to think rationally, or argue with intelligence, so they say something that dumb.

In real life, the perception of authority has become increasingly frightening, especially the courts. People threaten to sue over the dumbest things, because they believe that the threat alone will get you to do whatever it is they want. The hoped effect is practically identical to that of telling someone you'll AR them over something dumb. They know that folks (especially Americans) are so afraid of having to enter the court system because it appears to be very complicated and scary, so, if the "s word" is mentioned, they often will give in. 7 years of my 14 year career were spent with the most well-known lawyer in the US (not to mention his entire team) as a client. While what I did for them had nothing to do with law, you spend enough time in that environment, you make a few friends, and you learn a few things. I, for one, learned not to quake when some idiot threatens to sue, or AR.

When folks threaten to sue over something stupid, or to AR over something stupid, I simply say: "Good luck with that."

In 1920's Berlin, we've had a LOT of people threaten to AR when we've had to ask them to leave (for not following the most basic rules, like wearing clothes...any clothes). "Good luck with that" usually shuts them up. I did once speak to a CSR about the problem of AR threats, and did receive actual confirmation that there's nothing to worry about. If it's not against TOS, or intellectual property laws, you're fine. If, for some reason, you get dinged by LL, it can be reversed if you raise hell. One jackass (who shall remain nameless) threatened also to sue (yes, sue) for a few dollars lost when we had to ban his group from our property (we did, however, give a partial refund for another piece of property, and removed them, because we no longer wanted them around, at all). However, it's in the rental agreement: you grief, you lose your spot immediately, no refund. He genuinely threatened an international lawsuit over a few dollars. Overdramatic, AND he had no case. Ahh, people.

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There have been very few occasions  where I've felt the need to AR someone (griefer stuff at the club I used to work at, and elsewhere). There are simply times when it is warranted.

Informing the other person of ones intention to AR them can be drama-inducing and childish, yes, although giving the other person the opportunity to check themselves before an AR is filed might in some circumstances be appreciated.

Are you saying that nobody should ever file an AR, Love?

Nobody's ever threatened to "report" me, but now I'm curious. What exactly are you doing that might prompt others to issue that threat to you?

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Just a bit of an aside . . .

I'm always amused by the way in which we use language to obscure rather than communicate, or to hide rather than reveal.

Take for instance that adorable little euphemism, "Adult."  It would seem to imply that all activities and content so designated are somehow too sophisticated, too complicated, too "mature" for those under a certain age. I find this particularly ironic, as the vast majority of those things, in RL or SL, that we designate as "Adult" actually require remarkably little in the way of cerebral activity.  Google for "Adult" rated materials online, and tell me that they require an IQ level even approaching triple digits, or a maturity level superior to that of the average 14 year old boy.  As for SL . . .jumping on a poseball and pretending that you are going to be disciplined by Naughty Nurse Nancy is . . . sophisticated?  Mature?  "Adult"? 

i find the use of the word "Mature" in this thread somewhat similar.  What "mature" seems to mean here, mostly, is a willingness to completely overlook anything that anyone else is doing, while fervently hoping that no one will hold one responsible for the "Adult" (please see above) things that one is indulging oneself with.  How "mature" are we?  Well, so mature that we cling desperately to our anonymity because we would die of shame if our activities were ever associated with the "RL" us.

None of this is to suggest that people should be ARed, or even threatened with an AR, for harmless consensual goofiness.  Really, it's just an observation on our use of obfuscation in language, and our rather pompous over-regard for the inviolability of our god-given right to behave like hormone-crazed teens.


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NOOOOO!!!! Not the hat!


It is purdy though.

@ the OP: While there are times that filling an AR is very appropriate, I see no need what-so-ever to tell the person first or at all even. The ones that do that are just bullies trying to get their way, which as has been stated is childish and drama inducing, but does no real harm that one can't just ignore.

The worst are the ones that actually go through with it and clog up the system with stupidity. Making it that much harder for LL to deal with actual abusive situations and every once in a while even manage to get someone booted for absolutely nothing. For that they should be ashamed of themselves, but clearly some people have no shame.



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I have to admit, on a social and mothering sort of level, it bothers me to ignore the threats. Not because I think the AR will go through. Not because I'm afraid of the consequences.

It's that it's a sad commentary on the person's thinking and behavior (often stemming from entitlement). If they're threatening to AR you because they didn't get their way, it's likely not the first time the person's done it, and enough previous incidents were successful (more making stupid threats...AR's, specifically, for stupid things would be unlikely to be successful) that the person learned that this behavior was a good means to what the person hoped to achieve.

It makes me sad for them. Enough people caved that this person thinks it's fine to bully people like this.

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i used to see the AR card brandished about a lot more than i do now, there's times when i thought it should have been used like the other day whilst at welcome centre there was a resident wealding a gun griefing some 10 minute old just landed in SL noobs, then there's been times when i've seen the AR card needlessly used such as with a friend they said something & someone i used to know (haven't seen in SL in a very long time) didn't agree with it and waged AR war convincing people to AR this friend i'm sure some sort of suspension came from one of the AR's i can't really remember it was a couple of years back
i haven't had much reason to AR myself as i don't get that offended or come in to contact with much AR-able stuff

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

There have been very few occasions  where I've felt the need to AR someone (griefer stuff at the club I used to work at, and elsewhere). There are simply times when it is warranted.

Informing the other person of ones intention to AR them can be drama-inducing and childish, yes, although giving the other person the opportunity to check themselves before an AR is filed might in some circumstances be appreciated.

Are you saying that nobody should ever file an AR, Love?

Nobody's ever threatened to "report" me, but now I'm curious. What exactly are you doing that might prompt others to issue that threat to you?

This is precisely the mentality I'm talking about.

People SEARCHING for drama, and baiting to get some.



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are you talking about people that use it in world  or in the forums?

cause really the forums seem to be pretty tame nowdays..

Inworld. nobody really ever said it to me. i think i could count on one hand the amount of times  i have really ever heard it said by others in something like general chat ..

also never in the forums has anyone ever said it to me..

i've seen in the old forums some ARing threads more than anything..not really someone saying they were gonna AR someone..


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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

Just a bit of an aside . . .

I'm always amused by the way in which we use language to obscure rather than communicate, or to hide rather than reveal.

That's interesting and all, but what in the world does that have to do with this thread - nothing. 


Take for instance that adorable little euphemism, "Adult."  It would seem to imply that all activities and content so designated are somehow too sophisticated, too complicated, too "mature" for those under a certain age. I find this particularly ironic, as the vast majority of those things, in RL or SL, that we designate as "Adult" actually require remarkably little in the way of cerebral activity.  Google for "Adult" rated materials online, and tell me that they require an IQ level even approaching triple digits, or a maturity level superior to that of the average 14 year old boy.  As for SL . . .jumping on a poseball and pretending that you are going to be disciplined by Naughty Nurse Nancy is . . . sophisticated?  Mature?  "Adult"? 

Again this is fascinating stuff, but please quit your hijack.


i find the use of the word "Mature" in this thread somewhat similar.  What "mature" seems to mean here, mostly, is a willingness to completely overlook anything that anyone else is doing, while fervently hoping that no one will hold one responsible for the "Adult" (please see above) things that one is indulging oneself with. 

Thanks for your opinion and your mind-reading insights.


How "mature" are we?  Well, so mature that we cling desperately to our anonymity because we would die of shame if our activities were ever associated with the "RL" us.

Who are you speaking about - yourself?

Or are you saying that anyone that wants to interract in SL with anonymity is immature? 

Don't waste time answering, cause it has NOTHING to do with this thread topic.


None of this is to suggest that people should be ARed, or even threatened with an AR, for harmless consensual goofiness. 
what a relief
  Really, it's just an observation on our use of obfuscation in language, and our rather pompous over-regard for the inviolability of our god-given right to behave like hormone-crazed teens.



You mean pompous like entering the middle of a thread to get on a soap box and talk about people you don't even know as though you are God and can read their every thought and motivation? 

THAT kind of pompous?

And what exactly is "harmless consensual goofiness"?  That's pretty subjective, I think.  After all, is it "consensual" to say HELLO to somebody?  No, so we need people who think that they are fit to make judgments and determinations about other adults to go around filing nanny reports in an effort to save the SL world.

Seriously, this is exactly what I'm talking about.  People like THIS inworld, who apparently have nothing better to do than to police the thoughts of others, and go dashing to the principal's office with a "report".  Why is the Mute button even there? 


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Chelsea Malibu wrote:

Funny as I was just thinking about this yesterday when I saw the post on the girl getting reported for having a child height avi, or when I see someone ranting over copyrights that they do not own nor have any reason to be concerned about.

It's almost as if the current world social climate dictates that you need to rat out your neighbor for anything you can find.

In my opinion, the quality of individual has diminished a great deal over the past few years and most of us who came in when second life was a paid game, are gone. Today this world is filled with either bored (and boring) individuals who have little more to do than sit at home in their bathrobes, popping Prozak looking to find people they can "narc" on or compulsive masturbaters. 
Throw in we creative types and you pretty much have the current population of SL.

These days I just avoid most of it and do not log in nearly as much as I used to.  It's about creating, running my stores and chatting with old friends.  Anything just to avoid the drama.



I can't speak on the former population of SL, as I'm only 6-8 months old myself, but I HAVE noticed that SL seems to attract a good amount of "nerds"; People who seem to be quite handicapped when it comes to social skills, have an over-abundance of time to waste on completely WORTHLESS drama, and a propensity to "run to the principal" every time they get their feelings hurt.  Much of the time, these types BAIT you into saying something that they can play the victim about.  WTF?!


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Ceka Cianci wrote:

you seem to be in a bad mood..i think it's time for a plate of

Get happy

I have to admit, I'm a little disgusted and sick of the fact that so many of the "adults" in this day and age, are so mentally and socially immature and trifling.

Don't know if virtual cupcakes is going to help, but thanks for the gesture.

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