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When is SL no longer fun for you?

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Today, I decided to give sl an extended break. I have been in sl for a total of 5+ years and have taken periodic breaks mostly due to rl demands. But two things has caused me to take an extended break. One, the constant request/demands for a rl pic. I find that to be one of the most annoying things in sl. I have been defriended over it (no biggie) because that shows they aren't "friend" material anyway. Apparently, there are a lot of people that don't care where their rl pic may end up.

It is the second situation that really upset me to the point of tears. I found a nice rental home on the Barrington sim. I paid the rent up for four weeks. I was told I would receive additional information within certain amount of time and if not contact the landlord. I sent several ims as well as notecards and no response. I feel like I am stalking this woman and her lack of response is ridiculous. I have also sent ims and notecards to other members in her group with the hope that if not her but someone else has the ability to send me group invite. No response there. That is all I want, group invite so I can move in.

I know LL offers no recourse with trying to obtain a refund and I can understand that. I have never had a problem with a landlord before and I was looking forward to a long term tenant/landlord relationship. But in this instance, it is not to be the case.

Therefore,with 6 days left on my existing rental  I have packed up my stuff out of disgust,  It is easier to completely walk away then constantly logging in see if I heard anything from her. So there goes 4,000L down the drain along with monies that other vendors could've received because I was looking forward to making redecorating purchases.

Sadly, sl is no longer fun for me.

Thanks for allowing me to rant.





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I know the feeling I had no response from a landlord either.

SL is no longer fun for me.  I like to go clubbing and just went clubbing on two sims.  One is nicely built, you can see all the avi's and what they are wearing, enjoy dancing without the lag 'cuz it's a terrific build.  But, the next Dj does a lot of Country which I don't care for, so requested a tp from one of my fav Dj's to another club and the lag was so horrible that no one could move or see anything because of all the vendor stuff built all around the dance floor.  I'd rather dance and chat in an empty warehouse type sim, than deal with a sim crammed full of so much stuff no one sees any visuals.

Last week, I was at a club on a moderate sim and we were all joking about stripping.  Why, because we were all ghosts or grey bots and no one could see anything anyways if we stripped, and that sim was crammed full of vendors - CRAMMED. 

It's just bad sim building.  It's horrific!  I don't know what to say about this. 

It's not fun.  Why spend money on all these clothes people can't see anyways?  You can just strip now on moderate sims with all that vendor stuff because no one can see you.  It's utterly ridiculous. 

They need to stop this vendor stuff.  There's marketplace right here on this website for shopping (just point your arrow at shopping and click on Marketplace),  and then there are particular sims for shopping.

SL is going to die if this keeps up.  Or it's already dying or dead.   They need to have separate sims for shopping or it's definately going to die.  Why spend money when you can't be seen?  It's absurd. 

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I am actually on break now myself..i still pop in to pay my tier..then log off..

every summer i take a break  because the sun calls me very strongly to bathe in it..

unfortunatley there are people that don't realise that opening up a place for residents is something that reflects the world..and that when they get bad reputations they make people leery of other people that are much nicer and more responsible..

it would be nice if there was a way to give a wake up call to those that just ride the coat tails of other good people..the world would be a better place for sure..

i do hope things end up working out for you and you get some of it resolved..

there are a lot of great land barons out there..

like where i live..i have been in my place most of my sl..it's why i keep coming back to make sure i pay my tier even when on break..i would hate to lose my spot hehehe

take care and maybe down the road things will be better if you do change your mind about second life.*winks*


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Right.  I feel I'm getting played here.  This is absurd!  All the avi's joking that they can strip on moderate sims because no one can see you anyways because of all that vendor stuff crammed into this little space.  I'm getting sick of that stripping joke.  VERY sick of it. 


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How many prims do you need? I'll give you a month rent free on my parcel. It has to be a skybox though. I have some stuff on the ground for which it is too much work for me to move. It's a 1552 sqm parcel. If it makes you feel any better, I'll add the person that defrauded you to the ban list. 

Consider it my sacrifice to the Linden gods for SL's 8th birthday. Hope you change your mind and decide to stay.

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Ya well I was told a bunch of false lies in my rental contract.  Discount if you pay for a full month in advance.  I didn't receive that and didn't complain.  Texture bleeds into my house which was ruining my SL experience, and when I asked for a fix and a move, I got no response.  No refund, no fix, no move to another house while landlord fixed the house.  He did nothing.  Wouldn't fix house to get texture bleeds out and wouldn't even respond.

My story is worse!

Greed is killing SL because people are cramming way too much vendor stuff  or other things into a little small space.  It's ludicrous! 

Sims are going to need some kind of ratings for quality and experience of build 'cuz I feel I'm getting taken to the cleaners here. 

Wha?  How long does SL think people want to joke about stripping since we can't be seen? 


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SL only seems to stop being fun for me when RL is going through a difficult phase, but it's not helped when I have encounters similar to yours, certain "friends" wanting/expecting/asking far too much of me and then getting arsey about it.  Regular breaks are definitely beneficial, and a jolly good rant does no harm. As you can see, it has brought out a lot of good people to offer you help, and empathy.

Go have a break, believe, as I do, in karma. Somehow your money in lost rental will return to you in some other way, and the land owner who has ripped you off will also have to answer to karma.

Go get some refreshment out in real life for a little while, be kind to yourself, all will be well again when you return.

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I've been to many clubs.  However, I don't want to hear trance, rap or country, nor dance remixes.  There are some clubs that are fine for rezz because they don't have the vendors there, but the music is awful.  Not to mention we pay the Dj's and then I go again, and they play the same songs over and over every day, and do not update their playlists with their money.  So why should I be paying for any of this?  I don't want to hear the same songs over and over, and especially not crappy songs. 

And oh yes, you will find the stripping jokes if logs are checked because it's true and I have no reason to lie.  It's not my computer; it's everybody (or every avi!).

I don't want to pay to see a bunch of grey blobs or ghosts.

Each sim definately needs a quality rating to get rid of some of these scammers.  I feel I am being scammed.  Not to mention, shopping is right here on this webpage and it's called Marketplace and you can find Marketplace by pointing your mouse to shopping. 

  Where do I call  to discuss these complaints with this so called Linden Labs?   Does it even exist?


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to start with: I still love SL and it will be always fun :)) But... things that makes it less fun are:

-the buggy 2.x viewers... laggy... an not understandable interface.. dont fix things that aint broken... im happy there is phoenix :)

-dispay names... i have turned them off :)

-no more new last names... the family Resident is getting bigger and bigger :/ Also many people with silly names (numbers in it....)

-the forced leaving of over 200 lindens... (many great ones... they made sl from the beginning...)

but... i still have fun :) i just love sl lol

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Yes, well viewer 2.  You log onto SL website and you download viewer.  It doesn't say there are other viewers.  So, I'm on viewer 2, now I've bought things for viewer 2.  Sounding kind of crazy already.  Then people tell me to go on Phoenix, then we all start talking about strip tease dance time... we all can't be on viewer 2; most are one Phoenix because we've talked about which viewer inworld at least 200 times.  So those on Phoenix were grey blobs/ghosts/eggs too because they told me they were on Phoenix and we're complaining, complaining about SL and the typical joke is SL HATES ME TODAY, and that joke has been going on for weeks.  Inworld, a lot of complaining and difficulties no matter which viewer.

Also, being as naive as I am, I've paid Dj's in advance to download some songs for me in their off time.  Did they even do it?  No. Am I ever going to do that again.  No.

Also, a female person may feel she needs to change her avatar in private; then you get sucked into this house rental thing just so you can change in privacy and find out it's a bunch of hooy and the rental agreement lied about a discount, not to mention bad build, no response from landlord that it will get fixed.  Nothing.  You get no answer.   So you pack up and move out.  I did the same thing as the OP.  I just packed up and moved out of that nonsense house. 

Quality control is what's needed, along with ONE VIEWER may help. 

Time out for me.  I've had enough.  There is no quality control here; nor even one viewer. 

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Mayalily wrote:

  Not to mention
we pay the Dj's and then I go again
, and they play the same songs over and over every day, and do not update their playlists with their money.  So why should I be paying for any of this?

So, you voluntarily pay people money, and when you're not happy with the results...but you go and pay them money again?


Mayalily wrote:

Each sim definately needs a quality rating to get rid of some of these scammers.  I feel I am being scammed.

Please explain how someone is being scammed when they voluntarily give away their money, and then go and give away their money again? 


Mayalily wrote:

  Where do I call  to discuss these complaints with this so called Linden Labs?   Does it even exist?


How is Linden Lab responsible for you repeatedly giving money to clubs, DJ's and sims and being unhappy with the results?     

Jeez Louise Mayalily, the only person that can fix this situation is you.  It's called having personal responsibility.  How it works is that you take responsibility for your own actions, and you also don't try to deflect blame onto others for the consequences of your actions. 

Stop going to those places, and stopping spending money there.  I personally have never had the experience you describe, because I don't frequent places like that. 

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The reason why a lot of people insist on selling their items, in-world, is because when they sell their items on the Marketplace, LL takes a cut of their profits. While the cost of tier means that placing items in a shop isn't necessarily free, you still get every penny from the item customers purchase.The other issue with selling through the web site is that the transaction histories only go so far back, while you can keep your entire transaction history from, say, Hippo, all the way back to your first sale. It's why I use vendors from Hippo at the shop I own, because I don't like the idea of having my transaction histories cut short. It really irks me. So, there are reasons why things are as they are.

Hm... You know, if you are having trouble getting DJ's who play in the good venues to play something different, have you ever considered speaking to them, directly? What's the worst they can do if you make a friendly suggestion as to the kind of songs you'd like to hear, as well as where to go to obtain those songs? Some may even really appreciate it, because they may have hit a dry period in which they just feel a bit stagnnt. Another fun idea to consider: What about trying your hand as a DJ, yourself?

Anyhow, I AM sorry that you feel your fun in SL has been ruined. I do hope you ultimately find something, here or in RL, that you really do enjoy and can stick with.

Take care!

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I don't like to hear any reports of theft or fraud in SL.

If membership in a Group was promised or required for peaceful enjoyment of the Land and you did not receive said services or membership inclusion, that is fraud and theft of L$, it should be Reported. It is not a Refund request.

LL needs to be informed about theft or fraud and any AR's against a Resident will be in a permanent file. 20 unique users do not Report a Resident for doing nothing wrong. Their day will come when they get a little message at login.

You cannot access Second Life from this computer.

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Don't be such a victim (or troll). If there is not a club/sim/DJ that suits you, then feel free to create one and show the world how it's done.

I'd say SL became unfun for me  back in 06 when all my endeavors hit the wall of performance and capacity. My potential for fun and growth suffered from the weak link that is the 'platform' itself. Oddly enough this wall is still in about the same place as it was then, regardless of endless 'we are improving!' post.

I remember when this community used to be interesting. Back before the (pointless) corporate cleansing. Now it's about as exciting as a glass of milk.

I recall one blunder after another from the lab. Most of them started by Jack. It was like a bizarro world of stupidity that never ended. They have spent so much energy on such stupid and pointless things that it ate away my resolve to work around the treestump on the lawn that is linden lab.

The final nail in my coffin was the hiring of Rod Humble. Why would they hire the guy who failed with the sims online to run this virtual world? He will tell you that 30% more people complete registration! In small print they tell you user hours are down and lindex volume is up. It's pretty easy to figure out what that means. I deleted my last sim and took up other endeavors.

Oh, and the lack of stripping jokes kind of upsets me too.

This is my opinion and view point. I'm sure it's offensive, totally non-helpful and in need of moderation for the good of all involved.

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I do not know or care what clubs you have been going to. I can only speak for myself. I do not recycle a playlist. I take requests/dedications all the time. I gratefully accept tips of any LL amount but they are only a fraction of what I pay for downloading music (yes, I pay for it) and the monthly stream rental. I DJ because I like to. I also watch local chat and I do not see alot of strip jokes. You have your experience, and I have mine. Try other clubs. There are 20958209458724 of them in SL.

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No I never said I wanted to talk to LL about the Dj incident where we in IM contracted he would download some songs for me in his off time, 2-3 days of off time.  His agreement to take the money was to download the songs.  He didn't do it.  That is my naivety and not the prob of LL, so I never said that. 

That's part of a community prob, not LL.

Next, at the one sim (club) that is terrific build, absolutely outstanding, the one Dj I like who does a great job in giving avi's an experience of what is described in her sim, was logging off.  I knew next Dj coming plays to much country.  Then one of my fav Dj's logs on (one I believe should work as a Dj in real life because he's that good and that professional) logs on.  So I request a tp to where he is Djing.  I tp there, to a club I've never been and there is vendor stuff right outside the club entrance, so the visuals were lost a.k.a. greyed out bots and horrible visuals.  Lots of avi's there because who wouldn't like that Dj?  He's great!  He should be a Dj in real life. 

I'm talking about scamming in regards to false rental agreements, bad builds by ameteur builders who cram way too much stuff in their sim that no one needs any clothes anyways, terrible landlords with promises, promises of a great place to live when it's not because they won't answer IM's or even fix texture bleeds (that's scamming) if you ask me! 

I'm also talking about ethics here in regards to the Dj's; that's a community issue, but there should be some ethical guidelines, such as if you are getting paid to be a Dj, update your playlist; don't just log on and do your regular playlist day in and day out.

I have some great Dj's I have found, but then tp, the sim is a terrible build because this vendor crap is right outside the club entrance.  So, dud sim. 

A quality assurance team is definately needed and a quality assurance area on this forum is needed to address some of the other issues I'm discussing in this thread.

Not to even mention, three months with these shoe huds things.  I haven't seen one avi yet at a club that had the right color tint to the feet, not in three months. 

They need to start with just getting one viewer.... that might be a good start.  It doesn't say there are other viewers; it says download viewer now. 



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I'd think perchace the rental cost of a sim is far greater than a cut on Marketplace?  How much of a cut do they take on Marketplace as compared to the cost of running a sim?  And sim shopping where there are just shops is not really what I'm talking about either, I'm talking about all this vendor stuff right outside club entrances.  The one sim I went to visit one of my fav Dj's had vendor stuff at every entrance that is was practically in your face.  That causes too much lag because the one sim I said is a terriific build (absolutely Grade A terrifice) and a terrific experience doesn't have that vendor stuff right in your face practically, actually it has no vendor stalls at all.   However, there should be some guidelines on how to add the appropriate amount of vendor stalls so as not to interfere with the club experience. 

Also, Marketplace saves transactions long enough to get failed deliveries taken care of and saves my transaction history on Marketplace long enough for me to find the designers I like again.  But what do I need any designer for now when the clothing doesn't even show up?  I don't need shopping right now.  There are other issues that seriously need addressing, most likely - one viewer from the original website.  That's what I assumed I was getting.  One viewer for original website right here on this webpage. 


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As someone who has DJed in SL for over three years now, I would never EVER ask for or accept money to download a song. First of all, if I do not have the song, I go to a site where I can hear at least part of it because I only play songs that I like and think others will like (someone once sent me a link to a trance song that droned for 10 minutes and no way was I going to play that in a DANCE club). Second, if I like the song enough to download it, it becomes mine and I can play it anytime. Why should someone else pay for something that I will own and use indefinitely unless it is a gift?! Third, it sounds like you have problems rezzing. Reduce your draw distance, reduce your script load, etc. There are ways you can improve your experience.

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