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Palomma Casanova has passed.

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Just a quick update, I've been in contact with Dollen and others.  We will find a way to ensure the preservation of her legacy in Second Life together that both abides by her wishes and celebrates her contributions.  None of the associated land holdings and locations are at any risk of being removed until we decide a path forward.  

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Today I am wearing 'Dressed By A Dove', a small token towards the person, and designers, who have supported the newbies of SL. I have the faintest memory of Palomma/Diannia helping me (years ago in another life) find my own first place to live in SL. I loved that place and learned a lot about making friends/neighbors/prims/furniture/texturing changing etc, while resident there. I saw her a few times after around in world in the years after - always helpful, always friendly. She stood out to me: remembered. To all her SL family and friends I wish them much comfort in these hard times:

Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn’s rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.

   -Mary Frye


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3 hours ago, Patch Linden said:

Just a quick update, I've been in contact with Dollen and others.  We will find a way to ensure the preservation of her legacy in Second Life together that both abides by her wishes and celebrates her contributions.  None of the associated land holdings and locations are at any risk of being removed until we decide a path forward.  

Thank you Patch.  And a general comment.


I think it is important to remember that her wishes were her wishes.  I have seen too many friends disappear over the last year -- most in our corporeal world which we do inhabit part of the time at least :D.   There is often a sincere need to REALLY let go.  To know that what you built was good and worthy and that it is OK for it to disappear into a memory.  I have seen some other long time established SL icons "carried on" sometimes against the creator

s wishes and sadly sometimes for personal gain and not memorial.  I suspect that was in part considered.  


At the same time -- my recent business alt making experiment made it very clear to me that the new member experience is currently more difficult than it has ever been -- well in sixteen years or so when "beta" was still in force.  There is a real need for a replacement as well as a way for new folks to KNOW where to go.  Right now you get dropped down in the middle of a very pretty sim with no direction except "explore".



So perhaps there could be an integrated new person's shopping sim for 30 day and under folks and THAT could be connected to the current onboarding and worked into the new one to come.  This is REALLY needed.  It took me eight full hours to put together my one linden avatar and I already knew all the best free places.  Anyone have a doubt, try being "new' and not spending any money. I sent her a gift body that cost one linden because of course she didn't have any money at all.

In Sansar you could go on quests or build things for free and sell them so that you could update your default avatar.  In the SL past you could camp and go to the old Realms.   Now it is pretty damn hard to get a  start in Second Life.   We are becoming an elitist platform by default. 

I am sure there are plenty of altruistic folks out there that honestly want to help with no credit given.  I am happy to do whatever I can.    

Edited by Chic Aeon
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11 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

I am sure there are plenty of altruistic folks out there that honestly want to help with no credit given.  I am happy to do whatever I can.    

Years back in SL there used to be like a dedicated team -- personned by volunteer residents -- who are willing to guide new residents.

I wasn't there yet at the time so I can only get bits and pieces, but it seems the team has been disbanded?

Maybe in her spirit we can recreate such a team. "The Doves" maybe, in commemoration of Palomma ("paloma" is Spanish word for "dove")

And who knows, maybe if someone is willing to grant a land, some builders can donate their time and skill in building a headquarters for The Doves ... and the whole of first floor is an up-to-date showcase of freebies that SL designers are willing to donate.

In essence, continuing her dedication, remembering her as well, but letting go of her at the same time...

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The Free Dove store was unique because it was ~actively~ managed with taste and love. Memories of the person will never end for those touched by their life force and the gift of their efforts.

Linden keeps some locations after the RL person(s) have shuffled off this mortal coil and from my travels around the Grid-- it is the  landscaped locations that continue to attract and stay relevant. 

Places with stores are tough --totally in love with Mont Saint-Michel, what an amazing build, so deserving of staying on the Grid  BUT it has little shops left untended and many are from avatars long gone themselves etc. Vendors that don't work ....

If Linden wants to be breathtaking creative having these empty shops managed and curated to be top notch freebies that would be awesome. To protect the region , have only a Mole rez when the inventory changes, like a quarterly refresh or what ever works.

Creators, like now with shop&hops, would submit their app. Increasing the chance of new people meeting  people enhances their desire to go through the  massively steep learning curve and to stay and wander in a lovely place makes it more likely. 

The long gone but missed Gnubie Store https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/The_Gnubie_Store 

was a great example of curated freebies.

RIP Palomma


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First of all, my condolences to Palomma's friends and family, and I'm so grateful for her generosity, which I benefitted from in my noob days, and even not so noob days. 

As for the suggestions for carrying on her legacy, I haven't thought this through so there may be difficulties I haven't considered but, maybe a:

- combined memorial, to generous residents like Palomma (also a sort of history for new people to get to know the community's past), plus

- a welcome area for curated donated things for new residents, and

- some resident created guides for where to explore, and

- in a linden space so land won't disappear (sneaked that in there)

I know there would be no lack of people donating time and stuff. I would.

Edited by Akane Nacht
added some stuff
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I don't have much to add, except that the Free Dove is a great store. I think I came in contact with Palomma once in world, while she was rebuilding FD last year. It was the first store I visited to grab some free clothes and shoes, once I got my mesh side together with the free Genus Strong head and Atenea body in mid 2021. I still have most of the clothes from FD, some of them are still unpacked.

My respects... 

*goes back to Open Sim*

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/20/2023 at 12:43 PM, Patch Linden said:

Just a quick update, I've been in contact with Dollen and others.  We will find a way to ensure the preservation of her legacy in Second Life together that both abides by her wishes and celebrates her contributions.  None of the associated land holdings and locations are at any risk of being removed until we decide a path forward.  

Wondering what the status of The Free Dove.  It is still there for those that are wondering.  Is it simply going to remain?   

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9 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

Wondering what the status of The Free Dove.  It is still there for those that are wondering.  Is it simply going to remain?   

I went there today and as of today, it's still there, in all its glory. There are also memorial books one can sign. The ones when you first walk in are all full, keep going towards I guess it's the back of the place, around the center thing, and there is another set there. I don't know how long it will be there, but it's there right now. 

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On 2/14/2023 at 5:59 AM, LittleMe Jewell said:

IMO, it should not stay in its current incarnation -- per the creator's wish.  If a memorial of some sort is created to honor the creator and show what she did, that would be great, but I would really hate to see the creator's specific wishes ignored.

Patch made it clear that her wishes will be fulfilled, and The Free Dove won't exist indefinitely. As soon as a proper memorial plan is made then The Free Dove will be sunset...

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