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2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


Sadly and boringly, I'm merely odd.

I doubt your self-evaluation matches up very well with what others think of you lol.

And every time I hear 'odd' I think of how much it sounds like 'awed.' I feel it is good to be awed, and to awe can be pretty good too.


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4 minutes ago, CaerolleClaudel said:


Um, yeah, the rider!! I have not moved grass since I was a teenager, but if I ever did, it would have to be on a riding mower (and an electric one at that).

We have a really nice Zero one that can go around a tree really easy.  I have to have the seat belt on for it though and it's really big for me compared to some of our other riders.. hehehe

My husband had to actually make blocks for the pedals for me to be able to drive it, to where could sit back in the seat.. hehehe

It's much better sitting back than sitting half in the seat to work the pedals.. There is so much more control.. I wouldn't even drive it without those now.. hehehe


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11 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: It hasn't rained here much in weeks, and the temps are in the 90's Fahrenheit.

On the plus side, I don't have to mow the lawn very often.


Really, do you *have* to mow the lawn?

I have someone come once a week to do mine (peeve: they expect me to PAY them!! THE HUMANITY!!!), but nothing really forces me to other than avoiding the neighbors' ire. Then again, wow, just moved to the 'burbs a couple years ago, and out here mowing grass is like some kind of religion, maybe even a cult? They mow a LOT more often than I have mine done, but I figure if it bothers them enough they can just come cut it.

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Peeve about peeves:

The things that peeve that I can mitigate I fix and they are no longer peeves (well, at least mitigate without much effort, I am massively lazy). However, most of the things that peeve me are beyond my control. I have gotten better about not even bothering to complain about them, though, because doing so is useless and just activates my annoyance and anger.

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1 minute ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

Really, do you *have* to mow the lawn?

I have someone come once a week to do mine (peeve: they expect me to PAY them!! THE HUMANITY!!!), but nothing really forces me to other than avoiding the neighbors' ire. Then again, wow, just moved to the 'burbs a couple years ago, and out here mowing grass is like some kind of religion, maybe even a cult? They mow a LOT more often than I have mine done, but I figure if it bothers them enough they can just come cut it.

What peeves me a little is the neighbour on one side religiously cuts, weeds, fertilizes and just in general fawns over his lawn to the point it looks like a golfing green while the other neighbour pays people to cut, spray, aerate, dethatch and fertilizes so her looks great too. Ours, not so good. I'd just as soon pave the whole property. It would be cheaper!

Ps- no green thumbs here.

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6 minutes ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

Really, do you *have* to mow the lawn?

No, it's not in the rules for my unincorporated area.

Peeve: Note that it SOUNDS like you're bragging that you pay someone to mow your lawn! ("You actually have to MOW YOUR LAWN?!?") LOL! I assume that meaning wasn't intended.




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24 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: It hasn't rained here much in weeks, and the temps are in the 90's Fahrenheit.

As a lifetime Northerner, my only comment is that's the price you pay for living down there.  Suck it up.  ;) 

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

No, it's not in the rules for my unincorporated area.

Peeve: Note that it SOUNDS like you're bragging that you pay someone to mow your lawn! ("You actually have to MOW YOUR LAWN?!?") LOL! I assume that meaning wasn't intended.


In some ways it is cheaper to pay someone then doing it oneself considering the cost of the equipment, tuneups, annual checkups, storage and replacement costs.

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3 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

In some ways it is cheaper to pay someone then doing it oneself considering the cost of the equipment, tuneups, annual checkups, storage and replacement costs.

Not to mention the wear and tear on aging joints.  I gave up mowing my own lawn a few years ago and have never regretted paying the 30-something who does it now.

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8 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

What peeves me a little is the neighbour on one side religiously cuts, weeds, fertilizes and just in general fawns over his lawn to the point it looks like a golfing green while the other neighbour pays people to cut, spray, aerate, dethatch and fertilizes so her looks great too. Ours, not so good. I'd just as soon pave the whole property. It would be cheaper!

Ps- no green thumbs here.

My father always wanted to gravel or concrete the whole yard but my flower-loving Mom (who took care of the yard, the house, us kids, and all that on top of working a manual labor job in a blue-jean factory) put her foot down on that one.

Maybe you could convince the neighbors to each adopt 1/2 of your yard so they had one gorgeous view all the way across lol.

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: Yes! I chose this over blizzards!

Ooo!   But blizzards are the best part of living in the north.  Well, not "blizzards" per se but good healthy snowfalls.  It's still a month before the fourth of July when things start to get hot here, but I already have my order in for next winter's snow.  (And yes, the 30-something who mows my lawn also clears my driveway in winter.)  ❄️☃️

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4 minutes ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

Maybe you could convince the neighbors to each adopt 1/2 of your yard so they had one gorgeous view all the way across lol.

Great idea. If the one neighbour was doing it we'd have a golf green too.

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12 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

No, it's not in the rules for my unincorporated area.

Peeve: Note that it SOUNDS like you're bragging that you pay someone to mow your lawn! ("You actually have to MOW YOUR LAWN?!?") LOL! I assume that meaning wasn't intended.


Eeep! No, I am not at all like the second interpretation, it was the first, as in: can anyone really force you to mow it?

If anything, I am throwing the shade on myself. I am lazy. Totally. I hate getting hot or dirty or sweaty and for sure hate any combo of those.

Plus, unlike probably 99.99% of humans, I really hate bright sunny days. The glare just kills me. I like cool cloudy days. Or dusk (dawn comes way too early other than the nights I am still up at dawn, which is not really that unusual for me lol).

I often joke (but really, *am* I joking??) that I would make a good vampire as I hate the sun and am nocturnal; I say that the downside is ripping out people's throats and eating their blood, but then again, I can think of quite a lot of people who could use a good throat-ripping.

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Just now, Rolig Loon said:

Ooo!   But blizzards are the best part of living in the north.  Well, not "blizzards" per se but good healthy snowfalls.  It's still a month before the fourth of July when things start to get hot here, but I already have my order in for next winter's snow.  (And yes, the 30-something who mows my lawn also clears my driveway in winter.)  ❄️☃️

We get the occasional blizzard but no hurricanes or tornados. I'd much rather have the snow then the wind!

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14 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

As a lifetime Northerner, my only comment is that's the price you pay for living down there.  Suck it up.  ;) 

Have you ever seen one of the videos (was a thing on TikTok at one time) where someone is cleaning like two feet of snow off their car and going, "We don''t have earthquakes, we don't have sharks, we don't have tornadoes...we don''t have earthquakes, we don't have sharks, we don't have tornadoes..."?

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16 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

In some ways it is cheaper to pay someone then doing it oneself considering the cost of the equipment, tuneups, annual checkups, storage and replacement costs.

If nothing else, I do not have room in my garage for a mower. I would have to park my car outside, and that isn't happening. Also, I do not want to have oil and gas in my garage, and I do not want to transport gas to my house. Plus, I would probably never mow it because I prefer almost anything to mowing grass.

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6 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

Ooo!   But blizzards are the best part of living in the north.  Well, not "blizzards" per se but good healthy snowfalls.  It's still a month before the fourth of July when things start to get hot here, but I already have my order in for next winter's snow.  (And yes, the 30-something who mows my lawn also clears my driveway in winter.)  ❄️☃️

I grew up with a LOT of hurricanes. It only took one time being "trapped" for 8 days by a blizzard, to move back South.

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Just now, CaerolleClaudel said:

Have you ever seen one of the videos (was a thing on TikTok at one time) where someone is cleaning like two feet of snow off their car and going, "We don''t have earthquakes, we don't have sharks, we don't have tornadoes...we don''t have earthquakes, we don't have sharks, we don't have tornadoes..."?

Hehe.  We don't have fire ants, kudzu, and drifts of springtime pine pollen either. Snow shoveling is a mild nuisance -- it's a good part of my reason for having someone else do it -- but it's nothing compared to what I'm missing by not living farther south.  To each his own, though. My daughter has lived in NC for 20+ years and has nothing but praise for it.

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Peeve: I only just today got around to listening to the new Billie 'Eyelash' (lol) album.

A bit of 'Lunch' is being used in a meme on TikTok right now, but I never heard the whole song until today. Wow. Gives me the tingles like ASMR but somehow hits differently, too.  😳😳😳

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6 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I grew up with a LOT of hurricanes. It only took one time being "trapped" for 8 days by a blizzard, to move back South.

Btw, was there any cannibalism involved? Just asking for a friend who is doing a research project on that sort of thing. Yeah, a friend! And, a research project! I mean, *their* research project, not *mine*!!! No way!


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