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This was recently posted on one of the external attack blogs. It may explain a lot about what is going on here . . . or maybe it doesn't. 

I'm pretty sure that the only objection the OP (who is emphatically not me) is likely to have to it appearing here is that I haven't given his name -- and have removed all other names as well except that of my own alt, Richard. And as the OP admits to ARing one of Richard's threads merely in order to "get at" the mods, I don't much care if he does object.

Other than that, I have no comment to make on it, other than that it is . . . interesting.


I haven't posted to the official forums for some time now. Instead I have been firing off a torrent of private messages (not ARs) to the various moderators, using several different personae with different "bigotries" but all of them entirely legitimate within the scope of the official Terms and Conditions. If you want to blame anyone for the tedious, bland desert of unimaginative and ungrammatical crap to which the forums have descended, don't blame ME though - blame LL who wrote the T&C, blame XXXXXX for encouraging her Mod Team to interpret them so stultifyingly, and blame the Mod Team for not having a sense of humour or proportion. Hell, if they aren't going to let me have the Forum ***I*** want, then no-one else is going to enjoy themselves either! I will continue to piss in their water supply until the Mods realise that they are getting played, and see through my multiply-proxied "Annoyed of Tonbridge", although by then I shall have a dossier of their idiocy that will embarrass and humiliate XXXXXX. It started off being funny (them not understanding that Richard Parkes anti-furry post was a joke) but their stupidity has become ridiculous now.

Sorry xxxxx; I started off trying to make the Forum a better place, but LL didn't want what I wanted, so I am enjoying myself selfishly.

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It may surprise you to know, but most of the current forum posters don't read the "external attack blogs".   I, for one, have zero idea what you're talking about -- and i speak as one who's read some of those blogs (and given up out of sheer boredom).

What IS "going on here", exactly?  Anything?  Nothing?  Your post confuses far more than it explains.

Post here.  Don't post here.  Up to you. 

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What seems to be going on here is that someone -- the OP -- believes that he is wreaking havoc and manipulating the moderators here in order to deliberately sabotage the SL forum and embarrass the moderators.  The OP in question is a very well known poster here, although he has not posted for some time.

As to whether this actually has any real significance, I don't know.  It may well be that the OP of the excerpt I've pasted here has huge delusions of grandeur.  Or it may be that he actually is having an impact upon the moderation here.

Only the mods will have any real sense if this poster is blowing smoke, or if he really is causing damage here.  In any case, I think the mods have a right to know, especially if they aren't aware that someone is deliberately trying to manipulate them.


ETA: And it is the fact that most posters here don't read the attack blogs that leads me to post this here.

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I looked.

I yawned.

(I cannot believe these people are still bothering to input so much cr4p to their external blogs/twitter feeds etc.)

I moved on. If anyone fancies a hot chicken sandwich, be round at mine (RL) in about ten minutes.

P.S. "delusions of grandeur", yes, I think that is probably the case.

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Yes, I think i know to whom you're referring.   The GD forum is a different animal now, though, and i doubt it's going to change back to what some people wish it still was.  This must be very disappointing for those forum 'personalities' of the past.

I also notice that Storm's amusing post of (i think) yesterday has been removed.  This would suggest that the moderation is still much as it has been, IE, on the heavy-handed side.  


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And looking and yawning may very well be the correct response, Marigold.  I have no idea.  But if I had any personal investment in a forum, and found out that someone was deliberately trying to sabotage it, I might want to know.

To paraphrase the homely advice of Squashy, Read or don't read.  Care or don't care. 

I put this here largely as a sort of PSA -- and because I know for a fact that threads -- including at least one of my own -- have been needlessly pulled because of the activities of this person.

But my own investment in this forum is not such that I have much more to say about it than I already have.

/me shrugs

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Are they going after the general forum or the whole second life forum?

*puckers up trying to stay serious but can't*

Will their evil plot to take over the microsmidge of a spot on the world become true?

will we all pause for a moment to say..Dang it that was irritating for a sec..?

here is a quote from deep throat.. no not the movie :P

" If only one person frowns it would have all been worth it muuuwhaaahahaha"









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Oh my God Scylla!!  When are you going to get over your self importance?  I mean really, it's be since the old RA was shut down (Feb, 2009?  Has it really been that long?) that you've been harping on your posts or threads getting taken down.  Who the hell cares (except you, of course)?  Many of us have had posts removed.......and most of us who have had posts removed know exactly why they were removed (including me).  This is not your forum, this is not your playground, this is not the old Resident Answers that you and a few other thought were your personal kingdom.  The world has changed.  Linden Lab took back their forum.......the forum they owned from the very beginning. 


"I put this here largely as a sort of PSA -- and because I know for a fact that threads -- including at least one of my own -- have been needlessly pulled because of the activities of this person."


That part says it all..........it's the constant underlying motive for almost everything you say or post about.  Be true to yourself (and to us) and be true to this part:


"But my own investment in this forum is not such that I have much more to say about it than I already have.

/me shrugs"

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I don't know if 'delusions of grandeur' is quite correct; delusions of relevance would be more to the point. It is interesting if not astonishing that someone, anyone, would devote so much of his time and energy to the actions he describes.

But I really liked reading his OP if for no other reason than it contained what at this point has to be the Laugh of the Day: "I started off trying to make the Forum a better place..". Of course, it's early yet.

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Who can say if the OP was behind it but its all over Twitter that Amanda Linden left LL at the week end (confirmed by Lexie)....together with Courtney. Courtney would appear to have been the scapegoat of the SL8 logo fiasco but no idea about Amanda...


Wonder if this comment will be pulled...


Edited to add link....


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Yikes! Peggy has said what no one else dared to say.

I myself am delighted that Linden Lab has turned pro. I stamp my foot now and again with petty complaints, but what drives my impatience is enthusiasm with the transformation of these fora from a childish rant-fest to a mature enterprise. As for those who still want to play with their peepee, there are lots of other fora in the universe.

Scylla, you are a smart, funny, educated person who has much to offer. Ditch the existential petulance, leave the Church of Victimization and join the team.

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I didn't know what to write when I read it on the blog.  I don't know what to write now.  

 I don't think the OP is alone.  I think there are many external influences that impact the forum, the OP was just one more.

Maybe some 'older' posters, like myself, are the ones that need to change, or forsake the forum.


PS The letter to which the OP responded should never have been written; the author had no right to impose.  For this I am sure he is sorry.    


ETA That post was one of three or four that explained themselves; answered the letter writer.  Your response was another.  I am sure your response was in jest; might not 'his' have been in jest?  


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Thanks for the nice words, and even the admonishment, Del.

The fact is . . . and Peggy seems not to believe this either . . . I didn't really write this out of petulance. I actually, seriously, don't care that much.  If I felt half as violently about it all as Peggy apparently feels about this thread, you might have a point. But I really don't.

I've had DOZENS of threads pulled over the years. The one to which I refer was not even a particularly special or interesting one. But what did make it different was that it was a) ARed not because someone was actually aggrieved by it, but because someone was playing games with the moderators, and b) that it resulted in my being accussed of "harassment" by a mod either too stupid to understand irony, or (what may be worse) a mod who knew that the thread was ironic, but decided to appease the complainer anyway.

So I reposted the threat at SLU. 


The degree to which I am not particularly upset about this should be evident by the fact that I didn't post the name of the OP, and that I really and truly have nothing more to say here about this. The only ones who know if the mods are actualy being messed with here is the mods . . . and they ain't going to tell us.

As for me, I'm working . . . slowly . . . on a future thread for here on the subject of desire in SL.  Coming soon to a forum near you!


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Storm Clarence wrote:


ETA That post was one of three or four that explained themselves; answered the letter writer.  Your response was another.  I am sure your response was in jest; might not 'his' have been in jest?  


I doubt it.  But who knows?  Again, only the mods can tell us if they have actually been getting the PMs the OP claims to have been sending.

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Oh, a final thing  . . . largely unrelated to the thread.

I'm sorry to hear of Amanda and Courtney's departure.  I hope Courtney was not scapegoated for that absurd logo embroglio . . . and I hope Amanda was not driven away by a sense of being persecuted (although I doubt the latter).

In general, I don't like the system here -- but I do like the people, including the mods (except for the ones who don't get "irony" :matte-motes-wink:). And I like that Lexie occasionally interjects a personal note!

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Can't seem to give up your old habits can you?

I realize that your vocation on the old GD was that of "pot stirrer", but give it a rest.    

I have no interest in what is posted on the blogs you frequent.  Zip, Nada.  

If I were interested, I'd be over there.  Your OP reeks of tattle-tale-syndrome.   

Good grief woman.    *rolls eyes*   

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote in part:

... But if I had any personal investment in a forum, and found out that someone was deliberately trying to sabotage it, I might want to know. ...

I don't think that anybody still has a personal investment in this forum. But that is probably more the fault of the new forum format and the initially overzealous moderation than that of the OP. The forum moderation has mellowed somewhat and I haven't seen any post or thread deletions in months, so I doubt that the OP's PMs have much of an impact.

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Deltango Vale wrote:

Yikes! Peggy has said what no one else dared to say.

I myself am delighted that Linden Lab has turned pro. I stamp my foot now and again with petty complaints, but what drives my impatience is
with the transformation of these fora from a childish rant-fest to a mature enterprise. As for those who still want to play with their peepee, there are lots of other fora in the universe.

Scylla, you are a smart, funny, educated person who has much to offer. Ditch the existential petulance, leave the Church of Victimization and join the team.

Funny you should have posted to this thread, Deltango. There was a mention in the quoted post about how things have descended into 'ungrammatical crap' or words to that effect and I immediately thought of how much better the fora* are now than the GD forum I remembered. One of the chief reasons is the fact that I see so much more of you here than I recall from the old GD (and your grammar is above reproach). Maybe you posted just as much on the old GD and your wheat was hidden by the clouds of flame-war chaff.

I too am very happy with the current state of affairs. I don't have huge problems with the PG rules. I will say that there was no reason whatever the Richard anti-furry rant should have been pulled; it was amusingly done. There were even pictures to point out the irony in case those who can't read so well didn't get it. Aside from that this is such a better place than the old GD. There are Lindens here! Lots of them, actually (and I still think Scylla's 'Phone Home' thread was a mover in that regard). We feel connected; we're not just floundering around. I like it here.


*usually I say forums like almost everyone else but out of respect....

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You're right Scylla, I don't believe you.  The reason is simple (I'm a pretty simple type).  If it really and truly does not matter (as you so often say in a lot of your posts) then what exactly was the purpose of this thread?  Mind you, I don't particularly dislike BS threads, rants, and even all wars on any forum (I've happily jumped in on a few in my life time.......several on SL forums, in fact), but something just went ding ding in my head when I read your initial post to the this thread.  That thought:  "Why is Scylla doing it again?  She knows the likely outcome.  She knows she skirting the rules by a very narrow margin (not to mention that every mod for LL knows her and most have had to deal with her.....also known as "reputation").  With her experience dealing with LL and LL's moderation practice, surely she's smarter than that!  Or.......is that the whole idea?"


I think it's the latter.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Funny you should have posted to this thread, Deltango. There was a mention in the quoted post about how things have descended into 'ungrammatical crap' or words to that effect and I immediately thought of how much better the fora* are now than the GD forum I remembered. One of the chief reasons is the fact that I see so much more of you here than I recall from the old GD (and your grammar is above reproach). Maybe you posted just as much on the old GD and your wheat was hidden by the clouds of flame-war chaff.


Dillon Levenque wrote:

I too am very happy with the current state of affairs. I don't have huge problems with the PG rules. I will say that there was no reason whatever the Richard anti-furry rant should have been pulled; it was amusingly done. There were even pictures to point out the irony in case those who can't read so well didn't get it. Aside from that this is such a better place than the old GD. There are Lindens here! Lots of them, actually (and I still think Scylla's 'Phone Home' thread was a mover in that regard). We feel connected; we're not just floundering around. I like it here.

I didn't like it at first, but it grew on me... like a fungus... lol.


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I like to think the best of people and I have a certain respect for Scylla as I do you Peggy. Who am I or even you to question her purpose in posting something that I would never have posted myself.  Do you honestly think she doesn't care about what goes on here? I mean if ** redacted** is really trying to manipulate the forum from afar, shouldn't that be of some concern?

(Tbh, I think it's all made up... by **redacted**) but what if it's not?

...Dres *doesn't think he has the influence he thinks he does*

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