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Voice: Yes or No?

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What's your opinion about the use of voice in SL? I'm getting tired of typing and having pain in one of my hands. I think it is from too much right clicking. Are there any groups that communicate in group chat using voice? Whenever I try to initiate voice in group chat I get a message that says I don't have permission for that. I think it would be cool to have group chat going on in the background like talk radio or something while I was building. If something really interesting came up, I could "call in" so to speak. It's pretty hard to do text chat and build or script at the same time. I usually end accidentally deleting my build. 

What's your opinion of voice in SL? Do you use it much? Anybody know of any groups that communicate primarily through group voice chat?

ps: I found this group: Voice-aholics, 388 members


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I like using voice with my boyfreind or other friends in SL, I like listening to a teacher or good story-teller, but I don't want to hear people blathering stupidly in the background & I don't want everyone else to hear my dogs barking, my roommate & me talking, or my typing.

I once listened on voice to a couple young women having what I thought was a very shallow & boring conversation.  Because I wasn't also talking, they assumed I couldn't hear them & started talking about me like I wasn't there.  I think it's good to remember that just because you can't hear someone else in SL, that doesn't mean other people aren't listening in on your conversation in local chat.  Sometimes it's a amusing, sometimes it's annoying, & sometimes it could be embarassing.  If you want to go to voice, it's best to do it in private or group chat.

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I went poof with my first bf because he wanted to do voice with me. I mean it was for his own good, I couldn't risk having his wife sneaking in on him with a cleaver... Ok, I lied, I didn't really care about him. I just didn't want to listen to a screaming man being hacked alive.

BTW, I don't mind anyone wanting to voice with me.... They just need to speak my language. ( If you think my English is bad, try listening to me talking ). :matte-motes-frown:

PS: But you would need to do something about your hand. It's called Trigger Finger Syndrome. You probably will need some anti inflammatory treatment to your hand to lessen the pain. 

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It's a "No" from me.

I like typing. I like saving my chatlogs and re-reading through the funny (or sad) ones. And I like being able to think before I press "send". I can't do that with voice. My voice is awful. I don't want to hear it. Neither will anyone else. And voice spoils the "magic" in SL for me.

To each their own. :matte-motes-smile:

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Perhaps voice communication would be better if everyone used proper procedure and recognized that the channel is public. It would be fun to talk like radio operators. Accoding to wikipedia, this is proper voice procedure:

"10-4" – Affirmative. Can also be used to denote agreement ("That's a big 10-4.")

"10-7" – Out of commission

"10-10" – CB operator will stop broadcasting, but will continue to listen ("I'm 10-10 on the side.")

"10-20" (more often simply "20") – Denotes location, as in identifying one's location ("My 20 is on Main Street and First"), asking the receiver what their current location is ("What's your 20?"), or inquiring about the location of a third person ("OK, people, I need a 20 on Little Timmy and fast").

"10-33" – An emergency situation ("You got a 10-33 at yardstick 136, they got 4-wheelers all piled up")

"10-36" – The correct time ("Can I get a 10-36?")

"10-100" (polite) – Taking a bathroom break, especially on the side of the road. Referencing the use of showing one finger to denote the need for a number one.

"10-200" – Taking a bathroom break, especially on the side of the road. Referencing the use of showing two fingers to denote the need for a number two.

 So in the case of the two rude women that continued to talk about you as if you were not there, you could have interjected and said, "hey, I'm 10-10".

@Griffin, seems like voice users are in the minority to me.

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And if I was ever tempted to do voice for sex, I'd be doing it for money on a phone line, not for free in a virtual world. What is the point?! And if I was good at writing erotic fiction, I'd be doing that for money too, not playing at it in a virtual world.

But... to each their own! :matte-motes-smile::matte-motes-sarcasm::matte-motes-sour:

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Janelle Darkstone wrote:

Marigold Devin wrote:

My voice is awful. I don't want to hear it. Neither will anyone else.

Nonsense!  I
your voice.  :smileytongue:  As a matter of fact I'm practicing your accent right now.

You sod! And what time do you call this btw?

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I've used voice at science/community related talks.  Also, I do use voice in one-on-one conversations.   I don't mind someone hearing my voice, and it's easier for me, as I'm a dismal speller and can't type worth a damn.   

But, I also like having the IM or chat log if I'm discussing building details or working on a project.  So, really it depends on the situation.

Having a group-voice-talk channel open while I was working on a build would drive me batty. The group chats can be inane enough...I sure don't want to hear all that inanity even if it follows a protocol.

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I think that for most of us, having to learn CB code whould be like learning another language.  We have text chat & SL vernacular anyway.

Affirmative = yup, yeah, ok, cool

Away = afk, brb or bbl

Going to the bathroom = I have to let the dogs out. (My roommate & I joke that this is the real meaning of that phrase in SL.)

Answering the phone = phone

Someone at the door = door

Getting food or drink = brb, food / drink

Coming back from any of the above = back

Acknowleging the person coming back = WB

Thanks = thx


With those 2 girls, I typed in local that I could hear fine, but didn't feel like doing voice.  They were both so caught up in talking wtih each other, that they didn't pay any attention to the text chat.

Btw, for all the typeos I make in text, I still like checking what I'm writing before I push [send].  That's why I'm so terrible in chat, because I'm self-conscious about making mistakes & checking myself takes too long. By the time I write & send something that was relavant to the conversation, it no longer is.

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never. talking is too distracting, but I can hold 4-5 conversations in chat IM simultaneously AND script or build. my brain just doesn't like to handle sound and much of anything more complicated than walking at once.


as for your hand pain, it's probably strain from poor hand position. I'd recommend getting a wrist rest and/or placing the mouse at a higher level so that it's not below your elbow during use.

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Dont know of any groups that use voice in group chat. It would be foolish for most groups to enable it. Spam in text is one thing but imagine people suddenly  using group chat for phone sex? 

Basically turn voice on once in a while when out wandering on an alt. Mostly out of curiosity or to monitor what people are doing on my G rated land.  ;)   

I'm not overly sold on it, mostly because most people seem to leave their mic on while chomping food, yelling at their kids, screaming at their barking dogs. I've yet to hear anything I was glad I heard.

I think it can be a good addition to second life for anyone with trouble typing for whatever reason. I totally meant that in a G rated way. 

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You are talented. With that many windows going, I would definitely end up making at least one or two mistakes with entries being made in the wrong window. I probably should get a bigger mouse. Alternatively, I could take a break from SL and go fishing or something. It is summer in the northen hemisphere.




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Here's a picture of my microphone. It's called Snowflake. I guess I should get a smaller one so that it is less prone to picking up background noise and stop eating carrots while in-world (they're way too cruncy, but oh so healthy). It's very cute don't you think? I can it hear calling to me "Randall, use voice."


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Voice is pretty much for sex-freaks, meetings with lindens, and infohubs. All of which are kind of the same thing anyway...

Everytime I turn it on I realize how at least one person I'd been finding interesting in some random infohub has a voice that annoys the catnip right out of me...

I don't porn-cam and such, so no use for voice.

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You sound tough. I certainly would not want to get you angry at me. Trigger finger? All right, no more paint ball for me. Don't you think that pain in my hand probably means I've become too involved with SL and should take a break?

@Pussycat, maybe I am a sex freak, but I am really not planning on using voice in that way. 


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Hello Randal, hello to all. Never in SL i used voice and never i will, so a big NO by me.

  1. I don't like to mix my SL with my RL.
  2. I can't understand absolutely when someone speaks (English isn't my first language). In chat i understand everything without translator
  3. I haven't problem with typing (i type very quickly)
  4. I have always the voice disabled because often it brings lag
  5. Using voice (this is very important) you can't record the conversations if it is necessary. I report it because last days in Q/A we had 2 occasions with users who threatened and got molested with voice and they couldn't prove it.
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